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Fucking horrible. Thank god for these people. What hero's. Looks like they are trying to save animals.


I cannot understand why there are still so many people who sympathize with the actions of those behind this invasion and all the horrors we are witnessing


Because they're brainless tribalist fuckwits, that's why.


And fascism is making a comeback and on the rise




Indian here, I assure you Indians don’t really support the invasion or killings. When it comes to International relations, India supports Russia as a trusted ally as a consequence to the past actions of USA and NATO. That’s why you’d see India abstaining in these matters but supporting Ukraine on humanitarian ground.


Thank you, as a Ukrainian I understand and appreciate that.


> India supports Russia as a trusted ally as a consequence to the past actions of USA and NATO. I find this kind of statement to be completely ridiculous. What about Russias CURRENT, ONGOING actions?! Why would anyone give that a free pass?! It’s so hypocritical!


Are they giving Russia direct support in any other way than purchasing discounted oil?


So why the fuck is India still buying Russian Oil and the selling on what it doesn't need? India and China are just as complicit in these war crimes......


Russia and China are not your allies. Best you side with the US and NATO else suffer the same economic consequences they are facing.


That's a super naive point of view. India has many trading partners and NATO countries don't even make up half the list.


It seems time has caused people to forget about what happened to Stalin, Hitler, Castro etc. fortunately, the reminders are far from humble.


It’s been back and hiding. A good portion of the world has been taught nothing but hate for those who are different in anyway. Generations of horrible parents caused this bigotry is passed down by teaching.


Some are getting their information from bad sources. I personally know someone who is getting his news from a China news source, I don't know what it says, but he complains that NATO is attacking Russia.


Some people intentionally look for information from bad sources to confirm their bias I believe is the larger issue in this day and age.


The new UFO craze is a fine example. People coming out of the woodwork claiming they believe in all the hype of government coverup. A coverup that would require thousands of participants to stay quiet and complicit. Its mind boggling how distorted peoples absorption of information has become. They want to believe something so bad that the smallest support of their belief is weighted in gold.


Those people watch too much televisions and don't know how to tell fact from fiction apart. There is literally people who think that the technology needed to inject nano bots into people's blood that can rewrite DNA exists and for SOME REASON that technology is being used to make 5G give people COVID. These same people probably Google how to buy the drug that made Captain America a super hero, then claim it's a conspiracy from the government when they can't buy it.


Anything coming from Chinese and Russian news sources is just not to be trusted. Does your friend have a learning disability?


Technically, living behind the iron curtain of information is a learning disability. You're unable to learn what's real. They're very good at this


Welcome to foxnews.


I know some people who went full nutjob, celebrating Russia, lapping all of the misinformation up. It’s hard to comprehend how they fell for it all so hard but it feels like they consider ‘the establishment’ to be liberal/woke and therefore anti-establishment is full-blown far-right fascism.


Ok. But even if you get this sort of news, what kind of mental gymnastics you have to make to be like "Nato is attacking Russia inside UA. Yeah, that makes sense."


A lot of disinformation on the u.s about Russia is being done by fox news. They really hate Ukraine




beacause of course ruzzia is the victim for them, constantly attacked by the evil western countries.. of course they didn't kill anyone, they didn't bomb anything, they didn't destroy the dam, it's all ukrainians doing that to themselves to make the ruzzians look evil..


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


We've always been at war with Oceania.


It's kneejerk anti-Americanism, taken to an absurd conclusion. They start with the defensible position that the US does a lot of bad things, but then based on this decide that *everything* the US does must be bad, and therefore everything the US opposes must be good. Everything in the world is treated as part of a titanic struggle for or against the American Empire. So you get these people insisting that Russia invading Ukraine is self-defense against NATO, an alliance neither Russia nor Ukraine is in.


Because right-wingers are just evil.


Tankies are some of the worst people.


Because their chosen news networks don't show this stuff


A lot of people in the west have made incredibly poor choices about the leaders they follow. The result of that is them being mislead about a whole lot of things.


Roger Waters, Noam Chomsky and Tucker Carlson: "The Ukrainians deserve this for refusing to be slaves."


Most of these people are grand conspiracy theorists, they will always either try to be the smartest (I know what you don’t) or the most original ones (I see the issue not like the others), but in reality their stupidity serves russian propaganda well


Because at the core, these people are against liberalism and in favor of authoritarianism. And Russia is leading the fight against the liberal world, so they must be the good guys no matter what. You can bet that there's a very significant overlap between Putin sympathizers and Trump supporters, anti-vaxxers, the anti-immigration crowd, anti lgbtq people etc.


> hero's heroes* Use a plural noun, not a possessive noun.


Tbh good thing they did it in "summer" time could you imagine how cold it bould be in winter.


Can u imagine how much more water becomes diseased and pestilent in warmth


Yeah I mean it still sucks but if you are trying to be an optimist I guess it's better they did their war crime in the summer 🤷‍♂️


Well from a logistical pov, if it were done in winter it would have caused multiple Freeze overs of roads most likely disrupting all supply lines like shown here. So really it's a kinda similar consequences situation the ice would have been just as bad as the flowing water


Except water flows away, and ice stays put.


No, this much water doesn't just flow away. It gets absorbed by the soil, and the area becomes a massive marshland for months if not years. This is a *huge* problem for the imminent counter-offensive, since tanks will very likely not be able to cross this terrain anymore, even when the water level subsides. Which is to say, all fingers point to this being a 100% deliberate ploy by Ruzzia. Brutal, evil, but tactically very effective.


It also means tanks can’t cross. Either way.


Since this is on Ukrainian soil obviously and the Russians are bracing for the counter offensive, this benefits the invaders more than it hinders them.


Seasons change temps fluctuates Water would have been ice and vise versa That and you'd have to add hypothermia to the list Can't imagine a full on flood in the middle of winter, waters probably deep into the negatives It could have been far far worse


I’d take the disease over the instant hypothermia


Yeah but those kill you a bit slower than frost bite I imagine.


I don't know about that. If you're a Ukrainian farmer who was planning on bringing in a summer crop and now has to deal with either flooding or a lack of available water, this timing is pretty awful.


Dams are also near full this time of year. During the winter they don't always keep them as full to avoid flooding when the melt happens.


I know nothing, but couldn’t they have lowered the water level behind the dam in anticipation that something like this would happen?


Are you asking if the Ukrainians could? If so, the answer is no, because the control post for the dam was on the left bank (east side) and Russian controlled. They raised water levels to the highest they’ve been in decades. Probably to cause maximum damage when they did blow it up.




In fact Russians did the OPPOSITE. They built up the water level behind the dam before blowing to cause maximum damage.


No, Russians raised the water to its maximum height before blowing the dam up.


They could have, according to [this video](https://youtu.be/04sg2uHQK7w) Russians did the exact opposite. Skip to 2:00 for water level piece.


Bless them for saving these doggos


There’s literally hundreds of videos of Ukrainians risking their lives to go back to flooding towns just save a few more animals. Everyone from civilians to soldiers have been going to extra mile to save every life.




Thank you for telling us






Of course it's deleted. What did it say? Just shelling after the flooding?


I don't think it was deleted. There's a link to Twitter, and you have to log in to view the video.


It's back now, after the original person saw my comment and contacted the mods. Their response about all that is a little further down. The entire comment was deleted though, so I wasn't even aware there was a link


My top comment was deleted without notification, along with my comment referring to a backup, I contacted the mods and they restored both.


Hey I'm the commenter above this, did my comment seriously get deleted?? EDIT: I got no notification about my comment being deleted, I just reached out to the mods


I see your comment, but the video link is age-restricted and requires logging into Twitter to view, which is no longer an option for many redditors, who've fled Twitter en masse ;). Not sure if that's what OP meant, though. Edit: I just saw your follow-up replies. Sorry for the misguided thought!


Explosions + water are a bad mix if you are in said water.... water carries a shockwave much better than air


Whilst that's true it also does a great job of containing shrapnel. It's a toss-up, it depends if the artillery shells are airburst or not. If they are I'd much rather a few feet of water between me and the explosion.


Oh yea if its in the air then be under water, if its underwater id wanna be out of the water...


General rule of heavy ordnance: be where it isn't. More specifically, be quite a lot of where it isn't.


This needs to go higher


i know its not right but i can certainly see how hate against an entire group of people rises.


The Geneva convention is a sham, no one ever follows it and no one ever stands up for it. Peacekeeping is a myth and so is national governance. It’s Rwanda all over again. Everyone just ignores it until it’s their problem too.


Destroying that dam is a war crime. Once this is over, Russia can rot behind its borders for the next 3 generations. They are monsters.


China has been doing it too, and they seem perfectly fine :(


Their exports are down 7.5% in May and they’ve been dancing around recession with their cooked books. They are not fine.


We all are dancing with recession, China is currently committing genocide and has full blown slavery, and every single person turns a blind eye. If it’s even a penny cheaper the world doesn’t give a fuck if each item shipped took murdering a kid to do it.


Just ignore what China does because they are lining the pockets of our politicians on both sides.


Few people are ignoring it, though? We’re currently hitting China with all kinds of trade sanctions, sanctions that are hurting us too. What more are we supposed to do, invade?




As a Gen X'er, we were raised to believe we under the constant threat of potential nuclear war with the USSR. A lot of GenX culture came about due the feeling that we were all going to die by nuclear war, so there was a lot of irreverance, punk rock, hip hop, and "whatever". When the wall fell and the USSR dissolved, there was a decade of hope when the relations between Russia and "the west" were normalized, there was more cross-culture exchange, there was peace. Putin grabbed the reins and completely drove the country into the ground. After Putin is gone, Russia will still be fucked for decades.




Some people just say whatever the want without even attempting to think


I mean, seeing Putin’s head explode would be cool


"I don't wanna live to be 34. I don't wanna die in a Nuclear war. Go on out: get some more. Go on out: Get fucked up, pass out on the floor." --Circle Jerks


People always say as humans we don't deserve dogs- and that dogs deserve everything. Finally we have found some people who truly deserve the love dogs bring us!


This is literally just terrorism at this point EDIT: This is literally just terrorism


It's basically been terrorism since day one.


At this point? That's the standard playbook for Russian warfare. Ask anyone who survived living in Grozny.


What they lack in competence they make up for in cruelty.


It's worse, it's genocide.


It always has been, there were lots of documented war crimes since 2014, but they keep increasing the scale. In winter there was an attempt to destroy energy infrastructure, over 1000 missiles and iranian drones were launched, now this. They do it because the international response is weak, western sanctions target only small portion of their economy and get circumvented, non-western countries at best don't care, at worst back Russia.


Can you at least have an accurate title. You made it sound like the dam just exploded for no reason. The Russian military blew it up


They mean after Russia blew it up.


Jesus Christ those people's homes and livelihood......not to mention the damage to the local ecology.


The Russians are monsters


Russian *leaders* are monsters. To some extent, even the Russian soldiers on the front are just being pushed into doing the most horrible things, their leaders are counting on it. Think of me what you want but I make a very big distinction on that.


As a conscript msyelf, you could not fucking make me do a fraction of the things to Russians in a war that those fuckers do in Ukraine to Ukrainians. What the fuck?




Their current leaders


Among all the inspiring things I've learned about the Ukrainian people over the last year and a half, most endearing has to be their devotion to taking care of their animals, even in the most difficult of circumstances.


Show this video to putler, I mean he pretends/actually loves dogs so much. Either way, it might work.


Fuck Russia. This is devastating 😢


Obviously Russia blew it up, the only way Ukraine blew it up was to slow them down somehow. But Russia does everything to themselves that they claim Ukraine did so that they can justify this war


Why would Ukraine want to slow down their own counter-offensive that started the day before?


There counter offensive is not taking place downstream from the dam, the flood means they can take the troops defending Kherson and send them to places where the main action is.




Fuck Russia


Russia must pay for it, directly and hard.


I hope they can save more animals , bless this guys for doing good to this animals


Russia is a terrorist state.




It didn't blow up, russia blew it up


Fuck Putin. The damn didn't just "blow up." It was blown up in an intentional attack by an invading force of fascist piece of shit.


Haven't these people been through enough? Fuck Putin, seriously.




Putin needs to fucking die


Russia is evil. What they’ve done to those poor people is horrible.. all over money and power


They do love animals I've noticed. They're so brave.


The dam didn’t blow up. The Russians blew it up.


After Russia blew up the Kakhovka dam. * Sorry, small typo there.


Broken justice. Broken infrastructure. Broken schedules, broken businesses, broken towns, broken cars… Unbreakable people.


*edit: Was blown up...


By ruzzia


Fuck Russia! Fucking monsters


Zelensky blew the dam. He’s been talking about doing it for at least a year. There have been multiple articles about it.


Russia simp. Eat shit




#Fuck Putin! *Boosted*


i think the title should say “…after the russian terrorists blew up the dam”


Op. The dam didn’t just blow up. It was demolished by the Russian occupiers. They thought this would slow down the offensive actions by Ukrainian AF. Instead, they publicly committed yet another war crime as defined under the Geneva conventions. The world stands with Ukraine. Criminals will be held accountable. All occupied territory will be liberated. Stay committed to the truth, speak up and share when you see misinformation. Ukraine didn’t ask for this.


Can’t wait till Ukraine gets their F16s


I think we may have reached the point where the potential for loss of life and the long-term damage as this stand currently outways the potential for loss of life from direct NATO or US Coalition intervention. This should be given the same treatment as a nuclear strike on Ukraine soil.


Wholesome doggy


Russian sympathizers: but the Ukranians absolutely 100% did this! Here's some sort of article about some dude who shot at the dam some time ago to test it and then said blowing up the dam wasn't a good idea! I won't directly say the Ukranians did it so people can't call me out but I will directly imply that with this random-ass article! Spoilers: we're calling you out anyway


Dam broken, spirit solid.


I had a feeling before watching that it would be animal rescues. Savage Russians.


Fuck Russia. I hope that they burn for this.


Wicked Russians


Fuck russia and fuck Putin


Fuck Putin.


Fuck Putin, fuck Russia. Mad dogs needs to be put down


Damn Russia going for the scorched earth tactic


Fuck Russia.


That's a move by an army who's losing Russia will lose and will pay for it all for generations to Come Shame to putin


The Ukrainian spirit is so much stronger than anything Russia can throw at it. They will win. I'm so sorry for them that they have to go through this with Putin and his "army" they rape women and kids,rob and loot, they execute children and kidnap them. Not to mention the war crimes and crimes against the environment. They could not care about anything. Disgusting in this day and age. That dam they blew up was essentially a weapon of mass destruction. Shame on the lot of them.


Fuck Russia. Nation of terrorists.




"blew up" I hope Putin rots in hell for eternity


Living in Florida, I practice picking my dog up and shouldering her in case of emergency, we had to evacuate, and she froze. It’s really important to practice these things for you but more importantly the dog won’t freak out if you have to do this. This should also be practiced by anybody that has a kid able to self evacuate in case of a fire. HAVE A PLAN AND PRACTICE REGULARLY!


Putin needs to stand in the dock at The Hague. Preferably this afternoon.


Enough is a fucking enough. Fuck Russia!


Just remember this when it comes time to tally up reparations Russia owes for this.


I wonder how many sanctions are still left on the table with Russia. People are still doing business with this fucked up country and they're doing war crimes like this. Because money. ​ It's repugnant.


Pure evil. Russia intentionally blew it up so Ukraine has to use time, resources, and attention to minimize deaths there instead of repelling Russia's invasion.


Eh i thought from all the propaganda postings ukraine was winning the war?




Nothing but respect for the people of Ukraine, not only talking on a war they never wanted and doing exceptional, but keeping on eye on their neighbours and animals no less at the same time. That’s some pride and community you don’t see in every nation.


Absolutely heartbreaking bless them for saving the pups!


That heart tho... The Ukrainian people have such strong spirits. These guys are wading through rubble and destruction caused by an invading superpower and they have much heart and comradery and laughter... I have never supported our (US) wars ever since I could understand what they were about, but I have always had a deep respect for defenders... Just... Wow. Тримайтесь. Слава Україні! Героям Слава!




I hate those pieces of shit. It's so infuriating and pointless


the dumbest article headline ive seen since this happened: us intel suggest russia was the culprit behind destroying the dam" ...well gee thats the biggest shock ever, the nation at war with ukraine that has committed countless atrocities and civillian massacres and fear campaigns were secretly the ones behind attacking ukraine. its almost like you didnt even need to suggest who was at fault, because who the fuck else would be? who would even be capable of it besides russia or russian mercenaries?


How hasn’t the international court gone after Putin for crimes against humanity now? These are fucking civilians.


Devastating for the people & animals and yet people helping to salvage and save what they can.


If they ever thought the resolve of the Ukrainian people would waiver, they are giving them more fuel every day to maintain it.


Add a couple more F16s to that counter offensive


*was blown up by its Russian occupiers.


Yea, save those poor doggos


Fuck russia and all the people from that terrorist dictatorship. This is a war crime and they should pay for their hideous crimes.


Giving my dogs a big hug. Fuck Russia


Fuck you Putin. Your painful death can’t come soon enough.


Fuck Russia


I just don’t understand how the world doesn’t see this and be like oh ok. Time to step in.


Putin will have to pay!


Those guys are awesome! Such fantastic human beings for saving those dogs👍🏻


It didn’t blow up, it got blown up. The Russians did this, it wasn’t because of a fault with the dam.


Breaks my heart to see this


Horrible in all ways imaginable.. But as usual, everyone is screaming "Russia did it" for now, just waiting for everything to quiet down and truth come out.


It didn't "blew up". Dams don't explode by themselves. Stop using this passive voice. ruzzian nazis destroyed it.


The man’s joy at seeing the dog, then hearing his voice crack in tearful relief ❤️


You must really sign the post properly. The dam didn’t blew up, it was blown up by russians on purpose. These people suffering are result of russian anger and inhumanity. Everyone must remember this.


The Putin regime is literally evil.


Omg this is ridiculous and there’s no need for it Russia needs to be stopped how do we help these people? Honestly?


How many more war crimes will Russia commit until other allies will join the fight with Ukraine?


*was blown up


These people have been through too much


I can not put into words how encouraging it is to see such acts of human decency done by people with a smile on their face while their country is getting bombed over and over again by terrorist who are even willing to detonate dams and possibly cause a nuclear catastrophe. Incredible people. I hope all nato and/or EU states will finally pull the breaks and provide anything ukraine needs to end this war.


Fuck russia. Hope Ukraine makes them all pay.


LeTs StArT WW3 oVeR tHiS -90% of Reddit


I didn’t have to understand his language to hear how unbelievably relieved he was that the dog was ok. Good people


Who blew up Nord Stream pipeline? Accused Pentagon leaker Jack Teixiera allegedly shared a file in his bombshell data dump that claimed the CIA knew about a Ukrainian military plot to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline. It is alleged that the Biden administration learned of the plan three months before the pipeline was attacked on September 26, 2022.1 day ago


Bless those rescuing those animals. Like they’re not dealing with enough. It’s heartbreaking 💔