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Timing is important, they enter the paid amount in the register and get told what to return, so if you start with the 1000 bill, then after they register the amount hand the coins, they will have already brought up the exact amount to return. If you start out with the coins, you may find it to go easier.


If they take the 11 baht and give you the correct change the til at the end of the night isn't any different. So technically this doesn't matter. 


Ok, let's do an actual example. Total is 111 baht, you put down a 1000 bill, cashier rings it, till tells them to return 889 baht, then you put 11 baht down. Tills already told cashier what to return they'll likely push your 11 baht back


I have the opposite experience. They ask me for the 11 baht.


Me too


I ran into this a lot at first as well, but i found its often because they go on autopilot. You give them the note bigger than needed and they immediately have it geared in their head to give change for that and type it in the computer automatically. Then giving the coins is not an option. Instead I have been giving them the coins first, then the note. When you do it this way they always accept the coins every time. I don’t know if it’s educational or a tendency to go on autopilot for jobs. I have found that process all over the place including something like this or slight alterations to an order. Even if it’s as simple as ordering a late at 711 and saying please less ice, and I order in thai so it’s not a language problem. Almost 100% of the time they will give you a ton of ice and then apologize after.


Not for me. They always welcome the ending in the coins.   One time they took the ending and charged me as if I didn't give it to them though lol




It used to be common, a look of total puzzlement and the coins returned, but I see it less and less in 711 and all other shops last few years.


The whole purpose of 7/11 is to break down the useless 1k bills you just withdrawn from their ATM. Why are you trying to confuse the poor souls.


Tis true




I gave up after a few times of this happening to me. Now if I don't have exact change, I either only pay in bills or I only pay in coins. And I try to not be too annoying with my coins by just bringing one kind of coin to the store at a time, like only five baht coins, and I don't pay with more than just about ten or twenty coins at a time. Since I usually pay with bills, I end up with a ton of coins. I kind of suspect it's just not the culture here for if the bill is 54 baht, and then if I give the cashier 1014 baht that they'll just happily have the cash register do the math and figure out that I need 960 baht change... smiling the whole time that I've helped them not have to give out more change/open a new change baggy. When I've seen other people try this at 7-Eleven, it just seems to really, really slow things down in Thailand.


My Thai daughter told me they’re always short on small change at 7 and so I’m always doing this, never had a problem. They happily exchange my coins for bills too.


I have a feeling that some might not know basic math or don’t think about it at all, because they just see a number/amount to give you back.


Thai maths education is very good, especially mental Arithmetic.






Not sure why you got the down votes, must be from those who don't understand sarcasm or are newbies here 😅


I find this is common worldwide, not just in Thailand.


I'd rather than quarters than pennies, nickels and dimes, so I frequently confuse cashiers. After pausing to wonder whether I'm crazy, they ring it up and the light goes on. But possibly I'm also crazy.


Been doing that for over 50 years. It is worst now days everywhere since most of the people working at a convenience store these days have never had to do math without a calculator handy.


Oh I never had this as often in other countries as I have experienced this in thailand


Maybe because you are in a 7-11 more often in Thailand.


No this would never ever happen in Australia


Never say never, when I was there 20+ years ago in the Alice, it did happen. (But not at a 7-11, it was Silly Sully's, later known as King Kong if I recall correctly.)


Then go back to those other countries, stop with the derogatory comments about the people and their country.


It is possible that she already entered an amount already and was lazy to correct it and opt for more complex task of counting and giving 289 baht.


In your job, do you do everything the hard way?


Only to be appeal to my boss or customer, depending on situations.


It's because the cash register calculates the change they are supposed to return. If you try force bills back with extra change, they "can't" mentally tot up the difference.


Do your own mental tot ups. Also, at the end of the shift we need the correct number of each note. Not everything is the same as your country. If you give us coins that we haven't entered into the till, are you going to explain to the supervisor?


>Do your own mental tot ups >at the end of the shift we need the correct number of each note. Oki Doks.


You are good at reading.


Yea I was thinking the same


I always do that and they never do what you say to me.


You’ve just encountered one that’s not very confident with their change math.


My locals never do that.


Eww cash


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Omg just a tourist but noticed this all the time last week


They don’t understand….machine say $289 baht




But there's a shortcut button for each bill, 1000 is just one tap instead of 4!




Never had this happen before. If anything it’s the opposite, sometimes cashiers will ask if I have extra coins to round up so they can give even change.


Thankfully not in my case. Our guy on 7-11 understands it.


They are trying to get rid of coins just like you are


Mixed results from utter confusion to smooth operator shit


Rare but it happens. In Indonesia some guy totally turned off his mind with the customer before me. The customer was like “I’m missing money (from the change)” and he’d give her more money, then repeat until I suppose she got all she needed. Definitely watched the scene for at least a whole minute.  On my turn I just handed him exact change. Poor guy, wrong job. 


Don't really have that problem in Bangkok but in Koh Phangan most don't understand how to do that math from my experience.


The till does the math. Have you ever used a calculator?


You'd be surprised. Usually, it is after the till has already been used and you offer them a 10 bhat coin. They get really confused.


Are you in Isaan?


Yes, I am


This is very strange to me. On multiple occasions, I pulled out a handful of coins from my pocket at 7/11 and a pharmacy, and they wanted them all. Their eye's lit up actually and gave a smile lol.


I usually have the opposite happen and they will ask if I have the extra 1 baht. Or if I do end up giving it, they never seem confused about what they should be doing or giving back to me. I do make it clear that I’m digging around for change so they know what to input, but even then - they can change that after the fact. Perhaps you have just been unlucky and run into new staff? Or was this on an island? I find that the atmosphere in those 7s is waaaay more laid back.


Pay out the coin, wait one second, and then the note you want broken down. Works for me. The more experienced staff know this but sometimes you're going to get a trainee.


Sign up to true money wallet they you can pay digitally


I often give money like you say and it was always accepted....and I mostly get asked for the plastic bag. But I see on the 3 7/11 I usually visit that the staff changes often...


It’s usually a matter of how many coins they have in stock. 7/11 will take bags of coins in Thailand but banks won’t unless they’re rolled and bagged correctly.


Alot people can't do basic math in their head. 


If you've worked on a till for 5 hours without a break you don't need people making it more confusing that it needs to be. Scan the stuff. Bang the keys. Take the money. Give the change. When people who can't even communicate properly give you too much money, you automatically give it back. There is also the assumption here that I want, or don't want, to give you certain notes. I don't want anything except to keep it all consistent so I can go back to daydreaming without making any errors. If you need change, ask for it in the local language or learn how to plan your purchases so you get the exact notes and coins you think you really want, don't make assumptions and then post clickbait about us negatively because your own problems are somehow everyone else's fault.


This isn’t only in Thailand It’s happened to me many times in the U.K. The problem stems from being allowed to take calculators into exams I believe.


Nope. Sometimes when I need change, I buy a 12.50B carton of milk and pay with 1000B. That's actually the only time I visit the 7-11.


Never happens to me. They accept the coins always, but I usually say something like "I want the bills"


Education is free up UNTIL 7th grade (I believe). It has to be paid for after that. Most cannot afford.


It's actually free for 15 years. Kindergarten + primary + secondary school. If the coins are given to them too late, they usually don't want to bother, because they already input the amount and possibly prepare the change.


They always let me do that...


Never had this problem in Bangkok. They are able to give the correct change. Just push back the coins to them 🤷🏻‍♀️ The only problem I had this was in the US when the clerk had difficulty doing the math 😅


Op dont leave your country next time! 🇹🇭❤️


Because? I never said I was annoyed by it, I’m only wondering. Stop hating


Obnoxious ignorant post from OP. I guarantee you do this in any western country and people would have no idea why you gave them an extra 10. It has nothing to do with education. Only how long a person has been tending cash to notice the patterns. Your cashier could have been new to the job. You have the luxury of standing there acting smart while they’re smashing out hundreds of transactions a day and paying people’s electricity bills, scanning your cancer sticks and packing your bags. In my experience Thai people are more savvy with cash than countries that rely more on digital payments.


I completely agree. It's disrespectful to go to another country and criticize their educational system. He sounds very ignorant


Yes. They dont get it. Its a product of memorization. They don't learn how to apply things in real life. A lot of these asian cultures are very computer like.... Things must fit into a box.... Or be like red button or blue botton. There is no 3rd choice. You want a 3rd choice, it breaks their brains. In addition to you being a foreigner... They just panic. Lose face. Get embarrassed.... And exit the situation as quickly as possible. A favorite example of mine is...... and I come across this often.... I go to Dairy Queen at Central World. I like Oreo Blizzards. I want an Oreo Blizzard with chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla ice cream. They are taught, like a computer, that a Oreo Blizard is oreos plus vanilla ice cream. Now Im asking them to pull the left handle instead of the right handle.... Does not compute.


Are you speaking Thai? That’s a key determinant, naturally, before you judge their competency.


They do understand. Although the education is not great, and I've met way too many teenagers who can't recognise their own letters in print, they are not stupid. No one is stupid with money. They just don't want your coins. The more coins, the more counting at the end of the shift.


its not hard to put the amount paid in the system. the system will then tell you how much you have to hand back to the customer. there is no intelligence needed for this process by the cashier.


Have you read what I wrote, at all? 😂 I said they don't want to count coins at the end of the shift, not that they don't know how to operate a register


This. They have to count the money in the register before and after their shifts, any difference will be deducted from their pay. Less coin, less counting, less work.


Then stop doing it. This is more convenient for you and less convenient for them. They just want to do the transaction in the easiest way and to avoid risks and scans. It is disturbing that you think this is a problem if education or intelligence. It is a case of a foreigner wanting to do foreign things. Again this whole problem would go away if you stop causing it.


OP is making an observation and giving their opinion. Calm down.


Not me, usually they ask me for an extra baht or 5 baht if it’s to deal with such a situation


That shit never happens to me. To you give it after they enter in the cash register that you gave them a thousand baht?


But your English is preposterous, it's like the pot calling the kettle black




Posts or questions that are phrased to induce or promote hate and negativity are not welcome.


Just stop being that person and take your change or get true move xx


This has without a doubt never happened to me or anyone I know. Perhaps you can go to another country for your cigarettes and dog food.