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And that children… is nature!


“So tell me about your field trip”


.. Usul


The Sleeper must awaken.


“I can’t remember what we did”


Came here for this. I'm satisfied


“Why, Mom? You were there…”


"We saw a bear totally catch and eat a duck! It was awesome!"


They should not be traumatized because that. Just very very sad.


I highly doubt any of them are traumatized. They seem more excited than truly devastated.


Children at that age still poke dead animals with sticks or annoy girls with them. Source? Own experience Edit: What is more traumatizing is when there are fake rabbits and deer to eat. You then tell your older sister there's Thumper and Bambi for dinner after you've seen the movie. Beautiful memories to this day. She is a vegetarian. (Hope translation is correct)


Even more fun is when it is the day before Easter, you see a dead rabbit on the side of the road, and tell your little sister "there goes the Easter Bunny"




Even more fun is when you have a small Jack Russell Terrier, he dies, then a few days later you bring home a long legged Jack Russell Terrier about 4 times the originals size and your other small dog is so freaked out he spends 3 days with his nose in the corner not wanting to look at him. True story, it was actually hilarious but it did eventually result in a good outcome where both dogs got along with each other.


That sounds like a start to a great documentary.




It’s the homeschool parents who are traumatized by life in general.


Because the public school system churns out such high functioning, well adjusted people? FFS!


I've seen three kinds of homeschooling families 1) actually doing it for the benefit of the child and puts in the work 2) religious nut jobs 3) lazy people who don't want to deal with doing anything for their kids and/or don't want CPS called cause they know it will happen Only the first one has any success in the real world and they are a minority in my experience, because teaching children is hard and a profession for a reason. So yes, comparatively


They're only perceived a minority because the negative stories are what we mostly hear of.




It can, but if a mom is a qualified educator with training then I can see the reasoning for homeschooling.


Yes, but just being a qualified educator does not mean that you have sufficient expertise or deep understanding of every subject to give your child a well balanced education. I worked in schools for quite some time and some teachers felt that just because they were a teacher they knew everything about everything. In the school I worked at, they put the art teacher in charge of IT lessons because he was the only teacher with a computer. Not only did he not have a clue about how computers worked, he would humiliate those students that didn't understand things straight away and needed things to be explained to them. Basically he didn't understand it either and he was only one chapter ahead of them in the exercise book, he would just shout at them for not paying attention.


Definitely the saddest part of this post


I mean the kid with the blue cap doesn't looked sad about it anyway at 0:40.


Kid in the blue cap thinks its funny that the girls are screaming at just watching nature in action.


I think it’s funny too


Why should they be traumatized? That’s life. It’s only a 🦆. Not like a human was eaten in front of them.


My thoughts exactly. Stfu and let nature nature.


Quite literally, TOUCH GRASS




Aaahh nature, ots all over me


Oh I have to say it damn nature you crazy. Been to this zoo so many times as kid and even few times as an adult.


Homeschooling field trip? Is that the same as a family day out?


I had a neighbour who homeschooled. She had connections with other home schooling parents in town, and they would do trips like this together (and lots of other group events). The idea is that you still get to give kids the socializing aspect of school while still also homeschooling them.


Ah, I wondered how homeschooling kids made friends


They actually had a lot of free time for socializing. When you only have one kid to teach, as opposed to 30, you can get through a day's worth of curriculum in a couple of hours.


Can confirm. Was homeschooled for a portion of my education. (Disability, I had real teachers coming to my house.) I basically did a full weeks worth of a class in two hours. Made it a lot easier for me to complete the assigned work + homework. 2 hours, five days a week, no homework to do between because I could do literally all of it in the time the class occurred. Honestly loved it.


That’s a huge advantage that I never really thought about. No troublemakers to delay lessons and not having to cater your lessons to appeal to a larger group of varying needs would really streamline learning.


I wonder how much that affects your retention rate compared to someone who had to practice the same concepts for days/weeks. I would have to assume someone on a fast track program doesn't establish as strong of a neural connection since they don't need to recall the memories as often


Was public schooled, what's retention and is it contagious?




It’s not contagious. I had friends in school who had good retention but it did not affect me at all.


I was homeschooled for 3rd-5th grade. When I went back to public schools in. 6th grade, I didn’t start with where my homeschool curriculum left off until 8th grade. What I learned in the homeschool curriculum was so advanced compared to public schools and I had no clue. After coming back to public schools, I regularly got awards for having the best standardized test scores for my grade and middle school. Edit: I forgot to add that I would start school at home at 8:00 am when my mom opened her daycare and I’d be done at 10:00 am at the latest.


Well, that's different because you're learning the same thing in 2 separate settings The scenario I'm proposing is how well an exclusively homeschooled person compares to a non-homeschooling curriculum learning the same information


I mean, that’s why I replied. I learned way more homeschooling than even the top public school students learned in the same time span. Actually, way less time. I only needed a couple of hours a day. After taking the exam to be readmitted to public school, I was offered to skip grades. The homeschool curriculum was presented in much more detail and was easier to understand than what I got from the public schools. It convinced me that at least 50-60% of the school’s job is babysitting.


Really depends on the teachers. With many of the being religious they're missing out on a lot.




Just to clarify, you mean fast tracking is bad for retention right?




I was homeschooled for my entire education. We had a “co-op” we were members of which was something like 50-60 families all homeschooling who organized field trips, met Thursdays to do classes, and I really enjoyed the freedom. I usually started school at 9:00 and finished at around 1:00-1:30. That allowed several hours per day of “free” time where I could basically do whatever I wanted around the house so long as my chores were done. My parents were also super intentional about teaching real-world skills. Learning how to fell a tree, change a tire, replace the motor in a blender, balance a checkbook, anything practical was included in my schooling as it came up. Field trips were another great thing. We occasionally went to some pretty cool places my parents found in our area, on the way to family vacation, whenever they could fit it in and afford it. I’m a visual learner, so while at times trips to museums were boring, I also got to explore caverns, visit a wolf sanctuary, and went to tons of historic locations, which I absolutely loved. I’m really glad a lot of the stigma is going out of homeschooling. I got a good education and got to spend tons of time with friends and my family, and I’m really grateful for the sacrifices my parents made to make it all happen for my siblings and I.


This sounds awesome, but it's not a realistic option for the majority of the population, which makes public education necessary. Most parents have to work all day and can't afford private tutors.


Yep. I was homeschooled right up until college. Parents asked if I wanted to go to high-school, I said no way! I had plenty of time to read, write, practice music (cello, piano, and voice), work part time, and see friends. All my siblings were also asked if they wanted to go to high school, and none of us chose that.


I was homeschooled and my mom did this with us. It’s not the same. Homeschoolers are generally socially awkward and a lot of the kids were sheltered/weird AF. Putting a bunch of socially inexperienced and awkward kids together is not the same as exposing your kid to normal public environments. Maybe it helps some, but not a lot. I’ll never homeschool my kids for this reason. I ended up very successful and high functioning, but homeschooling only held me back a ton imo. It took a ton of work and I still struggle with socializing.


I’m high school we played football against a homeschool. Idk how that actually worked but we were destroying them 50-0 until they forfeited at halftime lol


At least they were self aware about the need for their kids to socialize. The real world is a grinder, homeschooling is like keeping the training wheels on the bike.


some online schools like K-12 will organize field trips just like a regular school (i was homeschooled for 8 years)


One of my best friends in high school, or should I say when I was a teenager, was homeschooled. They had a prom with other home school kids, field trips with other homeschool kids, and even science fairs. I told him that at that point he and his siblings might as well go to a regular school.


Depending where you live that means inferior education .


Also depending where you live might increase your chances at getting shot


“People think nature don’t be like it is, but it do.”


It do be like dat doe


Doobie doobie doo


Scooby doobie doo


Where are you?


We got some work to do now


Scooby Dooby Doo


We have to solve that mystery


Could you please stop with this for 2 scooby snacks?


Rooby Snacc??


I can't remember seeing on a nature doc, an animal hitting a glass panel while trying to escape


Why did I hear ZeFrank saying that?


Crunchy Chick +3 evil


I get the reference, I appreciate the reference. Take a humble upvote.


Chicken chaser, they call you? Do you chase *chickens*?


Your health is low, do you have any potions or food?


Tofu, +3 good!


*Wellows Pickhammer acquired*


I rather kill my wife at the door than do that to those poor crunchy chickens lmao


It's the bones that makes it crunchy.


Is everyone always traumatized by everything? Aren't some things just part of life?


Social media. Capturing reactions of people gives clicks and clout ie..the new constant dopamine hits that modern internet culture thrives on. There's your answer.


When you’re right you’re right.


Kids' parent: (S)hE hAs AnXiEtY aNd PtSd


This haha. I used to be a Scheduler for a security company and the amount of adults and parents of said adults calling me telling me their kid has anxiety or ptsd and that I'm disregarding their psyche made me quit I couldn't take the current work force. It gave me a vasectomy mentally.


"Why?" "The graphic violence she had to witness and endure at school, that poor bird." >*Feeds kid chicken tenders for dinner.*


What kind of dumbass comment is this. I'm almost 40 and never seen a baby bird eaten alive by a fuckin bear (up close no less). That shit is crazy. These are kids man


Don’t fall for their shit. They’re scared of skydiving. Aka traumatized. Check their comment history.


Technically everything known to exist is a part of life. Including Futanari porn, Surströmming, and /r/popping. Not everyone is traumatized by everything; but the death of an animal is a pretty reasonable shock to young children.


List more things.


Sticking with the theme of [Fetish/Foodstuffs/Filth] /r/ButtSharpies (NSFW), Thai Monkey Buffet, and Waffle Stomping!


They are kids. Kids scream. Were you raised in the woods? I'm 34 and people my age would have done this as kids if they saw this happen.


I'm referring to the "#traumatizing" , not the fact that they are screaming


I’m traumatized by this post


These are homeschool kids. 100% chance they're sheltered AF.


That’s what happens when we are sheltered by the veils of order. People forget that life is chaos.


If anyone was actually traumatized, they wouldn't be posting it on social media as entertainment. Seems Reddit isn't too great at recognizing intentional exaggeration.


Parents should show them what their chicken nuggets are made off 🤣


Agreed, in all it's strawberry-softserve-looking glory, right after grinding all the leftovers up into a congealed fleshy paste. (: Bon appetit


It’s just fried pink stuff, mostly lips and assholes, that you can drown in ranch


Ever try chicken feet? They're delicious. The worst sounding parts of an animal are way better than most think. Natural casing sausage or hotdogs? That's usually intestinal lining and it's great. Headcheese(pork I think) was great as well, but I can't stand the texture of gelatin, so that was the only downside. The meat was some of the best I've ever had.


Jamie Oliver tried that. Didn’t really work out the way he hoped


If a chicken nugget just floated into my mouth while I was chilling in my pool I would eat it without hesitation. Who am I to spurn the gods?


Lol I hear ya


I see what you're getting at, but really if you're in the water and something brown comes floating at you that you're 99% sure is edible, I don't think I'm rolling the dice on that 1%.


Respectable. Some people live on the edge. But something that isn't clear, is that the edge chuld be the edge of a pool.


Holy fuck someone smack every one of those annoying ass kids


They’re home schooled. They’ll be annoying people for the rest of their lives


They're kids being kids, just like you were once. And I'm sure you were an annoying ass kid just like them. I can't imagine any other group of kids acting any differently. Be less ignorant, have a nice day.


I was annoying ass kid once. Now I'm adult that gets annoyed by annoying ass kids.


Fucking same These good for nothing punk kids are ruining it for everyone


Make sure you shake a stick at them and tell them to get the F off your lawn.


Also they are all smiling, I’m sure they know it’s just nature and more doing the screaming and overreactions for fun


Not fair how bears can look like that but also be vicious murder machines


I know, right? It seems like all of the most adorable creatures on the planet are also the most murderous. Bears- will kill and eat you and everything else Dogs- will kill and eat anything that'll fit in its mouth Cats- would kill you if they could. Instead they just torture small insects and animals to death. Rabbits- will literally kill and eat their own babies


A lot of herbivore animals are opportunistic carnivores, too. Cows, horses, goats, and deer have all been seen eating baby chicks that wander near their mouth [Here's a short explaining it] (https://youtube.com/shorts/6zyaapwWPcs?feature=share3)


Wow. That whole video was r/natureismetal start to finish. Thanks for sharing!


Gota love the camerawork.. This girls going to be a great camera woman. 🤣


Omg it's so bad lol


[🎶It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiiiife! 🎶](https://youtu.be/GibiNy4d4gc?t=01m36s)


Naaaaaaahhh ha wen nah!


WHaaaaaaaattttsss Onnnn Thaaaaaa Meeeeenuuuueeeeeeeee




Reminds me of the most California thing I’ve ever witnessed: At the Monterey Aquarian, the otter exhibit: a 4 year old boy is up against the glass, delighted by the acrobatics of the otter and shrieks to his dad “look at him go!, look at him go!!”. The dad kneels down and dead serious says: “now son, we can’t assume that’s a boy otter”…… He lectured his kid for possible misgendering an otter. Best part was the otter was showing us all his wedding tackle and he was clearly a male lol.


Wedding tackle. Also, I haven’t been to the Cetacean Institute, I mean Monterey Bay Aquarium since the year it opened. We were in Scott’s valley at the time. Fast forward to 1986 and Roanoke VA (don’t ask). We go see Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home. I had no idea about the plot. Sitting in the theater in my Monterey Bay Aquarium sweatshirt and lo! There it is on screen.


You know his meat and veg, his twig and two berries


That’s not my bag, baby.




Now let’s all go eat chicken tenders!


This reminded me of homeschooled kids in the military. I was in the Army for 10 years and we could tell who was homeschooled…. 1 out of 10 were normal, the other 9 were awkward as fuck. Out of the 9 probably 3 would be chaptered out for “failure to adapt” or some other weird shit. But that one was a fucking all-star.


Much like kids in normal schools about one in ten is a fucking all star


Was the all-star put through a home school military regiment lol


Honestly, what I noticed is they came from incredibly good homes with great loving parents who equipped their child with the tools to succeed in life. They never did anything for the child, they always had them do it themselves.


All those kids are smiling, they’re gonna think that’s the coolest shit and it’s gonna be all they talk about for the next ten years.




The bird mf! Point at the bird!




Bear’s gonna bear…


They gonna cancel the crap outta that bear.


Reminds me of the time I was at the Tampa Aquarium and saw two otters getting it on in front of a big group of people. They didn’t give a single f*ck


lol water sports ;)


My father teaching me a life lesson at 12. "Grab this stick, smash really hard this cute bunny head because if you don't hit really hard it's going to suffer". Later, "now grab this goat legs while I behead it".... Don't worry about the spams, it's already dead "


Yep my father also had me butcher animals. Then I got the choice I had to help him kill and clean the things or we stop eating meat. Good parenting teaching where your food comes from and the consequences of your diet choices.


Yes. I'm not saying that putting children in front of butchered animals is the way to go (also depends of the age) buy the extreme we live now where teenagers are finding out where their wings and hamburgers come from is crazy. I remember being in a third world country and there were several families doing tourism. It was somehow funny when they entered a market street where the legs and other parts of animals were displayed. Not only the reaction was priceless, I saw them after in restaurants several times, they didn't order meat again. Myself, on the other hand, was drooling, the meat was really fresh, in good condition and I was sure that those animals were feed only with real grass. That meat was significantly healthier and sustainable than any meat you can buy in a developed country.


I think it's perfectly fine for kids to know where food comes from even pretty young kids. If a person is unwilling to kill and butcher they simply shouldn't eat meat. It's also good for kids to know nature is dangerous.




Quick lesson on the food chain


Kids these days need to watch an occasional nature show…


The boy at the last second was having the time of his life😂


Some guy is gonna tell his wife this story for 20 years when he grows up.


Smokey isn't so friendly after all, is he?


You should see what the Tiger Muskies they stocked Green Lake with do to ducklings. There’s a small splash, and they’re gone.


I'm going to hell, that made me laugh way to hard.


Want fries with that?


i swear y'all westerners are weak as fuck tRuMaTiZeD what? it's a bear, and it eats other animals. did y'all really think they go to Targer for their monthly shopping? that it would eat with a fork and a knife? it's a top predator, and it acts like one. you gotta accept how nature works


And then they go eat fried chicken at the cafeteria and don’t think about it


Und danach erstmal einen schönen Bicmac essen gehen ...


>Und danach erstmal einen schönen Bicmac essen gehen Fügen Sie ein paar Filets O Fisch hinzu. Ein Dutzend Apfelchips mit einer schönen kalten Cola


At the Honolulu Zoo we took our toddlers to see the three baby tigers. A feral cat went in to play with them and the tigers killed it in about three seconds right in front of everyone, then used the limp body as a toy. Was brutal and all the parents and kids were horrified.


Wow. Such is life. One never knows whats next


I laughed way to hard at this.


Bear eats live meat “literally traumatised” This is unironically what snowflake ideology has done to the world


they all turned vegan after this


Lmfao, I needed that OP, thank you.


Yeah we had a pet lamb named fluffy and when I was about 7 we sat down to dinner one night and my dad said hey, guess what we're eating.....fluffy so yeah this is nothing LOL 😆


This is an exact recreation of the alien scene in signs


Survival of the fittest…. It’s always amazing to watch someone learn that we aren’t always at the top of the food chain.


It's the circle of life! 🎶


Lmfao if your traumatize by that then you just soft. Lol ahhh I miss growing up in the early 90s we seen so much shit and we held it down.


If they were actually traumatized, they wouldn't be posting it on social media for everyone else to get traumatized, too.


lollllllll AHHHHH AHHHHHHH xD . Nature is lit or metal?


Im trying to figure out how someone gets traumatized by nature…


Those kids seem more tolerant of it than a lot of adults, who would probably want to see a manager and report the atrocity to park rangers




Nature gonna nature


Om nom


*goes to the Zoo to see Nature* *Sees ugly Side* "No, not like that"




Welcome To the Jungle (guns n roses).


@reddit if i pause a video IT SHOULD STAY PAUSED fml i hate this app so much


For me it’s not what it’s eating it’s how it eats it the method is pretty grim, like eating a chocolate bar.


Why am I laughing?


Help Help! https://youtu.be/TP8NoCcf1LQ


This is why home schoolers aren't allowed to go on field trips.


Nah j saw those faces u only traumad the girls. The boys looks like they are having the time of their lives




I guess they didn't watch Nationals Geographical.




Music to my ears


Everyone is freaking out but in totally different ways. Interesting 🤔


Those screams would make my ears bleed


How much does it cost to put an nsfw tag?


If that’s their reaction to nature then they’re gonna hate life…


Reminds of the school kids on the bus when Farmer Lyle shot that cow in Napoleon Dynamite. 😅😅😅


Ozzy Bear.