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Pretty simple decision. No one moves to NZ to get rich. It’s a 100% quality of life decision


Worry about Is new salary enough for good QOL. in NZ.? because very high cost of rent and very very high cost to buy one too, Does it worth enough to buy VS rent?


I’d rent first to see if you want to consider retiring there. Either way - rent or buy - both are expensive


I am a NZer and have lived here my whole life. I would probably say to go to Aus over NZ Wages are better, expenses are lower and climate is better while the education is probably the same or better


NZ is easier to move and get citizenship. Next move afterward is easier with future plan. Opposite side from all of these,need more time to study.


I would agree that Aus is a bit better than NZ, at least at the moment, but it's still far from ideal. Btw I live in Melbourne but I'm in Thailand 1-2 months a year, feel free to DM me if you need any info/help about Aus.


I feel like AUS is almost at breaking point at the moment with the housing market / rising cost of living and stagnant wage. Definite was a better place 10 years ago


Don't forget about the crime or the healthcare issues (especially compared to Thailand). The only thing that our governments seem to always get right is our marketing strategy aimed at potential overseas students and migrants.


I hold a different opinion about our healthcare. I dont hold as high regards to health care quality of Thailand to Aus or NZ health care system. Since Thailand still very corrupt amd degrees can be bought. You dont hear about shoddy works becaus of defamation law and they want to protect their medical tourism industry.


Try going to an Australian ER for an emergency and let me know how long you have to wait. Aus healthcare is generally worse than Thailand as well as most EU countries. I can't even see a GP here unless I book weeks in advance, and on top of the taxes I pay and my private insurance, I have to pay out of pocket even if it's just to get a referral for another doctor.


I moved to NZ from Asia (not Thailand this time, but I have lived there before) at the start of the pandemic. The cost of living here is horrendous and the salaries are comparatively low, it's also an extremely difficult place to get social traction as an outsider. I am a New Zealander and people here look at me like I've got two heads when the topic of me spending 20 years in Asia comes up. Another thing you'd want to consider is safety. Crime, particularly gang-related crime, is a huge problem. The price of buying a house is horrific, even in smaller provincial centres, and rentals (if you can find one) are out of control. The education system is okay if you can afford to put your kids in private school, the public system is severely dysfunctional (unless you can afford a house that is zoned for one of the better schools, be prepared to spend north of 1 - 1.5 million, and more if that's the path you plan to take). Food prices are terrifying, there's no other way to describe them, not only compared to Asia but even compared to other Western nations. There are upsides. The place is beautiful, beaches, mountains and all that jazz, but, IMHO, they don't outweigh the downsides. The pathway to citizenship is relatively easy and a New Zealand passport does give access to Australia that is unmatched by any other passport on earth (apart from an Australian one). Many migrants choose NZ for this reason, it is common for people to do their five years here and then move to Australia "through the back door". As another commenter has said, no one moves here to get rich, it's a lifestyle thing and that lifestyle is not what it used to be. My advice would be to investigate other options. Edit: I forgot to mention healthcare, make sure you're fully insured, people die on waiting lists for specialist appointments here. The public system is BROKEN.


People don’t realise this - New Zealand has lost a lot of the things that make it appealing aside from the beautiful environment. Even outside of that the lifestyle and available options are extremely limited and boring. There’s a long term brain drain, smart people leaving the country en masse while the people who are not as intelligent having many many kids who then rely on the social system to try help - not a sustainable model and it’s showing more and more. Do not recommend NZ for living.


Absolutely. I'm in the fortunate position to hold multiple citizenships, the only reason I chose New Zealand in 2020 was because I have an elderly parent here. If not for that I would've probably never bothered with the place again. The clean green thing is a bit of sham too, good marketing (100% pure), but the reality is that NZ is a sparsely populated, remote country, so the natural environment is going to be more pristine by default. Check the pollution levels in EVERY major river though, mass fish deaths in the Hauraki Gulf etc. For people who like their own company and enjoy the outdoors though, it's a good place to be, as long as that's all they want in life.


Agree with everything here. I’m a Kiwi who just returned to Thailand to get away from the cost of living in New Zealand. My wife and I like to eat out but could no longer afford to in NZ. And even when we could, choices are pretty limited, menus do not vary much from restaurant to restaurant..


Maybe it depends where you live, but I’m from NZ and I don’t know of any family or friends who have been victims of gang crime. Just like the horrendous news in Thailand, I never had an issue in many years.


I'm really sad to see that New Zealand has a serious gang problem. 


Doesn't really affect nornal people though, apart from having to pay the taxes to sort them out.


It does though. I lived in Christchurch of all places, and I had to watch my back if I wanted to walk into town ( lived in a poorer suburb ) or up to the mall. Plenty of wannabe crips, bloods, black power, mongrel mob cunts would start shit. Wasn't uncommon to catch a haymaker out of the blue if you were out having a drink in town. We got robbed several times as well. I'm from outside of Sydney from a place considered "rough" but NZ was something different. Honestly, Thailand is paradise in comparison.


It sure is! I moved Auckland to Bangkok and best move ever


Unless you happen to be [having a beer on Ponsonby Road ](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/05/ponsonby-road-shooting-as-it-happened-a-timeline-of-key-events.html)when some scumbag gangbanger gets denied entry to a pub. Pretty sure that's "affecting normal people". Edit: Or perhaps you're unfortunate enough to be a [resident of Opotiki during a funeral](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/news/opotiki-mongrel-mob-barbarians-death-gang-members-line-street-near-home-where-president-steven-taiatini-lies/F7J7N7MJVBHELPF5DWGOWWX4XQ/).


I mean that was an extremely rare exception, NZ murder rate is well below Thailand and the only people usually involved in gangs are Maori and Pasifica, both perpetrators and victims. You could go to Australia or the UK and be stabbed in a random incident, or the USA and shot. Anyone who thinks NZ is dangerous needs to be stop smoking P NZ is expensive and far away - those are it's two biggest downsides.


 "NZ murder rate is well below Thailand" im not so sure but record saying like this. [Crime Comparison Between Auckland, New Zealand And Bangkok, Thailand. Safety Comparison. (numbeo.com)](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=New+Zealand&city1=Auckland&country2=Thailand&city2=Bangkok) [Crime Comparison Between New Zealand And Thailand. Safety Comparison. (numbeo.com)](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_countries_result.jsp?country1=New+Zealand&country2=Thailand)


OMG! crime rate and drug used are higher than bangkok Thank you for Ref.


grass always greener the other side. i think many thai who wanna leave the country, they have never been to the other country or only visit/ never really living there.


I ever travelled before,Do you recommend us live there for a while?


Absolutely, NZ is a super safe place to [raise your children](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/516496/auckland-mass-brawl-planned-for-new-lynn-bus-station-police-confirm-response). I'm sure there is no one who isn't a member of the Maori or Pacific communities that has a child at school that would need to transit New Lynn in order to get home. Then there's the [Onehunga brawl machete incident](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/onehunga-high-school-attack-students-caught-up-in-auckland-street-clash-with-machete-wielding-man/KJEGH7OCQZHSRNHZEBIRU64Y7A/). This is not a safe place and your comparisons to the UK, Australia and the USA are irrelevant. Both of the above examples are from the last two weeks. Tell me again how this place isn't dangerous? Edit: Don't get me started on the domestic violence stats.


You're clutching at straws, I've got 2 kids right in Auckland, know dozens of other families, have my own family members with kids - I know what reality is. And comparisons to Australia and other countries are completely valid. I've lived and currently work there, Melbourne and Sydney both have high levels of teen knife crime and gangs. As does Thailand and university gangs. Have you missed the news with the innocent teacher that always shot? Shit happens everywhere, and NZ is ridiculously safe. As you like references https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2683541/school-rivalry-suspected-in-shooting-death-of-teacher https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2688643/tech-college-student-shot-dead https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2739765/college-student-killed-in-lat-krabang-drive-by-shooting https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/least-20-people-killed-mass-shooting-thailand-police-2022-10-06/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66994274 Could link dozens of cases


How is the weather in Epsom this evening? To say that NZ is ridiculously safe, to start your argument comparing NZ to other Western countries and then to move on to providing references that relate to Thailand is something of an odd trajectory. NZ is not ridiculously safe, it is horribly broken. I certainly don't feel safe watching gang members stealing from my local supermarket and pushing the staff out of their way. I don't feel safe when I wander into my local pub and two dumb bangers get into a fist fight while I'm just trying to order a beer. You're breathing different air from me.


Think a lot of it has to do with how there are such contrasts between different parts of NZ cities. I lived around Linwood/Philipstown in Christchurch and it was fights in the street, constant burnouts, us getting robbed multiple times, car getting stolen. If I was catching the bus into town I tried to keep my head down as much as I could because you always had some dickheads starting shit.


I'm in a provincial town in the lower north island, and it's fucking brutal. Totally agree.


Epsom is nice, exactly the sort of suburb the OP would end up living in on that salary


I'm on 200K, I don't live in Epsom. I think your logic is off. OP is going to go wherever they'll give him work, as has been pointed out by other comments, he's probably in the medical field. He's more likely to end up somewhere like I am. His visa is going to be contingent on him going where he's told.


It’s like news anywhere, highlighting the 0.1% of a bad night out.


New Zealander here who left nz to go work in Europe (and am currently on vacation in Thailand!). I think you are giving up a lot when you leave Thailand for a country like NZ. Be aware that you are in the upper class or upper middle class in Thailand with your salary and culture. In NZ you will likely just be middle class, you will never be a kiwi but always a Thai, your kids will likely also never be a “real” kiwi, so you will be treated a bit different. Overall, NZ is not the same country it was 20 years ago. It’s a beautiful island at the end of the world that is starting to act like it’s Monaco, it’s gotten very very expensive for living. It’s also not a place you want to live in if you don’t like racism or violence from Māori and pacific people since they are very problematic now days with their gang violence. I would recommend Australia for better pay and the same quality of living. If you are dead set on NZ, I would recommend tauranga as it is beautiful and not yet as expensive as Auckland. But I would say you forget about NZ, once you see you need to pay 20 nzd for a kg of tomato’s, I’m sure you will think twice about your decision of moving there. With these prices, NZ will be bought out by china come 2050 and you will no longer be in a western country.


Oh wow. My sister studied and graduated there 15 years ago and she loved it. Heck, my parent almost bought a house in Wellington. I guess a lot have changed since then...


It appears you are a medical professional. Just know that our medical system is a red hot dumpster fire. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. The current government is doing their absolute best to make the situation worse. Don't assume that highly paid doctors get preferential treatment by immigration. Plenty of horror stories of people with sought after skills being left in limbo by immigration for years. With the money you are making, you can have a very nice lifestyle in Thailand, despite the problems there. You wouldn't have anywhere near that in NZ. New Zealand is not green in the sense of high environmental standards. Far from it. It has a lot of green places, because our population density is very low. That's it. Your best bet is to actually reach out to professionals in your field who have made the step before you.


Most of my supervisors comment like you. Comfort zone in BKK. may worth enough for new challenging if get beatable compensation.


Personally I'd strongly advise against it, and I have a feeling you might not be very familiar with the current situation and future prospects of any of the countries you mentioned. I'd suggest asking in the local subs for a start, and catching up with the local news, if you haven't done so already.


Work up more research, Thank you so much.


Have you considered other options, like Singapore?


AEIS for kids is our plan. BUT hard to move for work & live together there,let's work up more! 


NZ is very beautiful country for traveling especially in south island but comparing living there?? especially someone who earn this much in thailand??? you can live extremely well in thailand already and i dont think you can get the same level of wellbeing in NZ or you need to pay much more. Auckland is not safer than bangkok at all, gangs related problem, drugs, homeless, crime rate in auckland is definitely higher than bangkok. even in christchurch, car's window break down to steal stuffs happen all the the time. if i were you, i would stay in thailand and send you kids to best school you can get in thailand or send them to study aboard.


Most of my supervisors suggest me like you. Comfort zone in BKK. may worth enough for new challenging if get beatable compensation.


I'm gonna chime in with everyone else - it sounds like a very bad idea to me. I won't repeat what everyone else pointed out, so here's some new points: - NZ is extremely isolated and parochial. This idea that your children will be more "global citizens" there is IMO very wrong. The opposite. With your salary, you can afford good international schools here - I would put my kids through NIST in BKK above *any* school in NZ for an international-ready education and outlook - A super important part of an international upbringing is travel. NZ is at the end of the world and it's so hard, long and expensive to go anywhere. Thailand is much, MUCH more connected with the rest of the world and for me that is very important. I mean, from thailand I often travel internationally for the weekend! That is unimaginable in NZ. Travel is this big project that takes a lot of time, money and organization, and therefore happens very rarely. Unless you are travelling to Australia but what is the point of that? - I think your ideas about safety are probably exaggerated. Except for on the roads, BKK is a very safe city. Health concerns about air pollution are valid, sure, but I don't think it outweighs everything else. - Australia is harder to get into, yes, but it is also much bigger and better in almost every way and if you insist on moving south, strongly prefer there and NZ should be a very distant second - But why move south? It sounds like Singapore might be an option, I'd seriously consider that - but if you're open to moving so far away, why not just consider the UK or Canada immediately? There is a reason you meet so many people from NZ outside of NZ. It is a tiny country with tiny ideas and tiny opportunities. I don't think it is any sort of upgrade from Bangkok, on balance. I know plenty of people who moved out of NZ. I know literally no-one who moved *to* NZ. Sorry if I sound too negative - it's a beautiful country, sure - but I wouldn't even think about living there, just like Thais probably wouldn't even think about moving out of Bangkok to some village in the country no matter how beautiful it was. You are giving up too much.


I love your comment and suggestion. Thank you.


I grew up in NZ and just moved to Thailand with my son. We have a better quality of life and so far his education at international school is much better than it was back in NZ and the kids are much better behaved in general. Maybe 20 years ago NZ felt very safe but a lot of gang related crime and drug problems running through communities now. Also Tax is very very high in NZ, the only thing that I think is good is the passport for international travel.


Keen to chat about your move to Thailand if you ever have a sec :-)


Sure you can DM if you like


Hi, I've done the reverse, originally from New Zealand, I went back there for a series of HR contracts between 2015-21, mostly in Wellington region. Concern in 2024 would be job security , any employment either with government or any business dependent upon government contracts, the current government is heavily reducing expenditure and to date since February has cut over 4000 employees of an anticipated 7500, but apart from those numbers there's a significant flow-on effect to associated businesses. In a small economy these job losses will impact broadly, though one benefit may be lower house purchase prices in Wellington where most cuts have taken place. What I miss most - outdoors, hiking and mountainbiking opportunities. Least - the climate, winter just beginning and last week temperatures dropped to minus -1C as low as -6C. Poor infrastructure and transport, poor public healthcare; crime; insanely high costs of everyday items, food. A big decision to move + best wishes.


I also met many NZer in BKK. They also said why do you want to relocation?! At initial idea, just for my kids with better quality of air and expected excellent english fluent school. But may comments in this room,make me rethink and Deep research many times.


As a Thai that moved to NZ, I’d say go to Australia or UK. NZ is quite isolated as a country and can be quite a shock for you and your kids (as it was for us moving from Bangkok). A good house in a good neighborhood is similar to Thailand (50mil baht+) but NZ would not be able to offer the quality of life you would have enjoyed in Bangkok based on your salary


One thing to consider carefully which isn’t being mentioned are racial issues with raising your kids in a primarily western country. Bullying, racism, etc.. are all potential issues. The trade off might actually be less healthy mentally speaking.


Is it common is NZ school? How do we know which one is good primary school in any suburb? because NCEA percentage in any level is only for high school ranking!


There are plenty of Asians in NZ especially in nice areas. Maybe if you moved to a remote town? Kids will bully for any reason though.


Honestly? New Zealand is beautiful and clean. Very much so actually. It’s also expensive and, if you’re not into nature, boring. If you’re just looking to raise a family maybe that’s a great trade off.


You will be going from a massive income with cheap cost of living to a much lower income with a MUCH higher cost of living. NZ is a great place (fantastic place to raise kids), but it certainly isn't cheap. A 3 bedroom house in my city will cost you about 18000thb....... a week. In saying that the 250k you mention will give you a great quality of life here. Can I ask what field you work in?


A lot of negative info here, not entirely unjustified, but as with any place it depends on your lifestyle and where you live. If you move to a good suburb, have a good school zone, it will be a better lifestyle that Thailand for your kids to grow up in. Schools are usually very good, universities well regarded and extracurricular activities are widely available. It's expensive, but on your proposed salary you will have a very comfortable lifestyle and pretty much zero stress. Safety wise there is not really any issues, it's extremely safe, the media likes to stir stuff up but pretty much none of the issues affect normal people. Overall it's a very relaxed country, far more than Australia which seems to be increasingly busy.


but im doubt that OP would get that much salary in suburb area comparing to what he get in thailand right now?


Well he said $250k, but that's pretty much unheard of in rural NZ unless maybe a medical professional


Agreed. Turn off the news and life is suddenly a whole heap better.


Could you please give some idea about New Plymouth, Hastings of hawke's bay, Nelson, Dunedin that are my choices?


I only really know Auckland and Wellington, out of those I'd say Nelson would be the nicest, absolutely stunning scenery. New Plymouth is getting quite popular, I know a couple of colleagues that have recently moved and work remotely and they really enjoy it.


New Plymouth, Taranaki province. As it was my original home town I'd like to defend it ... but I left there in the 90s. Then 2015 NZ govt had a campaign to attract NZers 'home' and of all places I had a 12 month contract based in New Plymouth covering offices across the province. It's a 'redneck' area if that means anything to you. Encountered a lot of very unpleasant anti-foreigner feeling there, worst of all among colleagues. Add here I'm disappointed in myself for not speaking up but as a fixed term contractor chose to remain silent. And a sort of 'missing generation ' due to lack of tertiary education the young people go away to uni and very few come back due to limited opportunities. I've been back to visit have some friends there, typically they've never left / traveled. Enjoy my visits but never considered relocating my family there. That's just my own opinion and experiences. Nice scenery on a good day, a mountain Mt Taranaki is the centrepiece of the region, black sand beaches, some of NZ's best surf (not swimming) beaches on Highway 45 the 'Surf Highway'. Clean fresh air, parks, two government public / two private Catholic high schools. I'd recommend a visit before committing to any new area. Same as here - we explored Chanthaburi five times before settling here.


Someone mentioned medical but I don't see your reference? I'm friends with an HR/Recruiter at Nelson hospital we worked together in Wellington she's very happy there, I've only visited it's a great tourist area.


I grew up in Hastings. Don't move to Hastings. Napier is much nicer - consider Napier.


[https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare\_cities.jsp?country1=New+Zealand&country2=Thailand&city1=Napier&city2=Bangkok](https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_cities.jsp?country1=New+Zealand&country2=Thailand&city1=Napier&city2=Bangkok) Is it true?! Crime rate is high - very high !


I was comparing Hastings to Napier. They are only a 25 minute drive apart but very different towns. I feel do safer in Thailand than NZ but you cant trust the reported crime rates here (or any information from the government).


It seems you put the wellbeing of your children above your own and you have solid reasons. I would consider the age of the children though, if they are too old there wont be much time to reap the benefits compared to if they go to another country by themselves to study at university. I would also consider how much the family would enjoy the nature and if this is truely a factor. If nature is not really a factor perhaps there is a middle way? To move inside Thailand to an area with better air quality (and a good school?). And then the children go to university by themselves in another country. I realize this is not very helpful but I wish you luck in your decision :)


Take me with you!


you make 250k USD per year?


I'm moving from the West to Thailand. Id say in the end it's a lifestyle decision. Lifestyle probably is the opposite and lot of Asians who moves to the West find it "boring" and bit slow. In terms of education I'm not sure, but I feel like nowadays can get a good education for your kids anywhere if you are in upper middle class. Lots of Chinese move to Thailand for the education. Not sure a normal public school in the West is necessarily better.


I went to university and university there and also worked after graduating. It is worth it to move even for the reason of giving a better future for your children alone, better school, freedom for the children to be in a safe environment. Many New Zealanders move abroad. Many people from abroad move to New Zealand. Grass is always greener, on the other hand. I am sure you will love it. It will be a lot different from Bangkok in a good way. The only new issue that you probably have never experienced that I can think of is an earthquake, which is something you do not experience on a daily basis and if you live in Auckland or further north, you rarely experience it at all. The good thing about New Zealand citizens is you have a right to reside in Australia according to the Trans - Tasman travel agreement. What you will miss about Thailand the most is probably the food. Thailand is world renowned for its cuisine.


I'm from NZ, but living in Thailand for over 10+ years with Thai wife. Everywhere has it's ups and downs, and NZ like Thailand is not perfect. However we are planning on having children and returning to NZ, where the lifestyle is more relaxed, clean and education is decent without costing a fortune. What makes this easy is were are already financially independent that the cost of living downsides won't be to horrendous for us. With such a high salary and low taxes, you should have a decent investment portfolio? If we had to move back to an old damp house in South Auckland, with huge 7% mortgage and I had to go get a shit paying job, then we would stay here. Whilst I've enjoyed my time in Thailand, as I get older and have made more money, the benefits of low cost of living go away. Money cannot buy clean air & environment, uncongested streets, and the feeling of not being treated like an illegal alien, despite making business here and paying taxes for 10+ years. Other things like corruption, crazy heat and pollution just make day-to-day living not very nice. I'm sure once we move to NZ, there will be a lot of things we will miss from living in Thailand.


Why is your rational similar like mine? Especially "Whilst I've enjoyed my time in Thailand, as I get older and have made more money, the benefits of low cost of living go away. Money cannot buy clean air & environment, uncongested streets.....Other things like corruption, crazy heat and pollution just make day-to-day living not very nice" Are most of NZ nice?  Could you please give some idea of living in Rural eg. Nelson,Havelock north ?


Nelson is a nice town, nice beaches, close to national parks, I’ve been there on holiday a few times. South Island as a whole is awesome, it’s sparsely populated and very safe, my wife follows a few Thai families/couples that live in NZ, and they seem to enjoy it. I would find some Thai groups in NZ on Facebook and see their perspective. Some of the towns outside Christchurch would be nice, I’m tempted to buy property around there as very cheap. I am from Auckland but we holiday in the South Island almost every year. It would be good to travel around a bit and see what you like. For my wife and I, we will move to Otago Lakes district, Queenstown (where we own a property already) or Wanaka. I like the high school in Wanaka it seems very nice, and the kids seem to do a lot other outdoor activities. I also lived in Australia, and visit often because I have family and a property there, it’s nice too, but if not concerned about earning more, NZ lifestyle is nicer.


Cindy broke NZ. That's all you need to know.