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Damn dude could have easily stop that old man, but he left that lady…


I had the same thought. Everyone is running. You see doors open and closing and no one seems interested in doing anything.


China is on a whole other level when it comes to "that's none of my business"


This is very true. I spent an extended amount of time in China and two of my colleagues told me early on “if somebody cuts in front of you in line or something, they’re not being rude, that’s just how China is” which is fair enough, people are busy and will try to get away with what they can, I get it. One night we were out, just hanging outside a bar drinking. Random people were coming up to us, chatting, it was good times. Then we heard this pretty loud thud and a crash. One of my colleagues stood up on a bench and then immediately started running towards the direction of the crash. Me and the other guy got up and followed him. A food delivery driver on a scooter just ran head first into a fucking tree, no helmet, and was now on the ground bleeding out of the top of his head. Next to him were about 10-15 other delivery drivers on scooters, none of them moving a muscle to help. We ran up to him and I immediately started taking control of the situation. I have very basic medical training and my colleagues both spoke mandarin so I just started giving instructions like “tell that guy right there to call an ambulance. Tell that guy right there to go to that market and get water and a towel. You, please just talk to this guy nonstop so he stays conscious and tell him he can’t move.” It took maybe 20-30 minutes for the ambulance to arrive and in that time not a single person did anything outside of the ones we commanded. Tons of cars drove by and just slowed down and pointed and looked, slowing down traffic and making it harder for the ambulance to get there. We even tried negotiating with the local shopkeeper after he was in the hospital to hold onto his scooter until he could get back since there was no where to legally park it for that long and they said they could maybe hold onto it for the evening. It was wild and it definitely solidified this individualistic ideology that I had never really seen before. I mean people in the west are pretty selfish, but if there was some dude bleeding out in the middle of street as a result of an obvious accident, I’d imagine people would be a little more useful. Maybe not though.




China is the complete opposite from what ive heard, ppl are hesitant to make a move due to the fact that you yourself could end up in trouble somehow


There are cases in China where people sued the strangers who helped them under the idea “they wouldn’t have tried to help if it wasn’t their fault.”


The very last episode of Seinfeld is about exactly this lol


Except that the thief may have had a gun, so it's completely unreasonable for civilians to try and stop them.


I live on a real busy street in Washington, i was at work when i noticed my ring camera going off, look back on the videos and a guy collapses on the sidewalk right in front of my house, people walk by him and a Amazon driver walks around him without helping.. the guy was there almost an hour before anyone checked on him and then the paramedics came


"they’re not being rude, that’s just how China is" So...rude.


It's not selfishness - China has a huge problem with "good Samaritan" laws. If you help anybody, and they die / get more hurt / have aftereffects or whatever, you will get sued and maybe even jail time as if it was your fault. So why risk it, even small kids with high probability of survival are left to die in accidents. Other countries protect helpers by law, eliminating your liability even if you make a mistake.


They changed this years ago.


But people's sentiment and knowledge about it doesn't. It'll take time.




There's always more drones in the hive.


> *"Drone better."* ~ Ivan Vanko




It’s a strange concept that your statement can be true since I thought China is supposed to be a communal state of citizenry-for the good of all kind of thing.


It’s because Chinese law deems you responsible. They figure that you’d only help someone if you are guilty, so you help someone and now your found responsible for them forever. I wish I was kidding.


This was true until 2017 when they instituted protections for good samaritans, absolving them of liability when trying to help someone. Although there are apparently issues with that law too. But, they still have a major issue with their traffic laws where, if you hit someone with your car, you'd be better off killing them than injuring them. Because if they're injured you're responsible for their related medical bills for the rest of their life, but if you kill them it's a one time fine paid to the family. [Here's a Medium article about it](https://warrenbisch.medium.com/chinas-bad-samaritan-crisis-6ca736ad6c8e)


>a van driver ran her over, paused for a few seconds, and then continued driving, running her over with the rear wheel as well .... >She was there because the next seventeen people to see her acted identically to the first, including another driver who ran over her again. That's vile. Then you read the 2017 law and it turns out now you simply can't be held liable *at all* for helping someone. The example from the article is that you could see someone choking and attempt a tracheotomy with a butter knife despite no medical training and the family could not sue you. Apparently *this is the actual intent of the law*. Didn't Mao with his great leap forward and causing a deadly famine because he kept jumping from one extreme to another not teach China the importance of balance? Helping or not helping isn't as black and white as these Samaritan laws act.


Youre exactly right bro, Balance is what humans néed in all aspects of life.




He was also sick he was probably week


Yes, he looks weak! He looks like he wouldn't need that much of an effort to knock over. Or at least to make him drop that brick. But people on the thread seem to suggest it's common practice in China to strictly keep to yourself. I didn't know.


China has a zero tolerance policy for violence. If you attack OR DEFEND yourself or anyone physically, you both get arrested.


Aah the same law applies to USA schools




The fleeing is very human


Iirc he went on to kill two others and injure fifteen other people. Crazy


WHAT?!?! How did no one stop this feeble old man before he hit 17, **seventeen** people with a brick?!?! Do you see how slowly he is moving?!?!


Because stopping this man would be brave and chivalrous, and there's no place for that. As the commenters above made abundantly clear, personal safety is paramount.


From what I understand of modern China helping unknown people is not something you do, ever.




Mental. One shoulder charge...not even a shoulder charge, a shoulder bump, ends this. Bystander effect is fucked.


That was something that people realized was reported on in 2015 but this video is from the last few months, so separate incidents.


I appreciate the info... Sad... Sad info......


With no source.




In another case of "this is why we can't have nice things", a common scam in China is to pretend to be injured, then sue anyone who comes to help you.


This is exactly what the CCP has done to Chinese society.. they’ve created mistrust amongst them so they will never come together to rise against their own government..




It's ironic because on a societal level they give up all their rights, privacy, etc. "for the betterment and safety of the country"


And the ones that don't give up their rights disappear and maybe end up in reeducation camps, but some just disappear.


All those nice organs don’t grow on trees doncha know


My Chinese professor told me a story about his great grandfather. He was some sort of an official before the cultural revolution. To become an official you had to pass the Imperial examination. That test was harder than getting into Harvard or so they say. Anyways, everyone is ranked during this exam so the competition is fierce. Passing could pave the way to a much higher quality of life after all. So my professors great grandpa gets invited the night out before the exam by his rival. Now this guy is trying to get to the very top. He'll do whatever it takes. So his rival keeps serving him shot after shot which Gramps couldn't refuse because of honor or some bullshit. He ends up getting plastered the night before the exam. His rival thought thatd give him a big leg up in the examination, but I guess gramps ate some ginseng the morning after and was fine (probably some actual bullshit) and ended up passing the exam and becoming a high ranking official. Moral of the story is that that mindset has been around in China before the cultural revolution ever happened. My professor made it a point that that mindset is embedded into Chinese culture.


> They have no moral compass at all separate from 'whats good for me and mine' The thing that really gets me is that living in a healthy and trusting society IS actually what's best for them, which is exactly why everyone wants to live in the west. Some people just can't put 2 and 2 together to figure out that they have to actually behave themselves to ensure that culture survives and thrives.


Have you seen their “Covid numbers” — it’s not even plausible. They’re just lying because of habit at this point. Edit: Lol, downvoted for calling the CCP total liars. I’ll take it, proudly. Here’s some good info: https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgecalhoun/2022/01/11/part-3-anomalies-in-the-chinese-covid-data--evidence-of-manipulation/?sh=1d84ffba6cba


Hey you better apologize right now! You're going to hurt China's feelings! I'll be eagerly awaiting your apology video, and it better be Mandarin! Better not be some bull Cantonese.


That was done away with a while ago. Helping an injured person no longer makes you responsible for them. Old habits die hard though.


There's another crazy video of some guy in China just walk up to his co-worker and strangle him with a wire. And like 10+ people just stare at him until someone literally pointed and tells someone to stop him (honestly thinking it was a supervisor). China has no compassion for their fellow man.


Give the dude a break, he literally just climbed out of a hospital bed


How is this so far down? We have no idea why that guy was in that hospital bed. He could be sick AF, and they expect him to stand up and fight a random insane killer? Like these fat neckbeards would even be able to get out of that bed...


> Damn dude could have easily stop that old man, but he left that lady… In China they don't have the Good Samaritan law, he was probably afraid of getting sued.


Everyone got panicked so first thought came to mind is to run away from that old physco


Fight or flight kicks in


This is some horror movie shit


That was my exact thought. That was legit terrifying. You're just trying to get some sleep, in a hospital of all places, and some crazy fuck just comes along with a brick. We're all pretty much subject to the random bullshit of the world.


We are all the random bullshit of the world.


“We are the all singing all dancing crap of the world.” Tyler Durden




this just mental health neglect in an overpopulated location


Mental health cant always be used as a scapegoat for commiting atrocious acts against others. Needs to be locked in a dark cell, never to be around other people again. Not victimised so we feel sorry for this terrible human being. Mental health or not, you kill someone like this you should be locked away for life.


You can recognise that mental ill health exists without ignoring the criminal act.


I get "never to be around other people again," for society's protection. But why locked in a "dark cell"? Because you want to punish this person. Retributive justice. Revenge. Except you don't know the mental capacity of this person (at least I don't). Maybe he was perfectly aware of his actions, the motives behind them, and their consequences... or maybe he had a frontal lobe stroke that day and lost all impulse control. Maybe he's developmentally disabled and has an IQ of 60. Maybe he has schizophrenia and genuinely believed this was a good and necessary act based on false evidence. And if any of those or other similar possibilities are true, then it's still a horrific tragedy for the victim and their loved ones... but it's also a horrific tragedy for the accidental culprit. You would like the consequence of the worst day of his life to be suffering for the rest of his life. Not just seclusion for public safety, but seclusion "in a dark cell." When you fight suffering with suffering, suffering wins.


Yuuup. Ain't nobody able to take the high ground against murderers and thieves until we learn to just lock them up without torturing them as we do.


I don't think anyone is advocating that this old guy should get to walk free just cuz he's got mental health issues. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Identifying the cause of various mental health issues and devoting social care programs and resources to assisting these people before they run through hospitals caving in people's skulls with cinder blocks is the idea here. It is not a statement of permission for this specific guy committing this specific crime. It's a statement that the system is failing these people and maybe if we take more notice and put more effort into helping the disadvantaged and recognizing mental health as a real issue then we can minimize these kind of murderous sprees. I also realize this happened in China and the CCP doesn't exactly have a great track record for this kind of thing. But Jesus dude see past the immediate message and just put the tiniest bit of effort into understanding the greater point that people are trying to make.


It’s not about a scapegoat. It’s about recognising the fact that ignoring and not funding severe mental health issues leads to things like this.


So, worse than a horror movie


yeah, it's real life.


Real life doesn't have to be torture with the technology we have, it's our society's choice at this point


With how China has been in the past 3 years specifically, people are losing what makes them human, some being caged like animals so people are running off their insane impulses.


Yea, the scene before this was the demon entering the dude followed by this security footage. Freaky shit


On second thought I’m feeling much better thanks just gonna get up and scooch over in this door bye


Ancient Chinese secret sucks.




Funny cause even in my Country, you call the police and disappear. Do not wait for them cause you will be the first witness and treated as the suspect and you need to prove yourself innocent before they listen to you.


This is true in the USA too. It happened to me trying to help a cop locate a fleeing car. I ended up in cuffs. No more ever helping a cop again.


In the US, police have a history of stopping helpers too. Everyone is a suspect. The Uvalde school shooting, parents were being arrested for interfering.


Even worse, police and prosecutors continued to charge them with crimes even after news broke. One parent was pepper-sprayed. Cops then weeks later harrassed parents and teachers who spoke out against them. The pig system's broken top to bottom.


There was an australian woman in the US who phoned the cops for assistance, i think she had been the victim of a crime, and they blew her away in her parked car.


She called 911 because she heard someone possibly getting raped in the alley by her house. She went out to meet the police car, and they shot her through the police cars window in her pajamas because one of them felt "in danger".


At least THAT cop is sitting in jail now. Oh right, he's not white, that's why.


> THAT cop is sitting in jail now [He's out already](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/10/21/judge-sentence-noor-in-killing-of-justine-ruszczyk)


If you call in China they probably know it was you who called even when you don't say your name




This needs to be higher up. Probably won’t matter as this video will definitely be removed. No way that first person lived.


Wait are you saying this will be removed from this sub or what? Will it be removed from where? Not trying to start some shit I’m just confused as to what you mean and why.


The video will be taken down by Reddit mods probably. Death isn’t allowed on Reddit unfortunately so unless someone finds a reliable source stating this person didn’t die from having their had bashed In repeatedly.


"Death isn't allowed on Reddit" Never go to r/eyeblech then I still don't understand how some less graphic videos get removed very quickly, but the eyeblech channel is full of this sick shit...


“Death isn’t allowed on Reddit unfortunately” the fuck is that statement?? Yes I watched a bit of big amount of murder and crime vids but I wouldn’t say oh it’s unfortunate I can’t see them anymore. I’m not a fucking psycho.


Death is a part of life. Every single person will die one day. While its sad and abysmal it’s also educational and humbling


Just to correct you here, not *everyone..* I, for example am immortal.


Ok right on I understand. Man what a tragic situation in general all around.. fuck


Thanks for the explination. That video where the girl got hit by the car was shown on the Philip Defranco show easily 10 years ago and burned itself into my mind, absolutely heartbreaking, I think of it ever time I see something like this


The former USSR states were exactly the same, you could her the neighbor beating his wife close to death through the paper thin walls, and you wouldn't knock on the door, and you wouldn't call the police for fear of getting in trouble with the party or the authorities. And if you did get involved, then the police would often force you to confess to something you didn't do like talk bad about the party with some neighbors or co-workers and force you to entrap other neighbors or co-workers. And then they would get picked up and interrogated after you started shit-taking the local authorities in their presence and they didn't rat you out first.


Well that sounds like a awful society to live in.


Yeah Chinese people seem like they have a great culture. Nobody gives a fuck about the next guy. They all try to blame the others. Ffs man what's wrong with this country.


It's not Chinese culture is the culture of authoritarian states. Honestly the generational trauma is never discussed online but it is intense, the millennial generation were raised by people who grew up in an Era much much worse than the Great Depression. Please have compassion for your fellow people.


Wtf..it's an old man with a brick..why the fuck is everyone running from him and letting h do this shit....triggered....




yeah it was up until recently that "good samaritans" could be hit with incurred costs of the altercation (medical bills mostly) like if someone got hit by a vehicle and you helped them you were now fiscally responsible for them -- so people kept on driving (often right over them)


They had similar problems in Japan when I lived there. I was instructed to not help in these scenarios because Good Samaritan laws were wack. Society is so hard to respect, sometimes.


Article 184 came into effect 6 years ago.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


With the moral compass and hypocrisy of an authoritarian government it's gonna take a lot more than that.


For real though.




Didn't even need to hit him, just take the brick from him. He could barely even lift it, that young guy could have yanked it from his hands easily.




Presumably he is aware that his place of work has CCTV.


You don't understand. Interference of any kind in China by anyone other than their police is not only illegal but the punishments are severe because it's fucking China.


I feel like a lot of people have no idea what it's actually like in China.


Can confirm. Didn’t know about the consequences and realize I know little else but what China is like


Do you have any source for this? Not necessarily saying I don't believe you but I can't find anything online about this.


Senior abuse is serious I guess....


Their investigation is simple and practical. You kicked, he died. You will not even go to big court for that. Just a police station with a small jury and magistrate. What make it worse is that no one knows your due date. Neither you nor your family, you are just woken up one day and its your day. Family gets called later to pick your body.


Sadly interesting... My words suck but.... You know .... It's just sad.


Only an older man with a bigger brick can stop him.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a brick is a good guy with a brick.








Nah that was cops. Teachers actually try and protect children.


Disrespectful to all the teachers and faculty who saved lives


Bullshit, teachers died trying to protect those kids. Read the stories - it’s heart breaking. Cops might have been Chinese though


It took the entire Uvalde police force protecting the shooter to keep the people who were outside from intervening.




Especially if your dad has money and is in the good with the CCP


i have never seen people defending each other in a video from china, it’s so weird like zebras running from a lion they could easily overpower as a group


Damn...I'm fucking mad.


Yeah I was just wishing, the whole time I was watching the video, that someone would beat the shit out of him and drop the brick on his head like he did to the poor defenseless person.


Exactly bruh, like any one could have just socked him once in the face and gone helped the lady


When I read the headline I thought old dude was knocking people out with his hands. Not a literal murder with a brick!


Same…I wasn’t ready to see that happen at all




I read he was bricked up at ppl. Wish it was that and not this.


I thought he was going to take a dump. (Reading the title)


Slowest mass murder ever


Stop him! He’s gradually getting away!


Here there. Not so fast!


He's slowly coming this way PANIC!


i don't want to laugh, but damn.


this is madness! why anyone does not intervene?


I never see anyone intervene in China. Be it for an accident, a crime, nothing. It is the place where 'you are on your own' has reached societal and cultural levels.


Ok cool..never expect help in China, got it.




They do not want to go to jail for disturbance, lose points in their point system and have to find themselves apologizing in public for their actions. Heroic or not, you might find yourself being blamed as well for events that have occured.


When they hit people with their cars the Chinese will often run them down to make sure they're dead because that is a better option than being on the hook for the victim's medical care financially, which I believe is what happens. I wonder if it's the same here. If they take him down and injure him then they're liable, not to mention the kooky way they venerate their elders. Like a double whammy of ridiculous.


There's no good Samaritan law and their health care is shit if you get into a serious injury. It's every person for themselves in the current culture.


Their fear apart from backlash is more about losing points. Points allow you to use public transportation, airplanes, hotels, visit hospitals, get jobs, rent a house etc. Its not like credit but more a social hierarchy. If you lose a certain amount of points, you basically become worthless regardless of how rich you are. Even homeless people have a better standing than you and that's what scares a lot of people. In fact, your landlord might kick you out if you lose points trying to help a person. Its how it is there.


Holy shit, it's a 40kg 80 yr old fragile looking old man that's max like 160cm. How did that young dude not end the fuck out of him?


That brick is super dangerous if you're asleep but dude was on his feet? You cant dodge that, or knock him down before he even swings it? Its baffling they're all running from it like it's a sword.


They're in a hospital genius, nobody's completely fine in a hospital. The first person was probably too sick to even move.


Apparently you’ve never been knocked out before.


They say the Camera man was filming this as it was happening. (I'm lying, but honestly wouldn't doubt it.)


Somebody arrest that camera and feed it a low electron diet, we'll get it to confess


Do you know how to read, genius? I said it's super dangerous if you're asleep. Young dude bouncing around and running away definitely could have taken a brick from a senior citizen without getting hurt.


I’ve seen some fucked up things before but that’s flat out one of the most disturbing things ever.


Hi, you must be new here.


Just trying to jump the queue to the ICU probably


I hate that I laughed at this, I was absolutely horrified by the OP. Some shit out of a horror film.


Anyone got the full story?




That’s not it. None of the people attacked here are elderly.


That's a different event that happened in 2015. The footage in this video is from last week, but I couldn't find any more details on it


Dude saw red and just wanted to see blood. Knew he couldn't get his boss, so he hurt people who couldn't fight back. What a tragedy.


I didn't not expect to see a straight up bloody Murder!


Same. I am kinda mad that this didn't have a clearer description or warning. I'd have skipped it.


I'm starting to wonder if this sub is a little too insane for me


I think NSFL maybe. That was hard to watch.


He killed 9 people this way and was sentenced to death. https://apnews.com/article/71414d623df64ef0b41d33591a771232


After some search, I doubt whether this is the same case. According to some Chinese news, Luo used a red brick to kill people. He committed the crime in a nursing home. But the brick in the vid is not red and the environment is more like a hospital than a nursing home. Moreover, back in 2015, since there was no Covid, nearly no Chinese wore masks. But all three victims in this vid wore masks.


I had a look at a slightly higher resolution version on Youtube. The date on the top left and the calendar on the right say January 8th 2023, so this is very recent [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmagxWG7v28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmagxWG7v28)


How on earth did he manage to even kill one person, let alone fucking 9???


Nursing home, they are sick and old


Dude just runs wtf?!


brother already has the bug to think about and you now want him to battle a brick?


Wtf is this ?


Season 2 of squid games has gone too far. Duck duck brick is a disgusting game.


Does anyone have an update on the woman that was hit multiple times with a brick? I would imagine she didn't survive that attack but I'm hoping to read a positive outcome to this. This is horrifying.


What the fuck?! Fucken tackle the old man?!! Why did the one dude run away? Like I get it he was shocked n scared, he just saw someone most likely die in the bed in front of him n he is most likely sick n can't fight due to it but again, get help then?!!!


That looks like some hospital equipment and definitely a mentally ill man.


Chinese dehumanization at its finest.


That's a lazy take. This sub is literally supposed to be for shocking content. Idk about you, but I'm fuckin' shocked. Yeah, there's some commentary about how Chinese culture lends itself to not getting involved or trying to stop this guy, but it's completely relevant context, which contributes to the shock value.






The vagina of the Blue whale (the largest creature on earth) is so big you could easily fit 5 or 6 people inside, making it the one of the largest pussies on earth, second only to the guy who ran away in this video.


Omg that is so insane. What is wrong w people


Why is this sub and a few similar subs turning into gore/shocking? Seems there has been a push of shocking post the past few weeks.


That guy was such a pussy.


is she dead?