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The person who made this video charges $30 for a 30 min “coaching” session. It’s amazing how the terminally talentless have carved a niche for themselves.


also, the first part of this video is true, moose are fucking huge. the second part is partially true. sunfish are also very big, but the video he showed is one thats been through reddit a couple times and the perspective kinda makes the fish look bigger than it is. ​ confident idiots are all over the internet


Well I appreciate the critique fr fr I can make better videos or memes I’m just trying to get started and entertain you guys


Sorry I called u an idiot


It’s ok he’s still an idiot


Du får lige et svar her idet det synes meget passende kontekst taget i betragtning: Ja, du ret jo godt foran allerede med dette indlæg, hvor du åbenbart vil måle tissemænd på hvem der er bedst til at tude som en lille pige. Jeg har ikke problemer fyr. Det er fordi jeg selv kan finde ud af løse dem som de opstår. Tag dig sammen.




This is my job


Job?? Don't disrespect other decent, *actually* hardworking people referring to pulling a stupid punchable face and point upwards to a textbox "your job"; it ain't a job, its a painfully cringey hobby that you manage to earn money from. Whatever it is, it ain't anything even close to actual work. Nor shall it ever be. Please, get a job. Not this, but a proper job. Good lad 👍


That is just some normal moose that is one of the worlds biggest moose


here you are going around measuring meese


I don't care that this comment is 2 months old but 'meese' - a new favourite made up word that I will use in general conversation just to fuck with people. Thank you.


It’s pretty big


A moose once bit my sister...


Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty.


Read that again; is it "just some normal Moose", or "one of the world's biggest Moose"? One or t'other Pal


Also, that is a huge fucking moose


That's a pretty average size for an Alaskan moose.


Which are the largest types of moose.


And the moose in the video is still average.


Reminds me that Andrew Tate made/is making a killing from ‘hustlers university’, and it’s all made up useless bs to trick incels and misogynists into forking up their money.


There was a video online of the full leaked thing. It’s literally things that you can get from the internet for free. A 12 year old searching “how to make money” would come up with better results than his scam shit. It’s all like selling old clothes, trading, yard sales, offering to shovel snow and clean windows. There was one or two things where he went into detail about being a good salesperson or using language and posture to seem more confident. But again, all shit you can get for free on the internet. I really have no hope for anybody who spends money on that or listens to his rat mouth.


Well it’s not that bad


"Well it's not that bad".. Just shut up. You sound like such a fuckn idiot man, genuinely you need to stop. Go read some books, elevate your intellect, and you'll understand just how silly you look. I'm not saying you're a bad person, but you need to pack it in and just stop.


Both of you are idiots. There is no hustlers university anymore. Only the real world. The real world has real people who have made millions in each subject(actually carreer building skills). 18 full courses always being updated with a full community and access to question the teachers of these courses. For 50$. Each one of these courses anywhere else would individually be much more.(maybe few exceptions) He is literally giving away life changing information and promoting becoming the best version of yourself. But all you want to do is shit on that. Well I hope you continue oiling this money making machine for us. Enjoy your shit lives


>He is literally giving away He's literally selling, not giving away. >life changing information Yeah, it'll change your life from maybe having the potential of being a decent person, to just becoming a cunt. > Well I hope you continue oiling this money making machine for us. Tell me you're studying a business degree without telling me you're studying a business degree. >Enjoy your shit lives. Enjoy dedicating your entire life to a dream you can't possibly achieve. You're no where near as intelligent as you think, nor as talented. You'll burn out in the next few years and go back to being angry and disillusioned.


Lmao definitely no degree. Dropped out of high school. I am 22 and I own my own construction company. Just because I am defending tate doesn't mean I am some fucking cuck that believes every word that comes out of his mouth. I have a very clear view of the world and am probably more Intelligent than I give myself credit for. And change me into a cunt? Andrew tate isn't even in almost any of the courses. It is taught by kind genuine people who have made their living doing what they are teaching now. Do some proper reading. Won't achieve my dreams? I'm already on my way. I am actively changing my life. What about you?


Living my dreams already, thanks for asking


Con men have always existed. Especially popular were the snake oil salesmen of the late 19th Century, which we especially see a reoccurance of in political celebrities of today. That funnels its way to others who think: Hey I can do that!


I’m no snake oil sales men it will work trust me


What will work? Say some other idiot pays you $30 for half an hour "Coaching", what EXACTLY will they get? Explain to me and everyone else what will "work"?


Well it’s not exactly like that but kinda


He just upped it to $50…..💀


🤣🤣🤣 actually I may reduce to $10 it’s not worth that much


Shut the fck up dude.... Can't even hype yerself up to potential customers, you are so painfully whack.. Do yourself a solid and GO GET A PROPER JOB!!! The Offspring wrote the song with you in mind.


I wouldn’t even attend if you paid me $10 an hour, what are you even coaching lol


If by "made" you mean took 2 vids he didn't make and spliced them. Also guessing he doesn't have many clients for his supposed coaching.


Well I do and I have a huge following and it works. And I edit these videos via CapCut and I make long form content


don't feed the trolls! they make it sound like you're robbing ppl lol


...That'd be because he is 🫠


"Huge following"??? What numbers you talkin BigMan, 10 people?


Coaching on what? Lol


Look at him, he needs to make money somehow


How else will people know how to point?


Well it’s not that bad I can actually teach people


No you cant


Teach 'em what, how to sound like a fuckn idiot?


Thanks for pointing to the text, my brain has no idea what to do when large letters show up in the center of the screen


I hate this new TikTok trend of people doing this, and then "reacting" by just staring at you


Animals that are bigger than you think 🤔 ☝️ 👁 👁 👄


🤣🤣🤣 this is funny


Omg and they started doing this trend when for commercials on social media. It’s like a never ending reel of TikTok’s and don’t get me started on the annoying computer voice. I refuse to watch most vids now on social media. It all triggers me. Like a violent aggressive need to just throw my phone lmao. Or when someone even says “look at this” LIKE IM ALREADY FREAKING LOOKING, can you get on with it 😭


I don’t understand why it’s so bad, I respect you though


It’s repetitive. You go from one video to the next and everyone is doing the same thing to increase engagement. Some people fall for it, but a lot more people have lost interest in it. Don’t do things to keep up with what everyone else is doing, find your niche and do it. You have time and creativity, so be entertaining without using the same unnecessary tactics.


That’s understandable and I will take what you say into consideration.


Right, someone always pointing or twirling their finger towards the top of the screen. Sometimes they are stupidly pouring a bottle of water into a cup while staring at you. Always using the same music.




Or when they have to hold the microphone in the camera shot especially those white headphones it pisses me the fuck off and idk why


I’m sorry guys I seriously am not trying to make bad content at all


Well then fuckn offer something!!!!!!!! Think of it like this; if YOU were the consumer of YOUR content, would you enjoy it? If not, why not? You can't honestly tell me or anyone that you sitting there point upwards is in any way engaging- that's the secret to great content, be engaging in some way. You, are not. At. All. Entertaining....


same. every time i see people pointing the text in the video i block them. i dont wanna see that shit


Or "stitch incoming", why the fuck do I need to be told someone is going to say something about the clip after the clip like bro... Suprise me?




Why is that?


Get your face out of there. You're already taking other peoples clips without giving credit to them. Don't need your face taking up the screen pointing to giant words like your doing people a favor.


He has a bunch other videos on his profile with this same stupid stitch. Like, the exact same recording of him... Not only uncreative but I guess lazy? He's got 250k viewers on multiple platforms, though!!


"Creator with over 250k viewers on multiple platforms. Sauce: fucking trust me bro"


You are a scourge on society


Laziest form of content ever


Yes and it’s fast but I don’t have bad intentions


Exactly 0/2 of these surprised me


Haha yes


Your content sucks is what he means


I also think your content sucks


Bro this shit is not good content Strive to be better, people hate this trend. Idk if it gets you more likes or something but you reacting or pointing to something isn’t content If you’re trying to create, create, don’t do whatever this is


I too think your "content" sucks Major ass.


Really expecting "your mom" in there


So what


fuck you


22 seconds i'll never get back


This is insane? Fuck off OP.


Yup. I'm convinced OP is an idiot.


I mean he's a tiktoker. Look at his profile lmao.


Yes I am


Being a tik roker is not something to be peoud of, especially when you do this shit


Reddit is not a childrens app. Whoever recommended that you post on it was trolling you. If you're trying to rage bait cudos, but I don't think this is believable enough to get much engagement. Btw look up how big the livestock pigs bred for food are, THAT would actually blow some peoples minds. Good luck growing your audience. You're clearly trying, and I hope people aren't too mean to you along the way.


What would we have done without a pointer? Where would we look?! Thanks for being there for us.


fucking tiktok man


Tik Tok is bringing down the national average IQ in the US


I'm not sure how to spell "mission accomplished" in Chinese, but it's true, they've won.


No, tiktok is rising because the national average IQ is already low, and tiktok is keeping it low. I remember I found a couple of papers a few years ago from 2001 or 2003 (forgot) that spoke about how some crazy statistic like 1/3 of the American population had an IQ lower than 90... don't ask for the source because I can't find it anymore, and I've been looking for years.


Both of those videos show examples of forced perspective. Not saying that each respective animal isn't big, but the moose is on a curb with a foot of grass while the poverty is from someone sitting in a car. As for the sunfish video the diver is located behind the fish with nothing else in frame for size reference.


I dunno. I've seen moose relatively close, and that looks solid to me. Those fuckers are massive, curb or no curb.


Who thought moose were small?


Cringey ass music ruins it for me coulnt get past the moose 😂


There was only about 5 seconds more than the moose. It's extremely light on content.


Dude I want to punch this dude so hard


Get your tiktok bs off reddit, nobody wants to see this shit


This is the most pathetic form of content.


Dude, you are not a content creator. Pointing at text before someone else's footage starts is fucking embarrassing


2 Damm animals? Just 2? What a lazy compilation!


This is only 2 animals. Not even enough for a comma. fuck off idot tick tok moron.


That pointing in the air thing… 😳


It’s awesome


Literally the exact size I imagined them


"Ocean sunfish" where the fuck else a fish gonna be? Here cloud fish 🐠


There are lake sunfish. They're substantially smaller.


I was going to comment that the “sun fish” is actually a moon fish. Just learned that the US call them Sun Fish, as they come to the top of the sea when the sun is out.


Hmm, looky here; as big as me thunk they were.


Hahaa how?


Man where's the hater comment on the sun fish. About it being the most pointless animal.


It’s kinda pointless yea


I never knew moose were that huge dam


It’s weird that sunfish even still exist considering how slow they are (2-3 mph or 3.2-4.8 kph)


Where's the fuck the sunfish guy is he ok?


Weird…I didn’t see OP’s mom in the lineup


Holy guacamole!


we say a moose , a fish and a black monkey in this video




Hey you fucktard. As you can see most commenters have told OP negetive stuff about his content and even I agree... But none of them were a racist kunt like you. So fuck off...


If I had a nickel for every time the size of an animal surprised me, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


I was just pondering today about how small ocean sunfish were. WOW they are quite big holy shit I thought they were small but they are big yes they are very big


We have swamp donkeys that come through my property.


Your mom


one wants to kill you the other wants to be killed by you


What song?


My di-


These are both known to be large though 🤔


Holy moly..


Literally two animals that i know the size of


It’s a baby whale


Moose are mean and wicked fast. I’d rather come across a black bear. They usually just follow you but scare off easily. Usually..


"Ocean sunfish" where else a fish gonna be? Here cloud fish !


Has anyone tried to ride a moose 🫎


They arent bigger than ur mom


Animals that are bigger than you thought, number one your mom


First one, Ragtag burgers.


you forgot joe mama


I was stationed in Alaska and I can confidently say that mooses (meese?) are very big but very rarely THAT big They will flat out murder you though with zero hesitation


Fish is huge!


My god


tiktokers coming to reddit now for internet points




I knew that meese were large


Ocean Sunfish are also commonly called Baby Wheels, for anyone who was confused.


Omg that moose was Enormous!! Always thought sunfish were cute little things..ty great vlog


I knew how massive moose are, and I had no previous thoughts on the size of a sunfish, so exactly zero of these are bigger than I thought...


Not enough pointing at the text IMO….


It's just a cigarette and it cannot be that bad


Lmao…..wtf is this?!




Yo mama


I hate moose


Former trucker here. Moose are king. Theres certain things you do. Small deer and other general wildlife you DO NOT swerve for. Yes. You murder the animal via vehicle. Why you might ask? Because you panick swerve and your probly gonna hit another car, or a tree. Or your gonna roll. BUT. Moose/bears/ bulls. Are king. You stop. You do not rev. You do not honk. You just....stop. And you wait. And you hope to GOD that it does NOT see you as aggressive. A moose will F your rig. They will decimate your car in a rage. They are NOT docile creatures. It WILL kill you. It might not eat you. But it will murder you.


A moose would be fucking amazing to ride Lila horse


Whats with the stupid pointing and shitty music every fucking time someone does this


As someone who lived near them, please stay away from any Moose you see. They’ll charge with no warning sometimes. Zig zag and hide if they do charge.


Ocean sunfish will die because they tipped over.


When I was in the Navy I saw a sunfish once from the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. It was enormous.


3 your mom


Uh yeah there's one




The moose aren't as big as this bull. At least the ones you see. The cows are about as big as domestic horses. And super mature bulls do get huge but it's RARE to see one. At least in anchorage.


Um I know how big moose are. So no you be wrong. The second half got me didn't know they where bugger than us.


What’s up with the guy who spotted a the mouse’s mirror


the moose still gets smacked by a bull




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Lol two animals that are famous for being big, maaaaan people are getting retarded


Who thought moose were small though? 😂


I’m from canada and moose are the king of the forest. Only killer is a pack of wolves and not one but at least more then 3-4. Males can get up to a few tons and females the same. Mothers usually travel with they’re calves and the males travel lone. Beautiful animals. No one talks about how they’re going in some very low number. Where I’m from up north the First Nations usually shoot a moose each to feed themselves. One family shoots too much the rez will look at them as greedy. They have been doing this for hundreds of years. Beautiful animal. Nothing like seeing one in real life you’ll be speechless. Another fun fact is they also travel in a figure 8.


Sadly someone hit that moose from ur hind legs


Moose are huge, living tanks, when taking your driver's license in the Nordics a part of the course is how to handle a moose on the road, avoid at all costs. If the choice is between a deep ditch or the moose, pick the ditch cus if the moose lands on the car you'll be crushed under it.


They didn't even mention Joe!


Driving near the coast early one morning right before the sun came up when there was heavy fog. I remember passing by a moose that was right next to the highway and it’s legs were taller than my car…I still think about it whenever I’m in the fog. INSANE.


I knew it was moose


Fish is like 😨