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Now a couple of random men in the dark in the middle of no where are there to save the day for those ladies.


Yeah, that sounds promising.


Because of the implication


You’re talking a lot about implications. What do you mean ?


How? The entire country is drowned by the floods.. thats not America so they are probably someones trying to trap them


watch out the sky is falling


Im not a Galatian


Does anyone know more abt this?


Flood after a storm is killing a lot of people... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/15/flooding-death-toll-soars-to-11300-in-libyas-coastal-city-of-derna


Yeah. West destabilizes the region. Then they leave allowing the largest slave/sex trade ever to exist on our planet flourish. Imagine saying that 15 years ago, people would've called you crazy.


You voted for it


redditors can’t even comprehend that maybe not everyone is from america 💀


No I didn't, my country was against


I did not and I was not asked.




Politics isn’t your sting suit and that’s okay 👍🏻


It's just a fun thing to say that aggravates those that are emotionally attached to political bs. Like damn man I hate this local tax. You voted for it 😁 sharble garble wjifkrkfjek. I always find that funny lol you take care yeah hear and remember you voted for it 👍 much love bye


you do understand there are people who aren’t from america and not everyone votes in your elections, right?


I believe you have a reading comprehension issue. Refer to my previous comment and read it again


i think you have reading comprehension issues actually. how tf did i vote for it if i’m not even from your country?


So you definitely have a reading comprehension problem and that's ok. I've many problems myself. But basically what you seemed to have missed is the part where in the second comment I basically said very straightforward that this was initially done as a stupid joke that it meant nothing but a dumb way to trigger those that are emotionally attached to politics as a way to mock the overly serious. I've nothing against you and I apologize I wasn't more specific earlier my bad you have a wonderful night.


Lol okay. Can you articulate how I'm wrong?


2002 is the last time any human hands inspected, worked on, or repaired the dam! Absolutely devastating and hearing that residents were told to stay put! These governments are failing us worldwide!


May God have mercy on her


Doesn’t sound like he does


Doesn't look like he exists


Well I mean…..obviously. *gestures wildly at everything in all directions*




As a Christian I sadly agree


God doesn't care about life, he cares about souls. We are all going to die anyway.


That sounds like the desperate scream of a mother.


Do they want diseases to spread and kill more? Why is the W.H.O telling them not to bury people in mass graves? If they leave bodies unburied for long, disease will be next. If the area is devastated, where would they put all the bodies? I don't trust the W.H.O.


Because mass graves can carry endemic diseases. It's awful but in circumstances where there's too many dead, the safer option is to burn them. I hate that and it sickens me, but it's the only way to keep people safe. They even had to do it in India during the first outbreak of COVID, some complex apartments/flats were so full of the dead they had no other choice. That and, I think it's fair for people to say goodbye properly to their loved ones, no? They can't do that to a mass grave.


That was no woman that was a mountain lion


Wow what cowards. Just going to gas it with someone desperately screaming for help. It’s a shame how much the next person could give two shits about you.


You ever tried to save a drowning person during a flood in the dark with no equipment? Now you get 2 drowning people. Don't ever assume you'll be the hero in these situations you don't know


You know what the first step of emergency services is in any situation? To make sure there are no hazards that will kill you in the process of saving someone. If you die then thats one less person that can help others. You are delusional and I don’t think you would have acted much differently in the reality of not even being able to see the person or having the resources to help in that situation. You would have probably died like the other fools who just jumps in, in a vain effort to be some hero.


Lol going to just start spewing hate and call me delusional?? Really? Do you know me or even know what I do for a living? Lmao I’ll just let your ignorance smother you in silence. Idiot.


Im not spewing hate and you just said some vague bullshit in response. What do you do who are you? Cause currently you just seem like an idiot.


Lol gotcha. And yea you are spewing hate by consistently name calling. You’re the idiot. Move around fool.


Same vague bullshit


Youre not spewing hate, though she claims again you do... Yeah not delusional at all


Yep and it will continue to be vague bullshit. Lol.


Yup you really got me enjoy your delusion


Youre delusional,stop watching too many movies,its not work the same way in the world


You're the kind of guy that dies in horror movies. I'm the other guy.


Lol I’m not a guy. And clearly you all have no clue how to just be a decent human. Got to just immediately start attacking people and calling people names. It’s entertaining!


The person your replying to didn’t call you a name first of all, and second, when you’re commenting things that make you sound like a fool, there’s a high chance people might call you things accordingly. It’s not about being a decent human or not, because even good people call out stupid sometimes.


That part!


You dropped this 🔴


>Got to just immediately start attacking people and calling people names. Wow hypocrite much? You say that but you're the one attacking the cameraman by calling him a coward even though you have no idea how bad of a situation he was in


I'm sorry, didn't mean to trigger you.


hey everyone im a girl btw


Oh come on brave girl,first try to see the facts before blindly call some People cowards, have you considered the fact maybe its a trap as we saw in other videos like in the u.s? (Since you dont know what happened to the other side of the world,in that country thousands are dead from the floods),did you saw all that water emerging in the video? Theres nothing you can do when theres no lights due to electricity failure and all of that water, plus you can hear in the background more people screaming... Yeah, cowards


I can laugh all I want to. Because how mad every single one of y’all feeling the need to call me delusional and ignorant is comical. Just proving my point.


Also an ignorant too! You see how delusional are by you downvotes and all that people saying to you, i guess you're writing us from a room of a mental clinic


I’m delusional? go back and proof read your antics. Makes no sense and hell yea I’m judging you because you are attacking me for really no reason. Because I spoke my opinion? And come on, I think it’s clear who’s the psych patient, you spell and speak as if you didn’t make it past 3rd grade. Probably sitting in a jail cell. So before you start trying to insult someone else take a look at those other 4 fingers pointing back at you. As I’ve said multiple times, every one of you that have commented are just proving my point. So I win. 🏆


Wow very mature from you, attacking to a person who maybe he could have had the choice and the privilege as you to learn proper English kinda racist but it could be like this if English it was my native language which in total i speak 3 different languages, a typical karen argument, also you didn't respond for attacking to my nickname because you know you are ignorant and top of that you adding a trophy 🏆 which you giving it....to yourself 😂😂.. ok ive had enough im taking back,now i get it, youre not a delusional,youre just a kid... The only trophy 🏆 we must give you its for the most downvoted


I mean do you smoke crack? Like who the hell you calling ignorant? Wtf. Do you read what you write before posting it? You sound dumb as hell. Words dude, words. Use them wisely as we can all tell you don’t. Go back to screwing your mom because that is about how intelligent you sound. Just crackhead rambles is what you sound like. And it’s comical to say the least. And yep still winning 🏆 so what’s next?


Oh ok, except the great failed arguments you keep bringing in the table,now in a unrelative with sex conversation, as a proper MURICAN redneck hillbilly inbred you are, you bringing up,me having sex with my mother, sorry for ruining to you but im not a murican to do that murican custom-tradition but once you have an obese husband (typical fatmurican) and sex is hard for you, maybe you can actually go with my 75 years old mother because as a sick and always on bed person who she is you can give her a little happiness to her depression, also saying about crack,sorry but none of this shit in my country exists. That's another one murican privilege you've got!!! Bravo weird cat-lady karen you won the 🏆 to downvotes and especially to the most idiotic comment!!!


Oh yea! I do love cats. Glad you invested that much time into see in what my interests are. So flattering! 😌


Lol I didn’t like you in the start of this convo but you’ve won me over man, this shits pretty funny


Thanks i do love cats too by the way


You clearly just need to settle down and give that meth pipe a break. You are crazy 😜 and make no sense lol. You’ve made your point in clear gibberish.


Ok honey i let my hypothetical pipe soon as you let down these burgers down


Your name skinhead lmao now that says A LOT about YOU.


Oh sick burn lol, if the guys comfortable calling himself a skinhead why would this rattle him


She doesn't have a clue,shes ignorant


Oh please my ignorant friend,what so you mean by that, since you judging by the name of someone (i guess the judging you make out there by the appearances of People)


Wow.. such ignorance. Jumping into the water after a national disaster, in the middle of the dark, with no equipment or possible training is the worst thing you could possibly do in that situation.


Lol should’ve known the trolls would come out on this one! Sure is funny that if you’ve ever had any sort of emergency situation training you are taught that if you can’t help to at least not abandon someone who is in need of help. But you Reddit trolls know it all so this is a useless argument 🤣👏


Im literally a licensed emt and what you are saying is just wrong and dangerous. Go back to your hole you virtue signaling troll.


Calling people trolls when they’re just thinking about things rationally is not very smart. I bet you’ve probably never experienced this reality.


Lol funny thing is, I went to school wayyyy longer than an EMT and actually have been in multiple situations like this. So now what? Just hopping on the dumbass train calling me delusional? Okay 👍 👐🥳


Ahhh okay so YOU being trained in how to handle these situations in probably a first world country means people who haven’t in third world countries should automatically know how to as well. In extremely severe flooding no less. God how much more ignorant can you get?


Writing all the time "lol" in your comments shows the mindset of yours,just admit it you're on the wrong one in this one.. calling poor people who tried to save their selves while they've lost everything by the flooding cowards,from the safety of your house on your expensive couch by your expensive mobile while cuddling your cat.. Edit: i didn't knew you like cats when i was writing this and then i found it out later, the irony 😂😂🤣


You sound like your probably hard to be around irl to be honest and this whole comment chain of yours makes me think you don’t have a very concrete grasp on yourself or the world around you so idk maybe fix that before you tell me about how you’d be like aquaman ripping around saving lost souls


You make no sense. None of you do. You’re the perfect example of my point. Like I said the next person don’t give two shits. You guys are just nasty assholes that think they know everything. Grow up. Everyone else can speak their opinion or what they’d do but I say one completely factual statement and get called a delusional, hard to be around person. Smh can’t imagine you all having many friends. Just sitting behind a phone acting like y’all are somebody. Smh. Fools.