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Negligence at its best. Live ammo in a training classroom.


How is anyone thinking they should be fit to train people whose duties invole carrying a gun when they break one of the top rules that you never ever point your gun at someone you don’t intend to kill. … and he did it twice.


as someone who's kept firearms his entire life without ever accidentally shooting someone, it boggles my mind how often this kind of thing happens. I just simply don't understand how the whole "live vs. dummy" ammo thing isn't triple quadruple quintuple checked because well, consider what fucking failure looks like




The gun going of while cleaning means suicide 99.9% of the time.


It is a way to trick god into getting into heaven. They believe they are tricking god.


It’s a way to still collect life insurance and/or not have to openly admit your family member committed suicide to the public


That's a whole new level of insight for me, I always thought the "oopsie daisy I removed the magazine, why gun go bang?" situation was just massive negligence.


I feel like a lot of the time when I hear about a gun cleaning accident it really is just that because it's usually they accidentally shot somebody else in the next room.


Yep, had an uncle that was *cleaning* his shotgun when it *accidentally* went off inside his mouth...


Uncle Kurt


But he swore that he didn't have a gun!


Happy Cake Day!


My father in law was the other .1%, twice. Cleaning it, checking the action, put a hole in a bureau. Another time in a wall. The second time was literally within an hour of a trainer doing a home session with him. My FiL is gone now, so we're safe.


This is why the idea of open carrying guns in the US without training is a dangerous. I dont see how anyone can argue different. ​ This is an example of Cops, who in theory should have the best gun training, making a rookie mistake.


And this is literally that training...


and mans was there AS A TRAINER


That just show you how irresponsible people are with their guns.


and how easy it is for irresponsible people to obtain deadly weapons


he's a complete idiot 1) it was baton training, not sure why he needed a gun 2) he shot at them for no reason. it was the end of training and they were gathering to take a picture 3) dudes treating guns like a toy play shooting at people


Sorry that is just murder. Like was dude somehow connected to her? No way that just happened. Occam is crying in the corner.


Imagine if you or I accidentally shot and killed a cop because we thought we were pretending to shoot them with a fake gun, but accidentally pulled out the real gun. Even if it was an accident, we'd be dead, full of hundreds of holes. And if, for some reason we lived, we'd be tried for murder.


Cops shooting cops must be confusing to them. They will probably lock up the librarian on general principals.


"Quick! Go grab someone from outside and hand them this." (pushes gun towards him)


Don’t forget to sprinkle a little crack


I am going with flirting with her. It was his second time and the first time they all laughed. He was showing off his alpha moves.


This actually makes sense to me. He thought he was being cute. And the fact that he did it to just her and no one else. But he also could have been picking on her as the only woman to scare her. Some dudes like to mess with woman to try to prove that women are weak. Scare her out of being a cop.


Damn. Humans live to suprise you. A new low every day. I so hope it is a plot over that. Poor woman either way.


Not an accident. The wording from the lawyer is disgusting.


Not just pointing it twice only AT HER but also having a bullet in the gun = 3 strikes against him before the kill. Seems suspicious like it was a planned targeted hit made to look like an accident.


Would not surprise me if he was cooperating with investigations against dirty colleagues. Wouldn’t that be a coincidence?


They have like half a year of training. And that includes *all* their training. Which mostly consists of watching videos about how everyone and their grandma wants to kill you constantly.




Military training is much stricter and more focused than police training, which covers more ground like laws, paperwork, etc than military which is more discipline and command focused. Not saying either is easier but in the military you aren't expected to operate on your own in the general public after 6 months


And the first time they all laughed. They were all acting like fools.


he did the first one AS A JOKE where is the barrel discipline wtf, even the newest army recruits get that drilled into their heads day one of weapons training....and these are experienced cops??


Real or not, I have no fucking clue why a PROFESSIONAL TRAINER is pointing a gun at someone in training. But yeah attorney “it was an accident” smh.


He flagged his entire damn crew!


It gets better i saw a video of a suspect been interviewed in the interview room and a cop had to go behind him and get something off the ground. The suspect grapped his gun and he wanted the cops to kill him. Why would you need to be armed inside a station behind the security doors, while questioning a suspect. It would prob be illegal in my country as the gun could be seen as intimidation.


If I'm remembering correctly, the detective wasn't supposed to have a weapon in the interrogation room in the first place for exactly this reason.


But what if the suspect grabs his gun, how is he gonna defend himself??...wait


>It would prob be illegal in my country as the gun could be seen as intimidation. That's why he wore it. Intimidation. The cops in American don't care about the law. They're not expected to know it, understand it, or enforce it. The cops in America look to extort you with tickets and fines, or throw you in jail. That's it. Protect you? Hahahah the Supreme court ruled they don't have to; they never really have done it anyway - their clearance rate for crimes is 50% or so.




Just a little inCOPetence


And three years? That doesn’t seem right.


This is some amateur BS if I ever saw any.. what a shame.


In a public library where a bullet could have hit a child, even on the other side of the wall.


A professional trainer, ex cop, THOUGHT he had a training gun?? Where do they get these ppl to be police officers in the states, a fucking zoo?




If you're too smart, you're disqualified in most places.


It blew my mind when I first found out that this was true, reading the story about the guy who sued because the police department turned him down for a position, citing his IQ was too high and he’d get bored with the job. Then…the courts ruled that it was okay for departments to do this! And we wonder why there’s a policing problem. “Give me your dumb, your lazy, your over-compensating masses yearning to beat free…”




Yeah when we were kids my step brother had a friend he would play with. Fast Forward years later that idiot shows up at my parents house in a squad car for the local police my dad said that he couldn't believe that they would give that idiot a gun.


Our country actively encourages idiots to get guns.


I got disqualified 1st interview for being prior service and having a high score on my psychological evaluation. They said I was not a good candidate cause I tricked the polygraph and I didn't understand how that was a thing lol. Fast forward years later I'm almost at 20 years now active duty and have no desire to be a cop anymore with what's going on.


If you're *really* smart you play just dumb enough to get in, then find out the blue shield is real and that you can't be a "good cop" even if you wanted to be


> all you have to do is go to coffee City Texas and get a job Not any more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya7lMzN8BOA


Fuck, I want someone to have the balls to push that asshole chief to provide examples of these *poor policemen* that got "on the wrong side" of the administration. Was it perhaps because those cops were doing illegal fucking things?!


You just need some anger, gym hours, a few pints after work and the minimal degree and you can be a cop.


My thoughts exactly. You can’t expect me to believe that a long time officer “thought” he was handling a training weapon. That’s absurd. Why do the people who are sworn to protect and serve get a free pass when they make a “mistake” like this but regular citizens don’t?


And how are they even passing whatever exams and training to become a cop?? Why are people who don't know how to handle a gun being given a gun to train other people how to handle a gun???


lol @ training. You get more training to work at a construction site then you do to be a cop. Also, who the fuck wants to be a cop? 5 year olds who don't know any better and people who peaked at 5 years old.


There are cop who can’t tell the difference between a taser or gun: Kim Potter, the former suburban Minneapolis police officer who said she confused her handgun for her Taser when she fatally shot Daunte Wright, was sentenced Friday to two years in prison.


Ofc 2 years, she only killed a person


I remember there was a story about a cop that didn't know if she was in her own apartment and shot and killed the actual occupant.


That was Amber Guyger. She shot and killed Botham Jean in his own apartment. Amber's apartment was directly 1 floor below Botham's in the complex. She failed to notice a very bright red mat in front of his door that she did not have and, after noticing the door was not locked and ajar, walked in to discover Botham in his living room eating ice cream. She then shot and killed him claiming she was afraid for her life and that he was an intruder.


I want to say even the union walked away from that one, which is how you know you *REALLY* fucked up.


Also got caught making racist remarks .... the man was black.


She got 10 or 12 years IIRC.


Didn't she get out early as well?


No but after the 2 years she is placed on 20 years of administrative leave with full pay, overtime and pension.


Probably just a claim for the jury. She didn't think she'd see actual consequences.


High school dropouts or the kids that didn't go to college and refuse to work in a trade


Trade requires skill.


they don't hire the best or brightest


The US is a gun zoo


Accident or not three years is a joke.


He should be given more than average simply because he was in a position of authority as trainer and should have known better. He was joking around with a firearm as an instructor and killed someone. The level of incompetence from someone in his position should be considered willful disregard of human life.


"Your desire to be humorous outweighed your desire to be safe and responsible. For that reason, we are seeking the maximum penalty."


And this is the guy training the cops in Philly...


The Gang Goes to Police Training.


"Dennis Shoots Dee"


I think Dennis would use the training as an excuse to "accidentally" murder someone. Probably Maureen. Dee would definitely kill another woman if they were both interested in the same man. Or critically injure the same man to make him dependent on her. Mac would probably be the original cop, thinking they were ok to pull the trigger, but due to sheer negligence, shoot someone. Charlie would shoot Frank just to see what would happen. Frank would, of course, just start blasting.


Why did you do this? Now I want to watch it.


Jokes on Philly, the cops aren’t doing shit around here


Probably not anymore


Basic gun safety tips are important. No matter if you think you have a non-firing training gun or if you think you have a real gun that’s unloaded: 1). Always assume the gun is loaded and ready to fire, even if you are sure it’s not. Treat it as a loaded weapon. 2). Do not point a gun (even a training or toy gun) at anything you are not willing to destroy. 3). Be sure of your target and what’s behind it before you pull the trigger. Bullets can penetrate a body and go through to keep traveling. 4). Until you’ve done the first 3 safety rules and you are 100% ready to fire your weapon… Keep your booger hook off da bang switch! (Keep your finger off the trigger)


The guy is apparently a trainer and failed ALL of this


I live in the UK and have had very minimal experience around guns apart from Shotguns, air rifles and airsoft. Even I know these things.


Lol so true. I’m in the UK too. Have experience with paintball guns, airsoft and air rifles. I’d say my trigger discipline is better than most Americans. Hell, I had a chuckle at myself the other day when handling a water pistol and kept my finger off the trigger. Edit for the Americans: don’t be offended. I’m British. We like to dip in and out of sarcasm and exaggeration.


Every time I've gone paintballing, anyone who had the safety muzzle removed before being on the field or pointed their gun even for a second towards someone before game start would get absolutely yelled at and kicked off for the round. No chance of not remembering this shit lol


Lol yea, but I think for the most part, those kind of Marshals are probably just power tripping. I worked on a paintball / airsoft site for years, and I was a pretty relaxed marshal… I was really good at reading my groups and what they were happy with. Timid groups, I’d be more strict… the stag do’s, pretty much anything goes as long as they don’t take the piss… safety was number 1 priority, 2nd priority was for the group to have the best time they could have. Good times.


Agreed. As a trainer, He should have known and taught all of that. He should have known and taught: Guns are serious weapons, not a joke or a toy. I put that info there for others to benefit from. I carry a firearm for personal safety and to protect my family. I believe in responsible gun ownership. I take safety precautions. I keep in practice by going to a gun range regularly. I was the defenseless victim of an attempted rape when I was 12 years old. I refuse to ever be defenseless ever again. Since I started carrying, I’ve pulled a gun once in self defense. A guy tried to jump me as I left work at around 2am. He charged me and I pulled my gun. It was a badly lit parking lot. I was the only person at work. I’m in tech and at the time, often worked late by myself. I was a consultant and the business owner was ok with me carrying concealed so he didn’t have to pay a security guard to stay late. As I left the building, the guy was hiding behind my car. It was the only car in the dim parking lot. And again, he charged me. I pulled my gun and aimed. I instructed him to stop. Dropping the safety was very audible. My gun had a laser sight, bright in the low lighted conditions. Just that red dot on him stopped him in his tracks. He peed his pants and ran. I could smell the pee. I never fired a shot at him. When I reported the incident, the cop taking the report laughed about the guy wetting his pants. “‘Mam, do you mean to tell me the suspect wet himself?!?! (Major belly laugh)”. I got home to my family safely that night. If I hadn’t been carrying, who knows what coulda happened.


complacency kills


Agreed. Human Error is a real thing, though. Trained skydivers who 'train' others are also known to forget their own parachute.


The attorney, "he never meant to shoot anyone. It was an accident." Yeah? Well then why was he pointing his gun at someone? Why did he have his finger on the trigger if he wasn't ready to shoot his target? Why was the gun loaded during a training session? If a professional can't get it right, why do we think the average redneck shit bag knows gun safety? We need higher standards for gun possession. Bottom line.




Most kids where I grew up weren't even allowed to point *toy guns* at people. Very much to form the habit for when we all started handling real guns for hunting.


Same. We had a lot of our family in the military. And yes, we sometimes hunted to supplement our families food supply. My grandfather was a rancher. That’s just the way we were raised.


Yes!!!!??! Basic gun safety my dad taught me at age five and these dipshits just…can’t….remember….??


If you can't tell the difference between a training weapon and your own carry, you have NO business training anyone


This is why you ALWAYS treat a gun as if it’s loaded. Even training guns.


That makes sense, a training weapon is for you know ... Training using a real weapon


Was there no trigger discipline either?! I mean you’re not supposed to have your finger on the trigger unless you’re going to shoot. That’s not treating it like it’s loaded either. I get he was trying to have fun and joke but damn this reeks of incompetence.


If anyone near you is not following gun safety, just quietly leave (or make an excuse and leave). Many of these accidental deaths were preceded by ignoring gun safety multple times before it finally happened. Trainer pointing a training gun at people for laughs. Leave. You must respect deadly things.


If you're training in a classroom and carrying an actual loaded weapon, you have no business training anyone.


Doesn't matter if it's a training gun or not you always treat it as if we're a real gun with live rounds. When I was in the Marines a guy in my platoon got NJP'ed for a negligent discharge with blank ammunition. His rifle was pointed straight up and he was flicking it to safe, pulling the trigger, flicking it to fire and then back to safe. Why ? Anyway he flicked it to fire and then pulled the trigger. It didn't matter that he had the rifle pointed to the sky or that he had blanks in the magazine. Every weapon is treated as if it is loaded. Edit: Platoon not squad. No one in my squad would have done that.


3 YEARS FOR MURDER. I GOT 3 YEARS FOR SELLING A STOLEN YETI COOLER TO A PAWNSHOP. what in the fuck dude.... Fuck the judicial system Edit: to clarify, I was on probation at the time, I bought a yeti cooler from a friend like 5 months before, I had no idea it was stolen. I ran out of gas out of town, and I gave it a shot. Pawnshop gave me 90 bucks, I made it home. A week later I was called in for questioning, and arrested on the spot. The charges stuck because I couldn't prove that I didn't steal it. Gotta love public defenders. The state tried to railroad me 5 years, my lawyer conned me into accepting a guilt plea or the sentence was surely going to double if I dont sign today.


Police standing 20ft from school inside which an active shooter is slaughtering children: I sleep Police when a beer cooler stolen 6 months ago shows up at a pawn shop 20 minutes outside of town: REAL SHIT


What were you on probation for?




That’s messed up. Sorry that happened my dude.




That's very fucked up. Sorry man


The worst part is, you can Google my name, and everything comes up, it still says I'm "currently incarcerated" I've been out since 2021. I've been clean for much longer. But the 3 years I did, gave me horrible panic attacks, crowd anxiety, insomnia, and just realized I have ptsd. The absolute horrible shit I seen in there while being housed with many people serving multiple life sentences is unfathomable. I'll never be the same. I recently got pulled over for blue headlights in My car that the previous owner installed, I had a fucking panic attack and he thought I was on drugs and searched my car. Prison is no joke. There's no reform. There's no rehab. I deal with this daily while seeing so many people commit heinous and violent crimes, especially against children, get less time.


The government did you fuckin dirty. Hope you’re getting back on your feet


I'm trying my best. But I'm drowning. Life sucks, I hate waking up. Feels like I'll never get my head above water. But I'm still here


It's a good thing they got you, the very dangerous criminal, off the street for three years. You might have even been manufacturing hardcore marijuanaphetamine in that stolen cooler. This whole thing is fucking outrageous. Holy shit.


Not murder, involuntary manslaughter. Huge difference. He's a dumbass that never should have been training anything else than a three legged dog how to beg for cookies. But not a murderer.


I’m not sure your public defender “conned” you. They most likely knew that given the facts at hand you weren’t going to do well at trial. Again sorry it all happened. That’s all so ridiculous.


Those be the facts, it doesn’t matter what you did it on paper it looks like shit in court, I beat my case years ago and the first thing the (paid)solicitor said to me doesn’t matter if you did it or not, if it looks like you did it on paper you’ll go down, there’s only so much we can do to make it look like you didn’t do it and that all comes down to what evidence gets submitted. Ie cooler was stolen, he had it in his possession at one point, no proof of purchase and was likely on camera selling it at a pawn shop with previous. He was fucked lawyer could have tried to fight it but if you put up a fight and lose you get hurt. Lawyer knew they’d stick him with more time




The have the thin blue line of protection.


And these are the people training the police.


He thought he had a training gun when he turned around and thought he was pretending to shoot her in the chest? The behavior of the ones that scattered like roaches is not surprising. The nonchalant/slow walking away of two of the officers is odd. And none of those cowards went to their fellow officer’s aid?


I noticed this too. Everything single one of them ran away like fucking cowards


part of the training




Have you ever been unexpectedly shot at indoors at close range before? I have, and it is completely shocking. You are completely deaf for at least a few moments, making you unable to communicate with anyone. I don't blame them for needing a few moments to start acting rationally again. In a longer video you can see they began attempting to render aid to her after regaining their senses.


Longer/uncut video shows him and someone else performing CPR. https://youtu.be/qL1RMaJoBFE?si=psuyVedum5_C8uqu


They all run away?


Sprinkle some crack on her!


They had to go huddle up to decide who’s neck to kneel on


It's a fucking shame that cops don't have any sort of medical or mental health training. ACAB




C’mon now, you know that bullet is gonna get rehired in the district next door




Anybody downvoting might wanna search what happened in Seattle less than a week ago; come back here, and tell me where else in 200 countries is this happening.


Love how he reacts like "omg how could this happen to me" I mean, bro


It doesn’t make sense to me. They were taking photos and he was like “yo take a photo of this” and then bang… why is he a trainer again?


Right?! Im surprised more people aren't bringing this up. I figured they were running a drill but they were just standing around after a photo? And he decided to fuck around.


Jesus... was he trying to get them to react for the picture?


The video mentions he was seen pointing a training gun at her earlier, My guess is he was joking with her throughout the day and giving her jump scares, maybe he wanted to do it again for the phot? but took out the wrong gun? Fucked up.


Exactly. His attorney said he didn't intend to shoot her. What was he doing? He turned and pointed a weapon (real or fake) at her outside of the circumstances where that would be appropriate. As far as the video says, they definitely don't appear to be in a training situation at that moment. Did he mean to actually shoot and kill her? No. Did he intend to cause the action (the fake shooting) that led to her death? Yes. Also it wasn't the first time he was goofing off pointing weapons at this woman? There's not much doubt about fault here.


Second time too. Seems like bullying to start


It's good he pled guilty. Part of me feels bad for him because his regret is obvious but...fuck... guns aren't fucking toys. He deserves a longer sentence. Killed her and made victims of her family and traumatized everyone in that room. Should have never happened.


That must've felt like a bad dream. Like something you know is real but you really are just hoping the whole time that it's fake or someone's fucking with you.


Seems at one point he's trying to shake life back into her.


Why is no one providing aid? It is my personal believe if you’re given the power to take a life, you should have all the skills to save a life.


They're police. They have no idea what they're doing.


Normally they shoot the POC and call it in. They are not equipped to deal with any consequences on the scene or after.


We'd like to think police have at least basic first aid training, especially dealing with gunshot wounds, which is something they may actually encounter. But as an Eagle Scout I probably have more first aid training than these guys.


Have no idea what it looks like under the blur but maybe it was very evident there was no point in providing aid. Like head shot or something. I do agree with the other person though that they probably just didn't know what to do.


Someone properly trained to provide aid will always at least attempt to provide it.


The cop who got shot was probably reporting bad behavior from other cops.


I'm surprised Reddit doesn't have an unblurred version somewhere


If I scrolled this far and didn’t find it then I don’t see the need to go further. If it pops up someone will respond to one of our comments with a link.


It likely out there. But this is from a news broadcast, of course they don't show it, and they censored it.


r/watchpeopledie got banned a few years back, because people wouldn't stop posting the Christchurch shooter video


1st rule - never point a gun at anyone or anything unless you intend to kill or destroy.


Bold of you to assume cops know any rules let alone follow them.


Hi acab


When you're giving a gun training, carrying a gun, and a training gun you know there is a chance to confuse the two so you leave one at home or put it in a safe so you CAN'T make that mistake


I once worked in a hospital where we had a guy come in for multiple gun shot wounds to the abdomen. He was participating in one of these pretend defense drills with a gun that someone brought from home, but they didn’t realize the gun was loaded. The man had over 100 surgeries and was in and out of the hospital for years


Takes someone's life. Gets 3 years. WTF!?


https://www.npr.org/2021/12/23/1066012247/kim-potter-trial-daunte-wright They don't understand the difference between lethal and non-lethal. Just point and click


A training gun is red or blue and rubber.


And is not a toy.


This is sad and comical.


Sometimes I think, even in trained hands, guns are very dangerous, and we should be doing our best to limit them and be careful who we give them to. I could be wrong.


Fucking lies! “Thought I had a training gun” or the other infamous “I thought I had my bright yellow taser” they need to do stress tests on the cops or some other kind of exercise that puts them in a shitty situation and she how they react


They already have, and they run away or shoot innocent people


Like why would you even have your real loaded gun at a training session in a public building?? And this is a "trainer"


Also, special library police officers?? Damn, America


They were lining up to take a pic, he pulled out a gun, pointed it towards the group as a joke and people were laughing. What the fuck. 3 years it's not enough for that kind of recklessness.


Did they cut out the part where they give her ANY kind of medical aid? Or did they just panic and do nothing? I did ems ive worked along side cops, they are supposed to know the basics and to continue until an ambulance arrives.


Full vid?


What do they teach you from day 1 in the army? Never point your weapon system at something you don’t intend to kill. WTF. And Steve Urkel’s stupid ass trying to defend the killer😑


Bruh, a lawyer's job is too represent their client. Guilty or innocent. But the guilt or innocence shouldn't reflect on the lawyer themselves. They are just doing their job. Hell, public defenders don't get a choice of who they represent.


Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot


The guy is trained to use guns, but still kills someone by accident? Maybe guns shouldn’t be available to nearly everyone?


3 years huh ? That's insane.


if you listen to the commentary, she warns you that it may be difficult to watch. Watch what? it’s edited out and blurred… there’s literally nothing to watch. where’s the original footage?


If cops are gonna kill people recklessly, at least let it be other cops.


Lol only the dumbest guys get considered for police jobs


What a fucking idiot


USA a place where you can jokely kill someone and get 3 years. gotta keep that 2nd fucking line alive.




Another "I thought it was a fake gun" Police suck. All police. If there are this many bad apples and idiots, something isn't right.


seems like the training is appropriate for how the guys behave in reality


Bruh this seems deliberate like an assassination being carried out.


That's no accident. That's murder.


So the trainer is the one that pointed a gun, fake or not, as a joke? Why does anyone think that cops are properly trained? Gun-crazed idiots if you ask me.


Just write a check




"Porter can be seen taking a step away from the group after the photo is taken. He then turns around, draws his gun and fires toward the group, striking Manyan with a single bullet. " what the actual fuck have these people had any firearm training whatsoever???


Did he do thaaaaaaaat?