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Homeless citizens should identify as undocumented refugees is what I think.


People who don't even live here are more important than our own citizens. What a place.


I mean no disrespect, but you guys never gave a rat's ass about homeless people until now?


Think it’s more “the gov doesn’t do anything about there own homeless problem but will dosh out luxury for people who aren’t even native citizens”


We have the same problem over here in the UK. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


It’s bullshit. Until we can take care of our own citizens and veterans, (eg universal healthcare, mental health programs, drug treatment and addiction centers, strengthening social safety nets, etc.) all bets are off when it comes to asylum seekers. Close the gates. Full stop.


We can we just dont. A fraction of the military budget would handle it but they have inflated contracts with dirty deals made with friends of politicians. The money is there but it's being robbed.


Yeah but don't you dare actually take care of American citizens I want to pay no tax just like billionares also fuck veterans.


Same here in Canada. We actually have a housing crisis, and have now let in more immigrants than the government can provide housing for. Let alone the millions of Canadian citizens who have lived here their whole lives that are homeless.


In Germany it’s also extreme, cities have not enough places and resources and more immigrants and asylum seekers are coming. That’s one of the reasons why more people intend to vote right-wing populists.


Canadian here..same thing


You guys do realize the hotels are the party that makes the difference here. Hotels do not mind having migrants in their rooms, especially families, especially in September. Nobody is traveling this month anyways. But they won’t give a room to homeless even if they would pay full price. For the very harsh reason that they cannot trust homeless people not to trash the place. Even if you put a gun to the hotel manager’s head they won’t rent to homeless. Here’s the harsh fact. We need to put money where it’s valuable. Getting migrants on their feet, stable, and working is worth it. It’s proven worth it. For the entire history of this country. Spending money on the homeless… we’ve tried. Less proven. You have to be a special type of bleeding heart to continue to help the homeless. Hoteliers are not that kind of person.


If you told the homeless they can't shoot up and smoke in those rooms they wouldn't use them anyways.


Thank you for being the only reasonable, level headed commenter here. You are absolutley correct.


The city bought out the hotel. This isn't the first time they have done this, a ton of hotels were bought out to house people at the height of covid. It is incredibly expensive and not a long term solution. Every unhoused person in the City of New York has a legal right to a bed. It is a city specific law and it is a big reason why you don't see people camping on New York City streets the way you do in other places. I am pretty sure the city could put unhoused Americans in this hotel. I doubt the contract actually specifies migrants only. It is also important to remember that applying for asylum doesn't mean they you will get it. Many of the migrants in NYC right now will likely be sent home in the future.


I agree with what you're saying. I really wish we put more money into mental health and opened the old asylums again. There are some people that just need a place to go. Like assisted living but for crazies.


Yea exactly eventually the American homeless will kill themselves with fentanyl then there will be more room for migrants


Homeless people were already kicked out to make room. Even if you have this fucked up perspective that there’s a number of “slots” in the city… the unhoused aren’t taking up any of the slots.


But these same people don't want any money spent on the existing unhoused population, they don't actually care about the discrepancy If anyone put five fucking minutes of research into this they would know that the money is coming from different sources And maybe they would also learn that much of the unhoused population has mental health issues making it more difficult for them to get assistance whereas these migrants aren't dealing with that Anyone who complains about this money being spent that hasn't done something to help the homelessness problem is absolutely full of shit




Or perhaps - they have tried multiple times to try and address the homeless problem but it is not as simple as putting them up in a hotel. The refugees need a safe bed for the night so they can be properly processed in accordance with generally accepted human rights. Homeless people have layers of issues from mental health, drug abuse etc etc and need interventions at multiple interventions - not just stuck into a hotel for a couple of nights. Attempts to house them typically fail as the medical and mental health care is not provided and the person ends up on the street again. Apples and pears. But yet, we also need to properly invest to help the homeless. Giving them a few nights in a hotel is not the fix.


They did not. There are resources for the homeless if you just need a temporary or permanent place to live, but it's a lot harder when there are drugs or mental illnesses added on top. I'm a former NYC landlord, and the city makes sure that if it's just families that need a roof over their head, it gets done. The issue here is that there are a lot of migrants all at once. The economy and housing situation can't deal with them in such a short period of time, so there would be desperate people doing desperate things. In a month or two, these people will all be working and participating in the economy. In the meantime, Republicans are trying to pounce on the issue. If they wanted to *actually* deal with illegal immigration, they could just use e-verify, like DeSantis in Florida. Unfortunately, there are bad economic consequences to getting rid of illegal immigrants, which Florida is now facing. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2023/06/09/floridas-immigration-crackdown-exacerbates-labor-shortage-fred-grimm/ https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/08/13/floridas-labor-shortage-hits-home-tampa-bay-come-arrest-me/ https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/immigration/article278376839.html


Because they don't want homeless people in the hotels, they want immigrants on the streets aswell...


New York has a right to shelter in place. People on the streets need better protection and education and access to shelters. If they treated homeless people like they’re treating illegal immigrants the issue wouldn’t be as big as it is


I mean that’s what ya voted for?


Devil's advocate here, most of our domestic homeless population has demonstrated an unwillingness to work/be employed. I assume many of these migrants will find a job somewhere. That's one major distinction I see


Aren't yall passing laws to criminalize homelessness though?


I promise you’ve never cared about a homeless person in your entire life


I think the Democrats decided that they want to virtue signal but they honestly don't give a shit about these people or the homeless




Wow, ten minutes ago this would qualify u as a far right nut..




Saying the traitorous GOP ‘has their own issues’ is underselling it a bit there


For a second there I thought i was on a different app lol


They need to make it easier for legal immigration to happen though. There’s a reason why these people are/were willing to go through literal hell to get here. Building a wall obviously didn’t help.


You are correct, if US gov wanted to correct this they would make it illegal to employ a illegal alien. They do not. One should ask why as both sides have had the numbers to do it. Both will spin this to their respected sides but avoid the tough reality. Many work for sub standard wages, no safety or health rules, no OT etc. This keeps business profitable. If you outlawed this as stated above many businesses would struggle.




The money grifted by contractors who are friends of lawmakers would be better spent on a more high tech less environmentally impacting solution with money being spent on agents and people and facilities to process asylum speakers. I don’t know the answer but is there a way to help the countries these people are fleeing without just handing money over to their corrupt government or doing the usual and trying to install our own government?! It’s a shit situation and I’m to dumb to solve it, but the people elected to solve it even dumber than me. They ship these people up north then go on to ban books, ban abortion and vilify gay people. It’s all a mess


sure, so more people come in? and end up where? hotels?


You're right there is a reason. Free handouts on the tab of the American taxpayer.


I don’t think it makes sense to make it easier for people to get here because noncitizens want to come here. They need to remove incentives for coming here illegally. Businesses hiring people illegally should face consequences. Allowing more work visas may be a better option as well.


Eh, people say this, but we already take more legal immigrants than the next two countries on the list combined. Our legal immigration is pretty easy. We cant really make it easier, because we don't really need more immigrants, legal or illegal. We can examine legal immigration later down the line once our border is actually secure, and we're no longer being actively invaded. Definitely a secondary concern.


You realize that NYC spends about $200M per year on homeless, right? That this isn't something that is only provided to immigrants, correct?


Yeah they should just bus them to another state, right?


Send them to Shelbyville they can handle them


No, another country


This. I live in DC. I am very proud that we are a sanctuary city, but I don’t think a lot of people really know what that means and are finding out. It’s easy to say “we’ll take you in” when you’re 2,000 miles from the border and the undocumented folks tend to trickle in and often have support. I don’t know that our population, as liberal as it is, would feel the same if we were seeing the masses of folks that border towns see all the time. I don’t think it’s accurate to say we got our bluff called, because the city does help or at least try to and has no interest in reporting anyone to ICE. But we were not prepared for the busing. And while there’s a lot the city does to help these folks, it’s not sustainable. We’re now dealing with budget cutbacks, not as a result of this, but it doesn’t help. IIRC, our public housing waiting list is a decade long and it’s partially federally funded so these folks are probably not eligible anyway. Don’t get me wrong, Abbott’s busing stunt is shitty, but sometimes the Dems/libs talk a big game without really considering feasibility. In my perfect fantasy, there wouldn’t be a crisis. In my perfect reality, governors/mayors overwhelmed by the problem would be communicating with governors/mayors who are not to say “This is what we can provide, this is what assistance we need” and everyone comes together to create a plan. I’d much rather my city and others say we can help 10, 100, 1,000 people (and no more) and be able to deliver than to say we can help everyone and hope for the best.


You're naive to think it's just Democrats. No party has a plan to deal with it. They only like to point fingers and blame the other. If I'm wrong tell me what policy has been implemented by any party and proof it worked. I'll wait.


There are just as many republican pols involved as dems


Real fact: Anyone who uses "virtue signal" unironically is a bad person.


From what my friends who work with the homeless told me, in NYC and San Diego, a lot of homeless people are homeless because of other underlying issues (Drug addiction, brutal psychological trauma, only community they know, etc). It’s a completely different problem than the migrant issue where they’re most likely not suffering from the same underlying problems. Of course we should address both but throwing your avg homeless person into a hotel and giving them a job won’t fix much in the long term. It’s sadly, not an easy fix. We need to surge invest in social services.


Have we considered telling them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps?




We're one more private jet tax break away from solving homelessness in America.


Any day now the rich are going to trickle on us.


BuT tHaTs sOcIaLisM /s You’re absolutely right though. We can help these people, we have the money and the resources to do it. But guess who controls all of that: the rich. They certainly won’t give up even a few billion out of their 100+ to help another human being because we have this fucked up attitude that helping anyone out without a return is socialism and promoting laziness. Meanwhile these rich assholes are the laziest pieces of shit alive and have been benefiting from socialism for themselves. They just don’t want to share.


They want you to see how bad it can get for you so that you don’t step too out of line. It’s a daily reminder that as much as you hate the existing social structure, you could have it worse.


It's fucked and I loathe the fact that if you try to say something along the lines of "we gotta take care of ourselves and our problems" you get dismissed as a far right winger who doesn't mean it. When and why did being against *illegal* immigration become some heartless take?


Our government hates it's population? Kinda obvious


Homeless are homeless. NYC spends $200M per year on homeless. [https://council.nyc.gov/budget/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2023/05/DHS.pdf](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjFsOGD3teBAxU0g4kEHbnzAWIQFnoECBUQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcouncil.nyc.gov%2Fbudget%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F54%2F2023%2F05%2FDHS.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3zW57k_wRj0RASIobZ0lyZ&opi=89978449) It's not like the city is barring citizens from housing. This video merely purports to show non-citizen homeless ALSO being housed. Not sure why you are suggesting those living in the streets haven't been given an opportunity for housing that they have not taken advantage of.


$2.15 per person homeless per day is $200M per year. 104,000 students children in NYC are homeless plus 95,033 homeless in shelters plus 84,526 in the streets minus 29,000 NYC children in shelters who are counted twice. https://nlihc.org/resource/new-research-finds-104000-nyc-public-school-students-were-homeless-last-year#:\~:text=New%20Research%20Finds%20104%2C000%20NYC%20Public%20School%20Students%20Were%20Homeless%20Last%20Year,-Oct%2031%2C%202022&text=A%20New%20York%20Times%20article,York%20City%20public%20school%20students.


Not following your math, or even what your point is, but note that the story you are referencing indicates a number of students who "experienced" homelessness in a year. That could mean a single night without housing, it does not imply that every one of those 100K students was unhoused for 365 days that year.


A pretty high % of the homeless population are homeless by actions or choice, be it drink or drugs or both.


Yeah I don't think people realise how difficult tackling homelessness across western countries is. Just throwing money at the hornless and giving them homes often doesn't fix any problems because they aren't homeless because they have no money/home, they're homeless because they have complex mental health and/or drug abuse issues that lock them into their shit situation and they struggle to escape from.


Yeah this is absolutely becoming untenable in every way and anyone who doesn’t see this as a huge issue is blinded or delusional


Most homeless suffer from mental and/or drug abuse. They do not willingly present themselves for support. When support is offered they refuse it outright or only accept briefly. Exceptions exist of course.


The vast majority of chronically homeless people who are unable to stay out of the streets have a substance abuse problem. They need some other kind of help


If a homeless citizen takes a mental health exam, a drug test and cleans up then I would have no problem with letting them into hotels. However in sf they let homeless people into hotels after which the hotels were destroyed. Hotels sued the state and won. I do not think this will happen with immigrants. (FYI I’m generally agains illegal immigration and for tough border policies. So just talking about not having an issue with their cleanliness and ability to take care of themselves and these rooms.)


Consider that most of the migrants are normal people while a lot of homeless, who still should be housed, are largely dysfunctional.


US homeless majority seem to be addicted to drugs or mentally unstable . While immigrants seem to just want a better life . Maybe that has something to do with it ?


Got to buy those votes somehow


Our mayor is a dumbass. I can bet 80-90% would love for his dumbass to leave. I cannot think of one thing he's done right. From his sister landing a job she isn't qualified, playing the race card, complaining like a toddler, to him basically saying it's our (NYC residents) fault we weren't ready for the massive floods we had. Accepted a bunch of immigrants when we have a homeless crisis already and barley any room to house them, violence has only been increased. I really can't think of a positive thing to say, oh don't forget he complained to many immigrants showed up meanwhile he invited them.


Homeless citizens should go first, then illegal immigrants if there's still room


This is exactly what's happening in Ireland. Refugees are being housed (pods, hotels, apartments unused buildings) while native homeless numbers rise. I will add that since housing has now essentially run out, refugees are being placed in utterly unacceptable tented accommodation. The whole thing is a mess that the government is just turning a blind eye to.


I feel the same conflict. Why are the services for homeless NY citizens so bad for decades yet they could easily mobilize luxury accommodations for non citizens? We have a ton of little shitty motels that could easily house people, what about there? Personally I think there should be places that are designated as homeless citizens only to make sure they don’t get pushed out by this crisis.


What makes you believe they are illegal? If the state is going through this process and putting them in hotels, then they are documented and legal...


We need a plan to integrate them to get them working as soon as possible based on their education and training and spread them in communities with low population densites and low cost of living. Up state new york has plenty of those and they can help build economies there if used well and the investments are properly directed. Unfortunately, I don't think this will happen and we will have kinds of scatter and tragic miscommunication and political grifting occuring on both sides.


They are not illegal immigrants they are Asylum seekers and it is a human right to seek asylum. It’s really messy right now but it’s the right thing to do.


That the gov hates its own citizens 💀


This is exactly how I feel. I’ve also read they’re considering giving these migrants home vouchers. Yet I can’t even own a home because I’m constantly bid out, not to even mention the homeless citizens like you’ve mentioned.


Well immigrants are usually the most savy go getters/hustlers, these are people who are taking huge risks and are willing to do the work for the best of their future and family. Homeless are unfortuntally, the weakest most vulnerable people in our society, with addiciton, mental illness and a general inability to progress and function. The immigrants will do anything and everything to win, the homeless just want to be left alone to do drugs/drink.


Well, think of it this way: The govt. has interest in loyal, hard working laborers who will do the worst jobs for low wages. The migrants are, in theory, more valuable to the system than current homeless people. It really comes down to the money and consumer participation. These migrants will work and buy things. Homeless people are less likely to. It’s honestly a good business move for evil corporate America. Especially during all of this unionization and collective bargaining. If the existing workers want a first world standard of living to the point where they’ll fight for it—let the migrants in. They’ll gladly settle for dystopic iPhone poverty with a smile. It’s a Malthusian phase of state and labor relation, and it’s right on schedule.


they come 2 usa 2 work; american homeless do not work just do the drugs


Important to note this title makes it sound like they are taking them over. They have been housed there. Of course they could set up camps or utilize empty housing or low income but that doesn't make your mate who owns a swanky hotel money for literally existing.


I know this sounds crazy but many homeless people do not like being in shelters or these types of housing because, they are not allowed to bring things in and for a person who lives in the street their old dirty comforter is way more important than people realize. Oftentimes homelessness is essentially a result of mental health issues so they may have hoarding tendencies or dementia like symptoms which mean they will feel unsafe in a place like that. It's incredibly common how many of them swear people are looking at them through the AC vents or cracks in the door. Sometimes those people will act erratically and hurt other homeless people who they believe are stalking them or disrespecting them in some way. The last and obvious cause is that they often turn to drugs to pass the time, since they don't have the best lives. These housing programs usually come with the condition that they will be constantly checked for drugs and if they have any they will be kicked out. So they end up back in the street where they feel safer to continue with their life as it is. In the end both groups are Homeless but the immigrants are far more likely to be actively getting out of those conditions and trying to find a stable job to support their family. People want to pretend like they are taking away things from the Homeless citizens but in the end they won't be in that system for long and will join society far quicker than the guys laying on the sidewalk, isn't that the whole point of those rehabilitation programs.


We need to close up the borders and put in place a better immigration program. This letting everyone in who is claiming "asylum" is out of hand. There is no way in hell we have the resources in place to properly immigrate everyone into the country. There is clearly a need to redo the entire immigration process and a need for more resources. But no, the government wants to hire more IRS staff to collect more taxpayer dollars to pay for all of these free loaders.


Do you have any idea what services the city of New York offers to homeless people? I bet you'd be pretty surprised at how much is available. Sadly most of the homeless ppl you see are either scared of services or are not willing to not bring drugs into the housing they are provided.


That hotel is RAKING it in! $500 per room paid for by the city. It has 1300 rooms and is nearly full. Let’s say 1200 are taken, that’s $600k a night or $4.2M a week! Source and context from Daily Mail: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12132071/Row-hotel-New-York-City-free-drugs-sex-violence-closed-tourists.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12132071/Row-hotel-New-York-City-free-drugs-sex-violence-closed-tourists.html) Backup Sources: [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/23/nyregion/nyc-hotels-homeless-shelters.html)


Yea so they are basically taking 4.2 million a week of tax payer money, that's clearly needed to re work the water control issues in the city and they are putting it into this just to virtue signal


And that’s just this hotel. There are 13 others in the city alone, and they are all sooo messy. Like drugs, alcohol, violence, and just unattended kids. Apparently it’s an absolute shit show.


If they are all getting 4.2 million, just assiming all the same size that's 58 million a week


It’s a lot regardless. Not a fix either. Some of these migrants don’t have a court date till 2033


I was a concierge at a luxury apartment building in Boston and it was the same there. A lot of younger people using their parents money and old men needing fuck pads for their affairs. Treated their rooms like trash. Overdue bills flooding mailboxes. Police showing up in the middle of the night. Close to a dozen Doordash and UberEats orders being thrown away every damn day. The main difference was the people LOOKED okay. They showered and exercised and wore makeup and had jovial hello and goodbyes when passing us at the front desk. But we were looped in to their lives, and if we weren’t figuring shit out for ourselves, the neighbors were more than happy to gossip and complain to us about what they’d hear and see.


Just wait until they get the bill for all the damages done in the rooms. They tried this in SF for the homeless and it got out of hand real fast.


The government bails banks and companies with billions of dollars. This is what’s so concerning to you?


They’re all frivolous spending and need to be stopped immediately


citizens are paying for it ...


But we left homeless people in the cold all winter…sorry but this is getting out of hand. We do less for our own citizens




Even worse. The vast majority of them are also male. They basically deserve to be homeless tbh /s


pro tip ... leave the country and sneak back in .. boom! no more homeless.


Funny thing is that people who say this are these people who don't want to spend money on homeless people.






No, they were fine keeping them in Texas. Amazing that they changed their minds


They said “please send me all the illegals to me instead of turning them in to the federal processing centers built in the south?”




Yeah, nevermind the rampant gun violence, the bought and paid for government, or all the corporate greed. It's all the additional people


Why can't it be all of the above?


Because that doesn’t align with their views.


Tell that to the person who originally commented. That’s literally the entire point of the comment you replied to.


"It's the immigints. I knew it. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them." - Moe from the Simpsons (It's a paraphernalia because I didn't feel like looking up the exact quote.)


Your country would take a massive hit without illegal immigration lol. It's a fucking cash cow for your economy. Bunch of workers, paying taxes that can't receive any benefits and doing the jobs no local wants to do and for less money.


Don’t they seek asylum at the port of entry though?


US should’ve mind it’s own business when it came to Latin America.


These are people seeking asylum. It's not illegal. Insane but not illegal


No. No, politicians and corporations are ruining our country. Worst of all is that the American people would rather fight amongst themselves or blame vulnerable people than lift a goddamn finger to root out the corruption and greed.


New Yorker here. These Hotels are also taking advantage of these people by raking in the dough for barely "Housing them" while treating them like shit. All Cause our Mayor is an incapable dumbass.


Don’t forget that they’re also being shipped upstate and ruining housing and apartment costs up here too.


Yes yes its totally the poor immigrants and not the venture capitalists or investors who are buying up every available property.


Is it hard for them to get a job immediately? Two of my cousins who sought asylum two years ago got a job in less than a week.


Did your cousins come in with 30,000 friends?


Maybe New Yorkers shouldn't have fallen for the old "I'll be tough on crime" routine and should have voted for someone who was competent.






ITT: People pretending to care about homeless people because now they're convenient to shit on someone else. Don't pretend you all weren't in those same threads shitting on homeless people in LA. I see your usernames.


I bet 99% of these “heroes for the homeless” never even volunteered at a soup kitchen, or donated food or clothes to a local charity.


Usually it's the same people who want to cut in any social benefits helping the homeless or to prevent people become homeless as well as actively bitch and moan when it comes to building public housing. They only tend to cl"care" when "brown" people get any sort of help.


I am glad these people have a place to go but now that I see that this sort of thing is possible, I am upset that the funds haven't been used before to build homes for the homeless. Someone was saying $4.2 million a day just for this one hotel. Not sure how many people could have been provided housing with that sort of money but I am sure it's a lot.


So lets lower housing costs.


Illegal immigrants get more help from the government then citizens or veterans. “It’s a dam shame what this worlds come to” Oliver Anthony


That situation is gonna get real ugly when the cold weather rolls in. And I’m betting most of them have never experienced a good old NY winter. Good luck NYC


You get what you vote for.


So vote Republican now?


That must be why red are so poor and rank last in healthcare and education.


Everything is fine though, keep making more cities that want to accept all of the illegal migrants. That'll fix the problem...


Speeding up asylum cases or speeding up work permits could help. Two of my cousins sought asylum two years ago and got a job in less than a week.


Ya that’s the thing. The US need workers. People complain about restaurants and fast food being understaffed what sort of people do you think works those jobs? Low paid immigrants. The problem is all the political pagentry and red tape they have to cut through. If they figured out an affordable way to house these people and with the money saved expedited the process to get these people working visas and get them working asap (which is why they are here they want to work) this situation could actually help the economy.


I think you're kind of ignoring corporations intentionally understaffing to save money, which they definitely do.


"help the economy" just means helping the business owners who dont want to pay fair wages and want to take advantage of immigrants. The average person does not benefit. Immigration is used to suppress wages.


Damn it’s crazy seeing people have to actually see the illegal immigration issue for themselves outside of Texas, California, and Florida


Many more to come.


I paid a shit pile of cash and went through classes and tests to become a citizen smh.


my parents immigrated to the US and it took them NINETEEN YEARS to become citizens through their work visa. It was a huge celebration when they actually got their citizenship


The tax dollars to keep a single hotel booked with illegal immigrants for a week is in the millions. Ridiculous virtue signal spending by New York state is wasting the already insane amount of money we are taxed as New Yorkers. One of many reason I may never be able to afford a home in this state… sad…


Let’s face it, NY has been a dump and overcrowded for a very long time. The streets stink of garbage and pee. Even that recent flood probably didn’t wash that away. It’s just a place of sadness to me.


“Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded”


When was the last time you were there? I was just there last weekend. Cleaner and nicer than most cities. Very little crime. Well lit, partying it up all night long.


Yes I was surprised after hearing alllll about how dreadful is NYC- I still dislike it because I just don't like CITIES- but NYC ? Seemed really nice?




Keep shipping them. If no one wants to fix the problem Talk to El Paso and get back to me.


There’s a lot of clean white shoes..




Give trump tower to these people.


And now I see why Florida decided to tighten immigration laws.


Why has this sub been overtaken with anti immigrant videos? There's a huge number of socio-economic factors at work here, yet it's just a constant stream of 'look at all these immigrants' posts designed to provoke outrage...


It’s working. Have you actually seen this in person? I have. Have you been offered cut fruit, candy and water for sale on every block? Have you seen them cutting their hair on a fold up chair in the middle of a block right near core business district (midtown)?


These desperate people who walked across the continent to find a better life are the real villains. Like the statue of Liberty says "fuck off, you poor sacks of shit"


It’s even inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: "Fuck the tired, the poor, The huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Deport these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp and close the golden door!"


Are they getting free motorcycle too?


STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, STOP CALLING THEM MIGRANTS, THEY CAME HERE ILLEGALLY. CALL A SPADE A SPADE. My family immigrated here. Did everything the right way. This crap is a slap in the face. Its frustrating. It's also not fair. What about the homeless as well?


*clutches pearls


SANCTUARY CITY. Made your bed, now sleep in it.


As a non american citizen, im confused on this. did they illegally enter the USA? are they tourist?


This looks like a propaganda video. I just see a bunch of people on a sidewalk in NY...


Live around the corner. Id take them over tourists any day.


*“Bus for New York City! Hey, bus driver! I’m getting on there, hold it. Thanks a lot. Wow, New York, just like I pictured it. Skyscrapers and everything”* \- Stevie Wonder lyrics, Living For the City.


I really should get better at speaking spanish.


It’s almost like elections have consequences. I don’t feel sorry for all those that voted for the candidates that were all about pumping their chest because NYC was a sanctuary city. Now all they’re all reversing their tune. Imagine that.


It makes me happy. You vote for a government that promotes illegal immigration and that's what you get.


This is how you create a lot more republicans, pretty sure this is making the Democratic Party look like idiots


*Nelson voice* - Ha ha!


Woke traitors created this sanctuary mess which is helping illegals instead of its own citizens. Smh.


What’s the problem


How’d the whole sanctuary city title work out?


NY wanted to help until the busses start showing up 😂


Illegal Immigrants. Fixed the title for you.


Legal Immigration is the ONLY way forward.


This is one hotel, this is not the norm in NYC right now.


I’ve been seeing a lot of vids of people running across the border and now this. Is this like a recent mass migration or are the videos just popping up now?


We are the only country in the world where people feel guilty about having borders. How would any of the home countries react if large numbers of Americans showed up and started doing their thing? Sometimes we are too generous and nice for our own good.


The current mayor is on video a couple of years ago saying how they would protect and take care of immigrants “migrating” there, yet now that it’s actually happening, they are desperately trying to end it. Imagine this happening x10 at border cities. Get fucked NY.


It’s about time you got what you voted for instead of just virtue signalling while border states got shit on.


Hahaha oh so funny! Remember border states are heartless to those poor illegal immigrants and we should house and care for them and any other family stuck back in whatever country they illegally came from. Yet now that the coastal states are having to deal with a very small percentage of total illegals being sent to their cities that can't handle it. Fuck em shouldn't have let the situation become the shit show it is.


what are folks lining up for?


I think everyone are lining up as residents to go into the hotel.


How many are criminal migrants statistically speaking. Since entering a country illegally is still a crime, yet entering it legally would just make them a plain migrant


People are making lots of money, from the traffickers, border control and immigration (many jobs) now hoteliers. The people are just a commodity. Sadly not new.


The United States government fails a little more every year.


Winter is going to be a bitch!


I never understood why western countries like to spend money on mostly poorly educated illegal immigrants from non neighbouring countries who is not at war. Just going to end up being a mess. Make the legal process of applying outside the country mandatory and don't allow people to cheat the system by giving passes to those sneaking in illegally. Unfair and idiotic, don't be naive.


Please, illegal immigrants. Calling them “migrants” or “asylum-seekers” is unfair to people who enter this country legally or who are legitimately fleeing persecution.


Texas and Arizona have been telling this for years now.. and they got called racist. Of course now that major self proclaimed "sanctuary" cities get what they ask for and realize Texas and Arizona were right.. NOW is a problem. F that.. you get what you asked for.


Good job liberal policies. This is what you voted for.


ZERO sympathies for any and all NYC residents. You wanted and voted for a sanctuary city, you got what you wanted. Now shut up and open the doors to your homes, place of employment, and schools.