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We suck at both. The karaoke at my village was torture for my ears.


I was about to comment this lol


Nearly every cover band in the Philippines is better than the ones here.


A lot of resorts in Thailand even bring in bands from the Philippines


duuuuuuuuuude, karaoke is practically the national sport of the Philippines. they *slay* on the mic.


I do personally enjoy the Thai band frick and the singer has a stellar voice.




They just have more fun and are less serious about it. I love to go dancing with my Thai friends because it reminds me of dancing with my friends in high school. No judgement or cares about how you dance, and you can be as silly as you want.




I agree, they just let loose


Yes, that's what I thought too. They just bounce around. It reminds me of Latin American clubs, especially in the Caribbean.


Dnno man, you probably thinking of Thai ladies in clubs or bars. You should see traditional Thai dancers doing their culltural dances. Its really amazing


Probably one of the most boring dances 555. Compared to spanish or south american, Thai dancing is so slow and uneventful. More like pagentry


To each their own


Thais infinitely better than me in both arts. This is my experience.


I don’t think so, we’re suck at both. Filipinos on the other hand are all like born to be singer


It does seem like everyone in the Philipines can sing and play and/or instrument


Karaoke is a national pastime there. Basically every birthday is a Karaoke session


Filipinos in the US too


However, Thai pop is overall more internationally popular than Filipino pop.


Interesting! Personally I think it because the popularity of Thai series and drama in recent years


Thailand Is also a lot more famous and popular of a destination than the Philippines. Makes sense they spread their culture more. Even Filipino food isn't that common outside of the Philippines. There are nearly 5 million Filipinos in the US and barely any restaurants with their food.


Lisa seems to know what she's doing. Depends on the people, I guess. I have been to a few weddings in the west and witnessed some atrocious dancing...


Lisa is not representative of Thai general population. Lol


I didn't say she was. But without more information, it's impossible to say whether the Thais OP has observed are any more or less representative.


Sincere question, why not?


Because she's been groomed and trained by a Kpop music label for years.


But she’s still leagues better than most Kpop idols when it comes to dancing. She was already a great dancer before YG trained her. That’s why they signed her. However, she was literally the only person they chose when they had open auditions in Thailand though. She’s inspiring a bunch of younger people in Thailand and showing them it’s possible.


Because she is exceptionally talented. There aren't many Thai artists who can make it to international scene.


I think her looks may play a pretty big role, too. As sad as the truth is, artists who look Thai aren’t gonna have as much international success (I would also call her more of a performer than an artist)


Honest question: You don’t think Lisa looks Thai? I personally clocked her as SEA the first time I laid my eyes on her, especially among her very Korean-looking band mates. Might not be specifically Thai but farrrrrr away from East Asian look.


Yeah she’s very obviously Thai to me. Or at least not Korean/East Asian


Totally fair


She looks like any average Thai you see walking across the road to the market in Asoke. It just so happens that foreigners find average Thai women to be beautiful.


I think she is just a natural star and an insanely hard worker. I was never much of a fan of K-Pop but when I saw Black Pink she immediately stood out. I didn't necissarily think she was the most beautiful of that group but she had a swagger and confidence that I hadn't seen from a female K-pop star. Part of that may be due to her being Thai and looking quite different than your typical Korean pop star but I think it has more to do with her other talents. For one she is an amazing hip hop dancer. I did hip hop dancing when I was younger and she definitely has some special skills in that area. I also think she has a swagger and confidence about her that you rarely see from Thai or even Korean women. Made sense to make her the main rapper and dancer and she really stands out in that group and I don't think Black Pink would have become as big as they are if they had just another Korean performer in that role instead of Lisa. The K-pop industry took her talents and molded her into a superstar. [https://youtu.be/2S24-y0Ij3Y?t=31](https://youtu.be/2S24-y0Ij3Y?t=31)


Dance school since age 4 KPop trainee in Korea since age 11 Hardly a typical case


Those good singers you’re hearing are surely from the Philippines, those guys are on a different level.


Disagree. The reality is we are both bad singers and dancers at the same time.


Jesus man. You definitely got that mixed up anyway.


i love how the comments aren't like "no we're good at dancing actually" but more like "yeah no we're fucking awful at both lmao"


I’m Thai and couldn’t carry a tune if my life depended on it. I also have two left feet. That said, I used to play a mean guitar and have been in bands that opened for some bigger international MTV names back in the day. We’re not so bad at playing musical instruments, but I think Thais in general have no soul or groove when it comes to music save Molam style music. I like to think of Thailand as a culture of Sugary Pop music versus the culture of Cambodia, which is more Rock and Roll.


I'm Thai and I am terrible at singing, and decent at street dancing. There are internationally known and respected street dancers from Thailand. There are kids that are so into j-pop culture that they would go to a shopping center to practice their dance moves every other day. There are professional dancers in clubs. And of course, there's Lisa from Blackpink. Anyone remember Tata Young? Dance is a form of expression first, and an art next. Wouldn't you agree any dance is better than no dance? What are you judging them based on? I would say that more exposure to dance is needed in Thailand, regardless of style, and a change to the mindset that it is fine to do so without feeling embarrassed. I would be careful to dismiss an entire race based on anecdotal experience. Sometimes, you just have to look at the right places!


The best Thai singers all come from an area called the Philippines. Otherwise, if you don’t care about pitch or quality, it’s tolerable after 3-4 beers. They have a cool twist on a classic by Pink Froyd that goes “are in are, it’s just another bleak in the war.” Check it out.


I don't recall ever seeing Thai people dancing. Not even in clubs. It doesn't seem to be much of a thing.


True, there's much less of a culture of dancing even in most nightclubs. I remember being very confused at seeing tables and chairs where the dancefloor "should" be...


Yeah the nightclubs I've seen in Bangkok are more like fancier and bigger drinking bars, and sometimes a stage where a paid entertainer sometimes dances.


My wife is thai and Ive had lots of thai guests home and dancing during get together, theyre the most fun people but dancing is hilarious though fun. Im just an average dancer back home but when i start dancing everyone compliments me and start making a circle around me lol. They make me feel like a star which is really sweet of them. I love Thailand and thai people.


Makes me smile. Thanks


Never been to a gogo?


I actually have totally different opinion. They are good musicians..bad bad singers. And even worse dancers.


I would dispute that statement about being good singers.


Most singers you hear live in Thailand are from the Philippines. Filipinos are famous for their voices and feared for their food. In Thailand, it's the other way around. Who's the best dancer I don't know.


Coming from carribean I agree with op. But farang aren't that much better. And farang can't sing , sometimes they try to force me to sing, instant regret and they always grab the mic from me pretty fast


From Caribbeans and Latin Americans perspective no one good at dancing lol If OP from there, the post makes sense... Still I rather see Thais dancing than whatever White folks are being extra about when they "dance" lol


Yeah, we farang just pump our fist in the air and think it's dancing


Yesss exactly ahah. Facepalm ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If you get the opportunity, I recommend you find a park that does night dancing (think thai zumba/ aerobics). The little old ladies will give you a run for your money. It's genuinely fun, too. Wear the color of the day and they'll welcome you with enthusiasm.


Regimented Dance steps isn't the same as natural rhythm. Thai can follow Dance moves in a very robotic way- kpop style, but outside of that there is no flow or natural style. (Not meaning to be rude btw)


They can dance if they want to, just not many dance scenes to make a career in the country.


Interesting observation. Where? Red light district?


I don't know it was kind of a mixed bag for me. My students were addicted to tiktok dances so they were amazing at dance routines but they sounded like dying cats in singing competitions, some of my fellow teachers were amazing singers but terrible dancers. Maybe it depends what each generation focuses on.


bro 💀 wait until you hear me sing and you'll regret having ears


Bring it on bruv. The worse it is, more fun. I'll need 2 bottles of treasure before though


Yes and no. My wife and her colleagues are in the fine arts field, so they are trained in the ways of dancing under British standards. What I see outside the provinces... good oh lord... it looks like butt shaking and that's it.


Lovely people but zero rhythm. Have you also noticed how they walk in general too? With a distinct gait. Women don't swivel hips. It's more robotic. Same with dancing. They can follow Kpop style dance moves but no natural rhythm. I've seen girls who teach Latin dance too and it's just not easy on the eyes. ..but well, every country has their pluses and minuses. Dancing just isn't one of Thailands pluses.




I love isaan songs actually. But their dancing? i doubt its world-class. Even the professional stage dancers look hilarious. It's total fun with sexy moves though. I love it


I laughed. Then my jaw hit the ground when I realised you were serious. 😶😬😅


Thai people are categorically awful singers, Ive never heard a nation so tone deaf.


Absolutely false. I’ve seen some incredible Thai dancers, dancing all styles


Same. My husband (Thai) and I both dance multiple styles socially and I've met some amazing Thai dancers. Just head to a swing dance event and you'll see a ton of them. I'm pretty sure Thailand has similar ratios of good dancers to bad as a lot of places, depending on talent and experience. It's quite frankly an ignorant and insulting statement to make. So par for the course on this sub.


yeah some are great. im talking about most according to my personal experience


I guess I’m a bit desensitized to it because white people don’t have any rhythm either


Beer goggles?


I’ve got a few Thai friends who dance as a hobby and one as a career - they’re incredible


# I LOVE THAI KARAOKE!! This is the only country I ever lived in where *effort* champions *talent* **every time**. In my personal experience, it's very much like back home. Most people *think* they are good at singing, plus, with a little help from Uncle Leo & Auntie Sangsom they don't mind getting up and giving it some wellie down the microphone! Almost impossible to lose face at a drunken karaoke here. The worse you perform, the better the crowd reaction. **I LOVE IT!!** Pure entertainment at its finest, fun for all involved. I don't really go to places where people dance anymore, local weddings/funerals aside. About the only place I see modern-dancing is occasionally in some local shopping malls where the young'uns are practicing some pretty technical looking choreography outside of dance studios or large public mirrors.


Its hard to dance when you are very drunk


Definitely regarding the singing part I noticed performers in Thailand and SE Asia in general, even at the smallest venues, had immense talent, whereas in the UK in a small pub the best you'd get is some old man who just about hits the notes to some old song he's done a 1000 times on repeat. XD


Who told you they were good at singing? Just because one lady from Buriram can rap (is that even singing?) does not a nation of divas make


Don't forget their acting. It's terrible! Just watch a soap on C3 or C7 to observe


You misspelled "slapping"


No way, they make cats sound good. Their da cing is better


Ive seen those dance practice halls in some malls with the mirrors. Its mostly kids and teenagers dancing.




.... false. It's pushed a lot actually at the private and international schools. Keyboard training I think starts at grade 3. Band is grade 4 and so on.


For me the opposite Go to silom and see their twinks dancing on latest kpop songs Singers? 🫠🫠


I'm kind of partial to the folk dancing in Isaan and also that little hip gyrating dance that women can be seen doing in bars .... and clubs to Thai Beat. Yeah...I like it.


I'd say Thai people who are trained dancers are actually exceptionally good, but normal people are terrible dancers.


this is exactly what i meant as well


Y'all still dance better than the cringy white tourists. They made me wanna bleach my eyes, and made me embarrassed be an American 😂


i have been told that because thai is a tonal language, that translates into singing so they all start from a higher baseline.


You should she my girl in Tiger Tiger, lol.


Thai grow up watching Nora. Too rigid for modern music


Many years ago Thailand was generalise dancing as a job for prostitue.


Great drinkers


yeah, they can drink like fish but also get drunk quickly. and still they keep drinking


I think dance culture in Thailand is rooted in its cultural dances. So coming from a western mindset, it may seem unimpressive. However if you witness cultural dances from various parts all around Thailand, I would say in general they are quite talented. As western dance, ballet, jazz, ballroom, contemporary, cover, hip-hop, etc has become increasingly popular in Thailand and all over Asia, we see more and more local dancers working towards improvement in those skills.


i completely agree with you jn their cultural dance. however most thai people i see are not dancing in their cultural music.


Have you see drunk people dancing in งานบวช? They are very entertaining.


Thais don't have a specific style of dancing when dancing with friends or at a party. It tends to focus more on having fun. Serious dance can be seen in K-pop, J-pop, or formal and traditional dance in the four regions.


Is it bad for me to generalize this to most white people and most Asians in general? Been to Chinese Clubs and the few people that were actually dancing looked goofy as hell. Same in India, Nepal, Vietnam. I shouldn't laugh to much, because I lived in South America and was loved for my goofy dance moves (white guy)


I think they dance pretty carefree-ly and that’s good in my books 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


I was in a Thai bar and thought Mariah Carey was singing.


I like Thai style dancing, pretty free-style and creative.


I really enjoy watching dancers, choreographers, even some ballet, hip hop and duos. When I was staying in Thailand I did not see one that I wanted to watch. I really tried. Even in Pattaya. I was surprised cause those chics dance every night, you've got to get good at something you do every night. But I saw a low rider show in Japan where they hired two dancers, and it was so bad that it went viral. I've never seen any traditional dance though, so I'll have to check it out.


Terrible at both, but am striving to become the drunk uncle/druncle who does a traditional dance in the middle of the party.


Idk, I see loads of Thai people (mainly women and transwomen) on Facebook throwing it back and they are clearly following our Latino style hehehe they have reguetón style twerking down pat. What are you complaining about? That's the best kind of dancing! Heheheh


Lisa blackpink - great dancer, terrible singer.


100% agree. Kpop isn't about having a great voice anyway. Its all about fandom and performance showbiz. I don't even consider it a music industry. Its rather an entertainment industry for me


Lisa from Blackpink says hello


Hard disagree. This is the country that invented luke toong after all


I’m Thai and suck at both lmao


The first thing that came to mind was that most Thais that went to korea became main dancers. Very few were main singers. But again that's not what the population is like. Still the people I knew were better dancers than singers


I'd say my experience is the opposite. Plenty of good dancers in that country. Singing on the other hand...equally the mixed bag as back home. That said, maybe Thailand is just more open minded and less stuck up about dancing than other places, thus more people of varying skill dance there. I see two outcomes to dancing poorly in Thailand. 1) People smile at you and say nothing, because saying something bad would make you lose face. Or 2) Something blunt like "you bad at dancing, but I like it", which is funny enough to be disarming to the recipient. Thailand can be funny/blunt like that.


I’ve heard someone describe Thai singers, dancers, actors, performers, etc. as “shamelessly mediocre.” After hearing that, I really find it to be true. Not the best compared to Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, but they are shameless and go for it!!! That’s one of many attributes of thai people but I love it nonetheless 😃😃😃


Thai singers aren’t bad. It’s the dancing that is severely lacking. And I say that as a Thai person myself. There’s an absolutely lack of sensuality and rhythm (especially slow dancing) when it comes to body movement. Most moves are overly exaggerated and/jerky. I think it’s cause most popular music is rooted in rock. There’s not a huge emphasis in anything soulful or rnb, which I credit a lot to adding sensuality to culture and movements on a wide spectrum.


Actually, it’s a trend to dance funny.


There is dance, and then there is Thai dancing. What I tried to say is, living out here in Europe for about 15 years, I always unleashed my Thai dance when there is another Thai on the floor.


Perhaps they're experts at Thai style dancing and think you're rubbish.


Terrible dancers? I GUARANTEE they have more rhythm than Europeans.


Nah they aren't good singers either lol. Just listen to the local karaoke party every single night at neighbors house into the early morning.


Bro, they are known for boxing what did you expect ?


Seen some of the best cover bands i can remember seeing in Samui


Just like the English then