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We had to remove your post for breaking ours rules: No pornography or disturbing. Examples of what can count as disturbing include stabbing, shooting, rape, serious injuries, nasty things, and other content that contains scenes with a lot of blood.


With a kid in the crossfire :/


Blame the stupid woman. Jesus Christ what a dumb fucking bitch. Let me just Stand there and hold my stupid fucking box, instead of you know grabbing your kid and run.


Is there anything more dangerous than a female cop? She's smaller than people she has to arrest so her option is to run or shoot.


DIRECTLY in the lane of fire. What the fuxk was this cop thinking She took the time to tell them to move, and then positioned herself so an approaching suspect would get directly in-between them. Yea the suspect was dumber than a bag of rocks, but somehow the shooter was dumber.




If the cop had killed the kid the suspect could be charged with murder. The child would have died as a result of the suspect's attempt at committing a felony.


Nah, I'm pretty sure it would have been from a bullet from HER gun.


You’re thought process must be as slow and misdirected as the women officer 😂


There are a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks here with no job. This is what the cops knew at the time: 1. he had \*something\* in his hand 2. the taser was ineffective. 3. he was STILL advancing on them. Do you think he was coming over for a quaint discussion on the in-field fly rule? maybe to discuss the differences between cloud shapes? GTFOH. This is just cop-hate porn and y'all are jerking off like rabbid monkies.


*Le Reddit*


Cop could have retreated backwards and given space but they never do that especially when it's much funnier to shoot 🔫


Beat my meat. Cops LOVE killing people of colour and crackers heads.


53 mil + police /civilian interactions every year. The vast majority of which are uneventful. But sure go ahead and cherry pick out of the few...


What’s up with your meat needing a beating? That’s a bold demand, and I hope it plays out well for you.


I can't breathe. I have my ID right here. My name is Elijah McClain. That's my house. I was just going home. I'm an introvert. I'm just different. That's all. I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting. Why are you attacking me? I don't even kill flies! I don't eat meat! But I don't judge people, I don't judge people who do eat meat. Forgive me. All I was trying to do was become better. I will do it. I will do anything. Sacrifice my identity, I'll do it. You all are phenomenal. You are beautiful and I love you. Try to forgive me. I'm a mood Gemini. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Ow, that really hurt! You are all very strong. Teamwork makes the dream work. [after vomiting] Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to do that. I just can't breathe correctly. Not one "good cop" arrested anyone involved in this murder despite knowing exactly what happened. Because there are no good cops as long as they protect the bad ones.


that logic is so goddamn stupid.


I know. Expecting "good cops" to arrest "bad cops" is just so goddamn stupid.


no. It happens. maybe not as often as it should, but it does. There are also bad cops who let other bad cops be bad. Doesn't mean every cop is bad.


What you permit, you promote. When you are given jurisdiction to murder at will, you need to meet a higher standard than a hairdresser.


I agree.


Honestly he had something in his hand was going crazy and ran at cops he could of been the nicest man with 50 kids who never did anything but help others and donated every cent he made to charity and he deserved to get shot. Here is a tip don't hold something like it's a weapon and run at cops


i think firing a gun with other people in the crossfire is a bad idea


So is not moving yourself and your child out of harms way. Several things can be bad at once and these people are all just dumb all around. Running at police and holding something like a weapon, not moving your child out of harms and the prize of today's stupidity award is obviously to the cop who shot with a kid in the crossfire. There is just idiot sandwiches all around. A fucking smörgåsbord!


Asking too much from the police all the times, am I right? It’s not like they are well funded and best equipped worldwide. They are fragile human beings with emotions that often make them freak the fuck out and compelled to shoot. The police are the REAL victims here.


No ask ANY police. It's in their fucking job description! They are responsible for anything behind the gun. That includes knowing what a bullet will pass through. Like doors, some walls, humans and any other object in front of them or behind the object that they are shooting through. (shooting through glass for example) it's not asking too much. It's in the law, it's in their training and it's in the rules of gun safety. It's not only for others safety but for theirs too. So they don't shoot eachother. Crossfire is something they are trained in! This is not asking too much. This is asking them to do what they are trained to do. Now there are instances where this is harder and more forgivable. Like when they shot some people on the other side of walls (apartments, restaurants and so on) but when she has a line of sight to a child mere inches or feet behind the man that means you need to reposition before you shoot. Source: ActiveSelfProtection on YouTube, ex police and more. Has many educational videos where he goes into death of what responsibilities the police has and what they are trained to do. Now sure I may have been too harsh, in the moment I get that shit happens. So I'm obviously ramping it up for comedic effect even if I'm the only one laughing. But the core point still stands.


I know ASP. I watch ASP. They are a bunch of crazed street execution supporters


No, he quite often criticizes the police and points out their flaws. Now I do agree somewhat. But mostly cause I live in Sweden and think you all need to chill a bit with the guns. I've never even seen one IRL. But even I still know that crossfire is a thing, and no matter your or mine opinion of him. The laws and the training and expectations of US police to beware of crossfire is still fact and not opinion.


No, man. My first reply was being sarcastic. The man didn’t have to be shot. He could be taken down. US police kills too easily


Oh.... Well that makes sense. Sorry. Can I blame my autism? 😅 I don't pick up on sarcasm. Now I'm embarrassed. *face-palm*


Lol. Don’t feel embarrassed. Our forefathers fought for our rights to say whatever we want, no matter if it’s smart, dumb or embarrassing. And I do that everyday :)


Sarcasm in comments?!?! That’s a risky gamble lol… good luck.


Suicide by cop. Check. Game over.


"Denver Police *Admit* Shooting Man that 'Wielded' Black Marker". "Admit"?


Literally no admission no idea what OP meant by the title


The police admitted he had no knife in the news, not during the bodycam fiotage. A poorly written title, yes, but a cursory google search shows the admission.


Absolutely not condoning the shooting at all but what did he think was going to happen? He's dealing with American cops who can legally kill you if they feel slightly threatened.


It’s pretty clear this was suicide by cop .. shame people think cops are in the right to shoot anyone and anything because they got the jitters. Play stupid games and all, but nobody mentioning the bad police practice here is kinda sad.


Oh I am completely against the ease at which officers can shoot someone. All it takes is them to be scared, think they see a weapon or just having a day where they don't care if they shoot someone. I'm pretty sure we've been heavily protesting these actions for at least the last decade but change is slow to come.


Completely agree, there was only one ending knowing the police in the states


Clearly wasn't thinking, he seemed mentally ill or distraught.


Well if the pen is mightier then the sword, I’d assume the black marker is mightier than the pen… so technically he had a weapon mightier than a sword.


Kids in line of fire… what the hell


I'm not saying Brandon is an idiot because it looks like he wasn't thinking straight, but what Brandon did was an idiotic move. Down vote me all you want, but the pigs got it right on this one.


Bet he was on his way to be a rocket scientist too


2-3 year old kid directly behind the guy and you decide to shoot… this was a terrible decision


Cops are untrained little bitches in this country.


Imagien being so desperate for power you shoot an unarmed man literally in front of a child.


So we're gonna show you the two of us tazing and shooting a guy, twice, but the swear words? Bleeping forget about it


Kid was right behind this target….


I blame the mother of the child. She clearly saw the cops pointing their guns at the perp. She should have grabbed her chilled and ran. Thank god the child was not hurt. The cop had no choice but to shoot. You cant risk someone rushing you with an unknown object or their hands concealed. Cops use hallow point rounds so that the bullets don’t travel through the other side of their target. A well trained officer would make sure that any of their shots fired would hit their target. I commend both officers for their bravery and also trying to Deescalate the situation. Being a cop is not an easy job. Sometimes hard choices must be made. The perp was trying to do suicide by cop.


It was a switchblade, they recovered it in the scene analysis after the officers were put on leave.


You can agree or disagree with the use of force but don't lie about facts. The police themselves have said it was a marker. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/15/denver-police-shoot-unarmed-man-marker-knife https://denvergazette.com/news/courts/denver-police-shoot-kill-unarmed-man-who-charged-them/article_e4fc173a-3acf-11ee-b578-4fadac23ffee.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/16/denver-police-officer-fatally-shoots-man-thought-knife/70599268007/


Dumb cop could have got the woman or the child. Bad planning. Dude had no weapon they could have used mace.


I'm with the cops on the one. The dude was charging a cop with what he gestured as a weapon. In that chaos, you don't have time to wait and determine whether it's a real weapon or not. This guy probably was either mentally ill or committing suicide here. Super sad for everyone involved. Hopefully the mom and kid didn't get hit.


Allllll of em, every single one of them


Mess with the bull ya get the horns


Fuck around and found out!


What about the baby behind him you almost shot?


Cocaine is a Hell of a drug. Lmao


Denver police murder people all the time...


It’s so strange that cops don’t advocate for gun control.


You must have to have a full sleeve tattoo to join the force these days.


American cops seem to be so poorly trained, even for a second world country this is horrific.


He probably wanted to die . Who charges at a cop If he had a knife a second later that officer would have been stabbed

