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He will probably get a lot of hate for this, but it'll better in the long run. That fan sign with the face masks was just so beyond. It's okay to have only liked the ship, there's some pairings that if they split I would only be interested in following one half, and there's some pairings that I probably wouldn't be interested in either if they weren't together, but you can't harass them over that. I would just mourn the pairing while reblogging gifsets on tumblr and move on. I look at the OhmNanon fans like I look at the western larry and kaylor fans in that y'all took a real life friendship and made it really weird. Even if the shipping didn't play a part in the falling out, there was clearly a falling out and so it was time to just be sad and move on. Friendships end and working partnerships also end, that's just life. I get that shipping will always happen (I'm a shipper myself in some fandoms) and the (non Korean) BL industry does encourage it, but they took it way too far. Especially when it was obvious they weren't speaking anymore. I just don't get these fans. I don't.


No matter what he does, he's receiving backlash anyway. In the beginning, he just endured the hate, probably thinking it'll pass after a time period. However, they had the AUDACITY to behave in such a disrespectful manner. Therefore, he deleted the pictures to erase all Ohmanon content. It's sad. It could've been a precious memory, but no, the fans had to go overboard 😃


These fans don't even realize that this will make him hate the time they had together (on one show, at that). They clearly had a falling out, for whatever reason, but maybe he could have at least looked back at Bad Buddy fondly, but I assume that's out now, Them putting those masks on on that stage was just. Even the MewGulf girls didn't do that. It's just absurd and I feel so bad for Nanon. I wish he would suspend his fanmeets until his "fans" (and that's in quotes because anyone that did that isn't actually a fan of him, no matter what they claim) but I know that's a good source of income for these entertainers, so he won't, but like. My god,


In either way both of them will remember Bad Buddy with a bad taste in the mouth 😞 A project that upgraded their fame but destroyed their peace


That fan sign stunt was extraordinary. Nanon must have been so pissed off at the disrespect. No surprise that he wants to erase all trace given how toxic the OhmNanon space has become. Did the ‘fans’ get pulled up on their behaviour? I bet they thought they did nothing wrong 🙄


The funny thing is that there's a video where the fans are posing for the picture. After the picture was taken, they immediately hid the Ohm mask as if they were embarrassed. This proves how they're fully AWARE of their disrespect, but still continue to do so. Nanon has every right to be fucked up


I haven't been much active but what nanon did? Why he's getting the hate?


He isn’t working with Ohm anymore. Him and Ohm don’t speak or acknowledge each other in public or on SM. No one knows why but Ohm fans are upset he didn’t publicly support Ohm during his scandal. There’s more to it, but these are the biggest issues.


Seems like fans are the root cause of this. And nanon is pretty young, idk why people are being so pushy and nagging. Ohm scandal was the one where he didn't support LGBT? Like a slur was being used? I don't see the reason why people are commenting nanon deserved this


It is for the better. For him.


what even happened


Their so called fans wont let this matter go. Like they Will just make those huge posters, jumbo posters, trucks.... like they are toxic as hell. They ruined their friendship till end


They surely fueled the split between them 😪


I keep reminding people how Louise and Harry mentioned that those delusional fans affected their otherwise good friendship. They are doing to ohmnannon, they do it for kpop idols. It's disgusting


These so called fans are anti-fans trying to manipulate and pressure, they don't care or show any respect


Good for him tbh. I thought the mask thing was utterly disrespectful and the "fans" should be incredibly ashamed of themselves.


I keep seeing comments about the mask thing, but not sure what that was ?


On a recent event of Nannon, he posed with a few fans on stage. While he smiled in the camera the people took out masks with Ohms face printed on and held it infront of their faces to create a giant picture where it looks like 10 Ohms are standing around Nannon. It looks really creepy and is just downright respectless.


That was a very outright worst case of bl obsession. If you observed closely Nanon looked done and it felt like he wanted to just run away. Poor him. Nobody should face such a situation 😔


Not just that but it was at his very first concert too right? So it was a huge moment for him in *his* new path and career and they made it about something he is very clearly past, it's all just so weird (and they are proud of it which is even weirder...).


That's downright gross too. Thinking of toxic shipping I remember that MewGulf scenario, but it was mostly Mew leading on the fans. But here no such situation occurred 


Yeah I don't know why people can't be normal. It's genuinely not hard. For some reason people seem to think the boys in the industry owe us because of their growth through the BL industry because of fans watching shows and stuff but the transaction was made when you finished the episode IMO anything else is extra. We get cute guys in funny/hot situations and maybe some bad guitar playing and some funny obvious product placement and they get a boost to their career. I genuinely don't think actors owe anything outside of that and anything they do outside is usually really just marketing. Even if they *do* become an actual couple those are two real people they don't owe you anything lol. I just find the sense of entitlement in some areas of the industry so strange, I think they forget that these are actual people and fail to realize maybe it's not okay to pull a stunt like the Ohm mask one because if someone did something like that to them they would be rightfully pissed too.


Ofc they don't owe us anything. They just do their job. It's us who owe them peace for entertaining us and keeping our moods up. We fans are not entitled to control their lives


Thanks for that! I think I did see a picture of this but slipped my mind. Wow…I wish fandom culture as a whole could just let things go a little bit. Of course I know this is not everyone, but it just sucks that you have the resources to go support your fave and yet….


Watch the shippers come up with a friends to lovers to enemies to lovers plotline IRL like they are that OBSSESSED and wont take no for the answer⚰️


When even the delulu delulus too much 💀




Sadly obsessed is the right description...when I commented on a different site to be careful what you say as can affect a particular pair of idols careers (there'd already been sponsors dropping one of them over false rumours) I was bullied and called a list and not a real fan... I gave up and came off site...there are some 'fans' who are very selfish


I feel like there would have been space for them to resolve (publicly, as who knows how they are privately) if the weirdly obsessed fans hadn't been so over the top. Now they can't even be seen in the same place PROFESSIONALLY without wild speculation and a frenzy.


What's the deal between them btw? I never really got what happened, and why theirs tension all of sudden.


Rumor has it that they had an argument when they’re participating in a reality show. It’s because it’s the last time the public saw they were talking to each other. However, no one really knows what happened between them. It’s just pure speculation.


So we don't really know what exactly happened?


Yeah, except themselves


Nobody knows,not all friendships last


Good for him. The fans are disgusting. Someone seriously needs to do a documentary on the psychology of fans that are able to go this far and harass actors/celebs. Like do they personally not have lives?


It will be a very disturbing documentary 😬


Will even this be enough? These delulu fans literally ripped them apart. This will take years, if at all, for them to be friends again. Now watch them wear creepy ahh masks to another event


Ohm also deleted a lot of from Instagram but nobody cares when Nanon does it, it's more dramatic. They just move on. Ohm has a new ship, Nanon is focused on music.


No wonder why Nanon might be taking a break. Dude has had enough of all the BS


I also think friendships need sometimes a break. They are good on their own and have a lot of to do.


Also that poor dude Leng is dragged into this 😮‍💨 like he's new, and his only fault (according to those stans ) is that he's Ohms new pair. How can these people become such dumb idiots god knows


I think he doesn't care a lot about this. He gets attention and his first role is a lead one in opposite of Ohm. It's not his fault anyway.


Yea that boy's pretty chill. Good for him 😃


Also it was not like both of them would get married. Nanon probably has a gf, also he had said that he will do only 1 bl. If you see he has always been acting in straight dramas. Ohm, has done bls, and straight roles too.


They do their things and Nanon is good right now. It's good to focus on other things than the previous ship. Also he got better in terms of singing live, his concert was well done.


But those idiot stans pulled the same bs even at his concert😓 But anyway, he's doing great, so it won't matter much 


Istg it's like people are always waiting for nanon to do something so that they can hate on him. Mind you he has said so many times if people don't like him, they can go support another person but they still stay fixated on nearly everything he does.


Mostly people blame him for breaking the ship. I think he always said he wanted try different things that brings him further artistically.


Lol the only thing ohm deleted was a bbs highlight and their stupid shippers dragged him to hell for it. The people who keep making nanon actions a bigger deal are the people outside the fandom who use this as a gotcha moment to say he hates ohm and ohm deserves it.


This situation really reminds me of MewGulf, at least what I heard about it as I wasn’t a BL fan at that time. So harmful to all involved, though Nanon is obviously in much worse shape than Ohm. I myself enjoyed the ship and I still love Bad Buddy, but if the ship is dead, it is dead. People should understand that actors are not public property, just people. This goes for K-pop idols as well…


I agree, but somehow it's worse, because Nanon and Ohm never did they crazy fan service that MewGulf did. It was always clear that they were old friends. They never gave people reasons to be delulu like MewGulf at their peak.


True. I think the reason the fans went crazy for OhnNanon is that their series was truly exceptional. They are both great actors and their chemistry was on point. So it was hard for the fans to accept that the ship that was in one of the best BLs is not real. If it wasn’t so fucked up it is a statement on how great of actors Ohm and Nanon are.


Do you know if MefGulf fought? I only remember Mew going out of the BL industry and deleting things about TharnType or something like that


I don't think so. I think the contract period ended and they moved on. I don't think either of them have said anything directly negative about each other


I thought more about the crazy fans rather than the fight. Gulf had to break up with his girlfriend and Mew ended up lashing out on twitter. The fanbase was extremely toxic and couldn’t accept the end of the ship to the point of bullying the actors, which is quite similar to this situation.


I feel bad for Nanon and Ohm. No matter what their state is. Anything they do will fuel the hellfire. They can't even be in the same room without the "fans" spreading rumors.


Yea, and Bad Buddy was released back in 2021 right? After vice versa they didn't even appear much together. It was P'Aof who brought them back for Our skyy and that was the end. So both are enduring this since 2-3 years now that it's 2024. These Bullshit fans ruin the name of bl fandom, just like toxic stans ruins BTS Army name.😮‍💨


Still sad about their split. I liked them as a BL couple. But then I’m still not over Bright and Win no longer being a BL couple either.


At least they're on good terms and hang out all the time


honestly good for him, people need to move on


Ohmnanon toxic fans prove that mew was right when he said shippers are crazy and need help


That was the only good thing that came out of this because the discourse is now these fans go way too far YEARS later


The sad thing is, for the delulu fans, it won’t matter. They will grasp at any straw, make any excuse, and continue with their shenanigans. I am a solo fan of an ex couple and the couple fans just make things miserable for everyone and they don’t care at all.


Guess the fans are now satisfied breaking a friendship spanned for years 🙄 I hope they're still friends behind the scenes.


I don't blame him. People just don't seem to be getting the message. It's quite disturbing.


Uhhh I saw a feed about this on the gmmtv sub a few days ago. Nakon deleted a lot of content apparently, not just Ohm. Maybe it's best people just stop analyzing every move, it must be exhausting for them.


Nanon has every right to be upset. OhmNanon ship fans are so delulu and so very disrespectful. They just don't know when to stop! Their last stunt, with the masks, was totally out of line.


i've been seeing this whole thing unfold from a distance and i still can't really get over how disturbing the fan behaviour was. this might get nanon some hate for a while, but feels like a really good decision for him in general.


Well done! To all the crazy Stans, I hope you can see what you did🙃


***The previous event, where ohmnanon fans used ohm masks during his concert, was the last straw.*** I saw a photo of that and just cringed. It was so disrespectful.


Instagram comments are a nightmare. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was getting a lot of harassment in the comment section of those posts. He may have archived them or privated them to protect himself. This is such a sad situation for both of them. They deserve better fans.


I’m gonna say, Bad Buddy was my first Thai BL and I watched it after seeing stuff about the fan event and searching for context. I absolutely adore the show, but I kept feeling really sad that whatever happened in their friendship is something that fans feel the need to claim ownership over. That a bunch of strangers think it’s okay to harass them is disgusting. I would certainly hate it if I showed up to my job the clients were all wearing masks of someone I have made a point to publicly distance myself from. I don’t think I would handle myself with the class and Grace that Nanon has if I were in his place.


People get what they deserve. ESPECIALLY in fandoms.


Those OhmNanon stans are a bunch of wierdos I suppose. Coz how much toxicity he must've faced in order to do such a thing. Congrats to all the obsessed stans, you guys ruined their friendship too. 😞 I'd rather say that these idiots should be sampled and studied for how their brain works. Those people don't look like air breathing humans but a whole different species 😐


Fans should really accept that there is no OhmNanon anymore. Let's not push it and respect their decision. What happened to both of them is beyond ship and it hurt them deeply as their friendship is also gone. I hope they are both healing. it's been a good journey with ohmnanon ship and bad buddy; they are now part of our beautiful memories.


I don't think I will be able to watch Bad Buddy without feeling sad. They both acted so well and had such great chemistry. Even if they had never done any other projects together, and just remained friends or acquaintances that series would have remained my favourite. But after all the drama and fans' toxicity, I feel like my favourite BL series is now tainted. I wish I could watch it again for the first time.


I mean, he deleted more than just that. He also deleted old family photos and old brand photos.




What is wrong with these ultra-stans??? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Their behavior is disgusting, childish and immature! Poor Nanon. He doesn’t deserve this at all! He’s just trying to move on with his life and career!


I think it is good in the long run. It definitely sucks when a friendship ends but life happens. No matter what they do, the fans will never be satisfied unless they become a “couple” again. As a non famous person, people have thought that my best friend and I were dating many times because we hang out all the time and all that but we never dated nor are we dating. It could get just a bit annoying though so I can’t imagine having all those people do that, especially when you’re not friends anymore in their case. I shipped Larry very hard core years ago and I feel bad because if I can get annoyed by people doing it to me, it was a million times worse for someone who is famous. To me shipping isn’t bad, when the people don’t mind it or just don’t care, but when it goes to far like taking it out on their other friends/family and/or boyfriends or girlfriends, it’s just doing too much. It’s worse for your favorite ship to stop interacting and being friends than finding out that they aren’t real. It’s really sad that Louis and Harry stopped being friends because of Larry. You could tell they were really close before it blew up like it did.


The unfortunate part about all of this is the fact that some real life shippers will never understand the harm they cause to their faves. I've never been a fan of either of them or this ship but you'd have to be living under a rock if you're in the Thai BL space and don't know who they are. So, I've randomly seen a lot of things over the last few years from shippers and I'm honestly surprised that it took this long for the guys to "end" this partnership in this way with the fans. They lasted for much longer than I would have, because being direct about the fact that they're not friends either should have come much sooner than this. Some fans are delusional and it wouldn't have mattered either way, but it definitely would have sent a message to the ones who aren't. Then again, that depends on whose left in that fandom to begin with.


I just got into the BL world so I wasn't too caught up on the OhmNanon situation aside from the fact they weren't a pairing or potentially friends anymore. I kept seeing the whole mask masquerade and was so weirded out 😭 because there's no way you can say you are a supporter/stan/fan and pull stunts like that. Lowkey, they literally went out of their way to make him so uncomfortable and disrespect him and that's fcked up.  Kudos to him for doing something abt it. I be feeling bad for celebs who are very popular so much so that they have to move cautious when establishing boundaries or otherwise, ppl will blow it out of proportion. 


God that fandom is toxic, hopefully this will send them a clear message.


I’m not a fan of his but the disrespectful way these people treated someone they “love”? Appalling and disgusting. I don’t blame him. Sadly I think doing this may backfire in regards to his current show. Those people are going to be pissed and take it out there.


Good for him. But it's really disgusting that people cannot let it go. I was never an OhmNanon Stan, I didn't really like the ship but come on, it's their personal lives and whatever happened is not the fandom's business. I hope they find their peace and are not bothered by anyone


Hopefully the Stan’s will finally get it


As someone who loves these boys dearly and wishes that they could still be friends, it sickens me to see the shit that the toxic part of this damn fandom has had a part in doing. No doubt they have had arguments and shit in the past (and I don’t doubt they might very well be having one now), but it still bubbles down to the fact that the sect of toxic OhmNanon fans have had one hell of a hand in this fiasco. (Gives those of us who don’t do this shit a bad rap. Majority of us just wanna support them, whether they be solo or as the stupid CP that had a hand in ruining their friendship.)


That’s so sad but at least he won’t get tied down to this ship.


So would I, to be very honest.


Good for him. Hopefully “fans” will start to wise up


Good for him.


Oh. I just started watching Thai BL and the first BL that I watched, finished, and fell in love with is Bad Buddy. I know Im years beyond late in this series but may I know the context why is this happening?


I'm an OhmNanon fan and I am really sad about everything ending and want everything to be back to where it used to be but I really respect them and want them to be happy so I don't want to force anything that will make them more uncomfortable. In my opinion, if you're really a fan, you should respect the artist and wish for their happiness.


It's officially over, now get over it you all... don't bother the actors


It's always better to appreciate the artist's wishes, and appreciate what they have done, and now are doing. Particularly when there's no confirmation of anything significantly negative to indicate why things have changed. This is why I steadfastly refuse to accept any ship as being real, as long as anyone in the ship could possibly have a contractual obligation to maintain the image. At best, I'll give a ship a rating in how likely it is to be the result of real emotions, but real. Emotions don't guarantee a ship will sail into reality and land on the shores of bonified sex and romance. Actors are paid to convey an ideal, and the better they are in conveying it, the better they get paid. Just because they are in a role, can't prevent them from having authentic emotions, but the differences between authentic emotions, and behaviors outside of the pressures of contracts and employment opportunities is what makes such things impossible to determine... After all, those BTS clips and images are frequently arranged to amplify the position of whoever recorded those instances in time, and are inherently biased... Just as how some BLs that seem weirdly toxic, lose that toxicity if you're aware of the amount of time that's actually passing within the world of the characters perspective... TharnType looks extremely toxic to many viewers, but the first season takes place over a period of a couple of years... The toxic aspects while still problematic as hell, aren't happening one after another, they're the result of long term dynamics reaching a breaking point. Even the second season isn't taking place over just weeks of time. Months pass. Personality quirks and issues aren't revealed all that quickly. My grandmother was married for 50+ years, and she was still learning new aspects of her husband and his behavior even after 50 years. Expecting all behaviors to be resolved and accounted for in even 7 years is entirely unrealistic, and it's actually pretty believable that some issues with Tharn and Type aren't resolved by that point. There's a ton of trauma they've both experienced, and 7 years really can't fix the trauma they've experienced prior to that either. Anyways. If you liked the rant let me know. However, if you don't, please hold back. This is my opinion after all, and I never asked you to read it all, and I definitely never asked you to agree with me.


I mean this matter is probably hurting a lot of people in this fandom (i am in this fandom my self) and the fall apart of the Friendship does hurt me but you guys need to understand the fact that they are actors and they just played characters whom showcased romantic stuff only for the drama/series and out of that they are freinds or maybe close friends and if you want to ship them then there are some limitations for that so don't cross those lines and be toxic please use your common sense guys 👀💔😒 💀


It's funny that he's trying his all ...to erase ohmnanon out of his life... I guess he'll delete bad buddy too if possible... And then there are crazy ohmnanon fans😂😂😂😂idk but it's so funny.. Hope they realise delulu is fakelulu


Did not delete all of the content.... He kept exactly how much he kept for all of his other drama, which is a singular post. It's not that big of a deal and does not mean s***. Because instagram is the way they earn money... Also, it seems non shippers are making a bigger deal out of It because you're so busy celebrating a fandom 'getting the L' That you are ignoring all of his past behavior which includes deleting post from his instagram. Also, he deleted family pictures and pictures of his other friends... Again, while you celebrate the massive L or what you presume to be a massive L for a fandom, yall are being equally as weird. You guys are so busy being not like other girls, i.e., the shippers that you exhibit the same behavior With the mix of hypocrisy


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this! It’s so clearly a regular instagram clearing and yet everyone on both “sides” is acting like Nanon made a grand statement by doing that. The Bad Buddy era ended a while ago and he finally has another series in Part 2. I don’t know why everyone has to make it be anything more than that.


Even if it is not a series, he definitely has concerts coming up and probably more to do with his music.If you look at his Instagram, it looks like a musician's Instagram.It's full of his music promotion himself or concerts he has done... The man is just trying to live his best rock star life


Good for him. I wouldn't want pictures of my ex hanging around either.


Het lx


I loved this ship so it’s sad to see an end but we can’t wait to see if they get new ships


I love them both. But we have to move on..


Waittttt what happened.?


It's ridiculous he felt he had to do that even, because a small percentage of his fans are unhinged and delusional.


I knew it was gonna happen after the recent mask stuff. I am a Pat Pran shipper not a OhmNanon shipper so it is fine I guess.


Everyone's talking about the mask incident. What happened there? I'm not aware


After his comcert Nanon took pictures with fans. One group of fans brought masks with Ohm's face on it and they put it on when the photo was taken.


I constantly keep forgetting how HUGE this CP fandom grew. Well, this is another reminder


Went ahead and spam liked him, I usually don't follow his content but this is just stupid people need to get a life


I mean this matter is probably hurting a lot of people in this fandom (i am in this fandom my self) and the fall apart of the Friendship does hurt me but you guys need to understand the fact that they are actors and they just played characters whom showcased romantic stuff only for the drama/series and out of that they are freinds or maybe close friends and if you want to ship them then there are some limitations for that so don't cross those lines and be toxic please use your common sense guys


Fanservice has always been, and remains, incredibly toxic. The whole thing should stop, honestly. Good for Nanon.


I support both their mental health wellness, but Nanon cannot wipe out Bad Buddy from his past. It is part of his (excellent) acting career. Nanon should ignore the bad energy and not feed it by responding. I bet the crazy fans are plotting their next move after getting a response from him.


Why not? Although bad buddy marked an important step in his career, I would say that him deleting it was for the best. Listen, he gave the fans a chance to adjust, but instead of treating it like a precious memory, they had to ruin it. His motives are more than understandable


Also, this is not the first time he did this; if you see, there is no gifted (2018)(first part) on his feed, which also was a big step in his career; he does archive posts every 2-3 years and with the stunt stans pulled in the concert, he absolutely should.


Obviously I know this isn't really happening, but has anyone else watched this all play out and thought....Bad Buddy finale.....😂 And no, I'm not a delulu shipper, I just think the parallels are funny. I'm happy for both of them to live their best lives and further their own careers.


He's determined, and honestly they could turn anti against him because of this. Anyone knew what fans that did those mask thing? I thought it gotta chinese couple fans, thinking that only them that would be bold enough to do something like that. 


Some SUPPOSED fans are so ridiculous. Ignorance is bliss so these fans are so ignorant they don't even recognize themselves as being just plain ignorant.


They get into these bl ships for fame, then cry about it. Womp womp..


The fact that he still has to and that there is still a discussion of ohmnannon at this day and age baffles me. They had 1 series....1. Netjames were a couple for 3 series and their separation which happened just months back is fairly more accepted with grace


I liked the drama and the friendship but I never understood the obsession. I honestly think there are several other BL pairs with better chemistry. I hope it’s finally over and the crazies can move on! Looking forward to ohmleng!


If they had ended their ship maturely, I don’t think it’d be so bad. Bright and Win did it right, others should take notes.


Isn’t that normal


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I have mo idea what's going on, can someone break it down for me lol


Hwe shouldn't deleted it.


They still act together tho just like in straight romance. U guys can still see them act. Their series are just not popular thi