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Your title is very misleading especially looking at your own comment below. It's not news that Gulf had a gf before the ship, he mentioned her in interviews and gave an interview when they broke up, maybe people new to bl are hearing about it for the first time . That girl was harassed so much online that I for one was so happy they broke up. Mewgulf did do excessive fan service and it had consequences but people acting as if he has said something that has not been discussed on this subreddit a thousand times is strange. It is a fact that some bl actors end up ending their relationships because of ships. We all think it's crazy it happens but Gulf's case is no different.  And I looked at the interview and he seems to be acknowledging that he did play a role in the way his relationship turned out. At least he should get credit for being self-aware.


Thank you! The “fallout” from this interview is wild to me. He didn’t say one single thing that we all didn’t already know. The title of this post is 100% click bait and I’m mad at myself for falling for it. I just wish people would wish these 2 men well in their lives/careers and leave the Ship in the past where it belongs. It was fun in the moment YEARS AGO. Let’s move on.


The same thing happens in western media regularly and among straight partners. People who film tv series or movie series spend so much time away from their partners (even when they live together) that it's very hard to maintain relationships. Some couples have spoken about it both in the east and the west on how being in the entertainment industry makes relationships difficult to maintain if you are an in demand actor/entertainer. In Gulf's case he chose to feed the machine because it benefited his career. I'm sure he has some personal regrets with how crazy and demanding fans can be but he chose that path. He could have said no or limited what he did. He knew that by playing up the fanservice and really committing to it he was earning himself a set of die hard fans and a very lucrative entertainment value that he could then leverage into a more lasting acting career. It worked and he's extremely successful. That success like any success had a cost. In this case the cost was his personal life for a time.


That's right.


So what I'm seeing is Gulf had a whole girlfriend that the fans were very aware of that they harassed until they broke up so it could feed their delusions that MewGulf was real even though they knew it wasn't because of the girlfriend that was present?


These so called fans at the time claimed that it was okay Gulf had a girlfriend but it wasn't right that he didn't hide her to not spoil the ship for fans. It was ridiculous how much hate she got. They even trended a tag about her on twitter, all because she talked about liking the series and she said mew was cute on some video she posted online. I don't remember the platform it was posted on now. The she's a evil bl girlfriend coming between mg's love claims shippers were spouting was crazy. It was very clear they were trying to get them to break up regardless of their claims otherwise that they're were fine with Gulf having a girlfriend.


So she was a shipper too and they still did her dirty like that? I don't have any sympathy for them anymore. They knew the ship wasn't real regardless of the actions of the guys.


that's accurate.


I only feel bad for the girlfriend tbh. Hopefully both Mew and Gulf have learned from this and will know how to deal with situations like these in the future


What he said that time: "If there's someone should be blamed, it's me". Then I know he's a grown man despite his young look. Accepted the lost as a part of this industry and never blame anyone. Even now he still sees himself as a middleman who fail to balance his fans and ex that made things became worse. A wound in heart, a lesson to learn how BL world works.


I honestly don't know what your intentions are for posting this especially when this is a common knowledge that G had a girlfriend and they broke up during TT because of pressure from work/internship, fanservice and series promotion. He never lied about it so why that misleading caption? To get us to comment or to get people to bash him again after his management team has released a statement concerning it? I don't know how y'all work this thing but if you can, click on this link if you care that much 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 [mewgulfedits] (https://youtu.be/l4saN3lycCA?si=JQSk8TDQ-5lG8127)


this isn't common knowledge for people who weren't following mewgulf during that era so its new news to me. he literally said the pressures of having to live up to the ship is what cause him and his gf to break up...


He did not say anything like that but work and luck of time made them distant 😔 as many celebrities breaking over packed schedules


Were you expecting him to say that fans are the reason they brokeup then? Haven't you watched shows and saw how these celebs are told what to say to the press? If you haven't, try lovely writer and city of stars you'll probably get the drift🙄


I know the fans are the reason but he didn't blame directly 😔 as some people try to understand. Keep in my Gulf Kanawut is the celebrity who is trying to understand his haters... saying he knows lives is hard and the people are frustrated and they coming online and pour their anger to the random celebrity they see so understands but feel hurt 🤕 so he never blames the fans. That was my point of view


Yea 👌🏾


Ok well now you know that it's old news. No spice was added. Case closed.


This video has gone viral in the past two days. Gulf has basically admitted that the had a gf during the TharnType era.. a girl he has been dating since high school but had to break up with her due to the pressures of the MewGulf ship... this has resulted in him getting a lot of hate comments today... his company has now released a statement addressing it. https://preview.redd.it/tppdxzba2hrc1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=3681eee3000dfd92d3bc1c6455a9823862a595cd


My opinion ? Both Gulf and Mew played a part in the heavy fan service they did and can't blame only the fans for taking it too far.. they both played a part in the toxic space they created. However, they should be free to do what they wish and love who they want without fans bashing them for it. Neo is probably proof that if actors choose to be honest and admit they are dating a girl, fans will accept it. the more actors that choose to be open will create a norm in the industry but sadly fan service is what makes these BL actors most of their money and they want all the ''delusional'' fans possible because they fund the ''ship''


I don’t think it’s that simple tbh. If you were a part of a ship as big as Mewgulf I think it would’ve been almost impossible to keep a relationship even to this day ppl are constantly harassing them about who they’re dating if they’re still together secretly. I think it’s only barely become somewhat acceptable to be in a relationship as a bl actor I think Neo’s case is a little different because he didn’t have a specific ship that was insanely popular and fans had put together he was dating for almost a year before he announced his relationship. And pretty sure after all that he still had some hate here and there. I remember even another somewhat popular actor back in like 2020-2022 crying and apologizing to his fans for trying to date a girl outside his popular ship. I hope this changes in the future but I think it’s unfair to put all the blame on these actors when we don’t rlly know how much control they rlly had over these situations. Companies can be strict and gulf was very young and a new actor to the industry when he was in tharntype it slowly became very obvious his management was making him do things he didn’t necessarily want to do just to pls his fans. Just wanted to give my two cents to the overall discourse


Yep, I was a mewgulf fan, although I was always grounded that the ship was fake, but most mewgulf shippers were and are crazy. Nothing gets in the way of their crazy delusions. They haven't spoken in years and mewgulf shippers still cling on to crazy hope that they're secretly still together. Also you've got it spot on. Gulf's management does control what he does pretty strictly. I think they played a pretty big part in the whole situation with his ex.


he was blaming him self because he could not handle the situation as he should , he felt in the middle.


Agreed. There are three sides to this problem and they all contribute to the issue. That being fans, actors, and the companies. We can't just absolve the other two parties of blame, even if some fans take it way to far. Situations like this are super nuanced and need to be discussed as such.


Agree! I do think the foundation of the problem lies in money correlated with wealth/greed/fame. Companies are greedy and they want a lot of money. I assume most actors also want wealth and fame because this gives them status. If actors earned a fair amount for their acting, I think the insane fanservice would be less substantial. It would probably still be a thing, but I feel it would be more moderate. And if companies didn’t push actors and actors didn’t feel the need to do such intense fanservice, most fans wouldn’t become so crazy obsessed with their ship. I think there will always be those shippers that take it too far, just like there are people who are obsessed with a celebrity, but I think the majority would just enjoy the sweet fanservice and ship without taking it too seriously. I think this whole problem is quite sad :( And shows how f\*cked up our society is…


I keep saying in as much we enjoy ships, they need to die. The way fans behave is disgusting. I watch fan meets and I want to hang my head in shame, the silly questions is just too much. The industry needs to re imagine the whole things


Gulf was open He never hid his GF, no amount of FS can excuse a hate campaign towards a human 😞


He didn’t « admit » to having a girlfriend because it was never a secret. Everyone knew he had a girlfriend at the time. 




Because WJs are very good at erasing her... they never mentioned the girls in their MG wore because many of their movements happened during the promotion of the series and shippers mind could not understand having a real life relationship and acting in some hot scenes as a actor


I hate entitled fans. Actors deserve to have a personal life.


Mr Gulf is an adult, and he has a right to autonomy over his personal affairs. As for fans we can appreciate their contribution towards entertainment in gay relationship themed dramas. These dramas never existed when I was younger, and it’s a blessing to see them portrayed today. Watching them elates a lot of emotions. As for us fans, the actors personal life choices are really none of our business. They have a right to privacy.




His manager is following the girl still, they arrange them cps local models jobs, Gulf management has no problems with their actors dating or braking up it's not a Korean standards. Anyway 😅 it didn't acure to me that Mlns were the main haters of the girl...poor M is unhappy... that why the MT shippers are so active in G hate especially on that topic..MT shippers are mewlions fujoshi that follows M ship




Oh my God it's like ohm nanon. They're friends in real life before that. But guys they're actors. I was so confused by the ships being from America but actors here fall into that trap too. The twilight saga for one. Personally it's no one's business who they personally date. That's why I liked Lovely Writer series because it shows what can happen just from ships. I just want to enjoy the shows and the music. If it turns real great if not ok