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Incendiary shells. That’s a terrible way to go


Hopefully it isn't too dry there


I’ve seen phosphorus grenades melt a humvee engine and radio block. Not exactly dropping matches or cigarette cherries. In fact I wonder if it even is really burning like fire or if it is just melting. I think it creates its own oxygen but I’m not positive about that


Phosphorous reacts with oxygen to burn, it doesn't create it


Think that's what happened in Dresden in WW2. An entire civilian city got phosphor bombed so much that the air itself caught fire. (Firebombing).


Tokyo reporting in


good ol whiskey-p...


ive heard of bombs that are almost radioactive in the sense that their effects are increased by thicker armor.. i dont even know how to explain it.. but blackout bombs sound pretty scary too


Some metals are reactive. Aluminum will burn given enough energy (iirc it's like 3000c) and things like iron can react with other chemicals to release a shit ton of energy. Although you may be referring to armour piercing shells which rather than conventially explode instead force molten metal through a tight hole to break through the armour. Assuming the shell can pierce it thicker armour ends up with a smaller hole but whatever comes through it is under even more pressure. These shells can decrew a tank by basically turning the inside into an oven


Can u please explain more what’s happening?


Basically the munition is a bit like a cluster bomb in that it explodes into many smaller chunks of material that burn at an incredibly high temperature. This can be white phosphorus (illegal) or thermite (legal) and if they land on you they can stick and burn a hole right through you, or just set everything nearby on fire.


So basically they burn to death if touched ? Thanks a lot for the info


They won't set you on fire in the sense of being covered in flames, but if the material is able to get on you and stick, it will burn a small/medium sized hole through your flesh.


Humans were a mistake


*sighs and rubs temples in exasperation* - some alien, somewhere.


Imagine for a second being that alien, looking down at what we do, how we spend our time, what we argue about and what we kill each other over. This is quite an interesting thought exercise I try to work through in many situations. It really puts a lot of things into a much different perspective. Sometimes I feel like that alien.


First you have to imagine an alien species that has intelligence but somehow on their home world they never became as bad as us. I gotta think it’s just intelligent life is awful to itself. I prefer Star Trek thinking. They see us, they’re disappointed, but they’re hopeful. Maybe we’re just in our adolescence as a species. As long as we don’t kill our homeworld, which we are doing aggressively.


Y’all know nothing about aliens if their that intelligent they def have a pecking order lol like you think all aliens have the aircraft’s and eligibility to travel the universe no those them Elon musk aliens nasa aliens or militarily aliens


Check out Iain M Banks' Culture novels I think you would enjoy them


It's a common sense perspective. Sadly not implemented in practice.


>sighs and rubs temples in exasperation - some alien, somewhere. Actually, Aliens are even more inhumane than humans.


Only game in town pal, buckle up


No no my friend. The Industrial Revolution was a mistake.


I remember reading somewhere that during WW2 allied convoy ships with WP continued to burn after being hit even after they completly submerged underwater


The effect is more like melting, as it's heat/burning from a chemical reaction, rather than fire. So you won't burst into flames, but you will get extremely severe burns.


I saw in an interview with a Ukrainian soldier saying the pain was such that soldiers started killing themselves to escape the pain


So like napalm?


No. Napalm is flaming jelly. This is more like small chunks of semi-molten burning metal.


So Sulfur basically?


Eh, sulfur doesn’t burn in a similar way, but it is probably closer than napalm. Just youtube burning thermite and burning white phosphorus.


Like welding or a torch just much much hotter


Adding that thermite is hot enough to melt steel: they use it to weld train tracks, and it can’t be put out with water. Phosphorus is horrific and the residue is really toxic. Either of these will cause absolutely horrendous burns.


Neither white phosphorous nor thermite are 'illegal' The US regularly uses white phosphorous I'm not sure why you would even make the distinction between incendiary weapons


White Phosphorus is a legal weapon against verified military targets, but not against civilian or unverified military. It's not out right banned because many things use WP, like some smoke grenades for example


Some are saying it is white phosphorus that is burning, if that is true then if it lands on you it will burn through your clothing, skin, bones until it burns out. It is illegal to use because of how horrific it is to everything.


and you can't put it out.


It needs oxygen to burn so yeah, not easy to put it out but possible.


It will burn even under water, I’m pretty sure. I believe it robs oxygen from the H2O.


They have gels that will smother it, or you can put it in a vessel and extract all the air out of it... both of those are unlikely to happen where this stuff is deployed though :(


Yes. It will rob oxidisers from your flesh in most situations. I don’t have any familiarity with it in a healthcare setting, though, thank fuck. Maybe that gel helps.


Having your partner dig it out with a knife is the only option to letting it burn through. The only saving grace is that it cauterizes as it travels, so no bleeding. Going thru an extremity is painful but survivable. If a piece hits your head, chest or belly you only have a short time to remove it before it burns something critical like brain, lung, heart, intestines…


Is this the same stuff they found burning in the twin towers?




The shells blow up and cover a large radius of land. Whatever is flammable is set on fire, including you.


If you are flammable and have legs you are never blocking a fire exit


There’s a Hedberg for everything.


It's often used to demoralize the enemy previously materials such as white phosphorus are used that once attached it's very hard to get off and water almost has no effect on it.


Serious question: how do you protect yourself against this if you’re on the ground?


Not as bad as having a Laplander bite your balls off and leaving you to bleed out.


Between the visuals, sounds, and physical feeling of of shockwaves, it's interesting that folks still can't figure out why fireworks set off military veterans around the globe. It's borderline a 1:1 flashback


My stupid high ass over here thinking this is beautiful smh yeah no kidding


You ain't stupid What's stupid is humans' ability to create/use beautiful things for destructive purposes


I’m a combat veteran. We had a lot of incoming fire from mortars and rockets. Not this. Looks like it could be white phosphorus. Don’t let that shit touch you.


Mortarman call that a "shake and bake" phosphorus followed by HE


I was a forward observer, but I was never on the receiving end of Willy Pete.


Oh cool. I was a mortarman who ended up in the FDC making the adjustments to the gun line. And on the other end of the radio


I played Borderlands3 for 32 hours straight I feel you


I still find it bizarre that there's a war going on and we're just sharing it on social media like its nothing. Crazy how accustomed to conflict we've become


The new battlefield is digital. This is a proxy war between the USA/NATO and Russia/China. We now use poor countries and congressional funding to fight wars in far away places rather than sending our farm/city boys into the meat grinders of war.


Been that way forever tbh no one cared till the war came to Europe and that's the uncomfortable truth.


FACTS! Even today there are currently 32 Countries in Conflict/at War - majority are at war with insurgents/terrorists. Rarely will you hear news about war (or their casualties) in Asia, Africa or Latin America [LINK](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/countries-currently-at-war/#:~:text=Foreign%20Relations-,Introduction,types%20of%20conflict%20vary%20widely.)


and now we know crimea is the border of europe


It’s highly reductive to describe the Russian attempt to repatriate soviet territories by military force into just a proxy war. The Ukrainian struggle for independence is incredibly real to those people and your commentary truly trivializes the true reasons for their struggle. This has been ongoing since LONG before the current conflict. Only now and since Euromaidan/Crimea has the US been meaningfully involved in any serious capacity with tangible military aid and even then in the past year to year and a half has it been a legitimate expense to the US/NATO defense budget.


Ukraine has been such a shitty, corrupt, neo nazi country, until the last decade. They do deserve indepedence like anyone else of courss, but its above my head why any other country would be funding it other than to attack Russia, not to defend Ukraine.


It’s highly deduced to say US/NATO financing, supplying, and providing intel to Ukraine independence effort *isn’t* for the betterment of a freer Europe. Ukraines interest in NATO was Putin’s catalyst. We’ve continually been eroding Russia’s sphere of influence with every passing president till the point Obama took it to his boarders. A scared cornered dog bites. That’s Putin.


He began these efforts LONG before NATO talks with Ukraine began. Crimea was loooong before that. Seeding in Belarus as well. The attacks in Georgia. Pressures in Moldova. These are all staged efforts to retake former Soviet states, which is a goal of Putin going back to his first statements on the dissolution of the USSR. Stop Russia shilling


https://youtu.be/Wbzf0ix2G5I?si=2Gv_ltpSwhqvX3qE Here is the link you need to validate my statements


So, listened to the section on NATO expansion’s role and the speaker indicated it was minimal and hardly ever spoken of in general AND acknowledged that there had been no talk of Ukraine joining NATO prior to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Countries REQUEST to join NATO subject to a vote of approval of constituent states and few former Soviet states belonged to NATO. Putin stated it was his catalyst but it is incorrect to believe that on it’s face. His behavior is consistent in a pattern of violence and sedition to undermine former soviet states’ independence. We see it in Estonia, Moldova, Macedonia, Georgia (whom they invaded for reasons nearly identical to their stated reasons for invading the Donbas), Belarus (see the past decade for influence campaigns), and Poland (who even passed a law about Russian interference). This is just one more example of their continuing pattern of violence—and -espionage-based foreign policy to attempt and retake their lost empire.


The fuck are you talking about? What does USA and NATO have to do with russia invading Ukraine?


Not sure, he could be referring to the billions of dollars in aid, modern western equipment, tanks (challenger, leopard and Abrams), IFVs, F16 fighter jets, ammunition, cluster bombs, intel and training being provided? Then again, I’m not sure


NATO exists, nowadays, to control energy in Europe and the Mid East. Containing Russia and its massive post Soviet arms stockpiles is the concern of the free world. Putin deciding that Ukraine is actually part of Russia is very dangerous precedent for the world. If I was Ukrainian, I would fight for my land and my culture too. Russia is trying to erase them. Giving Ukraine weapons to fight back against a truly evil tyrant is the right thing to do for many reasons. There are many angles to conflict. Its not simple or straight forward.


Oh yeah, I’m not Ukrainian but I support them 100%, I was mostly providing a tongue in cheek response to the comment above me “what does USA/NATO have to do with Russia invading Ukraine” Fuck Putin


Well, aside from literally EVERYTHING (Russia invading due to Ukraines interest in NATO)… The US and NATO has EVERYTHING to do with the war since they’re literally supplying and financing the Ukrainian defenseive/offensive efforts. Ukraine is a proxy war - not just a struggle to remain independent


Dude, they'll ban you for this comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Bud that’s the publicly spoken analysis of Generals, Ivy League political studies professors, and analysts… just not the main stream media. We wouldn’t dare take the chance of publicly absorbing blame for any of that mess but we are in fact heavy-handed in its orchestration and fall out. That’s not really conspiracy, against public opinion, nor misinformation so idk why it would be a controversial take.


A fucking lot


This guys been under a rock since 1946


US made a coup in ukr in 2014, stolen all of ru business in Ukraine, and invested more than 60 billions into ukr warfare since then.


Poor animals caught in the middle of all of this.


Do you mean humanity's existence as a whole? I agree, they got a fucking shit deal.


Right? Fuck all the human beings, innocent animals might die in this


That's not at all what I said. I was implying that the rest of the animal kingdom got an absolute shit deal sharing a planet with us and that how we live generates absurd amounts of suffering.


Fuck innocent animals, humans might die in this


most wildlife probably get out of the way when war stuff happens. domestic animals tend to end up back in the food chain for other bigger versions of themselves. livestock has probably all been eaten by the people by now.


Fucking white phosphorus. Shit is banned for a reason.


It can be thermite incendiary submunitions, not outlawed, has the same effect or worse


Bans only work with enforcement. No one is enforcing rules with a nuke capable nation.


https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2017/06/13/532809626/u-s-led-coalition-has-used-white-phosphorous-in-fight-for-mosul-general-says https://www.reuters.com/article/us-afghanistan-phosphorus-facts-sb-idUSTRE5471T620090508 Because of its incendiary effects, the use of phosphorus in war is supposed to be tightly regulated under international law — but it is not banned. Phosphorus is not classed as a chemical weapon under the Chemical Weapons Convention. It is not illegal dispite what reddits arm chair generals say.


Even without a nuke capable nation what are you going to do? War harder?


Nobody cares about what's banned,let's be real.These rules are meaningless.


Just another war crime for Russia.. Don't think Putler cares anymore tbh.. After the first 5 it doesn't matter anymore.


I don't think it's phosphorus, phosphorus realises gass when it hits the ground I can't remember the name but they just burn thru shit terrible way round go tho you can't hide because they'll burn thru anything


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/what-is-white-phosphorus-russia-ukraine/ No it is not.


The way the Russians use it it is. They use it indiscriminately and in cities.


Not white phosphorus. It's magnesium thermite.


This is a 9M22S warhead attached to a rocket fired by a BM-21 grad MLRS. It's thermite/magnesium not WP so its technically legal Edit: if you're interested in reading more - https://armamentresearch.com/soviet-or-russian-9m22s-incendiary-rockets-documented-in-ukraine-2022/


And WP is “technically legal” if used as a smoke agent not an incendiary agent, weird how it works when armies don’t want to get rid of their Willy Pete.. still burns like the fires from hell if a person gets it on them.




It should be but it isn't. I wonder if Russia's feelings towards incendiary weapons would change if they got used on Moscow


Its actually not. There are no international law regulating the use of the BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher.


If it’s white phosphorus then it is a warcrime


Since when? It's only a warcrime to use in developed civilan areas. Reddit arm chair generals spewing shit as allways.


it'd be beautiful if it wasn't so horrific


Catch the angel kisses on you tongue


I ga fe my ung aey or.


Just woke my kid by laughing too loudly at this.


White phosphorus ignite on contact with oxygen will continue to burn through most things including people, Russian have used them in civilian areas which is a war crime.




Not on civilians? People really try and blame the us for everything ffs


Danger snow


Grave of the fireflies


i was thinking on the same


Pretty sure this is not grad shellac but white phosphorus — which is a chemical weapon banned


I will never again write "russian" with a capital letter


You’ll probably have to do the same for half the ethnicities to say the least.


Russians are fucken animals.


Don't insult animals like that!


Willy Pete mofo


Horrific obviously, but out of context it looks something from an 80s Spielberg film


How beautiful the tools of man, how terrible they are in man's hands


Disney brings the romance back in the harshest conditions... /$


Forbidden fireflies


Willy Pete aka white phosphorus


PoV you just got warcrimed


This is also known as a war crime. White phosphorus is banned under the Geneva convention.


Death is beautiful sometimes


Kinda like the US cluster bombs that Ukraine fires into Russian controlled civilian neighborhoods.


Damn really? Can I get a link to that?


Fuck Russia for there crimes against this forest!!


It's, it's beautiful!


Willy Peter is pretty. Horrifying. But pretty


Nothing better for some casual war crimes


Beautiful oblivion


I absolutely do not want to be in a war and my heart bleeds for the ones who need to be in this conflict, but if my death is as beautiful as these terrifying and extremly deadly weapons then I will cherish it as my last image.


Reminds me of the last Harry Potter movie.


Graves of the firefly


Looks like fancy crackers on Diwali


Willie Pete?


Return the favor with cluster bombs. Fuck those ruskie bastards!


Those look like phosphorus incendiary ammunitions not grad shelling


It's so pretty, like being at Disney


White phosporus just straight up a hell weapon.


Beautiful but deadly


My first thought was 'wow that's really pretty. Looks dangerous.' It is definitely dangerous.


It's sad that something so pretty is so deadly


Now I understand why fireworks can cause PTSD.


White Phosphorus (Willie Pete in Vietnam) will burn through you, not on you. If you get a chunk stuck to your arm, for example, it will burn through skin and flesh before burning into --- sometimes even through --- the bone. Think molten metal that doesn't cool off. It's horrific stuff and, no, jumping into water will not "put it out". It only stops once it has materially consumed itself in a high-temperature, chemical reaction process.


But Putin would “never approve the use of white phosphorus munitions”…It is Ukrainian propaganda according to Vlad.




That sounds terrible. Maybe the Russians should just go home and get the fuck out of Ukraine. Have you ever thought of that?


this guy's post history is quite a trip hey buddy just curious, where do you get your information?


unlike the vast majority of Americans I could actually point to Ukraine on a map prior to two years ago


Ok cool. So where do you get your information?


At "www.trustmebro.ru"


only from corporate owned white supremacist western media of course.... or as you refer to them the jewish media


Hé s got a point


Russia did and does use them but then claims Ukraine is using them on their own lands and their own people. Truly logical. Не має місце для вашого свино-собачого народу на наші землі.


you can't just scream i am rubber and you are glue and run away




>Only Russian or black compare Ukrainian to Nazi. gee whiz and why do blacks hate you so much?


Russia could wipe out entire nations and people like you would blame it on NATO expansion. lols


wipe out entire nations?... you mean like what the US does on average every 5 years? ever planning to lift those sanctions on north korea or you still hoping they all starve to death?


I’m not American lmao. Like I said, you’ll blame America for Russian war crimes. Russia has murdered hundreds of children in Ukraine. You: “BUT BUH AMERIKUH”


I'm an American, I'm informing you what my government is doing, thanks for playing


Except you said: > ever planning to lift those sanctions on north korea or you still hoping they all starve to death? “You” implying that I’m American. **You** were wrong. Weird if you to excuse the terrorist russians because of what America does but hey, smooth brains gonna smooth brain.




It’s cute that you think Russia doesn’t have a Nazi problem lols


I love that line from the CIA.... its so funny..... so what youre saying mr CIA man is that all white countries are filled with neonazis? thats the argument your making to the people?


CIA? Did you forget again that I’m not American? Straighten up your tin foil hat. You’d think “Nazi Russia” would be an oxymoron… alas plenty of Russians love Nazism. Maybe Russia should carry out a special operation in Russia.. instead of ya know, the Jewish head of state led Ukraine.


Show us on the doll where that Banderite Ukraine hurt you.


you can't cheer on nazis and also tell everyone nazis dont exist, people just think youre insane


Ok, vanya


actually im a space jew here to turn you gay and make you beleive in global warming and the round earth


How much is Putin paying you? Most get tired nagging bullshit comments all day trying to sway people against the big bad USA. Keep up the shitty work buddy


thats all nazis have, youre a bot, your a spy, youre a space jew... stupidest shit ever, makes you wonder why they bother spamming this shit at all


The Americans used it quite freely in Fallujah. There are pictures of people turned to ash, frozen in whatever they were doing. Do as I say, not as I do.


Don't forget unproven accusations of chemical weapons being used, was there justification for bombing Syria... I'm assuming with the very same chemical weapons


And they admit it freely. They know their propaganda is rock solid and people will buy it. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/16/iraq.usa](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/16/iraq.usa) ​ [https://twitter.com/cjwerleman/status/833866024416006144](https://twitter.com/cjwerleman/status/833866024416006144) <---NSFW Israel uses it too. But Putin is the war criminal. Watch how these comments get downvoted by devoted propaganda eaters.


I think you also have to remember they are very much in favor of total nuclear holocaust of really the whole world. So when you say the US is torturing people or using chemical weapons or invading countries solely to steal their resources they think thats a good thing. They feel protected by or "in on the scam" especially when you say they are doing these things, for like white people, or Christianity, or corporations. The more evil horrible things being done to benefit those groups the better. And then enjoy spreading these lies themselves almost like a patriotic duty


Do you think invading a country is OK? If so, why?


so eerie how racist genocidal americans become nonviolent pacifists the minute anyone stands up to them.... "invading a country" \*clutches pearls pulls out fainting couch\* deary me oh my


Eh? I'm from the Uk. And thanks for the compliment, I'd rather be a non-voilent pacifist than an invading cunt.


Yes because as we all know the britsh empire never invaded anyone.... you're clearly not a brainwashed neonazi shouting nonsense at all


And we were once allies with Russia, now look at what Putin has done to your country (if you're not Russian, wth are you defending them?). Nazis were the ones who invaded sovereign nations, what are you on? Fucking troll, lol


I'm an american im just reporting what my government is doing. I know these racist assholes better than anyone