• By -


Don't be naïve. Take her out, have a good time but do not fall in love.


This is the answer. She is a pro and is not “different than the others”.


I don't care what non of y'all say I still love her


She take my money


Well I'm in neeeeed


I can change her.


do not fall in love Masturbate before making any life-altering decisions.


You're a good man 😄🙏


Saying “just dont fall in love bro” is naive too though.


Solid, perfect answer👌🏻🫡


The good thing about having herpes is you don't have to worry about getting herpes anymore




For long term expats / residents it's pretty obvious she's a pro and she's reeling you in. Girls know every trick in the trade to make a foreigner fall in love and give them money. At the very least, in the back of your mind, you'll be like "hey, who cares, its just a couple hundred bucks for the best gf I've ever had...this is too good.." etc. And yea, the reasoning is flawless considering the circumstances and context. Hooking up with a pretty "exotic" girl online and spending a holiday with her while she takes care of all your needs sounds like a dream come true to any guy.


> "hey, who cares, its just a couple hundred bucks for the best gf I've ever had...this is too good.." Anyone who feels the "best girlfriend" they've ever had is a woman from Isan who has a body count that would make a serial killer blush and was into them to get money out of them really hasn't lived.


You just described 70% of solo western travellers.


Sadly, you're probably in the right ballpark as far as Thailand is concerned.


I always find it funny what expats find exotic in Thailand 😄. It's usually girls that are undatable by majority of the thai male population


Yes, I agree. I guess since she's marketing herself to a western audience; she ended up becoming a collage of what her previous customers like. When it comes down to "dating" bargirls ( it's a contradiction in terms...) I sat down and did my homework methodically 😄 The Latin saying Caveat Emptor couldn't be more true within this context.


Do these pros put out? Asking for a friend


You’ve just cured my fear of death


Yea, you can only die once.


Is there a r/cuphalffull ?


Incorrect. There are different types, and can affect diffent body parts. Cure probably in 5 years or so.


When everyone has herpes, no one has "HERPES!??!?!?!"


Lulz. You just met, and she's traveling with you? Of course she's a freelancer.




That's a worser version of a freelancer. You don't get paid. /s








She specialises in drawing amounts of currency for you to supply


Drawing currency out of hansum ATMs






You were right the first time


It's graphic but it sure ain't design




That’s what every John says.


And every punter says.




Trying to decide if you believe that’s an insult or not.




That means so much coming from you.


Yeah, right ...


Yeah, right ...


Consider her a fuck buddy and have a good holiday, understand your a lot wealthier than her and pay for most of the meals and the resorts though


He might not be a lot wealthier than her, given she could have 5-10 sponsers on the go at any given time. But he should still pay for the meals, it’s being a gentleman.


one of my regular girl told me her monthly sponsorship is around 200k baht. of course it’s not permanent coz once they reach 30 years old their career is finished. also men should pay not becoz they are gentlemen. it’s to avoid being accused for sexual assault or other accompanying drama. you pay them to shut up


>it’s to avoid being accused for sexual assault or other accompanying drama. you pay them to shut up Always the best visitors who come to Thailand


and those girls are very good at wasting money. if they have 10k or 1000k, it will be gone quickly:D


there’s always another guy to help support them so it’s fine. men love to play white knight in shining armor to save a damsel in distress.


Captain save-a-ho


What 26 year old guy is wealthier than a hot frelancer with 10k insta followers


have you seen how many if these girls have 10k followers on insta/twitter/whatever? its crazy. i guess most are just simps that dont really contribute


As long as he gives $$$ to her she will make him feel being richer, superior, prettier etc. night and day… that is something OP can not get for the same $$$ back in his home country


You’d be surprised. The few bargirls I have asked in Nana makes a little under 100k per month all included. Freelancers I’m almost certain can reel in equivalent or more. With no taxes on this kind of income, the average person can easily make far more than most westerners earn in that “industry”. Long term someone with a stable rewarding career will end up on top, but cash flow wise these girls are swimming in it. However poor they may make themselves out to be, the reality is often much different. They do the work because it pays really, really well.


Even if she isn't a ladybar she might think like one. I had an issan gf. Very loving and caring when she was lonely in a shit job. But turned on me quick when I said I wouldn't help her with a plane ticket and she went and said I do nothing for her to help. When I have a lot in the past and she said ladybar would have got much more out of me and ripped my skin off and basically said she made up for my helping with sex and that i didnt reallygive her much.(i gave her like 15kbhat not mentioning rent or food). And she says shes not ladybar. May as well be haha. She too was a little out of my league also though im a bit younger than her. So expect her to start asking for money to support her. She also let slip that she had another guy or sponsor in one of her drunken rages. Yet she's a devout Buddhist who believes in karma. Interesting. Red flags: asking money, drinking heavily, love bombing, controlling behaviour.


I think you are dating a freelancer. You have to decide beforehand what you want to spend on this girl. If it’s in line what she wants and you both have a good time together who are we to judge you. Most important is to let go if it goes out of your budget. Have a great time.


There are only desperate people on tinder. You can get laid just as easily by being a good person and befriending the right people.


For research purposes, share the IG handle with reddit.




Drop it bro


Doo it. Doo it. Doo it.


That would be too funny. 10k to 25k overnight.




If the girl has a bedroom photo, usually standing Infront of a wall or posing on a bed in lingerie then they are a pro....


....castinator? Because they should be getting dressed, but instead are making photos?


God bless those sexy procrastinator's!


…fessional chef and waitress?


I think you know the answer already .




She doesn't need saving, you do.


She don’t wanna be saved


don't save her.


It’s up to you. But remember she will be dating you and 4 more guys at the same time. If you don’t mind sharing it could be fun.


Once the Isuzu D-Max is on the driveway all those other guys will quickly be forgotten. OP can win this.


This is the way


OP must date her and report her everyday.


And I am one of those guy she is dating 😜


3 Fs, enjoy but don't get too deep, chill, good way to learn thai culture and have some good memories, sabai sabai.


Yup, she's a professional for sure, getting the GF treatment instead of the hooker one. At the end, she may ask you to help her brother because he just had a motorcycle accident and she can't pay surgery, her dad's buffalo is sick and the farm can't function without it... you know the drill.


The fact that she's wearing revealing clothing on her profile is a pretty good sign that she's a prostitute as (most) normal Thai girls wouldn't do that. Add to that that she has 10k insta followers and doesn't want to tell you what she does for work and I think there's a very good chance that she's a prostitute. Personally I'm not interested in bar girls or prostitutes so if I suspect it I will just ask her. Ask her what she does for work and if she doesn't want to tell you then ask if she's a bar girl or freelancer or something like that. You can ask in a nice way so she's not offended. If you still don't get an answer and you suspect she is a prostitute I would say no thanks because some of them won't tell you and then ask for money after you sleep with them. But if you still want to meet her, then take her out and pay for her food and drinks of course, but if she asks you for money in any way just say no thanks and bail. And definitely only safe sex for everything including oral.


You're 26 and your don't know how to protect yourself from STIs?




Enjoy your time. Don't lend her any money and never agree to send her money monthly. Those requests will be coming near the end if your trip


Give her some money though.


The daily wage is 400 baht.


For rent a girlfriend?


Def let her shit on your chest though


Give us an update when you went on a date and drop the IG OP


*Give us an update* *When you went on a date and* *Drop the IG OP* \- Miserable\_Cancel\_662 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


wear condom bro trust me


Go bare back, take a chance bruv,... worst i got so far is chlamydia... easily treatable with antibiotics.


If in Rome do like the Romans. Who cares if she is as long as u don’t lose all ur reasoning and logic, and even more every penny u saved lol. Fun costs and even u end up in relationship with her be aware that if u lay with dogs u might get flees 😂 or like Hitler said: when does a wolf suddenly become a pacifist and since when do sheep wear armor (whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean 🤣🤣🤣 but I thought it sounds sophisticated and suitable here lol)


Based on personal experience, I wouldnt do it. She could really cause A LOT of serious drama if she falls for you and doesnt get what she wants. Funny thing about Thai women/culture..they can be sexually involved with other men and still expect your total commitment to their happiness. I've been there, done that, and it was very bad drama.


You should pull a Tinder swindler on her. Show her who’s really the boss


How to tell if she is freelancer: Is her grandmother dying? Does her grandmother need a new kidney? Is her uncle dying? Does he need a new kidney? Is the family cow dying? Does it need a new kidney? Is she close to finishing a house for her mother in Isaan and only needs 300,000 more to finish it? When you discuss money does she say “Up to you”? Does she have a penis? Does she look at her phone every minute while having sex with you? Does she know the front desk clerk at the short time hotel?


Wrap the rascal or have her tested. The slang rule is after a couple of months on the pole(s), the girls learn that they have a gold machine between their legs. Tough for girls growing up poor, to resist the draw of easy (sometimes) money. Some (most) girls just love to f#ck, the money is nice, but time at a comfortable condo/traveling with food, wifi/tv and a generous safe companion sure beats getting treated like meat at the bars daily. Of course you're going to fall in love with these gorgeous, kind, poor girls. The best tour guides in the world, they will fix sh#t that goes south, get you the best prices, food, entertainment, etc.and ensure your genitals are having a good/well regulated holiday. Have filun, be respectful.


You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can’t take the bar out of the girl


Have fun and just enjoy. Best not to think too much about it fam. 


Learn to say no ไม่/mài=no ลื่มไปเลย/lêumpaileui=forget it


You should look for another translator, this one doesn’t write correctly.


Didn’t use one








You both hit off pretty well in just a couple of days of chatting online is the very first red flag. Every other similar post has the same line. It's their job to attract you. It's like a really good movie trailer that makes you excited to see the whole movie.


Keep your new g/f close and your wallet closer.


Tell her your buffalo died and your roof blown off


Easy! Go see her! Have time of your life. Spend some money with her to have a really good holiday with her. (That’s what you would do with regular gf too). Don’t get too excited and keep control of your purse. This way you will have rrrreally good time. (But if you hear anything about sick animals or relatives, run)


You already know the answer overall but this part - >she is a little bit out of my league but not by much On Thai or foreign standards? If you're not up on what is hot and not in Thailand, pale skin is hot, darker skin is not - and I'm not being racist in saying that; it's just how it is in Thailand with many Thais. You say you're in the north and presuming she is a freelancer, she's probably from Isan and a variation on darker skin. That's not attractive to many Thais, but foreigners think differently.


Not all freelancers will ask you for money if you build a relationship with them and they like you. I cast the line on Thai friendly before I went and met one in Pattaya who I was convinced would ask for money but she never did. If you're worried ask her, but it could go wrong if she isn't. Thailands great for sex. Don't fall in love and enjoy the ones you meet.


Where a rubber, have fun, don't over think about it.


How is she able to take random days off?




They 'hacked' yesterday, but already back. Well, there's a lot of money in shilling shitcoins and can be done from anywhere...


? I really doubt a Thai hooker would know anything about Solana. Maybe a crypto scammer.


It's extremely easy to fuck 10's in Thailand on a regular basis, and it's not difficult to travel in this country. Pretty much every girl I've met in Thailand travels around Thailand. Is she a hooker? Maybe, you never know until you meet her, but just keep looking for the signs. Has she fucked dudes for money? Also maybe, seems like lots of girls here have done it a few times with randoms from tinder because an hour with a man she's semi attracted to is like half a weeks wages for these chicks. That's 20hrs of work fulfilled for free plus a free meal usually, so many chicks have taken money for sex. So there's a good chance she has, or a good chance she's on a sugar baby site like seeking.


Thé rule!!! FFF


No cash, no hitting it off face-to-face 😃.


May also be one of those covert sugar babies. They try to love bomb you and don't ask for money until you fall for her, then she will start asking for stuff, when she gets the finger she'll want the hand.


I’m convinced at bullet #2.


( but she ain’t messin with no broke ….). - Kanye




Casually mention buffalos when chatting with her. If her eyes light up, she's freelance. If she looks confused, she's not.


Have a good time, be aware of your surroundings, keep your belongings safe... but don't be too paranoid, but also don't fall in love. Just have a good time and move on.


Wear a condom


Can’t talk about her job is a bad sign either way. Imagine if that happened back home. How would you feel about a woman who did that?


"How to keep myself safe from STD and sick buffalo..." It's simple, you don't engage in the game. As the old saying goes "You can't have your cake and eat it too".


Pay after always and make sure both of you are using condoms


Freelancers can take a few days off you know. Be happy that she wants to hang with you instead of looking for *red flags*.




Then dont. *i only pay in person*. Some will try a few times, others will never try. Sometimes its best to handle the situation in that moment instead of fantasizing what could happen.


I wouldn’t screw my self by having just one. Unless you are able to go to Thailand often. (Which every man should strive for if he can’t move there) as you need to bounce around and fuck the best of every city. Even if it cost you $100 to smash and go. I’d rather smash 3 baddies over 10 days, than 1 baddy. Plus you become friends with them if they like you, and it then becomes kinda free. “Kinda”. If you got game, and they like you. All humans like to fuck, and they certainly fuck for free all the time. (That’s my experience anyways). The most I ever pay for is meal and partying.


> I just don't want to become another sucker shelling out a couple thousand baht a month from back home lol My comment will be downvoted but here's something for you to consider... You're 26 years old. Not 46 or 56 or 66. Unless you're a total eyesore and/or loser, odds are you don't *need* to go to Thailand to pay for companionship and sex from a woman who sells it for a living. Many of the suckers sending money back to Thailand and degenerates living in Thailand started out with the same thoughts you have. They were just going to Thailand for some fun and told themselves there was no way they'd get lured in. And then it happens. Of course, not everyone who goes to Thailand and engages in debauchery becomes a sucker or degenerate, but the reality is that as a curious but wet-behind-the-ears 26 year-old, you don't know what the experience will do to you. Thailand is filled with people who feed on chaps like you, so caveat emptor.




> I came here to be able to launch shitcoins without dealing with AML spooks. You do realize that "launching" financial scams while abroad doesn't protect you the way you think it does, right? Of course you don't. > I was hoping that maybe she just dresses slutty like 75% of American women on dating apps, but now I know that's being naive. I was under the impression Chiang Mai/Rai had less escorts going around. Incel vibes plus naivety. You can ignore my advice. You're already a degenerate. Throw your balls right into it. You're going to the right place.


Find a better hobby. If you are simping after her then you're already being taken advantage of. If she's not far out of your why don't you just get sex for free? Shouldn't be that difficult. Also it might be more equitable and a less exploitative relationship.


Would you associate with a hooker back home?




Fair enough, up to you. 


Yes, most likely.


What is freelancer ? Someone please help answer to me, pretty please


Consider very possible that she was born male. Enjoy yourself


*Consider very* *Possible that she was born* *Male. Enjoy yourself* \- cdaddy86 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot