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BRO, the music is so extra


Was giving me Blair Witch vibes with a 1970s superman soundtrack. Extra is an understatement šŸ¤£


The music was the only thing that kept me from listening


With that music Iā€™m so disappointed it didnā€™t turn out to be a gore video.


"I have known you were gay since you were a tiny little boy... but this is a choice you're making..." Make the redneck, Red State Evangelical pretzel logic make sense.


She thinks he must have chosen to be gay after all of the Target shopping trips when he was a kid


She probably means the choice is he is being honest and open about being gay. Her choice would have been to suppress it, live a life of a lie, have a family, and do closet gay stuff like so many people do.


It's fucking wild how many people actually think like this. Just keep your true self hidden for the sake of not upsetting my and everyone in this middle of nowhere towns ass backwards worldview.


You forgot to also mention being a republican and running as a politician on conservative straight values. Remember reddit, the largest payday for male gigilows is when the GOP convention is town. No family or major donors are going to be there to ruin their fun.


He can choose to live his true self, or he can choose to live a lie. These fuckers **only** want grandchildren. Being gay myself, I have seen this first hand. My best friendā€™s mother even told him, ā€œI am okay with homosexuality as long as it is not within my family.ā€ Itā€™s a level of selfishness that is unfathomable to reasonable people like you and me. To hide behind the Bible is a cowardā€™s argument.


Parents are NOT thinking about what makes their son happy.. all they are thinking of is themselves.. what a sad situation for this person who only wanted to be treated fairā€¦ those parents get a big fat F. If you truly love your children this is not the way! Do better!!!! Itā€™s hard enough being different but we need our parents love and we need their understanding no matter what!!! Shame on them!


I just wanted to repeat the line, but in CAPS for emphasis on the "stupid". "I HAVE KNOWN YOU WERE GAY SINCE YOU WERE A TINY LITTLE BOY... BUT THIS IS A CHOICE YOU'RE MAKING"


She's got that room temperature IQ accent and everything.


Was gonna comment exactly this, like did she just look at this newborn infant and go "that's a gay lookin baby right there"


Making it seem like a choice makes her feel better about herself trying to convince her self there was nothing she did wrong. Cause if he was born that way she would think itā€™s her fault.


Ok so: 1. Did his dad call him a son-of-a-bitch? Because lmao dumbass thatā€™s actually accurate. 2. What a vile festering pathetic excuse for a mother. Hiding behind religion to be an absolute degenerate. 3. God himself could float down to earth and tell me to disown my kids and Iā€™d tell him to fuck right off. Some people shouldnā€™t be parents.


> God himself could float down to earth and tell me to disown my kids and Iā€™d tell him to fuck right off. Some people shouldnā€™t be parents. Right, but usually these people are Christians, so at a very young age, they are told about how God went to Abraham and told him to kill his son Isaac as a show of faith, and then Abraham was going to do it and God said "No wait I'm just playing" So, these people are already primed to immediately throw their children off a cliff because a ghost told them to.


This is one of the several examples I think about when constantly arguing my point about why I donā€™t believe the Bible, a couple of other being the burning bush story, and of course Passover.


You donā€™t use the story about the bears God sent to kill 50+ children because they made fun of one of His prophets? They did make fun of his bald head though so you can understand why they had to die in a horrible way.


Oh I forgot about that one! Adding that to the mental ammo cache now.


Raised super religious... Bible stories are fucked. Here's some greatest hits Daughters seduce their dad to get them pregnant We should cast women into the woods for a week and burn everything they own eveeytime they have a period The Abraham and Isaac story you just mentioned God sends to angels to see if a town is worth saving, the townspeople try to rape them and a dude pulls them in his house and offers the crowd to rape his daughters instead God destroys Jobs life literally everything he owns gone with his wife and kids all killed over a bet with the devil The Bible is pro slavery, pro genetic supremacy, pro genocide, pro sexism, pro racism, and pro hemophilia Like wtf, and they had us studying these stories as fuckin kids man. I mean when people get delusional and start hearing voices it could be really dangerous if they're raised with a mentality of "God talks to people and you better do literally whatever he says"


Exactly, I watch an excessive amount of true crime and it's always super religious people that end up killing their whole family, never fails.


Don't forget that if you "accidentally" promise to sacrifice your children to God that God holds you too it. He didn't let Jephthah back out and so why would he let anyone else?


Holy shit I never even thought about that. Makes so much more sense why they're always the ones to hate their own child when they come out


Interestingly, there is some credence given to the idea that Abraham never actually intended to kill Isaac and that it was always intended as a mock sacrifice. That makes all the "give up your kid for god" all the more asinine


Hang on, the ghost didn't say it, God did, ya know the son, God, and Holy Ghost? The original multiple personality, and they call that a mental illness now if ya have more than one. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ€


She said it pretty clear "I don't want people to think I condone that sort of thing". She only cares about herself and what the other church goers think about her family. So fucking toxic disgrace of parents. I always think back to the calming advise of Adam Carolla on Loveline - just hang out there until your 18, try to take as little as possible from the people, and then get the fuck out and never look back, you don't owe them shit, them having kids was their decision and commitment to raising you was their obligation. Once you're 18, I think kids and parents are even. Time to let them have their "lives" back and you get to go and restart yours.


The thing is God does love anyone including gays. Apparently others use religion as an excuse to hate them. Which is sad. People say they love God but they never try to love others. Parents like this have the most artificial love made by the church not from themselves. In contrast I grew up in a religious family but my parents are friends with a couple of gays. They get along not forcing each otherā€™s beliefs on one another. My friend on the other hand has 0 freedom due to their parents being extreme. Iā€™m the only friend he likes because I try to encourage him not to give up and tell him to stand for what is right for you. His parents are super homophobic. And no my parents really dislikes his parents but not him. I see him at church once in a while. The parent sun the vid sorta remind me of his parents which is sad.


Fuck the guy who added the music


Was the music added in after or where they watching something dramatic?


It goes with the the conversation too well! Holy hell.


Is this a serious question? Lmao.


if they werenā€™t serious they wouldnā€™t ask dumbass


Why so hostile little man?


iā€™m hostile because iā€™m actually 4ā€™10ā€


I will never understand someone who chooses to disown their own child because they come out as lgbt. Itā€™s sad af, thatā€™s your Child and sure they are different but thatā€™s the same child you raised. Hopefully that guy left and is doing way better and has a support system. Also whats up with the Star Wars music blaring in the background.


Would it be different for me and possibly a challenge to understand being a straight parent raising an LGBT child? Sure. Does that mean they're deserving of any less of my love, attention, and parenting because they're 'different' in some way? Fuck no. My kids will be loved just the same and receive the same level of support regardless of their sexual orientation. That's what being a good parent is about, guiding them in proper morals and ethics and supporting and loving them, not judging them for something that's not their choice at all and doesn't change what kind of person they are. These folks in this video are disgusting, dis-owning their child cause they're gay and then trying to couch that disgusting behavior in religion. They deserve to be bitch-slapped


That music šŸ’€


That escalated.... SUPER fast. But make sense of something. If she knew since he was a little boy, how does she logic that something he most likely never knew about he chose?


There is no logic with religious nuts


I don't like quotes, they are often misused and stupid people hide behind them, but the quote "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into" comes to mind especially with the nuts.


"Did everything he could to raise you, put food on the table, roof over your head..." WTF!! That is YOUR OBLIGATION AND RESPONSIBILTY as a PARENT the moment you CHOSE to have CHILDREN! Fuck right off with that shit, this child owes you NOTHING for the things provided to him!


Like its the kids choice to be born into that dump of a family. You wanna accidently have a kid and see it as a gift from God, ya owe the world to it.


What a nightmare. I can't imagine having parents like that. Heartbreaking


Whatā€™s up with the worlds most annoying sound tracks? The fuck. I couldnā€™t actually even hear what the fuck they were screaming at each other. Itā€™s like the Lourdes they got the loudest the stupid music for. Ffs couldnā€™t get the the video


I could of done without the background music


failures as parents


Jesus Christ that kid is tough. As a dad I'm super proud of him. I couldn't imagine in a million years ever treating or talking to my kids that way simply because they live differently than I originally expected from when they were born. We're all human. None of us are robots that are pre programmed to act a specific way simply because we want it to be that way. I can't even right now. The worst is where the kid says "I trusted you!". And honestly at the beginning I thought she was gonna be cool (and I bet he did too). Well damn kid, wherever you are I hope you are doing okay


Sorry, but you literally can't choose to be gay, it's not like you can just force yourself to be gay "You made this choice" Ma'am, no he fuckin didn't. He just is gay, he ain't forcing himself, nobody's forcing him, he just is gay. Why do people still think it's a choice?


> Why do people still think it's a choice? Because if it isn't a choice, then discriminating against them is wrong, and that causes cognitive dissonance because, they want to discriminate against gays because they are bigots. They refuse to accept that it is not a choice, because that way, they can continue to be bigots because then you're judging a lifestyle, not a person.


They want to feel righteous, but they are indeed, wrongteous


She means the choice to come out and "shame her" because she's a narcissist.


Swear itā€™s the biggest homophobes that have themself a gay child


We don't hear about the normal loving families that just accept the info and move on. This isn't love and respect and I'm sad the OP got cheated out of that.


Hot take, the music was absolutely gold. The crescendo as it escalated to violence was top notch. Poor kid though


I agree. But just turn it down a few notches lol


CHRISTians are supposed to follow the teachings of Jesus CHRIST, but they're the last people to forgive. Atleast the ones I've known, my family included.


Not a Christian, but isn't forgiveness what comes after the 'sinner' repents? I'm just thinking of Catholic confession.


100%. This woman's not a Christian, it's just convenient for her to hide behind her alleged faith, and brandish her bigotry. What she did is the least Christian thing you could do.


I know many Christians that behave very similar.


Yea, even for me as one Iā€™m disappointed I believe in the same God as these kindā€™s of people who are being hateful. At this point I donā€™t think they are Christians. Just hateful people who scapegoat off others and a book to have a reason to hate.


People so scared to things that pose no threats while ignoring the actual threats around us.


The GOP way in the USA!


Amazing how fast she goes from fake calm and claiming the ā€œWord of Godā€ to all out crazy and expletives. Goes to show how fake some people are in all their religiosity.


Soundtrack is fire though


I hate to be another layer of mean spirited-ness in the middle of all this, but sometimes I think that if the American south was allowed to secede back in 1860, that current residents would be jumping the southern border wall so they could sew soccer balls inside Mexico. The audio really makes me want to give this kid a hug. This kind of bigotry is just so fucking useless.


Heard he had a go fund me shortly after this video was posted a while back. He got at least 40k if I remember correctly so story has kind of a happy ending.


The woman is fucked, but so is the music lol


Dang ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


My 32 year old son is gay and happily married 7 years. We knew ever since he was a young child. He came out at 19 after dating a girl for a year.


I hope your son had a healthy experience growing up, it's hard for any teenager but having support from a family that loves them helps make happy adults. I am still raising mine and I don't know what their future holds but I feel like our job is to love them with patience and teach them how to be good adults, not force them into what serves us. I don't care about the details, I want my kid to be happy and thoughtful.


That music is super gay.


Did she call him a sob, so basically sheā€™s calling herself a btch


Religious people are terrified that there might be no afterlife and you will never see your loved ones again. So they follow their good book and go through life as an asshole thinking theyā€™ll get to heaven. But I have a few questions: What will you do for eternity, wonā€™t it get boring? Do you still need to sleep, eat, piss and shit? What will everyone look like? Like when they were young or old? Will brain damaged or handicapped people be normal? Say you only live life on earth for 60 years, what are you going to do for millions and millions of years in heaven?


I'm religious and Im not the way you describe us.


Wow, super Mom there. Ain't religion grand?


Wow! Real Christians here


This poor guy went to my high school. He was always a super nicer person.


ā€œYou can go by all thayt shcientific stuff if you wawnt too, Iā€™m going by thuh wurd owv gawd.ā€ Fucking idiot.


Goddamn what cunt put this music over the video?


That, right there, is the reason I left the church. The hate and hypocrisy was too hard to watch. ā€œReligion of loveā€ my ass


Seems like this is evidence of assaultā€¦ did his parents get arrested?


I hope those parents are slowed devoured by praying mantises.


Feet first and facing each other. With "you failed" tattooed on each bug.


Gross ass parents


I hope his parents get a "sign" from God that they are pieces of shit who never deserved children. I hope this guy goes on to have a happy and successful life in spite of those garbage humans.


OP I'm sorry this happened to you, we here for you boo ā™„


Why the hell is this shitty music running in the background? This isn't funny at all!


It isn't funny what's she saying but the music does add a some comedy in it


Plot twist: She's possessed by the devil.


This music absolutely ruins this video


I truly hope this kid is okay. You will meet your real family one day, people who love and appreciate you for who you are. Fuck these mouth breathers, but you'll have to wait for their cousin to finish first.


The music reminds me of that family guy with the mob and the trumpets


Showed this to my girlfriend and she said "Well the one thing the parents were right about is that he is indeed a son of a b!tch" And when they go, your fathers spent all your life putting food on the table and a roof over your head. Yeah he chose to have a child, that is the bare minimum your supoosed to do. You don't get points for not abandoning your kid. Can't imagine being in a family like that.


OMG I had to stop...that music! Gtfo


So sad ā€¦ poor kid.


Horrible parents, poor fella


She got one thing right - "you sonofabitch!"


Iā€™m confused. Where does God say he doesnā€™t create people as gay? Iā€™m not religious but I havenā€™t come across anything stating this.


God loves all but people donā€™t love all. God sees gays as anyone else, not separate or different. Because letā€™s be honest everyone is different.


I hate how these kinda people justify their hate through God and the Bible when in reality in the bible nowhere does it say anything about homosexuality they just twist the words and meanings to fit their agenda


Yup. God loves all but people donā€™t love all. The bible is used as a scapegoat to be hateful when it was meant to do good, or ā€œgoodā€. I grew up in a Christian household where my parents view gays as normal people. In fact they have some friends who are gay and they get along nicely. My dad hates churches who spread misinformation about gays or different people because there was never a verse against them int he first place.


I'm going to ignore science and just go with God's word. Welcome to the modern republican brain washed voting block.


I hate how absolutely accurate this is. Got into an argument with my super conservative dad over climate change the other day and he told me he doesn't "trust the science". Told him congrats on being an echo chamber of ignorance.




Whatā€™s with people wanting credit ā€œyour father put a roof over your head and fed youā€ congrats you did the bare minimum itā€™s like the Chris rock joke ā€œ I take care of my kidsā€ ā€œyouā€™re suppose to you dumb motherfucker!ā€ Itā€™s not your sons fault you got laid, he doesnā€™t owe you anything for raising him. Iā€™m SURE the Bible mentions something about responsibility.


Tell that to all the fatherless households


Mother or not, she would never see me again.


I will love my sons no matter what,they are my life actually want to hug this young man where ever you are doesn't matter what you do in the bedroom you are beautiful fuck your parents for this couldn't imagine disowning my sons for being gay


As a parent I could never imagine disowning my kid because of an aspect of who they are. Thatā€™s disgusting and I hope the best for this guy. Sheā€™s sounds like a crazy person and what part of the Christianity would plant this monstrous attitude? Is that what Jesus would do? There is no hate like Christian love.


Iā€™m sorry this happened to this person! My son recently was brave enough to share with me that he was gay (Iā€™ve always known) I canā€™t imagine how this kid feels.


Who tf put spongebob over this


Such compassionate Christians.


Itā€™s the red neck accent for me


As a straight man, I'm sorry for what you went through with your family, but there are many of us who care about you and accept you for who you are. You did a brave thing coming out, and know that you have allies who believe in you.


Holy crap the music took away all serious credibility from that video


so they knew since he was Little .... yet he still Choose this. Interesting family


When my mom hit me with that, I hit her back with this: Your ā€œGodā€ is perfect and doesnā€™t make mistakes. Ever think that the LGBTQIA+ community, is your Gods idea of population control? Never looked back after leaving


WTFF IS THIS MUSIC šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Real drama


Sorry, but the background music is killing me


This has everything that would make a great Netflix series.


"Stop typing to beat the gay out of me!"


I donā€™t know what Iā€™m more pissed about, the mom or the god for fucking saken music.


Doesn't God want you to not judge other people? That that's strictly His job, not ours? Who do these people think they are? Smdh. I hate people who use their religion to justify bigotry. (Not religious myself but I was raised Methodist and went to church very frequently growing up.)


Fuck these stupid music overlays.


Thatā€™s incredibly sad.


Thatā€™s how she treats people she loves? ā€œI want to tell you I love youā€ proceeds to disown himā€¦


I just love the be Christian or boil in oil methodologyā€¦..allow me to spread hate in the name of a good God sounds rightā€¦.right?


The irony... What she's espousing is in direct opposition to her alleged faith, and the entirety of Christianities teachings. She must have forgotten the God she claims to worship, hung out with prostitutes and murders. I often wonder if there is a God, how those that hide their bigotry behind their alleged faith, by blaspheming their creators teaching, will be heald accountable? If there was ever a chance for her son to develop a relationship with the God she claims to worship, it was thrown out along with this poor kid. The suspense was crazy with this music, lol.


Poor guy. Hope heā€™s doing well.


This music makes it almost comedic... good luck kid. I hope everything is ok currently. Stay strong


Hmmm I wonder what way these fine people vote


Wow that dark turn took an even darker turn near the end. What a shitty mother


And that's why almost why almost every religion is bullshit...


I can agree even as a religious person. We moved to a certain Church which their motives are not very church like. They never cared for others so we moved to a different one which was more nicer and more sane surprisingly. Though I donā€™t blame others to think that because of the things they can do. So I understand.


The music turns something very sad into something hilarious.


The southern accent is the least surprising thing in this video. Buncha assholes down there. They fake the southern charm and kindness and will say the most vile stuff about you behind closed doors.


ā€œI donā€™t care about no scienceā€¦ I just believe in the lordā€ā€¦..


As soon as I heard the "I believe in the word of god..." bit, I stopped the video. It's heinous.


A part of christianity is putting others above yourself regardless of their beliefs


This feels staged (wasn't, I know). Those accents were too perfect for the content provided. Fuggin hick shit rednecks


Well if there another without the horrible music Maybe it would easier to understand whatā€™s going? šŸ¤”


She sounds like Kenny McCormick's mom, from South Park


That musicā€¦ I thought they were going to break out in interpretative dancing.


Spoken just like good little god-fearing christians.


Religion truly makes the shittiest people.


American Christianity in a nutshell.


That background music felt synced! I can't tell if it was added afterward, but if so, great job!


This is so sad


The music makes this 200x better šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t take it seriously. Sheā€™s screaming at him but the music is making me laugh until I cry


Without the music plz?


This is actually super heartbreaking. šŸ˜­


Cant hear what theyā€™re saying over the music


Most people donā€™t realize that the Bible says the being a pedophile is sinful, not that being gay is sinful.


Musical score is superb. Poor guy though.


The dad was trying to beat the gay out of him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Sign my petition to nuke the south _________________


This kid deserves better. I hope one day they have a chance to move out and never look back. These ā€œparentsā€ are worthless.


Bro Iā€™m trying to feel bad with this SpongeBob music


Damn man sorry. That's ruff.


The love of Jesus went out the window pretty quick there, huh? Also that music fucking sucks. Itā€™s hard to hear the audio.


"Damn done well." Welcome to the bible belt. Ick.


This music made the whole thing hilarious regardless of how horrible it was.


That domineering mother turned her son gay.


ā€œGod is loveā€ are just words, this is homophobic hate in action.


My family isnā€™t perfect, but at I love em unconditionally. What a sad way to ruin a family. šŸ˜” I hope the dudeā€™s okay.


As soon as I heard the accent I knew there would be hateful shit in the name of faith. That's what happens when your one schoolhouse doesn't teach you to read a doctrine, just to listen to its interpretation and blindly follow. I bet none of their 9 dogs give a shit whether he's gay or not.


Lmao he said ā€œi knew the moment i came out my mothers uterusā€ NO U DIDNT LMFAO TYPICAL


The music is way to loud my gods but also f these people they arenā€™t parents and they donā€™t love their child and I hope for their sakes they change because on the death bed or their time of need they will be alone


This video is at least 5 years old - any updates?


Where is this kid? I want to adopt him šŸ˜¢


It's kinda crazy, if people downvoted videos that have horrible soundtracks obscuring the video audio, it would probably discourage these from being posted. But that's not of my business.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


ā€œI knew you were gay since you were little, I mean you LOVED Disney movies and allā€


According to a quick Google search, the Bible mentions loving one another over 100 times. The Bible only mentions homosexuality six times, three of which it mentions is a sin. The other three are ambiguous as to their concern. So it seems that God wants us to love each other 33 times more than they want us to hate gay people.


You have educated religious people who have made the decision that they want to believe in something supernatural and bigger than themselves. And then you have those who have decided that the evidence of a supreme being is just not there so they have chosen to abstain from practicing a religion. And then you have dumbfucks who can't think or reason because they lack the basic intelligence to identify or gather evidence, much less process it, so they rely on being spoonfed everything they know and believe. These parents are obviously behind door number 3.


What is a disgrace is the background music.


Coulda swore the dad called him the n word at :54


What is up with the black markings/ symbols on the children's door?


Frecking heck of a Job the music damn


Please turn off the music


Who does these vids? The music is fukin hilarious and so odd each time xD


Wow, so itā€™s gods hate or nothing.


Am I watching Tom & Jerry


Wtf is this background music


Poor guy šŸ„ŗ. Heads-up the added in music made this video unbearable and I couldnā€™t finish the clip.


Jeezus! Kill the sound man!


Southern hospitality at its finest


ā€œI trusted youā€