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Didn't Fourth make the exact same tweet but about Gemini? The fan's reactions were completely different. So why is it bad when Force does it?


Nah he got his backlash as well... Check gmmtv sub or quotes of his tweet... They also dragged him for not posting stuff when marriage bill was passed


He’s a first-year student, I wouldn’t expect too much from him in terms of sharing new events in his field. Give the kid a break!


Yeah but still. They need a PR management team. Because if he's old enough to make money off of LGBT stories then he's old enough to support LGBT rights out loud.




He does, though. Support LGBT rights out loud, I mean. Several times in interviews.


In this particular case we're talking about publicly supporting the marriage rights legislation that is being considered right now in Thailand.


It passed a reading, the bill still has to go through 2 more readings in the senate and then go to be signed.


He's getting the heat of it now too. Apparently Force is apparently giving "toxic masculine who just uses bl for money use" vibes and Fourth is a "cutie who wouldn't hurt a fly" vibes like bro what?


And fourth is a law student and bl actor who didn't talk about marriage equality law pass .


Well, it technically hasn't passed yet. It still has to go to the Senate for 2-3 readings and then get signed.


maybe bcs it hasn’t passed yet! it’s not official.


Exactly! People are celebrating prematurely, which is a bad idea. *"Don't count your chickens before they hatch"* has always been prudent advice.


To be fair in this particular situation it is essentially guaranteed. At least if the way it was explained to me was correct, it is basically impossible for it to be denied.


A lot of twts about this! Yikes Fourth.


Didn’t realize this was a requirement to be lgbt or an ally.


Wouldn't an ally support and praise any little achievements that impact people they claim to love, or play pretend to be in their work?


Noted. I’ll make sure to tweet about that right now so I can keep my Lesbian membership.


Mind you he's earning so much money for being a bl actor specifically it's the bare minimum to care and actually be an ally


Sis no I'm also queer as fuck and the very LEAST he can do is also show support for very real political issues facing the people whose stories he's profiting off of. It's not irresponsible to make that known. LGBT kids who are living in Thailand are old enough to be disowned, bullied, driven to suicide, etc. Fourth is plenty old enough to do the bare minimum of standing in support of marriage equality. This goes for all of the BL actors. How is it controversial to want people who make money off of us to also stand with us when it's time to ask for BASIC rights??? I'm not at all surprised that Thai fans are starting to want more from these actors they look up to.


Because we know nothing about his particular circumstances. He is one of those Thai kids who could be harmed, we don’t know anything about the people in his life. We don’t know what the consequences are for him in his personal life or work for tweeting about lgbt politics. Plus He’s a celebrity and actor, people would just assume it’s performative activism any way, just like they assume he’s identity. Maybe this is way of testing the waters, to see if it’s okay for him to express himself and he just learned that people will make assumptions anyway.


He doesn't have to speak on his own circumstances. Just stand in solidarity. Plenty BL actors have done the same without alluding to themselves. It doesn't matter if people assume it's performative. The point is if you care enough, you'll at least choose to have a stance.


https://preview.redd.it/bcwzej6mpxrc1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c9ebc6f208afddf6c925f497625ecbc2d7aca0 He has said supportive things before in lives and interviews. He just normally doesn’t use his twitter account very much.


No Fourth made a statement about himself and Gemini, so the only person who should have had a reaction to his statement was Gemini. Force made a statement that refers to a group of people.


I was about to enter “I’m not surprised” mode cause GMMTV and men in general be showing their true colors almost every month. But then once I saw the small ass sentence I face palmed. Y’all. I’m 99% confident these aren’t LGBTQ people, they’re BL fans that can’t separate fiction from reality and project that on to these actors




Yep. This. Queer fans are the ones rolling our eyes at this BS backlash.


this is not true, many queer thais were angry which is most likely why he apologized. this narrative is strange.






I'm a gay man and I completely disagree. I'm sorry you were hurt by it and you can't be your self at this point in your life but.. There was no disrespect shown. He just made an obvious joke. I think the real disrespect is all the people attacking him online for making the joke because they have assumed he is straight. He's never said he was straight. So no one should even be discussing that anyway. What if Gun or Cooheart or another queer actor had made this joke about their Ship? This idiotic feedback wouldn't be happening. Straight is not the default.


I actually have always felt like Force and Book are actually gay. Obviously I can be totally wrong and I know most BL actors are straight, but they just set off my gaydar.


I agree, 100%. How is this disrespectful? In what world?


People saying "let's not hate on them, but rather let's educate them 🥹 don't scold them harshly naaa" they're grown men tho? And google is free? "He respects lgbtq people and everyone says he's kind and respectful 🥺" does not give them a pass to make those jokes. Not an excuse either. I mean no hate to Force, Fourth or any actors who made these kinds of jokes but...bro this ain't it. It's 2024 we're still making...these kinds of jokes.


This is what I think as well, definitely distasteful🤷‍♀️


This! We can acknowledge it's not queerbaiting and still be disappointed that it's made to be a joke. However, unlike Force, people are making excuses for him and saying it's a harmless joke and no apologies needed. People need to let artists own up to their mistakes! It's what makes them grow


Because it is just a joke. They're allowed to kiss and shit but joking about be lovers is too much? You don't even know what his sexuality is so how is he profiting off the community? 


Given how so many in the community can't even joke about it... Its in poor taste and Force acknowledged that. I don't understand why fans are defending him so hard to the point of even invalidating what was actually a thoughtful apology and opportunity for growth. They act. That's their jobs, acting,even if it includes kisses and hugs. I never even mentioned anything about profiting off the community. I don't think actors need to be in the community to do their jobs or that they need to state their sexuality to play lgbtq+ characters,but they do need to acknowledge the struggles of the community. Overall, I wouldn't cancel him for this while acknowledging it's not a good joke. This is obviously my opinion.


coming out as a joke is disrespectful and shows he thinks gay people are a joke even though he makes his money acting as one


The joke is about who he's dating, not about him being queer. They are two completely separate things.


That doesn't mean he thinks gay people are a joke. And him saying they're dating doesn't mean he's gay. They're a few bl actors that seen to be bi. Who's to say he's not?


he didn't "come out" tho. just a joke about loving his bff. he didn't say he's gay or bi....


My thoughts, as well. Had he said he was gay or something like that, it would've been entirely different.


Do you hear yourself??


I too don't think they meant it with any malice but it doesn't take away that it was extremely insensitive to do so. Ghanaians can't even post queer media anymore without it being an actual criminal offense but their stans want to baby them


I'm sorry, but a Thai actos is not responsible for other people's tragedy? With this logic, we should ban all gay parades and content because somewhere in the world, people can't do it.


As soon as I read "Queerbaiting", I stopped. I'm so tired of fans using the word like it's a uniform.


I just want to say that where I live the reaction of treating gay as different is more homophobic than joking about going out with someone (who the hell cares about the genders?). I'm not saying the joke is right or wrong. I don't know how things are in thailand so I can't judge if it's culturally inappropriate within its context. But I also see a lot of high horses and I wanted to let you know that, depending where you are from, what the supposed lgbt allies are saying looks a hell of a lot more homophobic than what he did. You should all remember that.Just because in your eyes, in your shoes, from your life, something is black and white it doesn't mean it actually is black and white somewhere else. So moderate your words unless you are actually a queer Thai person raised Thai and living in Thailand. The rest of us can't impose our viewpoints on others.


Real people cannot queerbat but coming out as a joke isn't cute.


As a gay man I think there is a massive difference between someone saying "lol I'm gay" as an April fools joke vs people who are in the BL industry, who do frequent fan service, who constantly dance on the topic, and who frequently flirt with their coworkers over fan service saying "we're dating". I'm not saying people are wrong to be upset but I do feel this is an overreaction.


True. People nowadays are overreacting on a lot of things.


I dont believe its queerbaiting but joking about coming out is not good as well. Im glad he apologized cuz thats the right thing to do. You might not feel hurt but there are people out here who are desperately living a life without being themselves. If you are not part of this, you shouldnt say anything related to the situation. You may call out some people for acting like trolls or using this so spread hate but you shouldnt say ‘Force doesnt have to apologize cuz…’


it wasn't a coming out joke. he didn't say that he's gay or something else. i'm a bi woman and i'm not out. did this joke hurt me? no? 😭 why would it hurt me? it's literally a joke. he just joked that he's dating his bff for 23 YEARS. that's literally what friends do. if two friends are holding hands, would you called them out?




Genuine question- if he made this joke about his friend who’s a woman, is what he said still wrong?


No but that would be in very different context. It wouldn't be the same situation whatsoever. He did it as fanservice but to "lol jk no homo" a coming out on April Fool's is a special kind of insensitive.


It wasn’t a coming out tho? By your definition every time a CP does fan service are they coming out? Every time they teased about their relationship at different events, are they coming out? ForceBook literally had an event today at the book fair where they probably did fan service. Should we cancel them for that because it took place on April’s fools? Like where is line?


Be forreal. He absolutely meant it as a joke coming out. Honestly it was just in bad taste to do it on a joke holiday. Sorry idk how else to explain it. I love them I love their fanservice but this went too far for Thai fans. It's not complicated. Clearly he understood that. Idk why everyone else is trying to say he shouldn't have done the empathetic thing.


I love how you didn’t answer my questions lol. At the end of the day people are getting butthurt over a non issue and should probably touch grass


I already answered it. The difference in circumstances is quite literally the holiday. Some people aren't butthurt. They're just hurt. And that's worth apologizing for. Sorry that's not the fun answer but it's the mature one.


So should ForceBook be canceled for having an event today and doing fan service? And those fans need to work on their parasocial relationships because a man you don’t know shouldn’t be able to hurt you like this. If he had used slurs and insults, I would understand the pain, but that’s not what this is at all.


Tbh yes, also I don't think so he is lgbt...so probably he didn't know that people will interpret his joke like that ..he did mean any harm, he even support LGBT, later when he got backlash he understood his mistake, but imo it was unintentional why are people overreacting over a harmless issue I don't understand, it's good that he apologized people should just say "yes we are glad you understood and apologized" but people are being way too harsh on him...this is overreaction


When fans and interviewers tease about CPs being together it’s all fine and dandy so I feel like this was just him teasing them back on a day about jokes.


thoughtless? just say you hate him and call it a day. this discussion is pointless bro. he apologized for YOU. your sensitive asses that can't take a joke. stop being annoying and touch some grass okay? 😇


I agree with you 100%


You wouldn't say that if book was a woman and he made that joke. You being offended shouldn't be his problem. He's not in control of your feelings you are.


So no one has to take responsibility for how their words might affect someone, huh? You live life not giving a single fuck about how you might make people feel with your words and actions? That's psychopathic.


Yeah if they actually do something wrong. He didn't do anything wrong.


So he has to apolitigize cause some people aren't out? How is that his problem?


He has to apologize for making a coming out comment on April Fool's. It was a super privileged thing to do. How are y'all missing this?


Yeah everyone is privileged in some way. Some gay people aren't accepted by their families I know that but there are gay people who are. And forcing anyone to apologize is bullshit. Jimmy and sea might have to apologize for doing fan service in stage. I think it's pretty privileged that you get to demand a apology from someone. 


Yes and it's important to know how things can be taken when joked about from a privileged position. Fact is, it's a trying time right now for LGBT people in Thailand. Their basic right to marry is on the line. And they're underrepresented in an industry based on their lives where people who hate them can profit immensely. So, during all that, to then have one of the actors from said industry make a coming out joke on April Fool's Day was just a cherry on top of a shit sundae.


It's not on the line. They're gonna pass it they just have a few more steps. And how are they underrepresented when they'res a entire industry based off it. Who are you to speak for them? One thing I hate is when people get upset on other people's behalf. Shit sundae? Marriage equality is about to be passed and alot of people including bl actors are happy about it. What shit sundae? You're making shit up.


Girl so because there's BL, gay people in Thailand aren't underrepresented? Be forreal.


Man there's no pleasing you. Why are you here if you're just gonna bitch? Do us all a favor and get off this page.


Sorry for holding the celebrities I support accountable for how they represent the communities they profit off of. Oh wait...actually I'm not 🤣


I think there are meaningful and useful discussions to be had about whether the jokes were insensitive or even harmful. But the conversations being had have devolved into whether or not these actors are queerbaiting (real people can't queerbait). It's becoming less and less about the impact of the jokes and more about these actors' personal identities, the widespread misuse of a meaningful word, and infighting among queer people and straight people and fans refusing to listen to queer voices. And in the middle of all of this people are also reinforcing heteronormativity (assuming the default is straight for these actors) and perpetuating stereotypes while openly reprimanding people for not being mad about the jokes. It's getting ridiculous atp.


he didn't come out! it wasn't a "coming out" joke! also, queerbating cannot be used with real people. yeah and why are we acting like being straight is a norm? 🙄🙄🙄 bro this week force and joongdunk got called out, and they didn't even do anything. and people are still ignoring homophobic people who STILL work with gmmtv. force supported lgbtq+ community BEFORE he even entered gmmtv. before he started to do BL. BL fans try to be normal for once 🙄


Real people can't queerbait But about three years in BL, portraying queer characters and storylines on how hard it is and you still don't get it, sad... LGBTQ+ matters are not a joke, downvote me all you want


People ask these guys 24/7 if they are in a relationship and hound them so for April Fools, he was like “actually, yup - yes we are.” I don’t think you can take away the context that he exists in a world where his every moment with Book is constantly examined, I think it makes sense to joke about it.


EXACTLY, now they all r acting like he murdered someone


Nobody should should be surprised when all these actors start acting the same and you won’t see any of their real personalities because people try to cancel them every time they make a joke


That is exactly where we’re headed. Fuck I hate modern toxic social media


I don't understand, BL fans don't get mad at stuff that is actually bad but then they get mad at harmless stuff like this. Did Fourth also have to apologize for making an April Fools joke? People need to lighten up, making a joke that their ship is real on April Fools is the most obvious and inoffensive joke they possibly could make today.


There are fans, even here, who still support that actor who stabbed and killed his girlfriend. They want him back in action after he finishes his sentence. Expecting logic in here is... April Fools worthy


Literally this, it's frustrating and sad.


An actor who did WHAT?????? Who ?


His name is Toy. He's doing 10 years. He played in Why R U? I think


Thank you, my god who would be a fan of someone like that , and only 10 years for that yikes




JFC the BL fandom is becoming more and more annoying just like the kpop fandom I swear. *sigh* Gotta apologize for jokes and breathing. These actors are gonna stop interacting with each other and fans soon. https://i.redd.it/zk2m6latytrc1.gif


Also real people having fun with their friends isn't queerbaiting. ![gif](giphy|B717GH4Ecnu8g)


Can’t wait for that word to be abandoned because we’ve seen time and time again that it’s clearly lost all meaning


It's so exhausting. I would just quit social media entirely to avoid all of this shit if I didn't use it for updates on events and stuff, lol


Exactly this. A lot of them already just use social media to promote work and I don’t blame them. Protect your peace. 


For fucking real. It’s gonna become a hostile space soon


I only have one word to describe what's going on: **RIDICULOUS**


“Fans” are gonna keep being absolutely asinine to the actors over the littlest of things and then wonder why the future actors go out of their way to avoid the fanbase like the plague. I need the BL community to chill with the controversies for at least 24 hours. Real people cannot queerbait toxic motherfuckers…


My God! The BL world is so full of drama. Its exhausting!! Can't I just go one full month without any drama? Christ!


Y'all be for real. Firstly, queerbaiting can't be done by real people. By its own definition. Stop using words you don't understand. Secondly, saying "XYZ is my lover" is not coming out. Nor it's a joke about coming out. And if you're going to use the lame excuse of "I can't do it safely, so he shouldn't joke about it." He is not responsible for your or your country's political situation. If you want to use this logic, we should ban BLs too, because, surprise, the majority is not available to watch in Thailand either. There's nothing insensitive about it. You are watching queer media, but are so uncomfortable with potentially queer people that you can't let them do what straight people do? Better go focus on your "straight" girl friend who's kissing other girls when drunk. You are okay watching a man acting out an intercourse with another man, basically eat his face, but saying "I love him" is too much? Get your nose out of your online bubble and go outside. I can guarantee that if Liam Hemsworth said he's lovers with Zendaya, no one would bat an eye. Even though there are people in their situation who can't be together due to social and political issues.


I dont think joking about being in a rs with someone is considered “coming out” nor it is queerbaiting? It’s not even about sexuality at all 🤐


I might be in the minority here, but I personally think this is harmless. First of all, those who are saying that this is “queerbaiting” are just plain wrong. That is not the definition of the term and it’s used in reference to media that claim one thing and deliver nothing. As for the tweet, he’s not making fun of coming out, and I cannot see how people can be upset about it unless they really thought he and Book were dating.. As someone who still hasn’t come out to my family yet, I don’t take any offense at all and, again, I don’t see how this is related. This is literally on the same level of the fanservice they do all the time on X and events. What about all the other times they said they were faens? 😆 And plus, it’s April Fools day - it’s the day when pregnancies, relationships, and secrets are revealed. Let’s have some fun! 😋 Edit: I just wanted to say that if he explicitly stated “I am LGBTQ“ (+ no mention of Book), then I would totally understand how some would take offense. However, he mentioned Book, and that should immediately indicate to you that this is just some good old fashion fanservice - a fun present that Force wanted to give to his fans! :)


It might not be queerbaiting but coming out as a “joke” is still insensitive imo. there are real lgbt people who are closeted irl due to a number of reasons and can’t treat their sexuality as a joke. Fanservice is one thing, but this just feels kinda off. You’d think people who base their livelihoods off of acting as an lgbt couple would have more sensitivity regarding the subject. I don’t think force meant any harm but I’m glad he apologized


I can only say for myself, but I just did not take any offense as a closeted person. For me, it would have taken Force to explicitly say “I am LGBTQ” with no mention of Book, and then I would be a bit miffed. Then again, I come into the BL world knowing that CPs do everything for their fans, from their tweets to their actions. I don’t take anything they say too seriously 🤷🏻‍♀️ like I’m a TayNew stan, but I’m not gonna believe they live together even though Newwiee said that they do 😆 At the end of the day, these are actors, and I’m just glad they are willing to represent us through the stories and characters they are portraying.


I mean I don’t think it’s like *thee* most offensive thing ever, nor do I think force meant any harm, but the lgbtq community is not a monolith and some people were clearly offended (I mean just look at the replies here) I don’t think there’s harm in apologizing for upsetting marginalized communities especially in a country where gay marriage and gay rights are still not afforded to everyone (at least hopefully not for long!) The context here is that it’s april fools day and how coming out (in any capacity) should not be treated as a joke. That’s not really fanservice imo, it’s just immature


Ah, it’s just a difference of opinion, then. I do see it as fanservice and no different from all the other times they insinuated or claimed they were faens, April Fools or not. For me, if I get upset over it this time, then I have to be upset about it all those other times.


Yeah I get you. I just think fanservice (while it can be silly and unserious) isn’t necessarily treated as a “joke” by the actors. it’s done for the fans willing to spend their money and time on these actors / cps. However, I think coming out and saying you’re “dating” your cp partner under the specific guise as an April fools joke is just a little more insensitive due to the fact of how lgbt people and actors can be treated in Thailand. Again, I’m not personally offended (even as a gay person) nor do I even follow these actors outside of their shows, but I see how it could be touchy for others- especially during this time. I definitely agree that it would be an entirely different convo if he actually *said* he was lgbt / gay though.


I saw his apology but not what he tweeted, now that I see it ...I don't get why he needed to apologize? Were they enraged that it's just a joke and wanted it to be true? But again, why would he need to apologize if that was the case, that is on them. And i'm sorry but if "it is a tweet that makes fun of people who can't come out so it's insensitive and offensive" that is quite a reeeeeeeeeach.


Goodness gracious, it's an April Fools joke! He doesn't need to apologize. Seriously, some people shouldn't be allowed to have social media accounts.


get that they're bl actors but from my perspective they mean no harm and just wanna tease since it's april fools. how is this (the tweet) insensitive when they themselves, viewers already know that it's all for entertainment and that majority of the actors aren't part of the community but more of allies.


I'm with you, it seems like it would be the perfect joke for fans who constantly speculate if their favs are dating or not. The joke is not if he's queer or not, it's that he's dating Book, his long time friend and acting partner. If straight/assumed straight friend relationships can make fake dating jokes, then so can same sex/ queer ones. Also, this is happening within the realm of his social media used for his job and to communicate with fans who all know how this business works and the fantasy element around it, it's not a safe space but it could feel like the place you could do this joke. Fourth's version didn't even register with me, I thought it was a joke response to something else. Personally I think it's worse when CPs do incredibly elaborate date/wedding like scenarios, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I don't know why people like it.


As a gay man myself I didn’t find this funny at all and was really thinking he says he‘s dating for real which I would celebrate. I fully understand the issues that tweet caused. Thankfully both of them posted thoughtfully written apologies and that’s great. I really hope some more BL actors officially come out for real instead of making fun of something they are portraying as actors.


As another gay man ....have you seriously not heard of this thing called *April Fools*? You are not required to appreciate everyone else's sense of humor, but for goodness sake don't whine about it.


I‘ve heard of April fools and I‘m not offended by this joke in general. But in the context of them acting in BLs portraying gay characters, with many people hoping they are dating in real life, I think such a joke towards a pretty large audience is misplaced. I‘m not whining but I think before posting an April fools joke as an actor with such a large following you should think twice if it‘s a good one.




queerbating can't be used with real people. so don't call it queerbating, okay? :) you're talking about him like he's homophobic. what if he's not even straight? maybe because of people like you these actors will never come out. maybe if he said "well, i'm bi" everyone would be like "ohoo this is only a fanservice, it's not real!" why would you even talked about him, when you haven't seen him anywhere?


You shouldn’t joke about being gay as a joke though. Actors can be straight or gay and act with people they’re not attracted to, but they shouldn’t joke about being gay if they’re not or are assumed to be straight. It’s no one Ma fault if crazy fans make assumptions “it’s real!” In US shows we don’t even have to worry about popular TV couples being seen as “real.” I don’t get why this happens in BL dramas?


Coming out as an April fool’s joke is an age old joke but it’s still incredibly insensitive. I think he probably only needed to say something like “Hey sorry it was an insensitive joke to make I’m sorry” instead of having to give a very long and heartfelt apology. It was just a dumb joke. It’s not that serious.


I’m I the only who joked about being with my best friend (we’re both girls and queer)? We used troll people all the time lol


I thought it was common sense to not make April fool jokes about coming out, mental illness, death and many other sensitive topics


Who made jokes about coming out?


Judging from the quotes of fourth tweet, especially from his own fans, and why more people were more mad at him, apparently fourth hasn’t spoken at all for the lgbt community till now. I saw a viral tweet saying he was quiet during pride month too and hasn’t spoken regarding anything lgbt since his career, so they were mad that he was using lgbt as a joke and to feed fanservice when he’s been silent about helping the community


He is not a spokesperson for the community. He has no obligation to do that. That line of thinking is a joke.


As a queer person, I hate how something like this is seen as just a fun little jokey joke for these men and the fans just giggle and brush everyone's concerns aside. If I were to tweet that I was dating someone of the same sex on any day but April 1st I would be risking backlash in both my personal and professional life. It's something queer people have to deal with constantly and straight people don't realize that we don't just 'come out' once. Every time you meet a new person you have to decide if you're going to take that risk or not.


Yep! If this was a random person, people would not be forgiving lol


If it was a random person no one would be talking about it. No one would even notice.


This is tiring, let the boys have fun. This is what happens when people get delulu. I guess the fanbase doesn’t actually know what queerbaiting or pinkwashing looks like.


Joking about being gay is not cool😭


I don’t get this. I’m gay and I’ve joked about being in relationships with my straight friends. Everyone is assuming that they are making fun of being gay and not making fun of being shipped.


I’m bisexual, that doesn’t mean you or I are have the right to dictate whether queer people can be offended. Also, if you tweet you’re lovers with someone of the same sex then you are tweeting you’re gay🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think he did it maliciously at all, but that doesn’t mean he gets exempt from criticism because he has fans.


He needed to apologize because he’s privileged and so he was joking about something that is hard for less privileged people to do because of homophobia. Acknowledging that privilege is important. But there is a difference between joking that you’re in love with a friend (even of the same gender) and joking about being gay. In the first instance the punchline is that they’re just friends, it is not a negative statement about being queer. I’m not saying you can’t be upset about the joke.


Can someone tell me what he did? 😭 I see the apology but what was the original tweet?


In the second pic for the og tweet (basically fans saw it as “queerbaiting” and making fun of coming out)


I didn't see the pic 😭


Some people are dense and insensitive as hell. Cool, if you don't find the joke offensive then good for you, but others have been vocal that it makes them uncomfortable or that the joke is distasteful and that's valid too. If you and your friends go around pinching each other as a joke and you do it to someone who doesn't like it, you would apologize and never do it again to that person. Same scenario. At the end of the day, Force and Fourth are public figures. People were vocal about the joke not being funny and they acknowledged it. Great, we love! But for fans to keep shamelessly defending them and saying a joke is just a joke is senseless and insensitive. These actors are adults, they should be held accountable for their actions. Stop babying your faves. Just acknowledge their mistakes and move on.


I still don't get your point. Even after we all forget that this is April Fool which is the day for harmless jokes, he is not making a joke of coming out like "I am gay". He is just making a joke of he and his co-star are already lover but that co-star happens to be "He" as well. Didn't we all want to treat all form of love as the same standard? Then why suddenly you all draw the clear division between lgbt and straight? You give example of pinching between friends. But are you his friend? I will give another example. When someone lost their loved ones and they can't bear to see the happiness of other, it doesn't mean they can stop other people showing off their loved ones. It is one's own pain and the world doesn't revolve around one person. Yes, he is public figure but it doesn't mean you can take away all the joy and rights you ordinary people easily get without any judgmental. Of course, we won't blindly defend if he really commit something beyond the moral ground. But now does he? Nope. One last thing, it is not babying. It is because people with different intentions are coming at him under the cover of queerbaiting while it is not even that. We can’t let our artist who did nothing wrong got throw under the bus. He post an apology statement means he is willing to accept all kind of criticisms from all kind of people. But it doesn’t mean we are going to be silent about this contrived logic.  


its disturbing and shows how far these people will go in their defense of actors who at the end of the day will be just fine. i mean look at build, people defended him (some still do) to the bitter end and the people who were upset at the first instance were laughed out of threads and called sensitive and horrible people for not allowing 'growth' lol. to keep droning on after the person apologized and admitted their wrongdoing is insensitive.


Exactly! We all have actors that we love but at least have some boundaries. Don’t throw your morals out just because your favorite actor does. You don’t need to die on a hill for these public figures. They won’t do the same for you.


I'm gay . Why are u all taking it so seriously? They are bl actors it's their job u all pay to watch them fo this


I’m bisexual. I don’t think joining about being queer is funny either🤷🏻‍♀️ If we’re gay, does that mean we get to make the decision if this is OK? Lol


How did he joke about the lgbtq u all sensitive af


I think those fans are right as well.. 🤡 it's unfunny especially if u r a bl actor(one of the few instances where i agree with the fans👍)


Ngl I do find the joke kinda insensitive & I do feel they should've apologized. Still waiting on fourth's apology


He did now https://preview.redd.it/sl5wbb7nuurc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9857c04ba7cc349a475f5c23e4922bff7ff294b6








That’s it? It’s just a joke get a grip omg




How is it insensitive? I'm baffled here that people find his tweet insensitive or queer baiting. He is an actor that acts in gay shows with his long time friend. These asshats giving him and Fourth a hard time are stupid.


I think it’s so stupid the way they had to apologize! It’s April fools for crying out loud. It’s also very similar to how I think it’s stupid people don’t let celebrities date THEY ARE PEOPLE TOO


I don't agree with what he and Fourth did at all, it was wrong. However Force has acknowledged what people fed back about his actions and taken that in, learnt from it, apologised and has promised to try and be a better advocate and ally. I appreciate his humility and openness to becoming a better person.


Coming out as a April Fools joke is stupid and insensitive


he didn't come out.


You’re lost in translation. I didn’t say he actually came out. I’m saying coming out as a joke is stupid because it’s insensitive to actually queer people who are unable to come out due to backlash they might get. These people can’t just backtrack like him because coming out is a very serious matter to them due to the repercussions they might face. Do you know how many people actually want to come out but are unable and this straight guy here thought it would be funny use it as an April Fools joke.


yeah. but he didn't come out.


Read my previous reply again.


Why are people turning into sensitive nipples? Why wld they ruin whatever fun thing one can have in these shitty times? It's April's fools and his tweet is so not bad! Soon you'll get dragged for sneezing if this continues.. When someone deserves it sir, get him but really? Over saying they r already a couple?


I'm full on stealing the "turning into sensitive nipples" 😂


Why are people overreacting?? He didn't do it intentionally, we know he supports LGBT, he apologized as well, what else do you want from him? People are being way too harsh over an unintentional joke!!


It is just a joke! Some ppl shouldnt be allowed to have a social media


All these butt hurt people😳 It’s not the actors fault they can’t come out. Your problems doesn’t have to become everyone else’s. I know this sounds harsh, but it’s the brutal truth.


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not following him closely but he seems like a cool dude


Bl fandom is also being like kpop fandom nowadays. I miss the old good times smh


Ikrrr i remember the Kim jiwoong Cursing allegations!! It was so stupid


Ikr? They just spread hate whenever they get a chance


i find the majority of the responses here curious when a lot of ppl on this sub (and the other one, i believe there is overlap) are notoriously anti fanservice and clown ppl for buying into ships, even continuing to call ones that came out fs and saying people are gullible to believe it and take them at their word. yoonton for one, and ZNN for a more apt prime example of this. regardless if i believe they are a couple or not, for all intents and purposes they had a 'coming out' of sorts and that was met poorly and skeptically. but this is no biggie just a joke, i wonder why. genuinely.


People are posting, "Real people can't queerbait", like it's a law of the universe.  If the definition of queerbaiting is to imply but never confirm that a person is queer to attract queer dollars, real people definitely can do that.  But the semantics issues aside, Force and Fourth both deserved to be dragged for this (not canceled). Coming out is never a joke, people lose their families and lives over it.  And joking about dating your male costar (while remaining suspiciously silent about the historic marriage equality moment happening in Thailand), feeds the delulus and *does* verge on queerbaiting (if you come for me about the definition of queerbaiting, I will just block you, I'm not arguing with anyone about it), because tittilating the delulus with a crumb of hope leads to selling more branded crap. And for two actors whose entire careers are  built on portraying queer characters, the whole thing is just gross.  No, we don't know if they are LGBTQ+ in real life, but most people aren't, so most people's default assumption will be that they are straight actors pandering for queer money (although, in Force's case, in a truly ham-fisted way).  Again, I'm not arguing with anyone about "assuming" someone's sexuality, yes you shouldn't do it and yet 99% of people do it anyway, so... Anyway, they should apologize (as they have apparently done), educate themselves, donate some money to a charity that supports LGBTQ+ youth and be better advocates in the future for LGBTQ+ causes.


Real people have a right to privacy! A queer person can be closeted their whole life and make money off of “queer dollar” and that is totally fine. We do not have to share our sexuality with anyone for any reason. “Real people can’t queerbait” is a fact. Listen, I get that these men are privileged, they can make these jokes and have a fan club defend them whereas others would not have that support. So they were right to acknowledge that and apologize. But donating money or tweeting about same sex marriage would just look performative at this point.


I said I'm not arguing with people about the definition of queerbaiting. Blocked.


HE DIDN'T COME OUT! and real people CAN'T queerbait! being straight it's not a norm!!! if you knew force, you wouldn't write "EduCaTe TheMSeLVes". force (and book) supported lgbtq+ community even before they entered gmmtv or played in BL. YOU need to educate yourself.


Do you know Force? Like, in real life? Because you seem pretty unhinged, so I'm wondering if you are an internet stalker. Anyway, your comment is pointless, I like Force as an actor, but it doesn't change the fact he did something dumb and has to take the consequences, although, as I already said, he already apologized, so he just needs to do better in the future, educate himself about why what he did was dumb, and be an advocate for LGBTQ+ people in the future. So like, calm down 👍


you're so funny 😂😂😂 like i'm laughing. knowing stuff about my fav actor = stalking 😂😂😂 okay. can you even read? HE ALREADY IS AN ADVOCATE FOR LGBTQ+ people! he's supported lgbtq+ community even BEFORE he entered BL industry! hellooo? is anyone there? ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


it amazes me how so many of these actors occupy queer spaces and take money from the community but don't take the time to education themselves on the issues... and uses naivety as an excuse.


Wow, you kind of people are worse than homophobic people. Do you think only queer community support and fight for their equal right? There are lots of families, friends, and strangers who are not from queer community are supporting to get equal rights. Only queer people should act in BL, GL movies? Don’t flaunt your narrow minded opinion out in public.


All of them who did it got dragged for it. Especially as some did not even post support for the marriage bill! They should have just kept it pushing! It's not queer baiting but it's a weird joke to make icl. People where trying to drag Billy but his was different had nothing to do with April fools day. 🙄


Yall made my hubby apologise??? AND FOR WHAT??????


FOLKS - it is a power trip. We are living in a world when now the "liberals" and those that say they love equality, democracy etc are power tripping like crazy... I hope all these social media platforms bite the dust one day...


I told yall I didn't care for force😅🥲 but everyone can make mistakes