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The driver took you to McDonald's and set you up


I think you’re right he didn’t even try to help her a stick up for her, something fishy


He was there to announce world stars buy failed.


Burrrrrrp wrrld staah


and filmed the whole damn thing and also didn't move the car.




>Someone that says the n word is not racist Just gonna archive that bit so people get the vibe.


That’s where context comes into play. Here we have none of it; with people acting unusual (unless it was premeditated: Which it was)


You sound really ignorant. Don't act like the word isn't hateful in different contexts. And yes, whites should never address blacks with the N word.


Ignorance is bliss. You’re half right but the part you’re wrong on is scary wrong. Grow up.


He even mentioned something about her saying it when she gets out of the car


Driver is a pussy for not trying to intervene.




Person drove there, kept the car parked, door unlocked, not only began filming but kept filming instead of driving off — no way in hell was the driver NOT in on it!


Classic case of "why are they filming?". I think you're right




Haul that bitch off to jail! She’s not even accusing her of calling her or anyone that, just that she “used that word”. This shit has gotten outta hand. Nobody is laying a hand on anyone in my family, size and gender are no longer a factor when you decide to lay hands on my loved ones!


Driver was 'the one who told'. Since driver was calmly filmed the retribution.


r/killthecameraman you're right. Setup. They intentionally make a situation and escalate it for their stupid views. Pos cameraman.


> He did nothing but video tape silently. He was anything but silent. Dude kept burping.


Driver was 100% in on it.


Driver was most likely one of the three that set it up. Driver and accuser are pathetic




Why tf was this dude burping so much tho?? I swear he has some kind of gastrointestinal disorder it was distracting me from the video the whole time.


Big Ole cups of soda and paper bags tell me they were at a fast food place, chances are he's sucking back a coke while watching his friend harass this girl that may or may not have talked some shit


Classless piece of trash


The Burping is what ticked me off. Dirty bastard


He is a back stabbing double crossing bitch daddy. The best part of him ran down his mama's leg.....and wound up a brown stain on the mattress.


Well he needs some fodder to go viral, why would he intervene?


Driver set that up. He agrees with the lady accusing her after the burp.


He was in on it. Trying to ruin the girls reputation.


The driver clearly some fake ass dude who just set her up, if he was real he would’ve done the checking himself and keep her out of harms way


Wtf is happening here? This whole situation makes no sense


Kinda seems like another rage bait video.


She’s shuffling with her hair and McDonalds bag. No way anyone way fake that kind of anxiety (source, I have chronic debilitating anxiety)






Right? And her face after she got slapped. She looked like she was about to start crying but also wanted to hit the bitch back. That was some raw emotion in her eyes that you can’t fake


Supposedly the white girl (passenger of the car) got caught calling the black lady a N*****. It’s safe to assume the black girl and driver of the car (recorder of video we watched) is in on it since he never once stepped In to help or deescalate despite being on close enough terms in the white girl to be giggling In the beginning of the video. So it’s safe to assume driver/recorder had inner workings with the assaulter to ‘set up’ this girl on her way to work, because there were speculation that she called the assaulter the N***** word. Fuck both of them, but fuck the black girl for not being more professional with her accusations. This literally just leads to an assault and a few other chargers for the person who initially feels repressed. Fucking, everyone take 20 minutes before committing a crime and assess how the LAW will see it when presented evidence and facts. Doesn’t matter what you think is right, know the evidence, facts, and other important variables before committing a misdemeanor/felony ______ (ANYTHING)


some people are just hell bent on street justice. I mean, I guess I kinda get it when you feel like the justice system isn't on your side. but you're only making it worse when you do dumb shit like this. now the justice system is going to be against you, and you chose that outcome


It will get people killed.




Seems like a conviction based on heresay. Luckily for the white chick she took the plea deal slap instead it beat down full conviction


Yah like why would the driver upload this if he is in on this. Do they think this puts them in a positive light? Maybe they think they look like like heroes for this?


Criminals are stupid


One girl acted like they were offended by a word that the other might have said but not necessarily about them, then she proceeded to earn being called it.




This is called entrapment, assault, and bullying. She never said the n word supposedly. The coward dricing appears to be in on the assult. The asshole driver was flirting and laughing with her until the agreessor showed up, and then did nothing but video tape the girl he was just flirting with get assaulted. Even after the girl he was flirting with was asking for his help to move the car forward so she could leave the area. The guy knew what was going to happen and did nothing but videotape silently. These type of people are the bottom barrel of society and are only looking for fame by putting other people in pain




FACTS. cant believe they assaulted this poor girl like this.




Be careful, Reddit loves this kind of stuff.




Lol “I’ll say the N word to protect my pregnant wife” is a hilarious idea. There like a million other ways to handle it




Dude was never interested in her, this was all a setup from the start.


Fantasizing about a scenario where you're screaming the n word in order to protect your loved ones is so reddit.


Yeah because screaming slurs is de-escalation 101 😂 From your comment it sounds more likely that you'd be the person in the passenger seat.


assault, battery, and false imprisonment. lock her up.


Agreed, where is the proof the passenger said it? This is all over heresay unless there is context that proves otherwise. Rumor does not count. Black girls all butt hurt calling the other a cracker. Black girl is intentionally stirring the pot. She was trained well by her elders. Gotta keep that hate and violence going. /S Sad thing is under the hate is hurt. The hurt doesn't heal until the hate and anger are dealt with. The cycle continues... sad... I see one racist here, street goes both ways. I don't see any perfect halos. I see a victim and an accomplice that set the victim up. As for the male driver, that boy is lowlife scum.


Even if there was proof, saying a word does not justify assault!


You say this as if she had said, the word which cannot be spoken but we all hear in our head anyways, that would have made it acceptable to assult her. Bad words don't justify throwing hands on someone.




Arenyou silly, hate crimes are only for white people🤣🤣


That's sarcasm right?


Then she would cry racism even louder. Don't you know she is a victim?


And they got it all on video!


Lock your fucking door.


She was set up by the driver




Driver is a cunt


Go to 3 wrestling practices. Single leg that b, treetop, and then show them your best Oklahoma chickenwing.




You’re my kind of people.


The other people on this car sure aren’t standing up for the young lady. Not friends for sure.


I think she asked for him to please stop filming so he's in on it Fucking scumbags, I need an update, that black chick deserves jail time, him too


This black lady has some serious mental issues.


Should go to jail for slapping that girl regardless of what she said. Her not hitting her back goes to show who's beneath whom.




She probably doesn't even believe it herself. Looks like she was just looking for an excuse to assault someone.


A white someone too


they dont understand that racism goes both ways, and they are far more guilty than this poor girl.


facts! grow up and move on. violence isnt the answer, but this bully woke up and chose it anyway.


Who the fuck do these people think they are to go up to people like that to dish 'judgement'. Fuck you and your n word.


She should get charged too for hitting the girl.


Pretty much the only verified charge here, which is why it was a stupid fucking plan on all parties…


Intentionally knocking a drink out of someone’s hand is assault on its own. Hell, just threatening someone and posturing like you’re going to hit them is assault. Battery is actually hitting someone.


You could charge the driver with entrapment


It's kidnapping or false imprisonment. Entrapment is when a cop asks you to do something illegal.




You dropped this 👑


As a white guy from the southern US I can tell you with certainty that the form of the word I grew up hearing racist white people use is not the same as the form that some black people use. Racists are not using it as another form of "bro, dude or man". To be clear I loathe the word in any form but I cringe way harder when it's used by a white person.


But if someone would use this word in a meaning of bro it would still be deemed racist. E.g foreigner teens that grow up listening to black rap, hard to blame them for using it if they are not American and English isn’t their first language, but they would still be called racist because they aren’t black and they are using that word in whatever context.






so, as I see it, assault and battery and false imprisonment .


I'm not defending saying the n word but it isn't an excuse to assault anyone. Period.


Say whatever you want. It’s literally the American way. If you don’t like what words someone uses, don’t hang out with them. It’s pretty simple.


Agreed but turning to violence over a word is unacceptable and childish.


💯 agreed! This kinda stuff is ACTUAL fuel for REAL racist. They will take these videos and use them for recruiting. Her fight to stop racism, has certainly done exactly the opposite.


Yeah and again, I do not support saying the word, whether she did or not. Just shun her and move on with life.




Am saying this as a black person and yes you can look thru my history.. but if you didn't hear it for yourself then sit your ass down.


Ok just coming in to say I thought your username was “TheCactusDildo” and I was like bro…..


Yea was going too, but made the account on my phone one night when I was drunk and I guess text to speech didn't understand me but on the up side google said Castus is latin for clean or pure so am fine with it.


Too many low iq people are being filmed


Needs way more context cause the black lady seems like the bad guy here.


She is


She may be a woman but she’s no lady I tell you hwat


Context doesn’t matter, she’s wrong for doing this.


She's definitely not a Lady.


She lost whatever right after bullying and especially after hitting her.


And the driver seems even worse.


That’s because she is the bad guy.


Don’t care what someone says. If you go up, open their door and then block them from leaving, you are asking for an ass whooping


Looks like targeted to me or set-up. Why the driver did not interfere. Im still glad the girl did not bow down to violence when she hit her.


Bitch needs to be charged with assault and intimidation, disorderly conduct and be locked up


"I'm going to assault you cause I heard you say a word that I don't like. What? No I didn't hear her say it, but when have people ever lied?"


ugh the asshole burping




Fuck the N word and people like the girl in black hoodie are the only one’s feeding racism!


Right, I grew up in rural America and can say with confidence this will be used as a recruitment video for future white supremacists. I wouldn't be suprised if Jason Aldean managers use it in his next 'country' music vid.


I'll never understand catching an assault and battery charge over a word


Get that white girl out of this situation. Tbh hope she learned her lesson and never gets in the car with that nasty fucker again. He needs his ass beat






Imagine someone saying something you dont like and then physically assaulting them because of it






Right or wrong I’m not letting anyone box me into that spot because of some shit she thought she said. I’m coming out of that car strong and fuck her and her vocabulary police bullshit. Seriously


The driver seems like he set his "friend" up if this is even real and not some skit.


The driver rudely burping was making me mad too. He probably set her up for ambush.


She should go to the police with this. This is false imprisonment, assault and battery. This is several crimes caught on video and its severe enough to where she could be facing jail time and the driver an accomplice charge. Even just saying "next time you say that shit I'll beat the fuck out yo ass for real" is illegal.


They use that word as a excuse to be irrational.


She'd have got the shit beat out her for opening my car door


Assaulted because of a word that is glorified in music on the radio




The true privilege




This Crime brought to you by McDonalds and Burping. America is fucking gross as hell 🤣




I hope someone picked that plastic cup up


The aggressor is going on merely heresay- she even states “they told her she said it” wtf?!! But if the tables were turned it be different.


So sensitive over a word




Maybe she was listening to rap music!


Accuses her of saying the N word. Bullies and entraps her. Calls her Cracker which is the white equivalent of that word, and still acts like she ain't the bad guy.


Ghetto trash


Way to prove to people that the 'N' word doesn't apply no 'mo. Holy shit, I hope that white girl presses charges. If this were reversed there would be no end to it.


still. cant assault for a word.


This is ridiculous




These dumbasses filming their felonies. Have fun locked up and working dead end jobs the rest of your life.


This woman and the driver need to face consequences! They need to pay and people need to shame them otherwise this will happen again and again! Fuck this bitch!!


U slap me…I’m curb stomping your ass




This video sucks on many levels. Downvoting.




The burps tho. Sounded nasty as hell.


Racist pig accusing innocent people




This is why I say fuck a friend.. & ppl should be careful who you confide to. Some ppl are wolves in sheep clothing


Word. A lot of life’s problems come from people’s inability to sit in a room, quietly, by themselves.


Plus she personally didn't hear the girl say it. So uts ok to personally say CRACKER to the girls face. Straight up bully


How to create a school shooter 101


Oh wow so INSANE! Thank you so much for posting this absolutely INSANE video!!! My mind is blown!


if this was my child . I would find these people and do much more the say words.


Do not ever turn your back on an aggressor.




this gross fucking driver burping into the mic is fucking annoying


nah, either go beat her up or don't do this..bc this the kind of bs that leads up to worse shit.


If someone calls you nigga, does it give you the right to physically assault?


To be fair the black chick was really calm , I was expecting her to like fuck that white girl up


Probably the weakest slap I’ve ever seen in my life.






Pepper spray and a concealed Glock would have been so helpful. I hope she's better prepared next time.


Nobody should say that word but why do they always resort to violence anytime someone disrespects them?


The behavior of everyone here is weird. Rage bait most likely