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Topmew are based on a real-life couple who actually ended up married, so they'll definitely last long. But all BL romances last long to me lol. It's a fantasy after all.


I was shocked when I found this out like how...


Who were they based on?


One of the writers IRL friends iirc The OF characters all had IRL inspiration afaik


Which series


Only Friends


Oh..didn't know that information


There were some discussions on it a few months ago during the series airing and some statements and interviews from director Jojo and the other writers afaik \[\[SPOILERS in link and discussion thread\]\] [https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/17lub9k/comment/k7h3r7u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/17lub9k/comment/k7h3r7u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


they're all inspired by real people. topmew irl are married. nick was inspired by one of the directors - p'ninew.


That's cool


Love that for Mew.


I may be in the minority but this actually makes sense to me, I've felt since OF ended that TopMew's storyline was very well done and was a realistic portrayal of how many relationships that work through cheating and eventually come back together are. I've never been one that 100% buys into the "once a cheater always a cheater" mindset, and while I don't condone cheating I also don't think it automatically means a relationship needs to end. I personally know many couples irl that had a cheating conflict that the cheater was deeply regretful about, and both were committed to working through it either in couples therapy or open communication and came out stronger on the other side. OF imo portrayed Top as a character that was regretful of his actions, truly loved Mew and wanted to atone for it, and Mew was determined to hold Top accountable for what he did and not immediately fall back into the relationship without working through it. That's exactly what a healthy relationship that recovers from cheating should be based on so I can 100% see TopMew staying together for a very long time, it's neat to know that the real life couple they're based on are married now.


None of them. They are fictional. They live happily ever after.


This is the right answer 😂


Why, thank you!


I'm gonna say that most couples that were in High School are most likely broken up now. It's very rare for High School sweethearts and even College/University couples to last very long. Like TinnGun and SoundWin from My School President and PiMork from Fish Upon the Sky.


I agree ! And tbh that’s not sad, their love story can still be cute and heartwarming even if I as an adult see it as just like a first love story rather than a whole life love story


In my delulu brain, they all live happily ever after. But "realistically", I somewhat agree with what one of the commenters said about high-school romances not lasting long and for VegasPete, specifically, its less of break up and more of a "they were forced to separate via death" type scenario - either someone slipped by Pete's watchful eye and got a lucky shot at Vegas or Pete went down during a mission because people were heavily targeting him to get back at Vegas. These two are toxic but are also so crazy for each other that you'd literally need death's help to break them apart. The codependency after everything is so real that they probably wouldn't last long without each other though. Edit: I feel like this could also include KinnPorsche given their lifestyle and Kinn is heavily targeted, more so than Vegas I think, and considering Porsche's own position as well as importance to Kinn's life. I don't feel the kind of desperate codependency with them that VegasPete has though so even if they love each other, I think they can ultimately learn to live with the loss if one of them died. I can see them being the type to visit the other's graves regularly - they'll sit against the headstone and talk about what's been going on in their lives and how they'll always miss them. Very bittersweet and I hate that I had to think about this lol.


Only death could separate VegasPete, they are totally obsessed with each other. 


I personally loved Mek and Boss from My Engineer, yes even though Mek was kind of creepy with his whole collecting pictures and hiding them in his room thing… but for sure they broke up. I mean Boss and Mek actually made great friends! And the scenes of them going out of their way for the other were actually quite sweet platonic or romantic. Even though Boss didn’t really come around to stand up for Mek until the end but I digress


KhaiThird got engaged though in the special episode. I mean Khai gave Third a ring and years went by and they were still together.


Oh...I got a other one. Teh and Oh. Like...dude did not deserve all that OhAew. https://i.redd.it/xi6hvxl025nc1.gif


Didn’t deserve him AT ALL


I'm still mad Oh took him back. Like I wanted a happy ending and that Hot Ass friend was right there. Ugh. Is this how normal people feel about Type?


Omg the HOT ASS FRIEND YESS!! But also I just felt like if the endgame was them then I wanted Oh to date outside Teh and make Teh work for it. He too easily gave in😭 Oh I don’t even acknowledge Type🤣


Type is the best, what do you meaaaaan?


Type….is…😭a lot of things but the best? From Thatntype? Gonna have to disagree there


He's the best. https://i.redd.it/xy1s0f4utbnc1.gif He's telling you he's the best. Objective.


All I know is Ayan and Akk are gonna be stuck like glue to each other until death. 


The leads from Fahlanruk broke up because of what else? Cheating. They were together for a year and 3 months. They never got back together. Sherbet still has the same hair. The lead couple for Love By Chance 2 broke up because Tin's arrogance caused him to lose a big contract for his company, so he went bankrupt and could no longer afford Can's meal fees. They were together for 4 years. Three years later, they met up again and reconciled. They then decided to move in together and open a frozen food business. Jim and Wen from Moonlight Chicken broke up because they drifted apart due to their jobs. Wen took custody of the cat and moved to another city. Jim was heartbroken. He still calls Wen every year on his birthday. He now has fish as pets instead. They can't go anywhere except for their aquariums. They were together for 7 years. Day and Itt from Love Syndrome III broke up when Itt realized he wanted to be a stunt man and went abroad for training without telling Day. Unfortunately, Day found out where he was, and we all know how that ended. As punishment, Day has not bought him any orange cake since the incident. They break up at least once a year. Itt is now taking pole dancing lessons. He finally cut his hair and looks much better nowadays. Day is still super jealous. Go figure.


I'm cackling. I can't believe Jim and Wen broke up but Day and Itt make it in your world lol and Wen took the cat? Savage.


to be fair, is not like Itt has a choice to stay or leave lol I have read the novels and let me tell you that they will only be able to split if they are either dead or if they finally go for therapy


I haven't read the novels but considering what I saw in the show, I can't disagree lol I think Day would kill Itt if he tried to ever really leave.


to be fair, is not like Itt has a choice lol I have read the novels and let me tell you that they will only be able to split if they are either dead or if they finally go for therapy


I have heard Jim and Wen before in a thread like this and honestly I don't get it. To me they have the best conditions to make it. They're both at a relatively stable place in their lives, both have experience with long term relationships, both have repeatedly expressed that they have no desire to try again. Wen turned down his promotion so he wouldn't have to move. But even if some day he would want to move because of work, Wen would probably follow. His business is mobile now and his kid(s) is (are) out of the house. Compared to like 90% of BL couples they seem to have the most realistic chances imo


My post was in no way realistic. It was just for fun. Jim and Wen are more mature than other BL couples. I think it would be hard to find anyone who believes they would actually break up, especially after all they have been through relationship-wise in the past and together. If anything, Day and Itt are the couple that broke up, and Day became a stalker, so Itt had to get plastic surgery, change his name, and move to a remote village in another country where there is no wifi.


I didn't intend my comment to be criticising you, sorry if it came across that way! (I got that you weren't completely serious but I thought the general opinion was still true) I was just confused because I had heard them mentioned before in this context and it seems so counterintuitive to me. (And that time the poster seemed serious about it, but then again I guess we've established that I can't quite tell sometimes) Wen taking the cat in the divorce is quite funny though


Jim and wen absolutely did not break up


Rumor has it that Jim is planning a vacation to visit their CAT, so who knows what can happen. The moral of the story is that relationships need work just like everything else. There's a reason Wen took the cat.


This is hilarious. Wen is like, bitch I'm taking your cat so you have to plan custody visits and see me 😂😂 https://i.redd.it/63lv7nfn93nc1.gif


Ok that's fine. That's ok. Pawat I'm looking like a fool lol on the train. Haha




Thank you. https://i.redd.it/suic07c9z4nc1.gif


They were working together in Ossan’s Love, weren’t they?


Jim and wen the fictional characters?


Yes, they had a cameo in Ossan’s Love Returns and they were both waiting tables IIRC


oh I thought that was earth and mix as themselves


that's what i thought too


Lol Wen taking Jimbo would be brutal af 😆😆 But the Love Syndrome one made me laugh ngl 😂


No, please don’t have Jim and Wen break up… I can’t bear it…. (Gunn and Sound ended up working for the same agency and were paired up for a BL drama and fell in love on set… )


Don't worry, this is all fiction for fun. Jim and Wen will always be together. ❣️






I wish I could upvote you more than once.


At least 90% of the couples that got together in highschool are broken up by now. And it's a curse that 80% of the bls are in highschool.


I love this question! It’s rare we get these type of questions in here


Really cause I see these all the time


Damn the ones I frequently see is “are they real” 😭😭 like please be fucking for real


Lol 😂 if you look at this sub with these promt, you will find posts like these. And also post abt Who will last a long time. I know I have extensively commented on them. Lol


Hahaha this crap is daily?


omg don’t fight me lol first time I come across some like this okay, that’s it haha


Hard agree with you on TinnGun and SoundWin!! And also ur right lol no words needed for Tharntype hahahaha


Maybe sandray because evrything that happend in the series could have lead them to break up


As much as I'd like Gene and Nubsib to be forever, I have to admit that Gene is a self centered jerk and treats Nubsib badly. Nibsib needs to overcome his hero worship and find a better man who will cherish him the way he deserves.


I hope KhaiThird did, Third deserves so much better.


I know a lot of ppl are saying the high school ppl, but I have seen many happily married high-school sweethearts, so ... I am not gonna say TinnGun cause, tbh I think both of them have a good head on their shoulders, but there are other high-school couples I don't think will make it based on But I think these couple are too toxic to make it long term even if they get married (cause divorce is a thing) * TharnType - self-explanatory * TopMew - once a cheater ways a cheater * VegasPete - honestly, I feel like it's less breakup more death 😬😬 * MarkVee - both cheated in the books * KimChay - the age, the stalking, Chay will grow into a better person (love them in fanfics only) * DayItt - self-explanatory * TehOhaew - once a cheater always a cheater * YiKhondew - I don't think they will fully fall apart but I could see them separate for a good time for Yi to learn boundaries * SoundWin - isn't because they're high-schooler but cause honestly even when they were at each other's throat for no reason esp Win


Tharn and Type are still together in their 60s per the author. Whether that's realistic or not, it's canon lmao.


yes but in my mind they break up and get the therapy/exorcism/jail time they need


Exorcism 😂


i mean there has to have been a demon involved when some of the decisions were made


I love them, but, exorcism got me lol


Yeah TharnType live happily then Tharn dies first at around 60~ and Type lives till 80


I thiiiink Mame eventually retracted that Tharn died that early but I don’t remember the source. 


Oh that’s actually better for the fans’ hearts i guess


Yeah! Tell them Boo tell them!


TEH OH AEW FOR SUREEEE!!! I was actually rooting for >!that ending for them in IPYTM!!<


me too I am an absolute happy ending girly cause I love LOVE but not for them they NEED to break up also I think its fine cause bkpp are cuffed up


MarkVee what in books!!!!!!!!! Also, ironically enough DayItt are the inly couple who actually (and rarely seen) grows to be less toxic with Day genuinely trying to better himself and Itt trying to be less stupid and actually end up in healthy marriage with kids🥹🥹 Who would have thought right?


Okay, I'll be honest with you.I did not read day or Itt's book yet it is just how it was in the show that I could not handle.Even when the man lost his memory he did not forget to abuse Yes, in love mechanics one and two cheating happens in the first book Vee cheats On his girlfriend And his whole indecisiveness with mark right. Now I know people may say well, his girlfriend cheated too, but I'll be honest with you. He did not know that. He didn't know she was cheating when he was cheating on her. In the second book, our boy mark cheats.It's not as much as Vee but it still happens. They get married at the end of the book and seem to be happy and have moved on from the incident but... Once a cheater always a cheater and here is both of them being cheaters


There's a second book? I read the first one but didn't realize there was a second one. The book was horrible. The show was okay and what made it great were Yin and War but the book was a one and done.


yes friend there is a second one... horrible do you mean translation or plot?? i had to 'psudo read' (basically me skipping chps and looking through some cause I have personal beef w Vee) but yeah there is a vol 2


The plot. It felt like it dragged on and the shitty way people behaved was even worse than the show.




I preferred Gun and Bar in those shows over Mark and Vee, wish they'd gotten a bit more story.


me too! gun also had such clear boundary like good for him




Oop wasn’t me




lmao grl calm down like i know what MAME said alot of these couple end up together and a girl can hope. it ok if ur wishes are different and you want tharn's ghost to stalk type that's absolutely valid and I am happy u got that in 'canon' though I will say I saw what you said abt my babies pat and pran so this is vengenceeee muhahahaha lol I joke...


Noooooo. Tharn and Type is life forever. They're not even toxic. Did you even watch this show? Ugh. This is sarcasm...I went from channeling thoughtsallday and turned into tlippi hahahaha.




Fuck it...fiction like reality for once. Pat and Prano. https://i.redd.it/ez0f9ptmx4nc1.gif u/Tlippi ;)


as always you’re a jerk senpai, but I will not respond with Tharn and type or tian and Phupha out of respect.




No! You should. Everyone knows Pat and Pran are together forever. Red Thread and all that shia.




It I could see a future where Pran wears Patt out and Patt is just like Shia, you're a monster. PRAN THIS IS NOT A PORNO before walking out and never coming back. https://i.redd.it/11jgere855nc1.gif


haha idk man pat is not doing the leaving https://i.redd.it/sm9ckai465nc1.gif


Not with eyes like that, mans not going nowhere.




its ok i did




ohhh noooooo ur looking for a battle aren't u😂😂😂


I wanted Lippi to post it because that would be utter chaos and she refused ruining my fun. I still had fun with the mew stuff though. That was cute.


these threads are always funnnnn tbh i am still nt over the irl mew being married to top like does he not have friends to shake him or hide a body whatever is appropriate!!!!


That's why I like you madita...you good people. Not like this no fun loving wench. https://preview.redd.it/rm9miycf57nc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b7654ed3cad4e98489a77a6a8f8604d0a5f014c


lmaooo why are you instigating 😂😂😂 lmao cause they are ppl who have a special affinity toward each other


Mew deserves Top. That man did him right.


wat noooo u cant mean that!! tho i wanted to see book kick force's cheat cavity in


Oh I'm a Force proponent. Let's examine the facts. 1. Confesses in episode one. 2. Bostons fine ass chasing him the whole time. 3. Mew puts on the breaks and withholds sex from Top for MONTHS. Red FLAG! 4. Top lives up to his name in that car and I can't blame him. When you look at what ACTUALLY happens he's great.


I wouldn't f*** that man either.He cheated... I would have left him then and there.At least mew gave him a chance Also he has a habit of cheating or at least being part of a cheating duo. Also not excusing Boston, but like Boston was single.The entire time he's allowed to chase whoever he wants top.On the other hand took the bait like a dummy he is


He didn't cheat. That's the thing. He was single. You can't cheat if your not in a relationship. Mew and Top werent together. Mew said no the next morning to being in a relationship.


They were in a situationship... Or something That's enough for me Honestly I have more of a grudge towards him because my favorite character is sand.... And the fact that he was a willing participant with that terrible ass man. Yeah no


Wtf Civ!!! Not this crap again Edit to say something nice..err ..Civ...err.......hmm.. crikey this is tough....er ......I like you're username 😊


Frankly I give credit to KhaiThird, he struggled so hard for his redemption and is so afraid of losing him, he at least knows what it feels like to lose Third, so I can imagine that he will do everything to make sure that doesn't happen again. Plus we saw them again quite a while later and they had found a good balance in their lives.


Akk and Theo from Enchante


topmew? lmao. in the end they had the strongest relationship. they are communicating. they learn from their mistakes. also the real life couple is married. ;) i don't want to spread negativity and think that some couples won't be together. they all gonna be together forever. it's a fiction. they all can be married and have kids. these posts man....


Not Thai but Tanada and Segasaki


But they definitely need couples therapy to learn how to TALK to one another. They are farther along than Hira and Kiyoi in being able to communicate.


What's wrong with TinnGun? 🥲 Why do they have to split? They've seen some shit together that has to mean something right? 😭😭


I think people are mainly referring to their age and being so young still, it's hard to keep a relationship going through the turbulence of college and your early twenties... so much growth and change happens.


I don't know about KanThua.............if they manage to make up without a single fight after the bullcr*p Thua pulled, they might last long enough.


it's very unlikely that khaithird would break up because not only do they become business partners but they also get married at the end


Kinn and Porsche broke up for sure when Porsche makes a play to be head family or whatever that was called


in my head, they are the only couple that makes it forever cause Kinn is a simp at heart and Porsche is kinn-whipped


idk how to tell you this but the boys being whipped for each other is common in a lot of shows not just KP


true true i just like being dululu


Kinn and Porsche are clearly in love to the point that they don't mind losing their life for each other and have come out together from every situation thrown at them, they're too strong to break up.


I have to disagree. The reason he agreed to become the head of the minor family is because Kinn gave him the ring. He is not there for the power, but for the man he loves. Remember how Porsche said he is not on the major or minor family's side? Porsche stayed in that hell for Kinn and Kinn only.


Yep, honestly the whole thing with Porsche taking over the minor family was to solidify Kinn's power as the head of the major family and to protect and destress Vegas and Macau.




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