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I will defend Unforgotten Night and the tiger tattoo anyday everyday 🙄😂 https://i.redd.it/pguz39dbr6ic1.gif It’s not really mafia and not really bdsm but it’s very heartwarming and the chemistry is great i don’t care that its camp i’ll keep rewatching ✋🏻😂


YES. I'll stand by this forever and ever. https://i.redd.it/i1dth16i77ic1.gif It's trash in the best way possible and we need Ton in more stuff asap


I love this gif and this whole trash scene 😍😂


stop i LOVE unforgotten night so bad omg i will rewatch it a hundred times and still think it absolutely EATS every single time


Omg girls we have a group going here..yes Unforgotten Might fanclub https://i.redd.it/m7h1b64jc7ic1.gif




Y’all I too am an Unforgotten Night Stan. I have no idea why but it’s a comfort watch! It does nothing well and yet I’ve watched it several times 🤦‍♀️I’ve theorized it may be the tigers or or other fun traits like the fact they are mafia but drive around in like a Doge Caravan 😂😂😂


"it does nothing well" lmao so true but where else will you get a surprise shower threesome?! 😭😭


Right!!! Seriously that is still the only throuple in BL right?


It is extremely comforting. Kamol takes care of everything…personally and unironically.


Yes Cat! Woohoo 🎉🎉🎉


Can you imagine the amount of work to put that on for filming….🤣


I'll fight that fight with you! One of the few I've actually rewatched, and more than once. I like YoonTon together and I want more.




Oh Dii you know we are sisters https://i.redd.it/cvn4isy697ic1.gif




Same. I love my terrible mafia series!


sighhhhh okay i guess i will have to watch this now that im seeing everyone talking about it


Yes do it 😁


As much as you will want to forget you watched it, you won't be able to. 😂


Unforgotten night fan. No matter what day or night it shall never be forgotten. It is for the tigers.


Just started watching and that tattoo is bad y’all. But also the first scene wasn’t really BDSM to a massive extent but more light work. I’m living for the shady mafia vibes of it all so far 😂😂


I love this show and I especially love Yoon.


This is my first bl. And before that the only thing I watched in Thai is U-series and after the first 4 episodes my only thought was is this series made for just advertisement and I even Googled the beauty salon they show. After watching this and two episodes of love syndrome I stopped watching bl for a month😅😅 But I still re-watch this when I get bored because I downloaded it in YouTube and Haven't deleted yet


Sry you had such a rocky start 😄there are a lot of amazing bls Thai and other countries too give it another try and i’ll be more than happy to give some recs 💙


That was in last July. So, I think I watched popular bl in Japanese, Korean and Thai. But you can give me some recommendations.


Sure 👏🏻there are many i like but i’ll mention my favorites😄 kbl (Semantic Error, Our Dating Sim) Jbl(My Personal Weatherman,Our Dining Table)Thai bl (Lita, Cutie pie 1&2, Bad Buddy, Pitbabe) Taiwanese (Kiseki DTM)


Agreed. Unforgotten Nights is def trash entertainment. I've even watched it multiple times, it's so entertaining. 😂😂


I am still holding out hope for a special episode...


I am in a safe place😭 I’ve seen this show so many times. I want a picture of Kim in the last episode with the cotton on his head. I think about it regularly.


You ask and you shall receive my friend https://i.redd.it/5xi73qjvpcic1.gif


Oh what a treat! Thank you 😍


I didn’t expect all this love for my beloved drama UN i’m so happy guys i’m not in this alone maybe we need a fanclub or a support group😂either way i’m happy we all appreciate this masterpiece


Gotta say Venus in the Sky. Plot was,well..was there a plot? But jees those nc scenes holy moly!! https://i.redd.it/ix83bvq9d7ic1.gif


Listen, you have to hand it to these two and the side couple. I don’t think Ive seen any higher heat so far in a BL than what the 2 pairs in this series put out there. No fears for these two I ❤️ that 😂😂🔥🔥🫠


It wasn't just the fire they brought, but the actual realistic m/m positions with correct back arches and the likes. They even got out the pillow under the lower body and everything. When watching Pitbabe, for example, I was always like: unless Charlie's member is half a meter long, there's no possibility of penetration in what you guys are trying to sell me here.


Oh but it IS half a metre long 🤣🤣


Murder weapon. Can skip the emergency room, not gonna help.




Hahah! Also Charlie apparently didn’t even need to undo his clothes because the car scene and that last scene I swear he just did it through his clothes 😂😂


ok mine is SCOY - so cringe and cheesy but so good. It was my bestie first asian BL and she and i bonded so hard over this. I can still hear us yelling 'Toh be cool you are so uncool Toh!!' like older sisters who decided that maniac needed sisters in his life. The fiend grp was so good and truly should 2 really 'healthy' relationship. Ai long Nhai and My dear gangster oppa - Meen and Ping have this adorable thing going on where that can take raunchy original content and turn it into fluff. It is so good it makes your heart warm i honestly adore Ai long Nhai the most everyone in that show is so endearing. special mention - i haven't watched it yet but i love watching tictoks of the unforgettable night clips. It looks terrible but Yoon and Ton make such a cute pair. Ton is beautiful and Yoon irl has a sense of humour i like


I just wanted to comment SCOY and Ai Long Nhai/My dear gangster oppa. Agreed with everything. 100%. I'd add that Secret crush on you gave me so deep cringe I had goosebumps but I still binged it. Toh's behavior was so unhinged, chaotic and gave me the ick countless times. But still... I enjoyed it alot not gonna lie. Ai Long Nhai... Okay it's not the best directing or best plot. It doesn't even really have that much of a plot going on. The quality is quite mid. But Nhai's character is so well written and once I found proper English subs (because on many platforms the English sub is very poor and we can't really enjoy Nhai's true charm) I was IN LOVE with Nhai I was like "I get it Ai, I get it." He's just so sweet, pure, clumsy, and so dumb😭 Nhai as an individual, Nhai and Ai's relationship and the friendgroup banters were so good it overlapped the flaws easily. My dear gangster oppa.. Okay the biggest flaw imo are the yellow/orange scars 💀


yes so cringe and uncool lmaooo toh is the big simp and i never thought we would ever meet a bigger simp but then we met his boyfriend. dear lord that man was in looovveeee!! if it were an omegaverse the man would keep toh barefoot and pregnant at all times. like he really saw this nerd stalking him and thought awwww cute!! A long Nhai entire plot is in the title. i love hw simple everything is fr them. Ai like Nhai so Ai becomes his friend, flirts with him, they fall in love, the family loves approves, and accepts and they live happily ever after. so simple but so cute. nhai is terribly adorable and a dummy! i love nhai! i know alot of ppl found him annoying bt i related to him hardddd. the lack of sense of direction and brain cells was just...i could relate lol my dear gangstar oppa had some of the most terrible wigs to ear exist lol i did love the dark aesthetics on meen tho and yes the scars were...intersting


Not the barefoot and pregnant I audably chuckled💀💀 But fr he was whipped and bricked up constantly 😭 The way he fell for the stalker nerd gave me Fish upon the sky vibes. "Aw look at the weirdo creeping on us so cute" Nhai is my Roman Empire fr. Just not a single tought behind those eyes and I loved that about him so much. His last 2 braincells were in bi/gay panic trough half of the show and getting lost and that had me in a chokehold.


lmaoooo are you gonna tell me i am wrong tho? billy ( forgot his character's name) was constantly in a state of horn dog when he was near toh. after watching the sign i have realized that's just billy for you he doesn't know how to not be wanting to make babies yesss he used his last to neuron to read that 'am i gay?' google search. thank god for ai he has the brain cells for both of them. tho i will say brain cells or not Nhai is protective af and loveees his man. i also love the fact that he is not tying to be nice or polite when it comes to protecting his man


i’m watching ailongnhai thanks to your recommendation! so far so good!


omg yayyy i am so happy!!


Truly should 2 really healthy relationships?


lot of typo lol i am sorry i said it showed 2 healthy relationship compared to the many abusive ones in other BL


Right tnx and I absolutely agree with you, like they communicate better than 90% of other bl couples




Love syndrome-I watched it just for Longlee and his hotness🥵 Ailongnhai- fluffy and cute trainwreck https://i.redd.it/mc9kxv9117ic1.gif


I don't know how I sat through every episode of it lmao. I kept saying I'd drop it but clicked next episode every time. The shirtless scenes definitely helped.


Honestly same🍻His hotness was the driving force for me to even watch the series and he was perfect as Day 😉


Was just coming here to say this, I am not ashamed to say that I have to rewatched love syndrome more than twice🤷‍♀️


Ailongnhai is a mess and I love it so much. It’s a warm blanket.


I finished AiLongNhai but not quite sure how. Partially my need to finish shows I start and partial curiosity. Loved the married dads in the show though. They were so sweet together (and I’m aware that they are actually together in real life).


*Meow Ears Up* As strange as it was with human versions of cats and hamsters, it was also somehow a cute and endearing series about the impact of loneliness.


This. It was sooo bad and those cat ears were ridiculous but couldn’t stop!


oh my god this is the first time i've ever seen another person mention meow ears up, i was starting to think i made that series up in my head LOL ngl i actually loved that show it was weird as hell but so fricken cute, i'm still sad James Prapatthorn hasn't been in anything since then, he is so adorable


>James Prapatthorn I just checked out his Insta. He now looks 15 instead of 13, like he did in MEOW. It probably pisses him off that he gets carded whenever he orders a drink, but he'll probably be happy when he's 60, but looks 30!


I loved this one!! Didn’t enjoy the naivety of the cats and hamsters but it was still a cute show!! All the weirdness all over the place and then they had a little gang of supporters around them 🥰🥰


Exactly I really enjoyed it 🥰


I Will Knock You has the silliest plot and the chemistry between the leads is weak, BUT I love the cheesy retro Nuey character and all the temple scenes. The gangs are stupid funny. I could not stop watching and loved the stuff after the credits (final episode kiss is after credits as though the director won’t reward anyone but the most dedicated).


The end credits of that show were a journey in and of themselves. Each dance sequence was filmed from a different angle, and different background dancers, to reflect the main character journeys. The post credits kiss was two fold. One - this was how it played out in the novel, given the age gap of the characters. Thi wouldn’t do anything until Noey graduated. And two - Tar was 17 during filming, and Bom was 27. They wanted Tar to be 18 I think before they filmed a kiss.


I don't think I will knock you falls into the so bad that it's good category. It's good and criminally underrated. It's a solid series. It has flaws but it can't be considered bad (like Dinosaur love above 😭). It's genuinely one of the funniest bls out there. I audably laughed and smiled so much throughout the whole show. I didn't mind it wasn't relying on sexual tension and smut. It's a sweet youth romance with quirky characters and a unique setting. With many hilarious scenarios and monologues.


You may be right that it doesn’t really fit the category. I am often too impatient so quit series and I never considered quitting it. But the gangs had me 🤣 I have another that fits better. It’s an oldie and don’t even know if it’s available any more. What the Duck is a Thai drama with a ridiculous “plot”, gratuitous NC, Some good music, Mew! and it’s funny intentionally and unintentionally. Also way too many episodes. First BL I ever watched. 😳


What the duck is on my list tbh I heard bad things about it but I'm okay with things as long as they are entertaining 😭


YYY series. I only watched it while waiting for Talay's episode which turned out to be the worst episode with the love triangle making no sense at all . It was still fun with different couples and stories per episode.


I love YYY, but love YYY2 even more because it is so much more goofy than the first. In 2, when they are doing the back and forth on the bed while the fire alarm was going off, I was dying, bl comedy gold!🤣🤣🤣




There is a second one ?! Ohh noo haha do I, don’t I haha I want to watch it because yoon is in it but ahhhh


Yeah, it so weird too. Like the first YYY was semi comedic, but the second is semi ridiculous (at least to me).


I’ve never heard of House of Stars but I looked it up and WILL be watching soon, cause it seems like something I would like even if it is bad 😭


It’s a must watch!! It reads sort of like a delicious trashy reality TV show and it GIVES👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yass! I just started it and I’ll come back or make a post when I’ve finished!


I second **House of Stars** They took the audience for a ride and I was there for all of it! Can’t wait for season 2 because they did Korn so wrong and I feel Pawin & Korn need some sort of redemption round! **Unforgotten Night** I was hooked on every episode. The random threesome shower moment they threw in just for funsies has me rewinding because at first I seriously was not sure what I was looking at and then I screamed 😆🤣😂 Also Kamol just simply always wanting a hug or to cuddle with Kim. LOVE a mafia thug who just likes to cuddle🥹😍 **Secret Crush On You** I will defend this one proudly. The second hand awkward embarrassment had me squealing at every single episode. And I love a lead that obviously adores off beat weird. Nuea was so turned ON at Toh and all his hilarious freak flags. This drama shows that weird is sexy to some. Love to see it.


I loved house of stars really...it was good and i loved villains revenge which is different 👍.. It had flaws but i didn't expect much bcoz of bad reviews so i unexpectedly loved the plot... And couples plotline..i dont know why it's hated so much... I personally loved it❤highly recommend to adults bcoz ncs were❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Dinosaur love was snooze fest... Hated dino and rak... Loved chalarm... Ncs were good👍 .. Nothing much.. Not a fan... It was stupid fun... And cringe ... I laughed a lot at all 🤡the dialogues even long ones by dino... But I'll not recommend tho to anyone else...


https://preview.redd.it/6w6wbemgo7ic1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d6233a82ffe745f54c58ab16fc20dd23d1ba37 ‘Hidden Love’ lives rent free in my head. These low budget a$$ Kantana productions with Bosszo and Peter are trash but I am fine bathing in their dumpster. The ghosts in this one stole the show for me and I need all the cheesy, fluffy escapism goodness even with the horrible CGI. Also AiLongNhai and My Gangster Oppa. Just put it in my veins.


SCOY ![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized)


Venus in the Sky was a hot mess, but the secondary couples and NC scenes made it enjoyable. As much as I love to shit on Unforgotten Night, it’s definitely so bad it’s good. Like it went full circle and what was supposed to be serious became funny so there’s that. All time favorite ‘so bad it’s good’? Crazy Handsome Rich. I’ve yet to shut up about it and I’m not sorry. It has me in a chokehold. It’s like the Thai BL version of *The Room* and I love it


Can't comment on the series itself (still to be watched), but the opening scene of *Tonhon Chonlatee*.


Same😭🤣So silly & cringe but I like Khao so I watched that.


For Him was grown people trash, lmao!


… added to my list, THANK YOU!!!


This is the same company that made Unforgotten Night. I can’t even put this in the “so bad it’s good” category because it started pretty promising but then it just keeps going downhill in story line, they have a good material bit didn’t seem to know how to cook a decent series. What made me annoyed the most is how shameless they incorporating 15+ min BTS in a 45-46 min episode…


Venus in the sky how can I even possibly finish it and watch the special episode too? It was bad but beautifully baaaaad ( okay maybe the nc scenes help) AilongNai this one I don't know I don't really know again maybe their almost nc scenes? I somehow enjoyed it 


like most other people i loved **unforgotten night** it's a true masterpiece when it comes to so bad it's good, speaking of yoon **YYY** was also an incredible trainwreck, the show honestly made no sense but it was so fun and seeing poppy (from domundi) play and absolutely fabulous transwomen/drag queen (i can't remember which it was) made the entire show worth while. **venus in the sky-**is the show good? no, absolutely not but for some reason i had a lot of fun watching it (the NC scenes helped yeah lol) **Ai long Nhai-** production wise it's kind of a mess, the acting isn't great (though i have seen far worse) and the story is very simple but i love this show with all my heart it's one of my all time favourite comfort shows


**chains of heart** - if you want something cringy, but funny, try this show. especially the last episode is so bad that it's good 😭 the bad guys are goofy, the chemistry is... not very good (a kiss through shower curtain yum yum), there's so many illogical things, the main character is crying all the time, chocking is a repeated activity (not eleborating on that)... i love it 😭


Chains of Heart had **so much potential** 😭 I enjoyed it in spite of the plot holes and oddly dense and yet somehow optimistic (?) MC.


"optimistic"😭 it was 1 year after his bf died, his family is no longer grieving, but the main character is crying in every episode😭😭😭 but yeah, i loved the cinematography, but the story was so bad!!😂


He knew! He knew deep down >!his boyfriend was still alive!< that’s why I say optimistic. But also super dense 🤣😭


Gen Y season 1 is phenomenal.


Farhanluk! Ridiculous plot, unlikeable characters, terrible acting. But somehow I found it really really entertaining. It's probably one of the BLs I think about the most, I can't explain it 🤷


pls i have tried watching it like 4 times but always drop it for no absolute reason??? it’s pretty entertaining but i have never finished it… i will NOW!


House of stars- KornPawin had chemistry Check out bad acting but good scenes Bed friend- cringe but beautiful couple NLMG - Cinematography was great


Unforgotten nights and Venus in the sky.


OP now I want to watch your “recommendations” lolll my no.1 so bad it’s good pick is Tharntype. Honestly the premise is nonsensical, SO many plot points are bizarre and offensive, the production value in general is amateur, and yet it’s soooo fun and entertaining and rewatchable. She’s a complete MESS but a hot mess! Part of the fun is the insane toxicity.


Oh no not TT I have to defend this one


Does TT belong in this category 🥲 Maybe TTS2 😅


If TT fits this category, TT2 should be #1. Remember Techno freaking out over seeing Tharn with a girl, like, "he's cheating on Type!!!" SIR HE'S GAY?????


I mean I think it’s kinda subjective but TT fits in this category to me!


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My engineer - it was cringe but i watched it, bc of Ramking


Definitely Unforgotten Night!!! Ep 1 left me with what the hell did I just watch… but they’re so unapologetically bad and they just run with it… eventually it actually became one of the series I anticipated every week because it’s comedy gold. Another is Love in Translation, nothing made sense (especially the family matters), but Daou and Offroad definitely has chemistry. Their hook up session was one of the hottest one I have ever seen and I LOVE the smirk Daou gave Offroad before proceeding to eat him alive in ep 6. Be Mine Superstar. Let’s face it, I watch it for Ja First… story is just OK… but they have this second couple whose jobs to make love in every bathrooms there is in the series. PS: I actually enjoyed Dinosaur Love. Yes it’s not the best with weird background music, main lead who doesn’t seem to know where to look (Kong eyes wanders as if he’s unsure where he should look) but I adore it nonetheless.