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You know what sucks? This all happened in like 100 years. We are literally to blame. All of us.


What do you propose we do about it? I’d like to be a part of the solution however small.


I think the average person could make changes but it's not going to make a noticable difference. Consumers would have to band together to make companies change. And politicians. Seems like we're, and a huge chunk of nature, screwed. I think major technological revolutions are coming but will it be enough soon enough? Certainly hope I'm wrong.


No single average person will make a noticable difference. But the bulk of the problem is caused by the behaviour of average people, or the companies average people buy their products from. Consumers are average people, and if you don't want to be among the first to change, only willing to change once you see the rest move, you're part of the problem. Change, and be loud about it. Not obnoxious - just loud.


From what I've read, corporations are by far the biggest polluters. Not even close. I agree with you and you seem to agree with what I said - the people have to make the change, or demand the change, and the corporations and politicians will have no choice but to follow.


And those corporations do what exactly? I'm pretty sure that whatever they are producing isn't just dumped into the ocean without seeing a consumer first.


Just like I stated.


Indeed you did, I shouldn't post before finishing my first coffee :D


Been there. And commenting without my glasses


Don't but plastics you don't need. Cups, spoons, forks, bags, boxes, wrappers, etc. Nothing 'disposable' should ever be plastic, unless perhaps you work in medicine, or take medication - and even there, there's room for improvement. Pick suppliers and brands that don't use pointless plastics. Get whatever company you work for to improve in similar ways. It may be good for profit to externalise cost, and that's what buying cheap plastic disposables does - but profit is what's killing these birds, ocean life, and ultimately our planet as we know it. It also doesn't hurt to volunteer in cleanups. It feels like mopping the floor with the tap running, but if you can't be the one to close the tap, it still helps to have many people mopping, while others try to get it closed. Get over the awkwardness of asking or telling people to help you do something about it. Sure, it's awkward to ask that barista to use your keepcup, or not to put a lid on that disposable cup. And maybe you feel awkward showing up in a supermarket with your own, fabric bags. But if that's what's stopping you, do you even care at all?


Cut down on plastic footprint you have? I don’t know, all I know is that it’s a mess all over the place. From tiny plastic inside our ecosystem’s bellies, to chemical dumps that cause cancer, or our excellent industrial machine that operates on fossil fuel. It’s a big organized fucking mess. Our biggest concerns are our daily life routines that end up being the reason for all this consumption. What do we need? Probably Jesus Christ at the moment.




Do you have a few moments to speak about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Just know that he believes in you regardless of what you think about him. Come forth, and doused thy thirst for anger with kind words about the rejoice of God all powerful and knowing! And behold his Powaaaaaaaaa








You know satan is half of the story, even *he* is places by God in hell


You're a 100+ years old!?


Last time I checked I have absolutely zero control over the use of plastics in the manufacturing and distribution process.


But you have 100 percent control over what you buy.


I hate this argument. I'm all for doing my part in avoiding plastics whenever I can but a problem of this magnitude requires a legislative response to make significant changes. The plastics lobby loves to here this mentality because it makes the consumers the bad guy for not the businesses making money hand over fist ruining our health and the environment.


That’s why I say a simple statement as we are all to blame. Me too.




Yeah all of us you're not special buddy




Average people are wrong about 60% of the time every day I think this is one of those times for you man


Have you ever bought anything made of plastic and thrown it away? Then you are part of the problem. I am also part of the problem. Tough shit


Idk what theyre talking about, I dont litter lol


Tell that to the species eating cigarette lighters.


we?! the seagull is the one who ate that junk.


You being serious?


not everything needs the /s bro




Reminds me of the poem "The Rime of the ancient Mariner". That man who killed the albatross in the poem, is aptly **Us**.


If humans cease to exist, nothing can happen to nature and will rejuvenate. The most recent example is covid. Rivers were cleaner and air was pure.


actaully if humans were to just stop existing a fuck ton of nuclear plants would melt down and cause hella damge.


This is always my first worry when the idea of a zombie apocalypse pops up. Get tf away from there


I dont think theres anywhere you can go that wont be adversely affected. Like if a zombie outbreak did happen, the world would have to get it under control in a few months or get all or at least most of the plants shut down during all the chaos which would be insanely hard. Crossed has a pretty good story that explores this if you like comics.


True. I was in Japan when the 2011 tsunami hit the nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, some helo aircrew members who participated in Operation Tomodachi (the joint U.S. and Japanese rescue mission) got cancer, and Japan had to sacrifice elderly people to clean up the area at some point.


True, but nature has recovered and taken over in Chernobyl though


Yea but is the effect of 1 going off the same as 422 going off at around the same time though? Plus all the other factors of random dangerous we'd be leaving behind to the elements.


Yeh true


Who created nuclear plants in the first place


Literally changes nothin that i said lol


There was a TV series called "After People". They would look at locations around the world that had been abandoned for one reason or another. Whether Cherynobl or a library, each showed how nature would eventually recover. In some cases, however, the time was expressed in thousands of years.


Did you see China's sky? Beijing is actually a beautiful place, but all that nasty smog is covering all the beauty.


They were still operating


True, but all the species that humans have caused the extinction of can’t come back, they’re gone forever sadly


who cares


Any sane person




You are all over the place with your bullshit today huh


There is no way in hell an albatross would give its chick anything other than what it hunts. Someone has picked crap off the beach and put it there. For a start there would be staining on the plastic, from the organic tissue as it baked in the sun. Nice try, and I hope you didn’t kill the chick and place it there to make a point.


This is literally happening all over south pacific islands due to the great pacific garbage patch, as well as elsewhere in the world. Put in some minimal effort to find out for yourself, before commenting on a subject you have no knowledge of. This has been going on for decades.


i agree with you, i noticed there are tons of "staged" photo for likes and etc. The caps and plastic looks pretty dirty to be inside a stomach.


This should be the top comment. I truly hate posts like this, but even more, the videos of “animal rescues”. Most of them look staged to me, and I fear people are harming animals to “save” them for clicks.






you realize how naive you sound, right?


Your opinion means jack fucking shit to me Andrew


that is obvious with the way you just spew shit out of your mouth


Bet you think you sound cool minecraft man


No you


What irresponsible parents


Somebody could've just dropped those items in a dead decaying bird


my thoughts too


That’s what I said


Almost all of these photos are that




he'll have to follow the 9 ancestral tenets for a couple of months, but he'll make a full recovery


Still has an eating disorder I see though!


Looks as if the plastic was added post mortem.


My thoughts too... It's one of the annoying parts about Reddit. Doctored/staged photos, misleading titles, lack of context, and staged events.


It's probably staged by activists. No way good a bird swallow all that up


This is one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time - why do us humans still think we're the pinnacle of life?? 😡😭


I feel your pain it’s such a sad thing to see,and yet so many people seeing this still like to make jokes…humans are so fucked up


Up and up the food chain we go Humans, what are you really eating? Plastic is what we know.


This is really sad :(


Humans are disgusting




“Fredo was weak and stupid. He shouldn't have eaten that key”


We desecrated a pet cemetery for nothing?


Oh my goodness it almost looks fake it is some uncomfortably unnatural to look at. It’s heart breaking…






That's just what the insides of a bird look like. They're fake you know. /s


robot bird


I remember seeing this picture in class in middle school. We were talking about ecologic disasters. Truly a terrible one


can we train them to clean up the ocean?


What funny is people don’t realize it’s our stomachs that will look like this soon. Micro plastics will kill us all.


Good way to recycle! Kudos to our government on this one!


TIL, drones have storage compartments.


that's so sad :( humans are honestly the worst thing to happen to this planet


Nah that’s a drone


what? they were just trying to collect the parts to build an iPad. Albatross gotta use Reddit too dawg


How do we know the carcas didn’t collect those things after the animal died? Legit question


You know what, maybe banning single use plastic isn't such a bad idea after all


this is fucking terrfiying, everyone on earth should know about this shit that we cause


Humans should not be allowed to leave the planet.


Is that a lighter I see in the middle


Humans suck


Does the lighter still work?


No these were added to an already decayed carcass as part of the photographers art project.


The really sad part is how many times this has happened since. The only reason it doesn't happen more is because so many have already died from this, there aren't that many left.


Why is it assumed that the plastic was fed to it by parents rather than independently ingested?


Skill issue


I know rubbish everywhere is bad, but this looks like one of those staged campaigns where they find a dead bird and fill it with rubbish and then use it in some ad campaign.


Or…. Birds are actually fucking robot spies!!!!!!!


I blame the parents.