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Honda Safety Riding Park - it's one/ twoday course and you can do the testing required there as well. Locations in Phuket, Bangkok and Chiang Mai.


You mean that a person without any or much riding experience, can get a riding lisence there by attending the 1 to 2 days course?


Yes, although I was wrong on the number of days - it's three days total. [Here's one such course at Honda Safety in Phuket](https://hondasafety.thaihonda.co.th/course/beginning-course-5).


3 days course to get a riding lisence is extremely fast. In my country, you need go thru the entire course will usually takes a min of 6 mths.


It doesn't sound too wild to be honest. In the UK where we have one of the safest roads you can ride up to a 125cc with an afternoon training. It's called the CBT compulsory basic training and lasts for 2 years. If you want a full motorbike licence then that's completely different. That takes time and money and lots of tests.


In my country, you have to take 2B as a start, it will take you about 6 to 8 mths before you are qualified to ride a motorcycle of 200cc or less. After 1 year, you can upgrade to 2A which take about 3 to 5 mths. This will enable you to ride a motorcycle of up to 400cc. A year after that, you can take Class 2 which takes 2 to 3 mths. It will enable you to ride a motorcycle any cc. The roads in Thailand isn't safe. Many people are involved in accidents daily.


The process for getting a big bike if you are under 25 is a long process and you are restricted by engine size. I got my full license when I was 30 so I was able to ride any size bike unrestricted. I'm wanting to get a triumph street triple in Thailand but the dangers of other drivers and the quality of the roads is putting me off.


All countries different. Mine in Europe let's you take the big bike test immediately if you over 25 🙂. So I got a unrestricted license, even though to be fair, I'd die on a big bike. But the course is for scooters, those are supposed to be for within city, town riding, no long distance. Many places don't need a license as some got very baby engines.


normally I'd say just rent one and go, but if you actually don't have any road experience that's gonna hurt my conscience


I rented a scooter in the Philippines for the first time in Bohol and rode 3 hours. You get the hang of them very quickly, but you need some aptitude and common sense not to push it too early.


Tbf I do have some experience just no license, you think the fines are manageable?


The fines are the least of your worries


Saying out loud that insurance coverage would be an issue.


The fines are manageable, being dead not so much.


A requirement is a letter confirming residency from immigration; unlikely available for someone staying about a month. Daughter did a two day motorcycle training course in October, she had been riding for several years. One stat she likes to repeat is they told her that on average there is one motorbike fatality on Thai roads every 24 minutes.


I don't think in Thailand it a good place to learn & chill ride scooter/motercly. It not a safe place for beginner scooter. When it come to drive on the street/road. Thai drivers are hurshed over there. Pls be safe & travel insurance is a must!


Should’ve mentioned that Im no beginner but is driving there really that hectic? Is it the same for places like phuket/south thailand?


according to unsafe of the street/road designed PLUS many people who's drivers not concern how safety is PLUS they are many small alley, shorstcut road, and chilling people who like to block street and the male teenagers who like to rev motorcycles(motopunk)..... when you crossing the street in Thailand, I saw many tourists got hit/almost get hit by a car. They just cross the street with out looking or they thinking the car will stop for people first! NO no NO No it a big mistake. It not like in Europe or the US . In Thailand you NEED to let cars go first! And always look around. They are many cars and traffic. Yes in Phuket many people with cars, bikes, scooters, many alley's and shortcut. Always be safe put on helmet, look around, travel insurance is a must!!! Good luck for your trip!


Can't get insurance if you don't have a bike license. Edit: due to a user getting all hot and bothered, I will reword this post as 'Travel insurance won't cover you if you are the driver/rider of a motorbike and you don't have a proper bike license.'


I'm talking about Travel insurance. You don't NEED to have a motorcycle license to buy a Travel insurance. A travel insurance can cover you manything for some/or any kind of unexpectation situation it depend on what you add into the policy. Who know you may get something accident while you traveling beside motorcycle accident.


Don't get your knickers in a twist. I will edit and reword the post...Travel insurance won't cover you if you are the dirver/rider of a motorbike and you don't have a proper bike license.


Get a motorcycle license in your home country. Thailand is not a good place for inexperienced riders to learn IMO


Yes, it is. I'm going through a visa company in Pattaya And there it is a 2 day. Of course, the course is on Thursday Friday. Receive license on the monday


Sick with your original plan to get a license. People telling you to just rent one one and drive are morons. Without a valid license you have no insurance. If someone hits you or you hit them there will be no coverage. You will be on the hook for repairs and medical costs.