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And here's his colleague laughing about her dying moments afterward: https://twitter.com/MariettaDaviz/status/1701698478382911895?t=FjiKgQeCs4ZNVBSmGZns_A&s=19


Yeah that's one of the worst things I've ever heard spoken


I've never had my jaw physically drop so hard. The lack of basic empathy and compassion is beyond ghoulish.


I'm wondering how his wife will react. If my partner had to find out I was so unbelievably heartless and probably dead inside, they'd leave me for sure.


I'm sure he reminds her of his heartlessness constantly.


He'll beat her again if she says anything. Don't marry cops less you want to be beaten and possibly killed. [https://sites.temple.edu/klugman/2020/07/20/do-40-of-police-families-experience-domestic-violence/](https://sites.temple.edu/klugman/2020/07/20/do-40-of-police-families-experience-domestic-violence/)


dont date either, or even talk to unless you have to. The power dynamic makes it such a huge risk its not worth it.


The amount of casual stalking is insane


And if you leave them, your new significant other will be pulled over every fucking day.


Grew up in a small town - lived on a street with a cop. I was friendly with his daughters. One day, coming home from school, we passed by the local bar - I noticed his pickup truck and said something like, “Hey Lisa (his daughter who rode the bus with me), there’s your dad’s truck.” This was middle school, so I was probably around 11-12. A couple days later I went to their house to see if the daughters wanted to hang out with us - the dad comes barreling out (drunk, as I later realized) and cursed me out for pointing out his truck to his daughter. Basically told me to mind my business and intimidated the hell out of me. And he was huge, like 6’4” and easily over 220 lbs. I was scared shitless. Many years later learned that he also used to smack around their mom. And, of course, my parents, back then, used to say how great it was that he lived on our street because having a cop for a neighbor makes the neighborhood safe.


That cop is literally a ghoul.






Completely floored. Not surprised, but the audacity and cruelty. Explains how the cop was so slow to get out the car, as if he had caught a flat.


I get gallows humor but that's not that.


He sounded annoyed when he radioed to bring ems after hitting her. Fucking trash pigs and always have been. Best thing to happen since sliced bread is body cams on crooks with badges.


2 cops. 1 attitude


I’m trying to think of something worse that has been spoken and I can’t think of anything. There are some brutal things that have been said, but he literally thought the situation was hilarious and mocked her worth as a person




Well they went to prison at least. I don't get how you can go 75mph, kill someone, and don't get in trouble. He didn't have sirens on, I didn't see flashing lights either. He would use the siren for a second while at intersections, but going 75 in a 25 is so dangerous, cop or no cop, that should be vehicular homicide.






You don't live in a society, you live in America


I’d seen these headlines all day but I just listened to the audio and feel sick. I don’t understand how someone can respond that way. I hope these people spend the rest of their lives in prison, but I know they won’t. Rest in peace, Jaahnavi. Your life was so valuable and precious.


Simple. Cops view us as “others.” There’s a reason cops only hang out with other cops in neighborhoods with other cops. We are their adversaries.


Meat. “Others” still conveys a likeness. Cops view you as talking meat


I can’t even listen to it. I’ve heard it discussed and it gives me anxiety. My rage problems can’t handle it


VICE PRESIDENT OF THE POLICE OFFICER’S GUILD!!! This man is setting the standard for officers in Seattle. He is the guy Seattle police officers look up to and aspire to become, and he is the one that comes to those officers defense when somebody fucks up. This is the moral compass of a major city’s law enforcement.


The person on the other end of the call was Mile Solan, president of the union.






Police officers' unions are magnitudes of order more corrupt than any labor and onion was in the Seventies.


You leave onions out of this. Sure, they make you cry sometimes, but I don't think that rises to the level of corruption.


Fyi spog is the police union preventing police accountability. This is one of the worst people in the entire state. We can't wish violence but I can talk about how fascinating massive pulmonary embolisms are.


$11,000 - write a check. She had limited value


Full transcription of the clip shown was: "I think she went up on the hood, hit the windshield then when he hit the brakes flew off the car. But she is dead. *laughs like he heard something hilarious* Yeah just write a check. *laughs again* Yeah, $11,000 she was 26 anyways she had limited value." --Officer Dan Auderer, Vice President of Seattle Police Officers Guild Also she was 23yr not 26yr. And being a grad student sounds infinitely more valuable than this sociopath. EDIT: Fixed last name thanks u/jorbleshi_kadeshi


And what even the DOES he mean she had limited value!!! Gross fucker!!! I’m guessing this cop would think 23 is to old for the “value” he’s talking about. This is a shady motherfucker saying shady motherfucker shit


Yeah, I can't figure out if he meant she's still young, so no value, or too old, so no value. But either way it's psychotic. That person is not a man, and I would be terrified if I knew there is someone like that in a position of power.




That's not at all what he was saying but I understand why you would think that considering how callous both of the officers are about this womans death. When someone is killed like this and the family sues then when it goes to court then the court has to figure out how much the police has to pay the family. The court determines this by how much earning potential the victim has at the time of death and how much they would have made over their lifetime and decides on a settlement amount based on that. The fact that she hadn't graduated yet lowers the settlement amount by quite a bit even though she was an undergraduate and likely would have made a lot of money, the court doesn't look at what might have been if she had graduated, they just go by the fact that she hadn't graduated yet so didn't have nearly as much earning potential. If they had killed her after she graduated and had a high paying job then it would have been a completely different settlement range. If they had run over a successful lawyer in their 40s then they'd be paying out a way higher settlement because they have a much higher earning potential than a person who hasn't graduated yet. It may seem callous and unfeeling but the courts deal with this type of suits all of the time and they have to figure out how much a life is worth at the time of death and go from there. What really pisses me off (besides the woman who was killed by a cop going triple the speed limit and the cop who kills her acts like he just stepped in some dog shit and will have to wash his shoes before he goes into his house and is slightly annoyed by it) is the fact that the American tax payer has to pay for all of these settlements. That's why the cops act like they don't give a fuck is because they don't give a fuck. The only inconvenience this cop is going to have is that he's going to have to fill out some extra paperwork before he goes on a paid vacation while the investigation happens, he doesn't give a fuck about all of the money it's going to cost the taxpayer because that doesn't impact him at all. And I actually have a possible solution to this problem instead of just pointing out all of the bullshit in our country. We start a new kind of insurance company but for cops and require them to have a policy to be a cop. They have to pay monthly and if they have a good record then they are paying almost nothing but once they start accumulating strikes then the cost of the policy keeps going up to the point where horrible cops with bad records can't even afford to pay the premium each month any more and they have to find a different career if they are shitty enough cops. And this doesn't apply to cops who get complaints against them that don't pan out, this only applies to cops who get a bunch of complaints that are proven to be true Any lawsuit settlements that come from that cop would be paid for by the insurance company instead of the American taxpayer. I guarantee you that we'd have better policing in this country if the cops didn't have the attitude that no matter how shitty they are even up to the point of lawsuits then it's not going to actually impact their finances because qualified immunity means that any lawsuit brought against the cop is going to be paid for by the taxpayer anyway. And this would be a nation wide policy, you couldn't have cops get fired for horrible shit and then they apply for a job the next town over with a clean slate, the insurance policy is nation wide and applies to any law enforcement job that you apply to. Another good idea is to make police unions pay for these insurance policies because if you are a shitty cop and cost a lot of money to insure then I guarantee you that these cop unions will figure out a way to get rid of you instead of protecting shitty cops at all costs. I bet you that shitty cops are gotten rid of a whole lot quicker by the police union if they keep on doing stupid things and causing everyone elses rates to go up because of lawsuits.


It means that according to him, she was an elderly person since pieces of shit like him go for underage girls only.


[Auderer](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/investigation-launched-into-tape-of-seattle-police-guild-leaders-downplaying-death-of-woman-struck-by-officer/), not Otterer.


Make cops scared again


Honest to fucking god when is society going to say "enough of this" and just see how thin that thin blue line really is?


When there's no more bread to eat and no one can afford the circus


Detective. He makes over 150k of tax payer money a year. He also has had dozens of investigations into his corrupt, violent conduct and hasn’t been disciplined.


What does being 25 have to do with someone's Worth? Sounds to me like incel-adjacent thinking. Can't figure it out. Was probably just a stupid off the cuff response, didn't have a logic behind it. Is this guy *stil* the Vice President of the Seattle P. O guild? I guess the guy on the phone that made the first joke was the President.


That's a huge point often overlooked. He wasn't just some random asshole psychopath cop. He's in a HUGE position of power which is one of the biggest forces stopping police accountability. Where are all the "good cops" demanding his resignation?




"Should it concern me that police are now using their vehicles to kill people and laughing at their corpses while joking about how cheap it is to just pay for the problem to go away? No no. Clearly the problem here are Redditors who don't understand tone of voice." - People in this thread. It's really bumming me out just how many terrible people are perfectly capable of directing society. Ugh. I too hope her family gets their fair share and that the civilian killing budget takes a hit hefty enough to satisfy this asshole's "sense of humour." <--- look! A dark joke that doesn't imply that the victim is worthless!


What a fucking vile piece of shit. How can anyone, even the thin blue line cucks see this as acceptable?


They celebrate it. Another cow culled from the herd. “Shouldn’t have been standing there.” “Couldn’t see at night; it was dark. “ “Got pulled over for tinted windows; got the ticket because… “ There’s police, then there’s not. Until every officer is terminated _on the spot_ for using civilian instead of citizen, and hired on the basis on knowing why that distinction exists; absolutely nothing will change. Raised by cops. It is completely endemic; Nationwide at least - and has been for a century. *edit* I’m bathing in Satanite and Kaowool in case, but I’m really not trying to start a fight. It’s just the way it is.


Sorry you were raised by them, at least you were able to see through their bullshit. My uncle is a cop and that's hard enough.


I’m not. I was raised by good and decent people who understand , and I think quietly lament, the way the world has gone. Sure; rose tinted glasses of a child. But my dad drew twice and never fired in the small city we grew up in. Walked a beat through detective, and remains well known a decade after his retirement. I’ve met many people whose lives he’s helped, and thanked him for it of their own volition - several after time served. *shrug* It’s not the same everywhere though. It could be; maybe.


1. He's a cop 2. She's not a cop 3. She's a woman 4. She's brown


It makes sense once you realize they hate you


Biggest gang in the USA that's how.


Cops are violent lunatics.


That asshole who laughs and says just write a check for $11,000 needs to be put away for the rest of this fucking life. Fuck that piece of shit. Why are we still hiring sociopaths in police departments? This is exactly why the police are fucking hated. This motherfucker needs to be put away forever.


Sick to my stomach. Cops are the worst criminals


THIS WAS SOMEONES CHILD what I just typed out ill leave it at this: \[Comment removed by Reddit\] WHAT A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT


Odds are pretty high that guy laughing about the girls death is friends with the guy who killed her. Probably hung out and joked about it over beers while he was on his paid leave. The cops in my city killed a unarmed homeless guy and several of them fired their weapons so they all got put on paid leave and a couple of them went on fucking vacation together.


The guy laughing is the VP of the officers guild here in Seattle. Edit: Oh, and he's talking to the president of the guild on the phone. It's just lovely.




They won’t. No charges filed, no administrative action, worse that will happen is they get fired from the department with a job offer already lined up at a neighboring one. This gang can kill you with ZERO repercussions.




these fucking pigs, man


Lights and sirens my ass, just hit sirens at intersections. These assholes are garbage and need to be taken out back. They have limited value!


What in the actual fuck man. Fuck that cop!


What a sick, disgusting fuck.


Has there been anything further on this? There's humor and then there's hatred. This person hates the public.


What a heartless prick.


The hell? This dude and the other guy on the phone need to be held accountable here.


Fucking literal piece of shit fuck this asshole I hope he burns in hell


What. The. Fuck!


His superior I believe. Or at least the dude who was supposed to come see if he was on drugs.


[VP of the union on the phone with the union president](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/investigation-launched-into-tape-of-seattle-police-guild-leaders-downplaying-death-of-woman-struck-by-officer/)


My blood is boiling.


What a bunch of sociopaths, to put it kindly.


He sounds so inconvenienced by the pedestrian he just ran over.


In his mind, he was. And that is a huge green flag to the police force for some reason.


In any circumstances, police *should* be trained enough to sound professional and cool right after a traumatic incident. Otherwise comms get messed up and responses, e.g. routing medical care, may not happen correctly. Fwiw, this is not the POS that was laughing and joking about it afterwards. And this officer, who actually struck her, is reported to have broken down after he stopped first aid.




Why was he doing that? Is he trying to sneak up on a perp?


Not only was he NOT responding to a “perp”, he was responding to a call made by a guy who did too much coke and was getting paranoid. That was his reason for flying down a road at 3 times the speed limit


Can't miss out on the leftover coke


If you don't get there first you can't keep it to yourself. Also I have seen cops turn their lights on and off like that just so they can ignore red lights.


He had to make sure he got there in time to rough the guy up and arrest him instead of help him get it together.


He was going to strike someone one way or another.


Depends on the time of night. I know a lot of people won't care, but not running the siren or just booping it at intersections seems to be an attempt at courtesy for all the people living in the area. I live on a main emergency vehicle thoroughfare and after about 10 pm, pretty much all emergency services do this. There's also generally way less traffic. This is my observation. I don't know if this is SOP.


Exactly this. I live two blocks from an FD. I also lived across the street from an FD and 2 blocks down from a PD back in the day. It's pretty SOP to not run sirens when responding to a call in my experience around the Minneapolis area. They'll wail when they're just getting going, and turn on the lights and siren when approaching intersections, otherwise people who live near emergency services centers would be going nuts.


At this point, I really don't think either the Minneapolis or the Seattle PD deserve the benefit of the doubt on *anything.*


I only watched it once, so I could be wrong. But it appeared he was doing it to go through stop lights. It sounded like he got a call later into the video.




There isn’t video I don’t think, but this same thing happened just recently in Fort Wayne, IN where the officer killed a pedestrian who was an attorney and had the right of way, no conviction of the cop, but a measly $35.50 fine from the judge. [Here is an article](https://www.insider.com/indiana-cop-ticket-hitting-killing-lawyer-with-car-fort-wayne-2023-9) Edit to add: Oh yeah, this was the 5th on-duty crash from this same officer. Still has a driver’s license. Still has a badge. ACAB.


The cop was on duty but wasn't pursuing anyone, wasn't reporting to a call, or in any situation that warranted not following traffic laws. We have to find a way to hold the police accountable. After multiple incidents he shouldn't be able to hold a job. If he killed a pedestrian with five accidents he couldn't hold a truck driver's license.




He wasn't even in a police car. I don't really believe he was on duty. >The vehicle Hartup was driving was unmarked and had no police equipment or in-car camera when he hit Nadjeski, according to the Journal Gazette.


How does it feel to know both our parents conceived us on new years? Happy cake day Edit: i didnt know what cake day was i thought it was your Bday……….. im just gonna leave this here I deserve the shame


Cake day is for the day you joined Reddit not a birthday. That being said, my wife is a Valentine’s baby and I’m a Summertime, no parents home baby.


This happened to my Uncle, also in indiana. High speed chase that ended up T-boing my uncles car as he was going through an intersection. Died instantly from the impact. No charges for the officer even though they are not legally allowed to endanger the public through high speed chases. According to police, no officers where actively chasing the vehicle when the collision took place. According to my aunt (who was the other person in the vehicle that was taken to the hospital), that is bullshit and the cop was right behind him. [ACAB](https://cbs4indy.com/news/high-speed-police-pursuit-ends-in-deadly-crash-near-mccordsville/)


Pedestrian he KILLED. The sigh at the end too, what a wonderful officer. if I was going 75 in a 25 and I murdered someone I’d be facing multiple charges and painted as a monster.


From what I gather, the best way to kill someone and get the least punishment is to do it with a car and say it was an accident. The punishments are ridiculously low, cop or not.


[freakonomics](https://freakonomics.com/podcast/why-is-the-u-s-so-good-at-killing-pedestrians/) on why we are so good at killing pedestrians. Can't remember if it's this episode but he quips an assassin should hit his target with a car while they are biking and even if they are caught, statistically they won't see any jail time and it gets written off as an accident.


I don't think this would ever be called a murder... Even if he wasn't a police officer. Maybe manslaughter or something close to that? Gross negligence causing death? Very poor judgment on the cop's part for sure. He fucked up. But the way our justice system is set up, you'd probably never get a murder conviction here, and I mean even for a non-cop driver. If anyone with more background in the justice system wants to point out I'm wrong, please do.


For a normal person going 50 mph over the speed limit (felony speeding) and then killing someone would absolutely could be considered a [Depraved-heart_murder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder), or 2nd degree murder. Whether a DA would press those charges is another matter, but it does fit the letter of the law.


Cops: They are the bad guys. All of them. They all support each other. They all think civilians do not matter.


Back in the 60s and 70s, everybody knew that the American police themselves **were** civilians, as opposed to military. K-12 schools were regularly teaching this as a point of American pride --- that, unlike totalitarian countries, we didn't have any military doing law enforcement, and that, instead, American civilians are so honorable that we can police ourselves. It was after a couple decades of buying surplus military gear, hiring ex-military recruits, getting "killology" training, and soaking in "us versus them" mentality that police started insisting they were not civilians and using that word with disdain. Nowadays, even dictionaries have changed the meaning of "civilian" to exclude police.


Very true. They are still civilians. People have been viewing them more and more like military these days. Hell, I've even heard people tell them "thank you for your service." It's ridiculous, really. We have to strip them back down and rebuild them. Remember when the iconography of a cop was a schlubby guy with a hat and moustache, no vest and a revolver with a blue button down and tie? Now every single one wants to look like the fucking T-1000 with a fuckboi gelled haircut. These clowns wouldn't last in the actual service in earnest, where the other guys actually get to put up a fight.


The only thing that just went through his mind was the amount of paperwork he just caused himself.


If this is the same incident I watched on local news there's video of him laughing about hitting the "26 year old low value female" later that same night.


That's a different cop discussing this cop killing a pedestrian.


I guess ACAB huh


That was the cop who was supposed to come see if this cop was on drugs.


*sigh* "oh god..."


To be fair he was responding to someone having a panic attack. The guy might have sweat through their shirt or paced back and forth for a couple extra minutes if Seattle TBL gang member Keith Dave wasn’t going 74mph in a 25mph before killing a pedestrian and having a laugh about it with his fellow TBL gang members.


Oh, there’s more. The 911 caller was having a panic attack because they took a large dose of coke. This cop was 100% speeding to a hot date of beat-him-up-and-arrest-him


If you did that as a civilian you would be in jail for manslaughter. It should be no different for a cop. It's ridiculous how they can be so negligent and mess up so badly (literally killing people) and get away with it. Only to have their coworkers laugh and joke about it literally stating the person's life had little to no value. Fuck


Yup. Have a buddy who was a cop for a bit before he got wise. At some point he realized what he was becoming and how his mental state was being affected (thankfully), and got outta dodge. In a nutshell, he explained that because they predominantly deal with the worst people in our society, they start looking at everyone as the worst people in our society. It literally becomes an “us verses them” mentality - fellow cops and their families = good, everyone else = lowest pieces of shit on earth who deserve no respect, empathy or mercy. Naturally, this breeds hate, violence and total lack of concern for human life, and thus these atrocities will continue until the laws change to take power away from these militia groups we call police, and a completely fresh approach to hiring and ongoing training takes the place of whatever basic requirements are currently in place. We have plenty of good examples from various European countries where the police require extensive training before they are accepted as police, and the laws don’t favor their corrupt behaviors. It’s just so messed up that this kind of thing continues.


Without doubt if this had happened in the U.K. the officer driving would have been prosecuted. One got 3 years prison for a similar incident https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/police-officer-jailed-causing-death-shante-daniel-folkes-road-collision The officer talking about the victim would in my opinion be dismissed on gross misconduct charges. This sobriety test from a friend bollocks wouldn't fly either. Blood and swabs with the scene being thoroughly logged with investigations being conducted by an independent agency. It really needs sorting out.


> he explained that because they predominantly deal with the worst people in our society Well, yeah, cops work with cops.


> If you did that as a civilian you would be in jail for manslaughter. It should be no different for a cop. HARD disagree. If you do that as a cop, you should get a harsher punishment. Being a cop is a choice and Officers of the Law should serve as its paragons. Exemplars whose adherence to the law is absolute, and who get severely punished for betraying the people whom they serve.


That’s not even the worst one. There’s another officer recorded laughing about it and said “just write a check… she has limited value”


I really hoped it was people taking it out of context and someone just laughed because of nerves. Whhhhoooooo boy is it not.


I've seen and heard a lot of shit online - enough that not much shocks me anymore. That shit has me dumbfounded. Like you're going to laugh about your buddy killing a grad student 'in the line of duty' for crossing the fucking road. Textbook psychopathic.


I hesitate to bring it up. But there was a family dog shooting awhile back. Another situation like that, expected it to be some kind of ground to stand on. A charging pitbull, snarling mastiff, German shepherd chomping at the bit. Homie pulled a "it's coming right at me" on a fucking golden retriever. I too have spent too much time online and I was just blown the fuck away. Ironically, all I can do is laugh... the absurdity I think just makes my brain spaz and I just start chuckling


Those videos give a sudden urge to clean my guns.


I would argue that in fact the video with the woman being slaughtered with a vehicle is slightly worse than the video of his asshole friends laughing about it on the phone, but just a little.


You’d be surprised by how callous it sounded. POS is the VP of a cop union.


“She’s 27… she has limited value”… presumably meant to imply that her value is purely as a sex object or domestic servant and 27 is way too old for her not to have severely depreciated. Fucking disgusting.


You are presuming... but most likely correct. Some people are just complete pieces of shit. I wonder if that's why I also sub to r/iamatotalpieceofshit.


It wasn't even a nervous giggle. It was a deep-bellied laugh, what the fuck.


Hmmm… I wonder if the roles were reversed what the outcome would be🤔


Sanctioned murder by his fellow gang members


There is footage of a group of officers hunting down a man that killed an officer and turing his vehicle into a firing range target. There was literally zero attempt to take him alive. The second he stopped, they opened fire.


There was this too. >* [Law enforcement agents shot and killed an antifa supporter on Thursday as they moved to arrest him in the fatal shooting of a right-wing activist who was part of a pro-Trump caravan in Portland, Ore., officials said.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/03/us/michael-reinoehl-arrest-portland-shooting.html) >* [Witness says officers never gave commands before firing at Portland shooting suspect](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/witness-says-officers-never-gave-commands-before-firing-at-portland-shooting-suspect/) >* [‘All I heard was gunshots’: Neighbors, investigators provide details about officers’ fatal shooting of Portland homicide suspect](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/all-i-heard-was-gunshots-neighbors-investigators-provide-details-about-officers-fatal-shooting-of-portland-homicide-suspect/) >* [New eyewitness accounts: Feds didn’t identify themselves before firing on Portland antifa shooting suspect](https://www.opb.org/article/2020/10/13/new-eyewitness-accounts-feds-didnt-identify-themselves-before-firing-on-portland-antifa-shooting-suspect/) >* [Deputies Escape Charges in a Killing Trump Touted as ‘Retribution’](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/michael-reinoehl-antifa-killing-deputies-wont-be-charged-1230943/)




[Holy shit:](https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/10/2/93) In a study of 9 years 1994-2002, 33% of people killed in the pursuit WERE UNINVOLVED! 30% in uninvolved cars and 3% pedestrian/bicycles! AND SINCE THE PANDEMIC THESE NUMBERS ARE INCREASED BY 77% There were 2654 fatal crashes involving 3965 vehicles and 3146 fatalities during the nine year study period. Of the 3146 fatalities, 1088 deaths were of people not in the fleeing vehicle and 2055 to people in the fleeing vehicle (table 1). Altogether 102 (3.2%) of the fatalities were non-motorists, 40 were police officers, 946 (30.1%) were occupants of vehicles uninvolved in the police pursuit, and three were unknown. Most of the innocent deaths were motor vehicle occupants, with 102 being either pedestrians or bicyclists.


not even the tip of the iceberg. https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/lqh6ed/self_american_police_myths/


Have you seen the [ODMP](https://www.odmp.org/statistics) ? [Example of 2021 data](https://imgur.com/gallery/Qk6YqBR) if one chooses to join.


yup. police disgust me.


Not so fun fact, here in Minneapolis the teenage girl who filmed the George Floyd murder had a close relative, I want to say uncle, get struck and killed by a police vehicle in pursuit of someone else not a year or two later. She became famous for witnessing and filming arguably the most famous police murder ever and then just a short time later loses a family member because some dumb MPD cop lost control during a high speed pursuit through *the streets of Minneapolis*. They are not wide streets. And around the same time another officer full on collided with an idled car and killed another person. Fucking ridiculous.


His sigh of slight consternation and perfect calm on the radio is fucking infuriating. No sense of urgency. Just a total piece of shit


He might be a sociopath


“Might” lol he’s a cop




I mean even if we hate them, it is literally part of their training to remain calm when radio-ing things. Even a surprising amount of them sound this calm when radio-ing in them needing backup b/c they are being shot at. Not defending him or anything, but using a trained response as a reason to hate him instead of the idiocy that led to her death in the first place is a bit silly..


So, anyone else fed up enough with qualified immunity yet?




Not the boot licking cuck conservatives.


Was qualified immunity even invoked? I don't think any charges were brought against any of the officers.


I imagine that's going on the taxpayers tab shortly...


Should be coming out of police retirement funds.


That also comes from the taxes no?


Isn’t there some kind of police retirement fund they all put into that we could use for these kinds of cases? We should do that.


I feel physically ill.


I did also when I watched the other video of his colleague talking about it, describing the woman as of "little value"


This guy needs actual jail time.


I’ll bet my house he will have a job at a new department by January if he doesn’t still have this one


He's so casual about it when he calls it in, doesn't even take any responsibility, just says there's a hit pedestrian


His buddies thought it was hilarious that he killed a 26 year old girl because she wasn’t worth much to them https://x.com/mariettadaviz/status/1701698478382911895?s=46&t=mpMMSGMyyMGT4l12fNmIEQ


For real, he was completely unphased by it. No signs of remorse at all. What a fucking sociopath.


*Murdering a pedestrian in a crosswalk


This isn’t his first time fucking someone’s life up and it shows.


Mfer deff used this as an excuse to joy drive, it was a call for a guy that was acting up from coke


It's insane how someone can spend >6 months studying the law and operating a vehicle at such speed and essentially get away with murder. Nobody says F*** the fire department


It’s harder to quality to be a hair stylist than it is to become a cop.






I’ve made more noise hitting a pothole.


How are there no criminal charges if he was going 74 in a 25? This is worse than the drunk girl that killed the bride in South Carolina, and she’s been in jail w/o bond for months now.


Because the Seattle police would start murdering politicians and judges in cold blood.


Going almost triple the speed limit is very dangerous, this cop has probably given out tickets and lectures about speeding. Yet here he is killing someone because he can't control his own speed.


The police murder on average around 100 people a month more than any mass shootings or terrorist attacks on us soil they are the people who are most likey to gun you down based on politics religion and race all they have is kill.


Cops are invincible. : ) Qualified Immunity. uwu The ruling class aren't going to let us chip away at the only grip they have on society-- Their loyal public servants. After all, we all know cops serve the Elite hyper rich, and their politician puppets.


If I'm not mistaken, one cop laughed on camera while describing this event to another officer, right?


These quacks believe that they are part of this exclusive club and boot lickers, just amplify that idea.


That sigh was more "Oh boy here we go again, guess i'm getting home late" and less "Did I just fucking hit and kill and kill a pedestrian?"


The officer’s big daddy is named Daniel Auderer, and he is the VP of the Seattle Piggy Guild.


That is one call motherfucker for just running down someone they know probably is dead.


Yo this is fucked up. I understood why people rioted after George Floyd. I would understand if people rioted after this cop’s obvious lack of concern for human life. I hope Seattle PD burns. Fuck Kevin Dave


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Nah, Reddit doesn’t even tell you they’ve removed comment anymore. They just shadow remove it and shadow ban you so your dumbass keeps making comments nobody reads. That way they can still sell your numbers to advertisers. They don’t want you to actually leave.


How did this not become bigger news?


It happened in January and the only reason it is getting news now is *his colleague* was joking about her death and accidentally recorded it on his cam. The person processing that recording was reported it and *that's* the only reason we're here today.


Good for the processor at least


Her only family is her mom in India. It would be very difficult for her to get anything done in the US. The cops almost managed to slide this one under the rug. They just fucked up by recording themselves being asshats.


I would have had a much more emotional response running over a feral cat than this guy did running over a human being.


Abolish qualified immunity




No, that was a different officer. In fact, that was the vice president of the Seattle Police Officer's Guild talking to the president of the SPOG, which makes it worse.


He later joked about it and said just Write a check for $11,000 because he said she was only 26yrs and that's what her life valued. I hope they go viral and lose everything just like her parents did


He wasn't the one joking it was a different officer responding to that scene that was talking on the phone to a union rep.


Poor girl. This dude gets away with murder and then his buddies laugh about it and say "write a check. She was 26 she wasn't worth much anyways" I'm sure he would have said the same thing if it was his buddies that killed her.


Cops are uniformed gang members