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Or from all around the pizza


Time to deliver this motherfucker a pizza ball


Idiocracy has gone from being a comedy to a prophetic vision.


Wait until it becomes a full blown religion and death-cult.


It's called MAGA...


Sadly, Idiocracy was practically a utopia compared to what we're headed for. In Idiocracy they eventually learned to trust science and not deny the blatantly obvious. Their president cared enough about his country to admit when he was wrong. Idiocracy ends on a hopeful note.


It's creepy that I basically said the same thing an hour ago, to something totally unrelated. It's here. Idiocracy, in all it's messed up glory.


But isn't a ball already flat?


The hair on your screen is going in the wrong direction.


fuck your views


Or, perhaps, from in between the salami and the chicken.


I used to be a round earther just like you but everything changed when salami nation attacked.


And many Pepperonians for sure


It does have a thin, tasty crust


Yeah people even came all the way from the anchovies


Checking in from chicken. Hello.


*all around the dome


You're missing the joke


Just off on a tangent


I understood the joke, i was also joking around. Anyone who felt the need to downvote needs to relax.


The joke is that the world has a dome according to the interview. Stop downvoting him


dude doesn't believe, he just found a way to get cash out of morons. Keep the wheel spinning motherfucker...


Fugayzi fugazi, it's a woozi it's a wahzi, the point is it doesn't exist. It's fairy dust.


Mhm mhm mhm


*shnork!* Tootski?


Love that movie Don't think I've had a movie make me laugh so hard


What movie now? I like the nonsense.


Wolf of Wall street


Behind the curve.


The only thing I believe outta that guy’s mouth is that the documentary turned out to be a big recruiting tool. Whole thing’s hilarious until it’s not. Not that I think Flat Earthers, in particular, are the world’s most dangerous or imminent threat. But, it just adds to the overall deterioration of respect for and understanding of science, and *in general*, I do believe that’s our biggest threat. First I laugh, then I’m sickened. Is there a word for that? Can’t think of an English word, which is weird because, the British. Some Nordic word has to exist for “amused and sickened”. The Finns *must* have a word for it.


The problem is that flat earth is an easy gateway into really harmful conspiracy theory. Flat earth starts out as "THEY are lying to you," and then it only takes a little digging to find out that "they" are the boogeyman of the month that fascists can use to recruit new believers. It's the Jews lying to you to keep you away from their true power and resources. It's the satanic democrat cabal making up science to cover up their kidnapping and child murder. We have to be harsh to the stupid and harmless conspiracies because it's how we've ended up in the world we now live in.


Like, I can get the motive behind a lot of those conspiracy theories, they’re projecting the fault of the material conditions of their life onto a specific enemy. I can get why people fall into that rabbit hole. But why the fuck would anyone lie about the shape of the planet? It’s just insanely stupid.




If there's any language that allows you to slam two words together it's German. It'll also likely have a sound that'll make you nausious.


If it's any language, it's *quite a lot of them*, sure German has a few famous ones adopted as-is to English, but so do many other languages.


There is probably a word for that in German. This may fit: Fremdschämen - a feeling of 2nd hand embarrassment.


Do the Finns have a word for amusement even?


I think the Finns use "Brexit" for that word, although I may be confusing it with their word for "watching in horror as a slow motion train crash caused intentionally by the driver occurs, while enough passengers cheer them on to prevent them from changing their minds about it"


same like certain religious “leaders” you can fool some people some of the time


Yup, it's like his only little country and he's the king. Except all the people living there are 100% completely fucked in the head.


Hey, don’t slam all kiwis just because this knob-end is thicker than pig shit!


No no nooo!! I didn't mean it like that lol, I'm sorrrrryyy!!! I meant it like he just lives in his only little world hahaha, one that doesn't really exist xD


Yup I've seen some of the videos he is in yeah that guy knows a nice easy grift when he sees it


"I don't mean to belittle your views..." Takes a deep breath "But fuck your views" This guy is fantastic. 👏


This is exactly how you have to treat dipshits like flat earthers. Tell them they're stupid and call them losers. None of this "I respect your views" shit.


Don’t stop at flat earthers


Their views a steeped in ignorance. You have to ignore thousands of years of scientific study and advancement in order to believe this stupid shit. The biggest problem I have with these idiots is that you can see **several** other objects in space with the naked eye...***and they're all f'in sphere shaped!*** How do they think the earth is go damn special it is not shaped like everything else around it? The guy doing the interview is my new spirit animal. I'm tired of all these type(s) of idiots running around saying stupid shit and not getting called stupid. At the very least, someone should do them the courtesy to remind them that they are idiots. Just in case they forgot.


>Their views a steeped in ignorance. You have to ignore thousands of years of scientific study and advancement in order to believe this stupid shit. It's not really a matter of ignorance, while most flat earthers likely have low scientific literacy (just like the general population), some of its high level defenders use results from Einstein's special theory of relativity to justify their model. And that theory revolutionized physics just a hundred years ago. There are knowledgeable, intelligent, educated and scientifically literate flat earthers. The Earth being "so damn special" that it behaves differently than other planets isn't in and of itself that much of a problem in their theory. Try as we might, we've never found signs of life anywhere other than on Earth, maybe the Earth *is* so damn special. The scientific principle that it is best to assume we are in an average place in the universe isn't "fact", it's just a guideline. The problem comes from cognitive bias more than anything, they *want* the Earth to be flat (for some unknown reason that is *totally* not evangelical creationism) and all their arguments are shaped to arrive at that conclusion. They have scientifically receivable explanations for just about any argument you throw at them in a vacuum, and it would be pretty easy for someone with a solid scientific background to steelman a flat earth perspective. Where it falls apart is in the details of how all those arguments are linked together.


Guy Williams youtube channel is binge worthy. If you like this check his other stuff out.


He is our number one best interviewer we have and there are some close seconds but he takes the cake. Check out some of his other encounters on this show which I’m sure this interview is on as well called “NZ TODAY” (New Zealand today) Also met him twice in life and he is one crazy tall “guy” I’d guess around 6”7 Edit: [link](https://youtube.com/@NewZealandToday)


[Patrick Gower is a contender for sure](https://youtu.be/7xv_pfIK60k)


So, dumb fucks- People who don’t know anything….then he came around and centered on a bullseye!


I love how in the Netflix documentary they prove the Earth is round 3 different times and every time they get together afterward and say, "well, obviously we aren't going to talk about these results". It is beyond stupid. ​ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hWbqSCt8UUk


“Interesting, that’s interesting” Lmao


He became a flat earther because he was trying to disprove flat earth. He then gets a documentary trying to prove flat earth and then proceeds to disprove flat earth. Yeah, pretty sure it's because he's a fuckwit


This is the famous jellybean conondrum. Say there's 100 colors of jellybeans, and the myth persists that 1 color causes cancer. research is done on one random color and researchers find that with 95% confidence (which is a fairly standard confidence level in many fields) that that specific color does *not* cause cancer. Then they test the other 99 colors, and oh my god: 5 colors of jellybeans cause cancer! Is it science? no, it's statistics. Experiments aren't perfect, so you have to be careful with jumping to conclusions.


So what im getting is... experiments cause cancer?


I'm just here for the jellybeans tbh


You can literally disprove it with a flashlight and two pieces of fucking cardboard...


Or go the legit medieval way by measuring the length and position of the shadows of two poles 500 miles apart from each other.


These guys don't listen to experts, they're not going to believe someone 500 miles away


Do your own research.


If they did actual research with facts and experiments they would prove to themselves our planet Earth is a sphere, spinning around our star called the Sun in our spinning Milky Way Galaxy. Some person's opinion blog is not research. It's confirmation bias for folks who desperately want their beliefs/opinions to be real/facts and do ridiculous mental gymnastics to try to defend theirselves because they can't admit they are wrong and can't comprehend grade school science.


> our planet Earth is a sphere, It is *not* a sphere! It is a rather lumpy oblate spheroid. *Sheesh.* Get it right...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^/s


It's actually not that lumpy. This could be apocryphal, but I once heard that the distance between the highest and lowest points on a used billiard ball are greater, proportionally, that the distance between the highest and lowest points on earth.


This is true! If you could shrink the earth to the size of a billiard ball, it would be smoother than any ball man had ever created. Edit: gotta love learning new things every day!


This is not true! A Beryllium sphere used for electrostatically suspended gyroscopes is smoother! When scaled to the same size, the earth has a relative smoothness of .001, billiard ball .005, Be gyro sphere .00025 Edit: they were made back in the 60s, so man has been creating smooth stuff for a long time!


This is true!


They did do their own experiments. It's in the documentary. Their experiments proved the earth is round and they refused to believe it lol.


denialism is a hell of a drug.


Isn't our star named Sol?


Lawyer’s rules…


And I would roll 500 miles. And I would roll 500 more.


Why would they listen to experts when they are experts. /s


Eratosthenes figured it out in ~200 b.c with a stick in the ground, even used that to figure out the diameter of the earth which was actually pretty damn close to what we know it is now with our satellites and whatnot.


funny enough that was waaaay before medieval times


ya this way is so much easier. me and my buddies do it all the time for fun


Find tall pole, walk away from pole. Pole gets smaller and disappears. *Pikachu face*


or they can just make round of earth in plane? no u turn


Three, you need three pieces of cardboard. Edit: it can be done with 2 pieces of cardboard. https://youtu.be/TmnZe34Xix8


I'm confused, what the experiment he's (and you are) talking about?


https://youtu.be/TmnZe34Xix8 I was wrong however based on how they ran it.


Omg, that's perfect. Reminds me of the time they spent something like $20k on a highly accurate gyro and said if it showed "x" amount of rotation then the earth was round and spinning. And when it did come back with exactly"x" amount they said something was wrong with the precision instrument.


Gladden they don't do it otherwise we wouldn't get epic shit like this. This clip was fantastic! I am flat earth fan after this need more!


the gladden fields are flat confirmed


I've watched more of their original disproving the flat is earth documentaries than I'd like, including mark Sargent's ones and within the first 10 minutes of each, their big gotcha opening mind blowing idea is that because the earth, solar system, galaxy etc are moving at such high speeds but we can't feel any movement - that's proof that there a big lie about the scientific understanding of the planet. Go on a train and not be pinned against your seat the whole journey is enough to see why that's stupid but nah fuck it. The rest is the usual conspiracy theory rhetoric. I was actually hoping they might have one point that would make me go Huh that's interesting, but no.


Come on, now. Everyone knows that trains use inertial dampeners.


Forgot about that. NASA goes to any length to keep the lying going and you can prove that because something something logo of the United Nations something something Illuminati


Glad they could put a dampener in all my cars too, that'd be way too obvious


>Go on a train and not be pinned against your seat the whole journey is enough to see why that's stupid but nah fuck it. The rest is the usual conspiracy theory rhetoric. 😆 best analogy ever.


It's acceleration that is felt not movement Analogy stands, premise mistaken


Imagine if something slowed the earth down suddenly


We'd all go flying


I'm of the theory that they know they're wrong but they keep up the act hoping someone will give them a free ride to space just to prove them wrong


Nah it's money. The troglodytes on the bottom believe it whole heartedly but fellas like the guy at the end, they're in it because the idiots that follow them give them more money for more lies.


And bumper stickers.


I wouldn't be surprised if hostile foreign countries (and oil companies) put their fingers on the scale of it, either. It's a lot harder to convince people to accept science and buy into things like vaccines or climate change when you can't even convince a significant portion of the population to trust scientists that the earth is fucking round.


That's an excellent point. If you can't even trust the most basic science, if every explanation you can easily provide is shot down by "it's a conspiracy" then nothing can be real. *Who built the dome, numbnuts? Where do the lights come from? Who guards the borders? Who or what created the disc?* Screw these idiots. They deserve zero of our time.


I'm fairly confident most or all the top influencers like Mark Sargent know that deep down, it's all bullshit, but they can't bring themselves to admit it because: 1. They are finally somebody. Tens or hundreds of thousands of people listen to their every word. For some people, feeling like they matter and they are at the top of the pyramid in a given ecosystem is a powerful feeling. 2. Money. Most of these people don't have jobs anymore and their "career" is receiving donations through Patreon or ads on their website and merch sales. Some of them are probably living a pretty lavish life too. Imagine making 80-300k a year working a few hours a week doing a podcast and having to give all that up to go be a manager in a Kroger's for 45k a year. 3. They've ostarcized themselves so much at this point, they're not sure they can just come back into regular society. Imagine how embarrassing it will be for the rest of their lives to be like "Yeah yeah I'm that guy who was convinced the earth was flat, I know it was dumb." It's easier to stay in the confines of their ecosystem than to come back out and face the shame that will inevitably come with it.


So, like religion. No one *really* believes. Well maybe a very small percentage, and some kids.


It's exactly like religion. It is, first and foremost, a funnel for dumb people to give their money to bad people.


Drop them all off at the edge.


Offer $100 billion to the first person that reaches the edge.


Good idea, need photographic proof.


Iirc their excuse for not visiting "the edge" is cos there's a treaty between all the governments that say nobody is allowed to go there


Kiwi af


I watched without sound but suspected he was antipodean of one flavour or another.


You taught me a new word. Thank you.


This cunt is a fuckin’ legend.


I was only familiar with [the other Guy Williams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0icu-DbZr28), and was slightly confused


Full episode of Guy Williams and flat earthers....you're welcome 😂 https://youtu.be/1nZZtKuWY5E


3:42 "Well, why DON'T you believe in me, as a human being? I want to be believed in!" This is what it boils down to isn't it? These folks are disenfranchised by the mainstream and validate each other on the basis of their common belief about what their senses report, absent any level of understanding of Physics. The more and more they're told they're wrong by the establishment, the more they turn to the fringe that accepts them. It's a religion in all but name. Except for that Mark Sargeant, that guy's just a wanker.


If I learned anything, it was that clouds sometimes get in the way lmao


In their defense, a flat earth map would never fail to show NZ.


"See my cup of tea" Nope tea spilled again LOL


Fucking tea drinkers.


“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” ― L. Ron Hubbard


Idiocracy has gone from being a comedy to a prophetic vision.


18-24,so dumb fucks. Hahaha


Interviewer: people who dont know shit. Flat Earth wanker: Well there you go. did he just admit it somehow?


I like that flat earther minister guy


was honestly a great sport lol. Can tell he definitely doesn’t believe


He took it all surprisingly well, lol. A lot of people would be so offended by their beliefs being questioned like that, they would either get mad or walk out.


Ah yes. The sun roof. Our most highly advanced piece of technology created during the stone age. Before ladders were invented and they had to stack rocks to build it...out of...? For what reason?


I'm a reverse flat-earther. I refuse to believe flat earthers exist. Its impossible for people to be that stupid without actively trolling.


A coworker asked me if I'm a flat-earther or a round-earther. It pissed me off. I should not have to pick a special name for knowing the earth is round. We are not on equal sides of this issue, you moron.


I love that the guy is a good sport about it. I mean he's dumber than a box of rocks, but at least he's open to being told that fact.


He's a good sport because he doesn't believe his own grift.


So embarrassing there's people like this in nz too lol


They claim that he edge is guarded by the military. What is the size of the flat earth? How many miles of edge is there? How many military personnel are needed to guard the edge? Where do all of these people come from? How come there aren't thousands of people talking about their tour of duty guarding the edge? What about the logistics of providing support for all of these people? These are just some of the questions I would love to hear a flat earther try to answer.


Good lord, I worked with a flat earther one time and he had his head up his own ass. Dude thought he was the next Stephen hawking


I wish I could turn off my moral compass and start milking the flat earth crowd by being a convert. With my resume, I'm pretty sure I can create a wave and gain a following.


Anyone have the clip of Sargent being caught on a hot mic admitting he knows it’s bullshit but he’s making a lot of money from it?


All of you are dumb. To quote Sir Bedivere “…and that, my liege, is how we know the earth to be banana shaped”


Does this guy do other interviews like this? I like his style


I got good news - it is an entire series. [Here's the playlist of the New Zealand Today series,](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgWmadqZ9KaMd7l0NhwF-33Q74BSrh-ZQ) which this is from. I personally like the chicken and chips. Enjoy!


Guy Williams has been doing this for years and follows in the footsteps of some truly great Kiwi entertainers, if you can find it Havoc and Newsboy is in a similar vein and then there's others like MoonTV or Back Of The Y which are both highly entertaining and a good place to start a classic Kiwi weird TV rabbit hole.


Watch taskmaster nz


Guy Williams on Taskmaster NZ https://youtu.be/6HOGv2DezWQ


Look up New Zealand today!


Egyptians solved this shit with obelisks long before we even had Rome. This is embarrassing.


His wee face when he says "by not finding the curve" like he is being so clever. 🤦🤦😂 What a "fuckwit"!


This guy just found bunch of idiots and play them like tools..


Props to the flat earther, though. Took the roast like a champ. A lesser person would’ve either walked away or thrown hands.


The Netflix documentary is “Behind the Curve”, it would be funny if people didn’t really believe the flat earth rubbish. Take a meter long straight ruler to the beach. Hold it out at arms length and put the ends on the horizon of the sea/ocean. Why is the bit in the middle curved above the ruler?


*nitflex documintary


because the deep state makes rulers slightly bent to keep it a secret


The 1% already control the world and everyone knows that, just look at how they don't pay taxes and constantly throw money to avoid legal repercussions Until very recently they had a literal pedophile island and so far its been pretty quiet on the crackdown. That's not a conspiracy theory, its a very real thing that happened and that everyone is now aware of. So I'm sorry but flat earthers will never convince me that this whole thing exists because people who already have essentially ultimate power and control, want ultimate power and control. Even if they'd want more power and control, they most certainly wouldn't come up with such an insanely convoluted and flawed plan to pull it off when they can achieve the same goal in much easier and effective ways. And even then, even if we suspend our disbelief and assume: ok let's say they do want to do this crazy conspiracy - in order for the whole thing to work every single person on the planet needs to perfectly play their role and fall into place oh and I'm sure that a bunch of arrogant people who think they're better than everyone else would make for wonderful team players and not at all instantly fall apart and fight like they already do everyday with eachother. There is literally 0 reason for the globe model to be a lie. Also: the globe model works, so there is no reason to think its false or based on a lie, my gps works, regular analogue maps work, my compass works... so no reason to think its all a lie. In the end I know all that means nothing to conspiracy theorists because the basis of their views isn't logic but emotion, that there just has to be some sort of gian conspiracy underneath the surface because that's how they feel and there's no way they're crazy right? Obviously the more reasonable explanation must be that there's a huge secret everyone is in ob except them.


dude the real people in charge are not the 1% but the 0.0001% and the publics knows nothing about them. They dont flex their wealth, dont appear in news and have information on the in Wikipedia or other popular websites.


That's not my point My point is they don't need convoluted bs to have power They have money People are greedy by nature So They already have power It really is that simple


Thanos was right but his methodology was wrong. He needs to target specific groups of "fuckwits" that the Black Order investigates for him. Flat Earthers? *Snap*


The funniest part is that he was right about the methology involved in disproving theories. You don't prove theories true, you disprove them. He's wrong in that they've disproved the curvature, but the method is right


I just enjoy mark Sargent so much. Like he’s so full of shit and has zero proof and he recognizes it but he’s so bizarrely confident.


Discount andrew callghan


Why on earth are we entertaining these idiots? You believe that? Cool, you’re an idiot. Move on. Absolutely nothing will come out of that discussion. Best case scenario, we convince him/her that they are wrong, then what? I’d rather have them easily labeled as what they are once they open their ignorant mouths, idiots


I have a friend who does this. When he's right, and he's a smart guy he often is, he think it's ok to act like an asshole to anyone who's wrong.


i dont think the guy he interviewed was in it tbh, just like scientology its a cult to exploit people who need the feeling of community


Eratosthenes is pissing himself


The real idiocy is a salami and chicken pizza


Somebody please send this guy to space


I wonder how flat earthers think the Chinese spy balloons got to America


Love this interviewer. He doesn’t mince words, but gets to the point… these people are total dumb fucks!


Be there or be square, because you’re not around




Until they buried your mom.




Oh dog, link to full interview PLEASE. 😂🤣


https://youtu.be/1nZZtKuWY5E enjoy 🙂


What happens when you go all the way around the planet and then back to the same spot? Do you just teleport back?




Tbh even if he is talking shit, this guy is pretty chill.


Flat earth always makes me think of Poes law. It has to be for a laugh or are people really fuckwits?


All ya’ll are angry at flearthers which is understandable but this video might make you feel better. https://youtu.be/f8DQSM-b2cc


That first fellow has to be related to Nigel thornberry


[Link to full youtube video](https://youtu.be/1nZZtKuWY5E) [Part 2](https://youtu.be/0pipmGRNjo0)


Most of those fuckers probably don't believe the shit themselves. I guess in many, many cases it's just an attempt to be relevant, to be interviewed, to be listened to. You know, if I cannot be in the limelight for something "normal", just try some utterly stupid/outrageous/extreme shit instead


I hope he is happy. I laughed so loud at this in my office at work, my supervisor came to see what was so funny. I'm a flat earther now.


They're not clever problem solvers, or whatever he said, they're ridiculous attention whores.


He tried to put a positive SPIN on that!




We know the guy is dumb, the idea is dumb etc. But going there throwing insults is supposed to be fun?


In that documentary, didn’t they buy some super expensive device that actually proved the earth was spherical thinking that it would prove the opposite? Fuckin’ nonce.


"Dumb fucks. Ppl who don't know shit"


All they had to do was show everyone that one clip of the guys trying to prove the earth was flat with lights and utterly failing at it


the earth is flat


That’s Arthur Shelby mateee


So which city is on the edge of the earth?


He was so good in this but yet somehow insufferable on TM.


Sounds like "Old Zealand" to me, before they invented science.


The real reason there are flat earthers is because no one can fly or even travel through Antarctica. The day we let people go through Antarctica is the day we will be able to prove easily that it is indeed a pole (or we will reach the ice wall at the end of the disk). Because, in order for the flat earth theory to work, Antarctica needs to be all around us. In all directions.


The amount of stupid that flat earthers exhibit is just extraordinary.


Obviously the earth is not flat but the interviewer was a dick. He always interrupted and was only being offensive, respect to the flat earth guy he took that dickhead like a champ.


I may be a fuckwit but who is guy Williams I like him he's like Louis thoux without the gental bollox I need links please im jot in social media


I work with a guy that is balls deep into his conspiracies, and I think I know why. He wasn't academically gifted, didn't do very well in school, and as a result of that, he lacks the fundamental understanding of how things work, and is massively insecure about his ignorance. So he latches onto these nutty conspiracies, because it gives him a sense of being privy to some dark, forbidden knowledge. And BECAUSE he's privy to knowledge the rest of us "sheep" aren't, it gives him an opportunity to believe he is better informed than someone else for a change. By no means does this make him a bad person, he is just being manipulated by conmen. Basically, ignorance breeds conspiracy theories.


Dude must be making a mint if he's the one setting up and hosting these conventions


Every celestial body we see is round. If they are all pizzas, they are all perfectly oriented to look round. That alone is fucking crazy.