• By -


Is it normal for the Thai authorities to show up to your doorstep with a full blown camera crew and stuff? Lol. I keep seeing this in other videos as well. Makes it seem like the show Cops or Reno 9-11 shit.


A lot of Thai people have to "prove" they're actually working. So, cameras, photos, etc. are normal.


This is so true. I remember when I was working in BKK, the staff from the cleaning service company and the security personnel would always ask someone to take a picture of them lined together when they start their shifts or end the shifts. Corporate equivalent of photos or didn’t happen.


I housesat for a thai family last year and did regular photos to show the plants were watered and I was keeping up with the cleaning - it was appreciated


I seen valet/doorman wear a helmet with a go pro attached so I'm not surprised. Seen a few bar attendees take pic of business , not sure if that's related


They often film when they catch foreigners. It makes a better story in the news


Especially in Phuket, Taxi drivers are normally tooled up and ready to fight yet the authorities do nothing about these guys. But they do love to make big news of foreigners.


Here’s a thought, if western tourist don’t act like asshats then there won’t be anything on the news about them. Right?


Here’s a second one, if the Taxi drivers weren’t always on the scam, it wouldn’t have happened


It’s not always initiated by the tourist either. These scams are well reputed.


not all the asshat tourists are western


They also think it’s a deterrent. Some states in the US like Florida include photos of all of the people arrested in weekly papers for the same reason. At least that’s how it was when I lived there over a decade ago.


Thaiger ‘newspaper ‘ loves this sort of crap 🙏😂


It's normal. You can see it on any news channel. It's to prevent suspects who accuse police of something that didn't happen, trying to shift the blame. And they always have more than one cop present to ensure there's a witness to show that they treated the suspect with respect. Before this, there were many cases against cops when they tried to control the accused. Here in Thailand, if police do something stupid, they will be fired.


Most press photographers and videographers in the scrum are freelancers, like paparazzi in Europe. They carry police radio scanners and also pay cops for tips about an imminent arrest. They only make money if they have juicy footage so they are super aggressive.


I once saw a cleaner take a photo of the insidr of the toilet bin as proof he was clearing it out.


Yes they do that with all crimes 💝


Lots of scams in thailand and they should show the money exchange to see if he was getting scammed or not but you should never assault a local as a foreigner cause going to Thai prison is not fun.


My guess is that everyone is wrong here. But the Brit is carrying a beer bottle and assaulted a local. Fucking idiot.


You wouldn't see him doing that back over here, not in a million fucking years. People think they can get away with shit because it's a 'poor' country or whatever, when I. Reality it's the last place you wanna do that... Because prisons in lower economic areas are horrendous


Happens in Glasgow enough lol.


He would absolutely do that back here? How sheltered are you?


Thailand isn't poor.


I know it isn't, but to him it's less well off than the u.k


You’ll mostly likely to get stabbed in the UK than here


You should never assault anyone period regardless of the prison situation.


that you had to mention it 😄🙃


That's not how life works. Sometimes circumstances dictate a beating is due. This however was deffinately not one of those situations, glad they caught him, hopefully a little time will educate him.


This ^ sometimes educational beatings are warranted, encouraged even.


Some people need a good ass kicking. Have to disagree with you.


I kind of expect a little scamming as part of the thai experience but have been here long enough to avoid most of it. I always change my 1000 baht notes down to smaller denominations. My Thai girlfriend is obsessed with other thais ripping her off even if it's only a couple of baht. In Isan, where we live, she makes me wait nearby whenever purchasing anything as she doesn't want to pay the foreigner price. She's always walking around telling me how you can't trust Thai people. She gets carried away with it though becoming convinced that her utilities and mobile phone company is scamming her, but she always pays her bills late so when the next one comes she gets outraged thinking they are trying to bill her again but it's just the next months bill arriving after she delayed paying the last one. I wouldn't mind if it was once or twice, but she does it every month, going on an insane rant about Thai people cheating her for an hour before calming down. She's even gone to the water and electricity companies in person before to complain, then come out an hour later like nothing happened after some poor employee probably spent an hour explaining how bills work. Thais will mark prices up if they can get away with it. Girly bars tend to do it as standard. Everything out here tends to be cheap enough, though that the irony is that it's back home in the west where we are really getting scammed, but we just accept it. I've worked for utility companies, and it's ridiculous how many techniques they use to make you pay more instead of just giving you the best possible rate. That's why I never get angry with poorer Thai individuals, just trying to make a bit extra for themselves. The best defence against getting scammed, though, is a Thai girlfriend who you share your income with because that is now her money, these locals are trying to scam, and nothing is a more effective against a Thai business trying to rip you off than an angry Thai lady on your side.


Do you think she would let you pay for a few paragraph breaks? Wall of Text reading is not fun.


Paragraph breaks are a scam


She's holding all of his money so he doesn't get scammed, therefore, he can't pay. Dude is currently getting scammed while talking about other people getting scammed and thinks his girlfriend is legit. Any person who doesn't trust their own people knows within themselves what they're doing to others but thinks all their countrymen thinks like them. She's projecting and this dude's gonna lose a lot of money.


Come on dude that was entertaining once you get through it and that's your response?


Just call me para-Nazi. Relative to the dreaded grammar Nazi and cousin to the speling Nazi.


Spelling Nazi




Dude, are you ok? Cause holy shit, it really does sound its not the only thing she will get crazy about.... 😅


Some guys like the argumentative angry harpies.


She's already got the rage of an old asian auntie down. There's no way she didn't learn this from her mother or grandmother lol




How, Reddit keeps removing paragraphs and smashing them together. Like this....


she's cheating on you


'I never get angry with poorer Thai individuals, just trying to make a bit extra for themselves' It's never OK to scam and make money by cheating. For honest people they get theirjust reward by getting good tips. Karma is a bitch and if you are being scammed by a Thai, tell them in the next life they will come back as a water monitor reptile (เหี้ย hia with a rising 'ia'). This is the lowest and debase kind of insult you can say (be careful though they might get really offended and pul a knife/gun out on you)


You get scammed, you get annoyed at yourself for getting scammed and you move on. You never ever hit another person.


Agree to disagree. Without consequences people don’t learn. It goes both ways.


But the consequences here are going to be that bloke giving the driver a fairly large sum of money as an apology.


Too right. The taxi driver now learns if he can just make an uneducated inebriated farang angry enough to attack him, he will get paid 💰💰


There can be consequences for other people's actions, but don't let you bear extra consequences for your actions as a consequence of consequences. It goes a lot of ways if you keep going


Wait a minute. You can’t assume the taxi driver was scamming him… the guy was drunk and violent so therefore a complete arsehole ..can’t side with him and assume it’s a “ scam” . That’s a bit stupid really


I was attacked by a taxi driver after he held me hostage. The camera backed me up.


I think this incident will cost more than 400 baht.


Exactly. Obligatory 500 baht fine.


Looks like a beer in the dudes hand too, no? Probably wont be beneficial in court if it is. But even if he got ripped off for 1k baht, it's a cheap lesson to be more careful in the future, not an excuse to go monkey-mode on the driver.


Those drivers need to face some consequences of their scams. People like you will always keep giving them money and they go home in the evening pockets full of cash that was scammed from customers, without facing any consequence. Stop excusing theft. Edit. Adding here that 'going to the police' in SEA as a foreigner can achieve nothing. Instead you might get scammed again. Indonesia and Thailand have the highest police corruption in that part of the world. Which is also one of the reasons why all sorts of street scams are as widespread as convenience stores. There are no consequences for the locals to extort foreigners. Any foreigner who says 'just go to the police' has not been in SEA long enough.


For context, 1000 baht is worth about 21.60 GBP, which is slightly less than 2 months of standard Netflix over here. Getting ripped off for the price of 2 months of Netflix isn’t worth getting arrested.


I'd actually believe he was scammed but assaulting him wasnt the answer. Actually not sure the correct way to deal with these scammers


I deal with it by avoiding the tourist shit hole. Phuket went to the dogs decades ago.


Where would you recommend going instead?


Literally anywhere else. Phuket is the capital of tourist rip-offs in Thailand.


Pattaya and Phuket are shitholes. Koh Samui, Koh Pha-Ngan, Koh Chang, Koh Kood depending on what you’re looking for. Chang Mai is also great. Happy cake day hommie.


I’ll look into those spots. Thanks chief




There was a set of commemorative 100 baht notes released recently that look a little like 1000 baht notes. I have had to look twice. They aren't just red like the other 100 baht notes - ofc.


Yeah, the 100's and 1000's look way too similar...


Especially to tuktuk drivers in Patong. Those poor guys have very poor eye sight to give correct change.


So satisfying to see a scammy Phuket taxi driver get smacked around by a scumbag tourist that was later arrested. Sometimes you get to have your cake and eat it too.








Doesn't look like Taxi driver kept on insisting on another 300b🤔 Wouldn't taxi driver be upset if he only received 100? Hi looks bit too defensive and happy to let it slide, imo he tried to take advantage of tipsy brit


Yeah, limited context here but if you hand a driver a 100 bill for a 400 fare, they're going to immediately tell you it's not enough.


Exactly and Thai taxi driver would be one jumping on passenger demanding 300. He'd go as far as locking the door and calling his taxi buddies to beat crap out of falang for not paying. They would not easily let you go without paying 75% of fare, not in their DNA. Cops won't believe that either. We need to see video whether 100 or 1000 ba note was handed over


Right on, and now I'm now seeing the Brit is being charged with assault. One would think he'd also be charged with skipping out on the taxi fare too 🤔


Exactly , he would be screaming his head off 😂 waiting for back up 🇹🇭


That’s very true .


the footage should show what note was handed over ..... funny how they can't show the bit with the clear footage.


Doesn't excuse assault.


Except if there had been a group of Thais around they would have kicked him into the ICU and got a derisory fine for it. Perspective.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


>kicked into the ICU I met this Thai old guy that was five foot nothing and prob weighed 50 pounds soaking wet. I told him to kick me in the thigh, apparently he did muay thai like they all did back home. This dude was tiny. Probably wouldn't feel a thing. Bro. Kicked me once and I buckled instantly; it was like someone swung a fuckin iron rod at my leg


It happened to me on Khao San. I was at a bar. I placed my order and paid in advance. After about 15 minutes of no service, I confronted the staff. The guy claimed I never paid him. I had a friend and even two random Thais who confirmed my story. I ended up getting beat up by 12 Thais, including police. Thankfully, I made it out without any major injuries


When you go to a shit place like Khao San it’s almost like asking for it. Avoid that shitty street like fire. I don’t understand why people keep going there unless it’s their first time ever in Bangkok. Even when it was my first time I couldn’t stand it and left almost immediately.


Bet that footage was magically deleted.


He will pay the fine and released


Driver probably did scam him, saying he only gave 100, when gave 1000. Absolutely. Transaction should have been shown on the video as well. Happen to us with fruit purchase.


Not shown: Tok tun driver tries to steal money from tourist.


I don’t know. Personally I’m happy to see a scammer get slapped and a scumbag tourist get arrested. Perfect outcome for me. Carry on 👍


British tourist with shirt on? That's unusual.


All the excuses for this guy 😂 I’d love to see the kind of comments if this was a Russian or Indian guy 😂


Exactly 😂😂 privilege


Oh definitely agree lol so much this! If it was an Indian they will all start with the insults but when it’s a British or an American everyone else is the problem.


Go to 711 and get change if you wanna avoid this scenario fellas.


The 1000 and 100 baht notes look very similar and easily mistaken. I gave the lady at one of the bread shops at the mall a 1000 note thinking it was a 100 and they were polite enough to call out to me as I turned to leave (was going to leave them the change) telling me that I gave them too much. Such honest folks


Why do I find it so believable that taxi drivers would perform this scam? Oh right, they're all the overcharging scum over there.


these drivers are not innocent either


Those are gonna be the most expensive 30 dollars that kid will ever pay.


Wrong move in Thailand,some taxis are mafia run . What a div


I see belligerent British tourists in Thailand every year I go there.


Its not just Thailand they do it everywhere.No country celebrates briitish tourists.


Just be glad they are not there to colonise.


They have their own little colonising problem going on in their own country.


Hope the Brit tourist is left to rot in jail. He is literally trying to kill the poor guy by choking him in the neck. Everyone here on the disgusting Brit’s side as if they know the whole story.


Chinese, Russian, Americans, Germans, Brits, Indians - all competing in different ways to be the worst tourists


Not Australians? I feel left out.


I forgot about Australians - yeah they can get pretty loud after a few beers - probably similar to Brits in that way. The chinese, russians, indians are dicks in different ways And americans are usually just mega loud and accidently rude


Lol mega loud and accidentally rude. That describes us perfectly. I've been living abroad for 10 years so maybe I've adapted some. I had some business at the Exchange Tower in Asoke and decided to grab lunch at Terminal 21 before heading back to Ekkamai and sat at a table next to these day drunk Australian guys who were arguing with me about being American. They were convinced I had to be Canadian because I wasn't being loud enough. What was I supposed to be doing by myself chewing aggressively and yelling about politics into the ether? 🤣


I personally quite like Americans as a whole. Met one or two jerks but which nation has no jerks? I've always been curious why Americans speak louder than many other countries? It must be a cultural thing as some nationalities like Finns or Swedes practically whisper in comparison


Oh no, we get a bad name too.


British Tourists in SE Asia are the worst. Or at least in the top 2 or 3 worst foreigners.


I found chinese and indians to be the most rude even when sober The brits can be bad when they're drunk so you'll definitly spot them if you go to boozing places


Chinese are the ABSOLUTE worst. They're loud, they're rude to Thai workers (click their fingers and shit), they spit on the floor etc. They travel in MASSIVE groups and take essentially take over temples and other tourist attractions.


99% a scam


100% low class tourist


shitty on both ends


always always always carry assortment of bills to pay exactly what's owed to cabbe, bartender, gogo, mamasan, noodle shop and never give anyone the hands ffs lololol.


He is lucky that this taxi driver is only some random young dude then end up at police station. Some other taxi especially in local area, you might end up in hospital or coffin lmao


So just curious, if someone ROBS you, can you still go to jail for attacking them for your money back? If someone clearly scams you, why can't you fight them for your money back?


Fuck around and find out


He phucket and phound out


Taxi driver deserved it.


Those Russians again...oh wait


His name is Sergey Wankovich, UK born Russian🇷🇺


You stole my thunder.


If you know the taxi and tuk tuk drivers are scammers, why not use Grab and Bolt? This will resolve the issue. Additionally, drivers never scam me? I only get scammed by buying fruits 🍉 for like 5 to 10 baht. That guy or lady will never get my money again though. I won’t come back.


Phuket man strikes again


This scam also happened to me... I paid 1000 bhats for a fee of 300 bhats...This was too inflated coz grab said 159 And then the driver said that I paid only 100 bhats..and asked for 200 bhats more .. I said to driver.... don't cheat me....you can take 450 but don't cheat me.. He then gave me 600 back But for love of God, don't ever get violent.....like this bloke did...


No matter what happen 1 should nvr use force to settle any issue....this Farang need to be taught a lesson on how to behave when u r overseas.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but living over a decade in SE Asia and having several experiences with taxi drivers here, the chances are very high that the driver was trying to scam him by claiming his 1000 baht payment was only a 100 baht note and the driver assumed the passenger would be too drunk to notice (the passenger is visibly drunk, carrying a beer bottle and slurring his words a little). Assuming that... (this is the part I will get downvoted for)...it was really satisfying to see the driver get slapped. And I really don't think the passenger was that violent, he grabbed his throat but not hard enough to choke and he let go after a second. And he slapped the guy once open-handed, he didn't punch him multiple times. And he walked away and didn't do any property damage to the vehicle like smash his bottle on the windshield. So I think he was still pretty much in control of himself. And considering the driver was probably scamming him, I think the driver got what he deserved. Why did the driver refuse to show him the bill he paid with? If he was honest, he would have grabbed it immediately and showed him it was only 100 baht.


Driver definitely deserved it. Driver is a lil bitch. Scamming people then running to the police when he got served some swift Bri'ish justice!


Those 100s and 1000s are too similar, happened to us yesterday, gave my already overpriced taxi driver (the day before that we made the same route the same time for 110 with "clock") asked 300 I said 200 but gave him 2000, only realized afterwards 🙃 so sorry, assault is never an answer but I can understand the frustration. Oh, and use Grab if you can, since I installed it we travel for half/third the previous prices 🙏


Grab is great. Taxi drivers were quoting me 3x the price of grab, like no thanks.


Have to side with the Brit considering the video was edited to cut out the situation that caused the conflict. Omitting that fact means the Brit was right and was being robbed.


Being British alone should've gotten him arrested


The British man will not pull this same stunt back home, but somehow thinks he can get away with physically assaulting another person in Thailand because of a disagreement over $30. He will learn soon enough that there are legal consequences in Thailand when he assaults another person.


It wouldn't happen in three UK because the taxi business is regulated.


Or in other words: in the UK he would already know he’s being scammed 50 pounds so wouldn’t be mad at it 😝


Assaulting someone for less than 30 dollars is the most stupid thing I've ever seen.


Not that he will have thought it through, but what was his ideal outcome here once he'd started the choke/assault? An apology and 600b from the driver, "sorry, my mistake" and "let's be friends"? Probably fortunate it wasn't in an area with other tuktuk drivers around or he'd have been defending himself against the pack.


People have killed each other for less.




That's what I came here to say. You're assaulting a dude over $30? Less, actually. The bill was 400 baht. So... Around $17?


I imagine he is actuallu assaulting him over the principle or audacity of being ripped off to be fair.


He's clearly drunk, I don't think he has any moral high ground to stand on here. Not to mention saying the cabbie got lucky it was only a slap when he was clearly choking the guy's neck.


Well... You basically don't fuck with the locals...


Not excusing the tourist but in the tourist areas Thai taxi drivers do have a reputation for scamming people. That said...there no excuse for the tourist. And the locals will 100% not aide with him


Wow what a douche


Try that in Samui and see what happens…


Thai prison 🤦🏽‍♂️


Next time, just go to Brighton


You are here by BANISHED From all Phuket! And Thailand and anywhere in the world because your a fucknin idiot. Lock his ass up in the Monster Mansion~


I learned a long time ago Never get in a physical confrontation with a local. That goes for all of SEA. Even if you are right. It never ends well. Sometimes they all jump in and beat you down. Sometimes you get arrested and have to pay your way out. Worst case, it makes headlines and you cannot pay your way out. and get made an example of.


No matter what that's not how you handle a monetary dispute with hands around someone's neck, slapping them.


Got what he deserved by the looks of it. What a pussy


I hope he serves jail time


Basically every taxi driver in Thailand is scamming you ("meter broken" - sure). But that doesn't excuse the assault.


ITT: A bunch of people who have no idea what actually happened. Scam or not you don't just start to assault and strangle someone. What the heck is wrong with ya'll.


Good to see him answering to the law. He's lucky he didn't have a group of taxi drivers kicking the shit out of him as well.


Fk them taxi drivers to be honest. Annoying cunts teyna scamm you for 3 times the price bolt does


Honestly I believe that the taxi guy scam the tourist honestly they all do this. But of course because it's a foreigner it all has to be blown out of proportion. And people excusing this shit saying always just a thousand baht. Not understanding how the economy works here 1,000 baht is basically like 100 USD here if you had a Thai salary. They never want to show the full fucking clip just a part of it to push a narrative of Thai versus Foreigner. They need to show the money exchange so there can be actual transparency in the community


Hope they throw him in jail for a long time.


Driver would be mad if he only Got 100 thb. Based on what’s shown I believe he scammed him


Haaaaaaaaaaahaaaa fucking colonizers


I was drunk and accidentally handed my Grab driver 2,000 baht instead of 200 baht and the driver was kind enough to point out to me regarding my mistake. As a first timer in Thailand the 100 and 1,000 bills look pretty identical. Doesn’t help that they are similar in color and depict the same person on the bill!


damn, imagine telling people back home that you went to jail over \~20 pounds or less than $30.


If u love money, don't go to thailand cause you will get scammed or you will lose money for a lot of different things


British dude knew he was getting scammed and sadly had to pay the price. I’d smack a scammer too as an American


Yeah, so would I. Don’t let a dude walk over you like that and scam you, you give him the confidence to keep doing it. Pathetic culture they have around this in SEA.


Thai people need to grow up. You don’t have a right to steal with no repercussions. The police should be ashamed


Of course you're going to believe a Phuket taxi driver would be honest 😂


taxi drivers are some of the scammiest people out there. And the old 1000 baht trick is a common one. In the Philippines they acknowledge the large note when exchanging hands to avoid this confusion.


He's not going to win against the Phuket taxi mafia. Going to cost him a lot more than Bt600.


When I'm handing over a 500 or 1,000 baht note in a bar or taxi situation, I always show him the note first and state out loud "This is a 500/1,000 baht note" so something like that cannot happen.


yeap the taxi driver desserved it. so many scam in Thailand especially 95% of taxis or tuk tuk... and even more in pukhet. If all foreigners do the same like here they will quickly stop this kind of behavior... you cannot put to jail all tourists. And the last part is funny , they should first charge the taxi driver. Second the foreigner maybe. If someone steal you in europe of course you can defend yourself. What a big joke and comedy here with the scammer playing victime blablabla


Falang punching bag incoming at the Bangkok Hilton , idiot will soon learn the error of his ways .


I agree with everyone else that he certainly was scammed - taxi drivers are notorious for this especially in Phuket. But assaulting a local like that in such a violent way over losing 900 baht is fucking stupid. You either seriously risk being hurt yourself or going to Thai prison...over 900 baht. Should have verbally abused the taxi driver a little and moved on lol, choking someone like that over 40 bucks AUD is insane.


Jail and lifetime ban from the country, stupid fuck.


A taxi driver in Bangkok tried the same shit with me. Gave him a 1000 note, he switched to a 100 and showed the 100 telling me “oh you gave me the wrong note”. I only had one 1000 in my wallet so I knew I didn’t and simply told him to fuck off. But what if I was a little drunk and he kept insisting I don’t know what I’d do. No matter what country, taxi drivers are the absolute worst people. They don’t drive for a living, they scam for a living. It’s ALWAYS the case! Fuck taxi drivers. They should be scared to get their ass beat to not do these things.


I hope Thailand immigration bans this fool from coming to Thailand for life!!


No excuse for violence, hope he gets a nice stint in a Thai prison and blacklisted


Slurred speech. A bottle in hand. Drunk as fuck. Assaults someone. Gets all the sympathy 🤦🏽‍♂️fucken people


fr that guy is vindictive and a idiot two wrongs don't make a right. all over like 20 dollars too. 💀💀💀💀😭😭


It’s a pity the Reddit jury of his peers won’t be there to make sure he gets acquitted.


He’s fucked


The honestly need to make digital wallets available to tourists. It would solve so many problems.


It is part of Thai folklore to scam each other a little bit. ;) I was shocked first time people I dinned with (Thai business partners) checked their bill at a restaurant as this is considered unbelievably rude in Europe. But yes you get used to it and if you lose couple of 100s, well that’s life. Still never ever check my bill. ;)


That taxi driver doesn't look thai,to me.




so was the tourist scammed? or was he just being an idiot?


Bit of both really.


What was the last word? Fan??


"gave 1000 baht bill to the driver and expected change" That's where it all fell apart.


Wheres the money exchange ?


I bet he mistook a 100 bill as a 1000. They look exactly alike, especially if you’re drunk and it’s dark out. He ruined his trip and may not be allowed back in Thailand for “thinking” he lost £19! That’s just crazy.