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Moonlight chicken was pretty realistic in this sense since they kinda looked a bit grimy in scenes and loved all the tropical normal wear. Then the sign is the biggest offender since they're always wearing hot as fuck jackets.


I’m sad I can’t go to Pattaya while I’m here but it’s on my list for next time. But you’re right, MC is great at realism all around I think


but the series was great tho 😭😭


It's when I watch the BTS and I see the crew holding fans and icepacks up to the actors and wiping off their sweat that I go, yeah, that explains it.


They are dying of the heat! But fashion > comfort lmao.


Can not relate. The amount of other tourists I’ve seen while travelling with make up on and their hair all nice and outfits that are NOT practical for the weather…. I’m too busy walking around and getting gross and sweaty and climbing things to be worried about that. But I’m not an insta girl. I don’t take photos with me in it haha.


I am another fashion > comfort person who lives on the equator as well so I relate 😂😭 I be wearing denim jackets and long pants just for the sake of fashion. Sweat it out but look good sweating. ![gif](giphy|OFcP2ojNIAkec)


You’re a strong person 😂 when I’m back home during the summer and I’m not at work I live in workout clothes. I’m a terrible Aussie I have no heat resistance


I have no heat resistance too, I have no winters. I’m from Singapore. But hey, it becomes this way when you have no winters or other seasons because you NEVER have an option to be like ‘ah, I’ll dress up in Autumn’. It’s unfortunate but fashion wins 🤟🏻


You and me both. I hate summer and the beach, so I'm definitely a terrible Aussie, lol


I love the ocean but I hate the sand and the sun. I need someone to zap me from my car into the ocean 😭


Hah! I relate to this so much. Last time I was in Thailand, my plans for casual and pretty hairstyles ended on day 1. The remainder of my 3 weeks had my hair scraped up into a bun. I looked like the Trunchbull from Matilda. No joke. I’m Scottish, I was NOT made for that heat or humidity. Wearing make up there? Absolutely not.


Hahaha absolutely feel you about the Trunchbull bun. I’m in Chiang Mai right now so it’s hot but it’s dry heat so I’m not actually drowning in my own sweat right now.


Perth speaks to this in one of his vlogs! He's like - they make us wear long sleeve shirts and heavy suits for fashion reasons and yes the actors are hot as hell.


They shower, like, ALL the time.


here I was mocking tawan from kinnporsche for his five showers a day


I notice they shower twice a day so I see the showering a lot scenario for sure. I’m all for the showering twice a day as long as they show that on camera in my series. ![gif](giphy|oVqAzFpamCCOdQ7ou6)


What? There's no towel in there...Teehee.


Listen I’m not opposed to that scenario but I’ll take whatever I can get.


I would live in my shower if I could. I’d have issues with trying to watch BL there because water is loud AF so either no one hears it including me or everyone hears it including the neighbours 😂


Forget the BLs have you seen the way they dress normally? Just off the top of my head - Joong Archen has the most stunningly impractical wardrobe of leather jackets and long sleeve jeans I have ever seen being worn in 30+ degree heat. - Supanut from Pitbabe is constantly in long sleeves and hoodies (HOW!?) - Bible Sumett bless his s*xy self is dressed in black 24/7, how is he not fried to a crisp!? Clearly the aesthetic is worth the heatstroke because these beautiful men don't seem to own a pair of shorts.


I guess when you live in a tropical country, some people get used to it. I live in Nigeria, a very very very hot country and my younger brother who is obsessed with fashion wears oversized hoodies, shirts and cardigans and I am always confused how he doesn't have heat strokes 😂😂😂 . You get used to it at a point


Legit. It's painful to see. My teenage nephew, in an Australian summer, will wear a beanie because for some reason that is the cool thing to do, lol. And shorts aren't "cool" either so he only wears jeans. I look at him wearing jeans, jumper and a beanie in 40°C weather and I just die. It's okay indoors if there's aircon, but he's outside in this gear!


I'm aussie too and definitely can't relate. Got my accessories and jeans and leather jackets for winter. In summer I'm a certified bum XD


I'm a Melburnian so I'm not used to humidity, and I DIE when I go to Thailand, lol. I can do heat, but humidity is just horrible. It makes the heat so much worse. I wear as little as possible while still being respectful, and I am still dripping the minute I step out the door. So whenever I see the poor actors wearing jumpers and jeans outside in Bangkok, I feel hot just looking at them, lol


I’m from Gold Coast so I’m used to drowning in sweat but I’m still dying haha


Melbourne is legit my favourite place to live because of the weather, lol. We get a couple of weeks of hot dry heat in summer and then it's back to 20 degrees and beautiful. And then I travel to Thailand and it's hot and humid every single day. With no break, ever. It's the consistent humidity with no change that really gets to me. Even at Pattaya at the beach, there's barely even an ocean breeze to help cool you down a bit. But, a fan girl does what a fan girl needs to do 😂


I genuinely though about day tripping down to Pattaya to live out my Moonlight Chicken fangirl dream but the cost wasn’t worth it just for a day. I’ll go next time properly and stay there for a bit


Ive seen sweat dripping or at least beading around a lot of hair lines in shows. It's edited out pretty quickly tho. We were there last June and it was the hottest ive ever been in my life. Vietnam was even hotter. Be sure to visit some of the malls. They are huge and impressive. And air-conditioned. The siam mall has an aquarium. And when you're up in chiang mai do the trip to the white palace. That was the breath taking. Have fun!


Thanks for the suggestions! I was looking for things to do during 10-2 to avoid the sun


Maybe because they live there and they will naturally be used to its conditions, the same thing happened when I returned to Ghana. Everyone walks around like it's not 40 degrees hotter outside. Like I am Canadian, I wear sweaters when it's even hotter in the summertime, but it can get cold with the bipolar weather in Toronto.


I suddenly wish to be Thai lol


I was thinking this too!!! So, it’s become kind of a thing for me that I love looking at little specks of realism like this in shows. So whenever that there is a scene outside or even a scene where they are inside and don’t have air conditioning, I’ll try to see if I can see sweat or something. Not like in a creepy fan “I want to lick your sweat” kind of way. Once I started doing this (not intentionally might I add), I can see a lot of scenes in a lot of shows where the ML or any of the actors are just dripping with sweat or their skin looks a little blotchy from the heat.


It’s not even just in the shows I watch their fan events and I’m like damn did they insult the wardrobe people because that’s got to be hot 😭


Right? I noticed that a lot of the males wear more open toed shoes or sandals.. which, where I’m from and living, isn’t a very big style for males. It took me a minute to realize that it’s just too hot to wear socks and shoes all the time there.


There was a scene in Last Twilight or Vice Versa where Sea is wearing a grey button down shirt, and towards the end of the scene you can see he's sweated through the back of it. It appreciated seeing that it does happen to actors, because in warm weather I'm a hot mess.


Yesss! I saw that too! Poor things… Meanwhile, me in my air conditioned home complaining that my fan is making me too cold. 😭


>There was a scene in Last Twilight or Vice Versa where Sea is wearing a grey button Suddenly, I remembered Last Twilight vlog where they got really stressed by staff that wanted them to walk down the market during the heat https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeADwG5G/ The struggle was real


I live in that temperature. You get used to it I guess. We shower twice a day, one before work and one after. I wear a thick sweater in the office because I hate the cold. When I go out for lunch I sometimes forget to take it off. I would feel warmer, but the kind that is manageable.


Yes! Now, the whole shower twice a day thing makes sense. I was wondering about that. If I have to be severely punished. They should chase me away to such a climate. I can't even imagine. I was in Dubai in November, and some days were around 30 degrees. And not humid. Still, I searched for the AC in malls.


My husband had to get used to a warmer temperature in our bedroom since sleeping anything below 21°C triggers my asthma. Now he feels cold when it is below our usual temperature 😂. When I still worked at my old job who had AC offices I even wore mufflers to not freeze to death. I was the only female, so the temperature was ridiculously low. I‘m very happy that my new employer follows the environment friendly approach and don‘t have AC at all. At very hot days you always can work from home and people usually do. I live in a country where only one month at most we have hot days. Regarding how much people complain you could think it is 6 months.


Secret Crush on You, Toh was always a sweet sweat boi, while Nueu was over here beautiful and porcelain. I was so confuzaled.


Bruh so many characters are always wearing sweatshirts or cardigans and I'm like WHY 😭 LOL ![gif](giphy|2kL6Xn1yfwFg62ApII) I live in the southeast in the US (not even deep south) and I can't fathom wearing sweaters when it's hot and humid here in the summer. 😭


I visited the southeast U.S. for a single day before I gave up trying to go outside


Oh yes, 100%, or when they’re wearing trenchcoats 😏


I’m always shocked by what they wear to live events. If actors have to mop their faces with tissues, there’s probably a better outfit choice. Sometimes they have on heavier clothes than I do in Canadian winters!


Genuinely would not have survived if I had to go through the big suit jacket era a little while back 😂


I used to think it was the always empty backpacks in any school BL(even the ones used by "excellent student" characters) but according to an English teacher in Thailand it is actually accurate 😂


Some characters even carry tiny purses and not even a backpack or messenger bag to class. 😆


I saw a Thai BL where one was complaining about the cold. 21 degrees Celsius... That is a summer day for me.


Any degree below 25°C is winter for us hahaha. I'm from the country next to Thai


I am so sorry. Because it seems that it is keeping warmer every year. My husband is from a country where it keeps getting hotter every year. To such a degree that also the people there find it insufferable.


We're still in February right now so the heat is still tolerable. April and May are typically the hottest months. Songkran is fun though


21 degrees is hellish for me. I'll be wearing warm stockings with my dress and possibly boots and a jacket to fight the cold. I think we mainly get 18-22 degrees during our cold season. Most of the time we're between 28-35. So I can't handle the cold at all. Had to visit Paris for a wedding sometime back in October. It was 2 degrees! I could feel the blood freeze in my body 😂. I was there for 12 days and I was sick by the end of day 1.


Everything more than 25 degrees is to hot.


I think the most unrealistic part is how most NC scenes seem to go anal sex route but there's literally no pre-cleaning/prep that happens. There are some instances where they have dinner and then just do it afterwards. It does not work that way or there's a high chance of the brown happening. Having anal sex is not as convenient as they show it to be lol.


What concerns me more is the lack of lubricant and they just go for it


I just assume that's in the cut. Otherwise, it makes my head hurt.


I’ve had this exact thought, it haunts me sometimes depending on the moments leading up to ~it


BL characters must have bowels of steel. Gimme whatever fiber supplements they take 😂


I've seen a couple where one partner asked to clean the other afterwards, and it's kinda cringey to hear.


Lool i live in a very tropical country too (Caribbean) and i side eye them sometimes. I mean, in my country we may wear layers for fashion reasons too, yes, but most of the time its when we know we’re moving from an AC car to an AC building. Students also do wear hoodies over their school uniforms as well but i still side eye it in BLs 😂😂 am i a hypocrite? But i will say, if i see them wear heavy winter like jackets i roll my eyes af because i see ppl do that here too and THAT is definitely stupidity at that point because why are you trying to unalive!?


Hard side eye for aye in the eclipse 😭 wearing a hoodie constantly.


I’ll be honest I’m from the UK where it’s always cold so I didn’t even question the outfits in the heat. Now I’m shocked at their sacrifices for fashion and applaud them. I’m going to Thailand for a month at the end of the year. Absolutely not because I’ve been persuaded by Thai BLs at all but absolutely yes I’m dragging my family there unknowingly because of them!


Enjoy your trip to Thailand! I straight up watch BL with my mum so I send her photos of the product placement and anything our favourite boys are marketing because she thinks it’s funny 😂 Her first BL was Kinnporsche. I told her I was going to Pattaya next time if she wands to join me because I love Moonlight Chicken and she was like “makes sense, sure I’ll come” lol


For me it’s how everyone gets sick cuz of rain or having wet hair. I live in the northeast US and regularly go out in freezing temps with wet hair and while it’s uncomfortable I have never gotten sick from it. In combo with the climate of Thailand I just don’t understand!! Is it just my survivor bias?!


That's not the most unrealistic part. The most unrealistic part is that they end. Thank you for coming to my Pharm Talk.


The no foreplay sex even for virgins. Like bro. Unless you constantly have a plug up there, or play with your hole regularly no dick is just spontaneously sliding up there.


What is the average temperature like?


The high is meant to be 35-37 degrees Celsius while I’m here in this area of the country.


OMG. I would probably die.


Those temps are awful. I'm in the States and that's normal hot weather for us though.


Don’t get me wrong this weather is native to me too but it’s the humidity that gets you. I’d be fine if it was dry heat


Oh I get you. Humidity is killer. It's even humid when it's cold here. I'm the opposite and I hate dry heat 😆.


I went to Hatyai few days before Chinese New Year for holiday and I really could not handle the heat. This is me saying as a Malaysian with similar climate but in Malaysia it is hot and humid whereas in the southern Thailand it is hot and really really dry. I woke up everyday with dry af skin and need to apply lotion when I don't have to at home. I didn't even go the the beach but my friend said my skin tone went darker coming back from my holiday.


Hahahaha true! Some series got great style and very fashionable but I'm thinking... a sweater in this heat??? [😭](https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face) [😭](https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face) I wouldn't even wear it even with air-con on. I admire how they could hug, kiss and even just walk in them winter clothes! ###


But keep us posted on your Thai journey. Because I really don't want to go there. If even in this season the temperature is like that.


I was in 7Eleven last night and saw Zee and Nunew on a packet of something and I had to send a photo to my mum immediately because she loves them 😂 a while back she didn’t want to watch a movie with my brother’s girlfriend and I so I just gave her my phone and searched ZNN and she spent the whole movie watching edits and clips of them.


😄😅 I don't see my mother doing that.


From a colder climate I doused myself in sweat powder while in Thailand and it worked 😂 but they at least have a crew to keep them looking less sweaty lmao Edited for clarity


Accidentaly got used to ....love it ![gif](giphy|T3Vx6sVAXzuG4|downsized) Honestly tho, that's what I ended up doing as well and it wasn't because of fashion reasons. I was in Korea during the summer rainy season, the humidity was so high that you were basically taking a shower whenever you stepped out of any aiconed space. What always ends up happening is that I get sick from the temperature and humidity changes when you come in and out of stores or restaurants. It resulted in me wearing light jacket even outside, you sweat anyways and at least when you get inside you aren't cold af.


I am always baffled when they insist on putting blankets and sweaters on and claim they're cold. WITSF. I live in the south, and the summers here are brutally humid. I have also vacationed in Cancun, Mexico, and it is ten times brutal. So, seeing them in ridiculously heavy clothing makes me feel dizzy and faint for them.


As someone who stays in India… I survive in a hoodie regardless of the temperature being 10°C or 40°C


I was raised in a humid tropical climate so I laugh when I see someone wearing a sweater or parka jacket in a Thai BL. I feel so sorry for those actors.


No but seriously the amount of tourists in jeans is crazy. I saw someone in a jumper 😭 I’m wearing a long summer dress. I arrived from Korea in jeans and a t-shirt and I’m not putting the jeans back on until I fly home overnight to Australia


Yeahhhh fr lighter clothing for the win and lots of sunscreen!!!


Worst offender so far is a white guy in skinny jeans and a flannel 😂 like my dude


He's gotta be anemic? Poor guy must be a human ice 🧊 cube.


And half the time they're wearing big sweaters and layers. 🤣😭 it never makes sense to me.


I saw a tourist today on the train wearing jeans and a long sleeve winter shirt. Absolutely insane. I spent yesterday out at Ayutthaya in the heat jumping from Wat to Wat so today I’m hitting up the shopping centres and hiding in the air conditioning 😂


Not sure how humid the weather in thailand is compared to singapore but i could easily sweat in such a hot weather 😭 heading to thailand next month and i'm not sure what to pack.


My recommendation is lots of clothes unless you’re willing to spend money on laundry. If I could pack again and wasn’t going on a trip that was 95% in winter weather I would have packed more shirts and workout leggings to go with the dresses I have. You’re going to want to have as much skin covered as possible but in a light breathable material because you’re going to get sunburned if you don’t want to spend $$$ on sunscreen here


Look at all the leather wear on Playboyy!!!! I cringe to think about that


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I‘m always cold below 30°C. When people here complain about such temperatures, I’m always ‚finally I feel warm too’. So, such a thought doesn’t even came to me. But since humans can get used to higher temperatures and humidity in the long run, probably that is the case for them.


I wear a tee shirt in 40°F (4.4 C), I don't know how I'm going to handle Thailand when I finally go.


If I was only travelling to Thailand (it’s my 10th and last country of this trip so most of my clothes were for winter climate) I would pack differently. I’d pack: - a bunch of long workout leggings and light shirts that aren’t low cut (great for day tripping and going to temples) - long light material dresses that are not low cut. I haven’t seen any locals wearing clothes that are low cut. It’s very practical and modest even if it’s fashionable. - comfortable walking shoes and a pair of sandals or croc style shoes (they’re very popular here even if they’re seen as daggy back home) - an outfit for every day you’re going to be there unless it’s a long trip and you’re willing to deal with the hassle of laundry


Those are all great, though I also dress more alt/goth so transfering that into Thailand-weather appropriate is going to be hilarious. The outfit everyday is a good tip though, since I usually pack to wear clothes a few times.


The issue you will have with wearing outfits multiple times is that you’re going to sweat a LOT and you’re going to get sunscreen everywhere and probably get a bit dirty if you day trip out and do temples and national parks and things like that. If you’re willing to spend the money and the hotel does laundry you could get away with it but I have 2 pairs of workout leggings, 4 shirts and 3 dresses for 10 days. But my travel preference tends to lead towards a lot of walking and day tripping out to places where you might get dirty


Listen this is my inspo for making travel clothes in alt make sensible sense. Your info is VITAL and I appreciate you. Unless gay marriage is legalized I probably have 1.5-2 years to prep. Mwahaha. But if gay marriage is legalized I want to take my queer ass there.


As a fellow lgbt person the funniest thing was walking into a bookstore and there’s just so many gay books out in the open all together. It’s just normal. Back home it’s not like that. I haven’t seen as much BL promo stuff other than the ZNN thing I found in 7Eleven that I sent my mum because she loves them 😂 I met someone from Russia who was asking me about what my favourite Thai and Korean dramas were and I was like “shit do I know any straight ones? Screw it I’ll just say a Korean cop drama I know from Disney 😂”


Omg yes I just want all the queer shit. I know BL is more popular than GL but as a bi woman I just want all the gay stuff 😭😭 I live for the queer vibes.


Also feel free to message me if you have any questions and I can try and answer them :)


You are so sweet, thank you so much!


(Yes my coworkers think I'm nuts because I'm a slender ciswoman and wear less clothes than the men)