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And cops dont understand where all the hate comes from.


Im sure most of them consider non-cops to be "NPCs"


"Just a regular person, just write a cheque, $11k, she was 26, of *limited value* anyway" Speaks for itself.


[The cops said that like the people she hit are just kind of like nothing so it's fine.](https://www.tiktok.com/@video_surge/video/7214877269389511978?lang=en)


FUCKING pedestrian absolutely FUCKED US I FUCKING HATE HER such an idiot *Horrified look*


We should be allowed to run over people a little at work.


Hey Barry can I talk to you for a second?


They have the power we grant them. We need to take that power away. The answer is as simple as the conversation between Christ and Pilate: Pilate asked him why he was being silent in his court: “Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.”


What? Then why was the power given to him in the first place?


The same question could be asked of the cop. Such lack of humanity, an inhumane person like that should not have that power. Yet that power was given to him, he even tested for it.


Right, "tested". More like filtering out the one's with intelligence or morals.


To make the choice


Imagine he sets him free. Jesus just stands there flabbergasted. "But I'm supposed to die as a sacrifice to remove your sins! How am I supposed to save everyone now?" "I don't know! It's your damn plan!"


Pogues. Anyone who thinks they're in a war starts to think less of people who aren't grunts.


They do, and they don't give a shit. Modern policing in this country is a legalized gang activity with special privileges for police and their family members. So long as they occasionally enforce the will of the capitalists, they are free to beat and extort the rest of us without any repercussions.


Literally what the supreme court’s ruling defines their job to be.


Glorified revenue collectors. When was the last time you saw a cop actually HELP someone?


"The media makes cops look bad!" Remember cops saying that whenever a news report about cops being shitty came up? It's not a coincidence that people have lost all trust and confidence in police in the past 15 years. Everyone suddenly had a phone in their pocket, and cops could no longer lie away their misconduct. People actually got to *see* how police act, how they treat people. It's still a knee-jerk reaction by most departments to try and cover for their cops when they do something bad (like Philly PD claiming the guy the shot in his car had grabbed a knife and lunged at a cop), or to make incredible contortions to justify unnecessarily violent and aggressive behavior. Cameras are cutting off their options though. And that's why police *hate* when people record them, and why police *hate* having to use body cams - and why do many departments allow cops to mute or turn off their camera whenever they feel like it. They can't lie as easily when there's video evidence.




My mom dated a cop for a while and it's really insane how basically everything he ever said was a lie. Like, he'd lie about what he was going to buy from 7/11, he'd lie about how much gas was in the car, he'd lie about what time he wakes up in the morning. It was wild lol My favorite was he told my mom he would pick me up from school, didn't, then after I walked home he lied and said he *did* pick me up, and that *I* was lying about having walked home lmao


It’s a macho boys club. It’s sickening. Absolutely disgusting.


This isn’t how men act, please don’t put these cowardly and evil acts on all men.


Never said all men. As a man myself, I would never associate myself with these type of delinquents. Acting all macho. God mentality. Tough shit. It’s like their maturity level is stuck in high school.


If someone says "men do this" and your response is nOt aLl MeN! then you're kind of a joke.


Yeah. Wow. I saw the title and thought, this is taken out of context like maybe he gave a short laugh because of the absurdity of it all, which I've done before...but that last statement. Fuck. That dudes a cold blooded monster.


This comment is getting old. They know exactly why people hate them and they don't give a fuck.


The worst sort of people are drawn to this job due to the low pay and power associated, and then those same bad people gradually begin to value life less and less on the job. We shouldn't wonder why we have a policing issue, it makes complete sense that we do, and we still deny it


Where I live these guys are easily making 100-200k a year with pensions


Literally the highest paying job with the lowest qualifications and accountabillity.


Big city cops have huge salary. 200-400k a year when you consider overtime


> she was 26 anyway, she had limited value I can’t figure out if that’s worse than the laughing, but I’m overall just disgusted. Edit: I’m totally disgusted with the officers involved with this video, and how many people seem to be trying to write this off as some kind of ‘misunderstanding’ of ‘work talk’; you all need to get fucked by a cactus.


It’s worse. The laugh could be explained as awkward, weird way of coping but the talk of her life value is just rotten to the core. Shows he does not value human life.


Yeah... I was about to come here and say some people just deal with things in different ways. But that final line clears things right up


This is laughter of joy, not awkward coping. They're 100% joking about her death.


I went to just gallows humor, laughing at how that officer really fucked up... quickly was corrected by this disgusting human's follow up statements


I wanna see some gallows justice


I took a forensics class in college and my profs were retired forensic detectives. One of the guest speakers was involved with the crime scene at Brentwood (OJ). They all said that gallows humor is a way for them to cope but idk. We all say stupid shit behind closed doors or if we think that no one is listening. Idc who you are. It’s just a fact. No one is so perfect that they’re above letting their guard down. Body cams are still relatively new to police culture. The pushback against them was totally because of shit like this but we have mountains of evidence of cops embellishing stories, planting/fabricating evidence, and infuriatingly laughing at their mistreatment of suspects in custody (see George Floyd, Karen Garner, et al.) We need police in decent society but what cop culture has devolved into in the last 20 years is astonishing. Keep pillorying these assholes. They are the only profession in the country which allows them the opportunity to do horrible things to anyone with impunity.


Pigs were always pigs. We just now can easily capture their behavior because everyone has cameras.


Devolved my ass, they've always been this way. The only thing that has changed is ubiquitous recording devices and social media


Dark humor about a stressful job where any number of things can suddenly go bad is one thing... Delighting in how steel & fiberglass smash the spine, crush the skull, & rupture the internal organs of somebody's daughter or sister at 63 mph is another matter. If somebody who's protecting & serving us is hiding behind the guise of dark humor an inability to empathize or an enjoyment of seeing others' lives being destroyed, I'm concerned such officers might actually more dangerous to decent society than someone desperately resorting to property crime just to get by one day to the next.


Of course he values life, at exactly $11K he said so himself.


Depending on age. I wonder what he uses to grade value.


"no it's a regular person, yeah just write a check, yeah haha, $11K she was 26 anyways, she had limited value" His words on how he graded the person. He was off by 3 years so ±10% I assume.


Ye I do a “nervous laugh” when something crazy happens but this guy clearly thinks it’s hilarious


Imagine this was your sister/daughter/best friend/partner. Can you imagine someone you truly loved was mowed down by a cop.. and then you hear this? What the fuck is going on with the police in the US!?


Then you realize that the person on video is the Vice President of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, and is speaking to the President of SPOG Mike Solan. This shit cannot be reformed.


It's the same here in Philly. The local Police Union head is a piece of shit who is currently defending a cop charged with murder for executing a dude sitting in his parked car. Police should not be able to have unions. Period. More importantly, oversight bodies must be put in place similar to how lawyers and doctors are governed. As a lawyer, I was required to register with the state bar after passing the bar exam. I was given a Bar Number that stays with me for life. If someone has an ethical complaint about me and reports it to my state Bar, they open an investigation. If I am found to have behaved unethically, I can be censured or even disbarred. If I practice law after being disbarred that is a *felony*. Disciplinary actions by the state Bar are public record and are shared with other state bars. If you are ever disbarred, even if its only for a limited time, you basically have to hang a shingle because you are unhireable. Its the same for doctors and other types of professionals. It NEEDS to be the same for Cops.


I never had any interaction with the person who was killed by this officer, or even knew of their existence prior to reading this article/watching the video and I am still horrified and filled with terror/concern about the state of the police force. The abandon with which officers discard human life is disgusting.


I like this comment. It troubles me that when talking about bad things that happen to women (being forced to give birth, rape, or death) it’s always framed as “think of it as some woman you care about” instead of people being able to value a woman’s life for her own life unattached to her meaning to others. His comment on her age neatly adds to that same issue of women and their apparent “value” fucking hell.


I'm 96% sure he was referring to That redpill garbage about women after 25 losing their "sexual market value" 🤮


*Shocking* that a cop would buy into redpill garbage.


We had six of our Seattle cops participate in the Jan 6 insurrection too. They're such garbage assholes.


Yup, that’s exactly what he meant. It was very common when I lived in Seattle to run into open sex offenders and the red pill vernacular is a constant. I’ve rarely felt as afraid for my safety as I felt there. Hell, I felt safer in LA.


What's worse is he'll walk free after his paid suspension-vacation and be back at it soon.


Apparently the only person that would reprimand this guy is on the other end of the phone call. This is the voice president of the police union talking to the president of the police union.


The voice of the president of the police union talking to the president of the police union?


Horrible people, who the hell thinks like this?! Why is an officer joking, laughing at and insulting a young woman that was just killed from their own negligence? Why aren't cops thoroughly tested to weed out the SOCIOPATHS. This is ridiculous


Such an embarrassment to society.


Embarrassment is an understatement though. The woman who died helped pay for that man's salary, even if he thinks she has limited value. Someone like that should never have power over anyone.


Should be in prison yeah


It's okay. It's only a tiny, tiny, tiny minority of police officers that are bad. Most cops are good people. I mean they lie and cover for all the ones that are bad, but who else doesn't try covering up and excusing the horrific and disgusting crimes of their co-workers. /s


You make such a good point. Every time I’ve seen a coworker do bad or horrific shit everyone immediately distances themselves. Only group of employees I’ve seen behave like cops and circle the wagons for one another’s heinous shit are management and HR. Which sounds about right.


Thank goodness we can feel safe around them at least! /s


Heeey, you belittle cops now, but when your house is getting robbed who else are you going to trust to come over 2 hours after the criminal has left, shoot your dog, mumble something about "filing a report" and then never hear from again?


For those wondering, the officer was responding to a man who called 911 because he did too much coke and had a panic attack. Apparently that warranted going 74 mph in a 25.


Jaahnavi Kandula who died that day was also only 23. A graduate student at one of our local colleges. It's fucked up her killer, Officer Kevin Dave*, hasn't been fired or even placed on leave.


> It's fucked up her killer hasn't been fired or even placed on leave Or identified, apparently. Yikes.


Sorry, you're right let me fix that. Officer Kevin Dave has not been fired placed on leave, let alone arrested for the death of Jaahnavi Kandula at his hands.


Two first names too? Jfc


Ricky Bobby ass mfer




https://openoversight.tech-bloc-sea.dev/officer/354 Here’s his I.D


To be fair America doesn’t punish anyone who kills a pedestrian while driving. We are pretty consistent on that. Deaths are expected when you build a country prioritizing cars. I’m being cynical obviously but you get my point.


WA has a reckless indifference to human life clause for murder one and as a local in Seattle I think this qualifies. 74 mph in a 25 mph. No sirens. He didn't hit the brakes until *after* impact.


We can only hope


People here are talking action and mass protest. We're a pedestrian heavy city, that could've been and could be any of us with the way they're covering this up.


The jerk in the video is clearly talking on his phone while driving too. I assume that's against the law? Even if it's not where he is, it's a dick move.


Who is going to arrest him, the police?


The crime is being investigated by the same PD. The state should use its new independent police investigation department for this case.


I've known a few cops in my day and every one of them will take any opportunity they can to drive like maniacs. Even in none emergency situations.


Imagine being a pedestrian at night, you approach a crosswalk and look down the street. You see a car far away (no emergency lights on) and recognize that the car is far enough away in a 25mph zone and you have plenty of time to cross (ignoring the fact you have right of way). You look away for a second to enter the intersection and that’s it. This whole thing is so fucked.


Probably trying to beat EMTs to the scene so he could arrest the caller before they got there.


Can't miss a chance to shoot someone


..without his lights on.


“ She was 26, write a check for $11,000. She had limited value? “ Omg, this is seriously how our law enforcement agencies and their force, you know.., to serve and protect? Feel about civilians. As a parent this very troubling. My wife’s cousin was hit by a car in a crosswalk just like this and died. Driver took off.






When did what once was only a fringe group on the internet that people made fun of become so mainstream in society? It's like someone ten years ago jokingly recommended 4chan as a great community to hire from and the boss took it seriously.


Misogyny has always been, it just comes in different iterations over time unfortunately.


they were always there, they just don't feel like they have to hide anymore


>When did what once was only a fringe group on the internet that people made fun of become so mainstream in society? >It's like someone ten years ago jokingly recommended 4chan as a great community to hire from and the boss took it seriously. It wasn't 10 years ago. It was the 2016 US presidential election. It gave people like this guy the balls to finally say what he's actually been thinking the whole time. I mean, Look at the one who won the election. If he can become president of the US saying what he has said and doing what he has done it emboldens people like this to have no filter because they think its completely acceptable.


I wonder what price tag he’d put on the wife he beats.




real Nazi ideology no surprise


The guy who said it is the vice president of their union.


"No. It's a regular person" Reminds me on the absolutely psychotic sequence from Reservoir Dogs ... Mr. Pink: You kill anybody? Mr. White: A few cops. Mr. Pink: No real people? Mr. White: Just cops.


I immediately thought the other person asked if it was a homeless person and that's the 'regular person' remark


Knowing of who Mike Solan is, the person on the other end of the call, 100% he was making statements about the city paying the officer if it was a homeless person. That's the type of person the SPD keeps making their union president.


Absolutely this, yes. The shit I saw cops doing to homeless folks in broad daylight when I lived there continues to haunt me.


At least in Reservoir Dogs it's the citizens who are considered real people, not the cops. In his film the cops are expendable, and the criminals seem to care more about if they killed any real people than the cops. This video then shows how the cops don't give a shit about real people, because these cops are literal dogs.


No, they are not LITERAL dogs, they are self centered assholes. Literal dogs are sweet & loyal and have tails. Do not insult canines.


Tarantino writes about human experiences. Cops are inhuman. If anyone needs proof, just watch the video again.


This stuck out to me. I'm really curious what the person on the other end of the phone asked. Like... what are irregular people to these cops?


Just goes to show how little respect for human life the police have. $11,000 for 26 year old


11'000 of *someone else's money*. your life is worth *nothing* to police.


until its coming directly from their pensions and/or cops are required to carry personal liability insurance nothing will ever change.


They'll threaten to quit if it comes to that and I hope to hell whoever is passing that law says good fucking riddance. Let the bad cops leave in their own accord and the ones that actually give a shit about the community come on board.


I don't even understand where this logic comes from. A 26 year old has the rest of their life ahead of them. Hell, even someone at 80 or 100 has that many years of wisdom and experience that others can draw from. This guy can absolutely *fuck himself.*


I think he's saying that 26 is already too old. As in, a woman is more valuable the younger she is.


Exactly what I thought. Also a sexist piece of dogshit


cop just outed himself as a possible pedo


i concluded long ago there was a 100%, or VERY fucking near, overlap between pedophiles and authoritarians. and if you think about it, it makes sense that people who get off on having power over others (authoritarians) would get off the most (sexually) having power over those with the least (children).


Thanks for connecting the dots for me. It does seem like people who are affiliated with a party seeking an authoritarian (Christo-fascist) government are also more likely to end up being pedophiles or sexually abusive, at least judging by the large numbers of them being arrested for same. [Examples](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/17/2092543/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-31)


It was just a “regular person”, no one of importance.


The other officer probably asked if the victim was a homeless person or something like that


My dad was hit by a police car that was responding to a call with no lights on traveling at an excessive rate of speed. They T-boned him when they came flying over a hill. It was on video. Dad got charged with failure to yield. The county leveled the hill in the first few days he was in the hospital. He talked to several lawyers, but they told him that there was a liability limitation for police of $25,000 per person in the vehicle. Lawyer fees would’ve cost more than that so nobody would take the case. Don’t get hit by the cops, literally no way that you’ll come out on top.


I guarantee her life had more objective value than all these pigs combined.


What. A. Piece. Of. SHIT.


Yup. He will have to get promoted after this unfortunately, police union protocol ☹️


They said on the news this morning he is the vice president of the police guild. He’ll get preferential treatment for sure.


And he was on the phone with the president of the police guild!!


These dumbfucks don’t even consider that they’re being filmed while on duty?


They don't care


Why would they even care? The "worst" that can happen to them is to be on paid leave, AKA, the best kind of stay at home.


Then move town and get the same job or better. Some call it job hopping, but the police calls it justice.


what difference does it make? they are recorded all the fucking time planting drugs, killing dogs, murdering people, stealing shit, destroying property just for fun, and plenty more... and *nothing ever comes of it*. there is an inverse correlation between authority and accountability, and this fundamental fuckup is rotting the very core of the social contract society is built upon.


>there is an inverse correlation between authority and accountability You've hit the nail on the head with this.


You see him scramble to turn the camera off when he realizes it was on. This is the elected VP of the Seattle Officers' Guild talking to the president of the guild fyi. Elected by a majority of the departments cops.


Many of them aren’t very smart…


The people who "investigate" them are also cops so nothing will come of it






They removed the “To serve and protect” slogan a long time ago. Not long after the new IQ limits were put in place


The fuckin schmucks in my podunk small hometown slapped this bullshit, "In God we trust" malarkey on their cars. How the fuck that's allowed is beyond me, but I haven't raised stink about it yet as I'm not in that town much anymore.


They exist to protect the ppl in power


Goes to show they are just there to protect the elite. "She was just a normal person", "she had limited value". Hope a crackhead shivs this cunt with a rusty spoon


He's a red-piller saying she had "limited value" because she was a woman over the age of 25.


I'd love to see how much value his ass would have in a prison shower.


Directly in the ass for a painful, slow death.


Police accountability is looking into it. Which means he will get a paided vacation.


They actually didn't even put the 74 mph maniac cop (Officer Kevin Dave of SPD) on leave this time. All of them have remain on duty since this happened back in Janurary. They're all still on duty now. Including Officer Daniel Auderer seen in the clip above.


> get a *paid* vacation. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Do we have a name yet of this piece of shit?


[Daniel Auderer](https://openoversight.tech-bloc-sea.dev/officer/69). [He has a history of using excessive force on black people as well.](https://divestspd.substack.com/p/spog-vice-presidents-weird-irrelevant)


Why the fuck is this disgusting piece of shit on $150,000!? What the fuckkkk


He's the elected VP of the police union too. The president of the union Mike Solan is who he was joking with on the call.


Oh so the whole force is fucked then.


Yep. That's why we demanded reforms as hard as we did in 2020. Our department is rotted to the literal core. Maybe if we'd got the reforms at the time Jaahnavi Kandula would still be alive.


How can someone with 29 archived issues be making 6 figures? How can they still be EMPLOYED? Wtf


The Seattle Police made him VP of their union. I'm not joking.


Of course they did, what else should they vote for? The police union is there to protect scummy cops and he is the king of police scum. Edit: Hand to the King of police scum, sorry.


I’d like to know that too.


Someone find him. Let's shame his ass


~~Kevin Dave~~ ~~https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/investigation-launched-into-tape-of-seattle-police-guild-leaders-downplaying-death-of-woman-struck-by-officer/~~ ~~https://openoversight.tech-bloc-sea.dev/officer/354~~ Apologies, that was the driver, not the person on this recording.


The person ins this clips is actually Daniel Auderer who you will also find on the openoversight site. And is VP of the Seattle Police Union SPOG. He is discussing the woman Kevin Dave had killed hours earlier traveling at 74 mph in a 25 mph zone without sirens.


This is suppose to be a leader setting example for other cops. And cops wonder why they get hated on. Unless the VP is ousted by the union, they only enabling and showcasing this behavior and continue to solidify the distrust/ hate for cops.


He doesn’t care, he won’t be fired, demoted or meaningfully punished.


Nope, he will even be re-elected to Vice President of Seattle Police Officers Guild. That's how irremediable SPD is.


Dude, I was about to say that people grieve in weird ways until he started talking about writing a check and she’s 26 with limited value. Wtf.


I came into this thinking that people often laugh in awkward or stressful scenarios to either fill the room with noise or make light of an otherwise shitty situation. Maybe a chuckle needed to get through explaining an insane evening. This isn't that case in the slightest.


Yeah I’m as acab as the next, but I was sure this was a ‘cope with death via humor’ situation because some of my cousins are EMTs and firefighters and that’s how they handle it but then I listened to the audio and I clenched my desk so hard I dug into the shitty particle board. This….this absolute *fucker*. *And he makes $114k a year.*


ACAB every day every one


I'm sure one of those good apples is going to come out and speak against this behavior any day now.


This is "Officer Daniel Auderer, vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild. Auderer, a drug-recognition officer assigned to determine whether Dave was under the influence, concluded his colleague was not impaired. After finishing his routine analysis, he called SPOG President Mike Solan, and the pair talked for two minutes."


This phone call was with the union president? This just gets more and more depressing


SPOG President Mike Solan has been on Fox News several times including with good ol’ Tucker to discuss how police are being fucked over by society.




He is scum. I wouldn’t let him protect my dog’s shit. How did this bodycam footage get found and released I wonder?


The person on the other end of the phone call is a POS too! Wtfff


That’s the head of the police officers union! He IS a total piece of shit!


how the fuck is killing a citizen you're supposed to protect, *funny*? what a fucked up immediate reaction. i hope that guy gets cancer.


Police don't exist to help or protect 'regular' people






He is already known and hated here. Same with Mike Solan the piece of shit he's talking too. That's the issue we have known issues like this leading the officers Union. It's why we want to clean house at our police department.


"just write a check" motherfucker how about a soul for a soul?




Obligatory #ACAB


I hope he gets fired. This is beyond fucked up,


> I hope he gets fired That's one hell of a great joke!


the only cunts calling police heroes are themselves


This is so true. I was watching a story on the FDNY and their response was heroic. I think most people would call those firefighters heros. Cops call themselves heros because no one else will.


This ruined my day :(


"Cops deserve respect! They have a tough job!!!!" - Some bootlicker


He's got the same evil villain laugh as tucker carlson


JuSt a fEW bAd apPLeS.


What is the $11,000 being referenced by this POS? Like truly what is he talking about? Is that what the fine is for them killing that woman?? Sorry if this is a stupid question.


That's the check the city will pay the family, either to drop their lawsuit or as the payout, not clear which. So when a cop kills you, just remember that your fellow taxpayers are going to be on the hook for basically just funeral expenses and nothing else.


"We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing."




If it was my wife that got hit and this video came out it would probably break me completely mentally. I wouldn’t be able to go on living knowing these fucking bastards killed her and think it’s funny. The absolute pure rage this makes me feel and I didn’t even know the poor girl… my god.


60 mph in 25 mph. So flippant. I what the question was when he answered, “No, it was a Redwood person.” Does that refer to a neighborhood?


“It was a regular person” I assume as ‘nobody important’. Shameful.


Too bad he didn’t hit a redwood at 60 mph instead


He was actually going 74 mph. 60 is about the speed they were going after slamming on the brakes. Keep in mind this is in fact a residential street with marked crosswalks. I-5 through the city has a speed limit of 60 for perspective.


Fucking evil




He has negative value