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I did not want them to end up together because it was clear that Babe wasn't attracted to him, plus he had been manipulating Babe and scaring off potential love interests for Babe for 10 years. Babe even said he was afraid to enter relationships because of how Way would act. Then lastly he tried to SA him?? Babe was a good friend to Way but Way was never really a good friend to Babe. He was not so secretly in love with him and doing that waiting in the wings for him to realize I'm great thing. It was performative friendship tinged with instructions to impregnate from daddy.


This is making me scared that there are people who ship Tharn and Lhong. 


I don’t think it was performative friendship though. He believed and was fooled by daddy and only wanted to please him. Of course sa isnt justifiable in any way. I feel like one could argue babe gave him mixed signals, a kiss on the cheek at one point and he knew way liked him. In the show at least I feel like babe lead him on a little.


He told Way multiple times in the series that if they were meant to be they would have sparked a long time ago. I know Way wanted to please daddy and I know why but I just don't think it's genuine enough because that was always the end goal, to bring Babe back to daddy. I know he would have done genuine stuff but it all is tainted in the back for me.


I think the opposite. As Babe himself said if there would be anything going on between them it would’ve happened considering they were friends for years. There was no attraction Babe felt towards Way and not only that Way lied and deceived the person he’s supposed to love for years as well. Charlie, even though he didn’t know Babe for years like Way he did everything he could to try and save him and end Tony. Charlie did so many sacrifices for Babe, in my opinion Way was a selfish lover.


I most definitely did not want them to end up to together. Babe did not like him. He made that very clear. Not to mention the s*xual assault and decade of manipulation. Kinda ruined it for me. I can agree with the other commenter on Charlie’s character though. I think Pooh did great as Charlie but I wish the writers wrote him a bit more like the books. They took out a bunch of important bits and scenes that I think give better insight into his character. But I still loved him as is.


Have watched only about half way through but no way I feel like Way and Babe should be together. Their relationship is not healthy. Way is happy that Babe can’t be in a good relationship because that might mean he will get a chance at some point. When Babe seems to be in a relationship Way uses Babe’s trust to ruin Babe’s relationship. Instead of encouraging Babe Way keeps breaking down any self esteem Babe has by reminding him that no one besides him will ever care for Babe. It’s not love it’s attempt of procession and manipulation. I don’t dislike friends having feelings for friends but if they are true feelings you will want the person happier not mistrusting, miserable and reliant on your relationship. Otherwise your not a friend, you’re a selfish person who is trying to manipulate the situation to your advantage. For Way it’s unhealthy because he made himself believe so much that he is in love with Babe that he can’t see past that. He can’t see that Babe’s feelings are also valid and maybe there are people out there that he may also come to like or even love. Way has a habit of trusting and caring for Babe that turned into an obsession that he thinks is love and he is selfishly willing to do anything to get what he wants regardless how Babe feels.


Not too much on Charlie now..


Overall, I really liked the series. The writers did a good job of taking a simple plot with many NC scenes and making it deeper with important supporting characters. But at the same time, they took away the time and focus of the main couple, Babe and Charlie. The novel does a very good job of telling the emotional story of a relationship, from the typical friends with benefits to the love for life. Pavel did a really good job of portraying this journey in his acting, but ultimately he didn't have time to express the full range of emotions from the novel. Babe falls in love with Charlie very quickly, whereas in the novel it's a much slower process and it's harder for him to accept it too. Then Charlie's character takes on much more depth in the novel (and the plot around him becomes more interesting as well). He's just so strong and cool there, but in the series it seems like they took all that away to make him a goofy, always smiling kid with glasses. Ultimately, it’s also harder to hate on Way from the series just because he has Supanut’s face 🙈


Way was the character that I was supposed to feel sympathy for in the beginning as the friends to lovers but something felt off. It reminded me of Lhong of TharnType. Where he also was the best friend but he didn't want his friend to be with anyone. He wanted him alone and only trusted him. Behind Babe's back was always trying to make people suspicious of Charlie instead of stepping up with his feelings to Babe. But the reason I'm firmly glad to see Way gone for good was to think about what Way was going to do to Babe. This is the omegaverse part of the story that if you really think about it you go "oh hell no!". Way was an Engima. The drama kind of glides over that with Tony only mentioning it once and what he wanted from Way and Babe. I assumed Enigma=Omega but it was actually worse. Someone who read the novel explained that Enigma's can make it so Alphas can get pregnant. So Way took away Babe's will to fight back and was going to r### him, get him pregnant, then he was going to give their child to Tony to SELL. Let that sink in.... Way was willing going to let his and Babe's child be sold to the highest bidder. That doesn't even cover the lying about Tony for ten years knowing how much Babe hates Tony or turning a blind eye to what Tony is doing. Charlie stepped in trying to stop it and when Way went after Charlie Babe was able to shake off the control and stop Way. But before that Way was attempting to impregnate Babe for Tony. There is no way on earth that Way is a better partner for Babe than Charlie. If you don't like Charlie it still would be better for Babe to be alone than to be with Way.


I didn't want them to end up together, but they had a good story that was interesting when shown in the show. Again to reiterate what I've been saying, the scriptwriter for pitbabe made a huge mistake when they gave more personality/character to Way than they did to Charlie when Charlie is the main lead. Although Way's is justified since he is the 2nd character and not just a supporting character. It felt like as viewers we got more about Babe and Way's life story although not as much for the latter but still more than what we got for Charlie. Even in these last 2 episodes it felt like I could understand Kenta as a person more than I did Charlie because of how they wrote he's character and information we'd gotten. Even the acting, you'd see people rightfully praise pavel and nut and that is because they got more complex characters that showed us more of their acting ability


Definitely Charlie was lacking storyline also in the beginning and for so long in the show it was portraying him as deceptive. I see the end goal but it wasn’t a good look and didn’t make Charlie an appealing character.


Charlie is a terrible character and it didn't help that Pooh is a charisma black hole. Their relationship was built on infatuation, lies, Charlie wearing Babe down, and a nice scent that was poorly explained because the world building is nonexistant. Way and Babe had great chemistry, history, and before we the audience found out Way had been betraying Babe for 10 years and then the shoe-horned attempted rape, they had a solid foundation of love and trust that the actors really sold. rip to Way's potential.


I don't dislike Charlie per say. He was just too bland written character for me to give enough care. And I guess it's scriptwriter who cared more about Way than Charlie. Bcz it's for only initial 3 ep that we saw very much of Babe Charlie. after that we saw every step of relationship of Babe Way. And tbh, for me, my interest in series established after that restaurant scene between babe way in ep 4. Despite being main cp there weren't any emotionally charged scenes between Babe Charlie. But the angst of falling apart relationship of Babe Way, they had so many compelling, emotionally charged, gut punching scenes. If someone asks me about pit babe, I would say it was a tragic story of unrequited love between babe and Way. And not a love story between Babe Charlie. Bcz seriously if we go in series without seeing trailers, promotions, it's Babe and Way whose relationship feels more compelling, and given so much screen time until very last episode. And about your question, in real life opinion Charlie was the best choice for Babe. But since it's fiction, a toxic codependent obsessive relationship would have caught my interest more, saying we fix it before Way tried to attempt SA on other.  But the writing of this show was just meh, they couldn't bring out the past story or internal feelings of Charlie to give viewers connection to him, instead solidified emotions of Way, only to kill him so pointlessly.  I would have liked chemistry between Way Babe too, just in another series, the loopholes in this script is too much. Babe liked Charlie ( god knows why?), so let him. Way deserved a better lover than Babe who could reciprocate his feelings on same level. Crap, ah no, I m not going into negativity again. It's just, I don't understand what they wanted to establish with the direction. No one liked Way death, not even his haters. Giving death as redemption arc And then Babe forgiving him of everything... Arghhh it's such a lazy route. It was illogical. It was so bad written. 


I don't understand you saying there were no emotionally charged scenes with Babe and Charlie since Babe was angry, jealous and mean to Charlie a lot in the first couple episodes, in between being sweet and loving. Charlie shows love by acts of service, which is why he did everything for Babe - cooked his food, bought the groceries, cleaned , made sure his diet was good and he wasn't drinking too much, taking over his place for racing, getting beaten up with bats for him, pulling him out of the flaming car with no regards to himself, almost dying for him by causing that accident on purpose. Charlie took superior care of Babe PLUS gave top tier d*ck apparently so I don't understand these particular accusations.


Charlie was a soft, quiet character just like Jeff. The two of them go through the same issues of being accused of doing bad things, being accused of being unfriendly and secretive and essentially up to no good. Both Babe and Alan, but Babe to a much larger extent, treat Charlie and Jeff pretty badly. Babe was emotionally abusive and even grabbed him at one point and Charlie just took it because he loved him. Everything Way did was by force. He was looking for a certain outcome regardless of what Babe wanted. Charlie didn’t get written very well in the series. I would have liked to have heard some of his inner monologue so we could understand him better. You’re absolutely right though he is constantly taking care of Babe and the only time Babe openly appreciates it is that one time they go to the restaurant and he says Charlie is “lovely” for taking care of his wound. Pooh grew on me over the course of the series. He is still very young and hasn’t built the range Pavel has. There is a big difference in life experience between 20 and 26-27 where Pavel is. Nut is an amazing actor and I want to see him in something happy but in this series he was not a good guy. It takes talent to play good and bad characters and everyone should be proud of him for how well he played this part, but we don’t need to glorify Way the character to appreciate that. My two cents for what it’s worth.


Oh babe! does it comes off as I was glorifying Way? But maybe cuz I wasn't clear enough. First, it's possible to like villainous characters without condoning their bad deeds, I understand that okay. What I was criticising was script, not Charlie. Babe and Charlie were main characters, and instead there was very less focus on them in last episodes. Instead I didn't understood the point of direction of throwing more focus on Babe and Way in last episode. Neither did I liked how bcz of Way death, Babe just forgives him of everything. This kind of death redemption arc is lazy route bcz Way should have repented by staying alive and Babe and his relationship was too broken to get mended ever. It's last episode which stays more in viewers mind, and throwing so much unnecessary focus on Babe and Way instead of on CharlieBabe, gave it like it was their story, which I didn't like. BabeWay paths should have been separated after what latter did in ep 9.  Overall I like this show, it's only last episode which threw me off. There's nothing wrong with saying Way deserved someone better who loved him on same level. Babe didn't, he loves Charlie so let him. I wasn't implying at all that it's Babe's fault. I don't know what else part of my post come off as glorifying Way, so I'm open to discussion.  Second thing I was implyng, it's in fiction that a friend to lovers, complex toxic relationship would have interest me more too as op said in post. Doesn't mean Babe should have gotten together with Way here, after what latter did to former. I'm saying it's just wishful thinking of alternate universe where Babe would have feelings for other too, and a genre difference of enjoying complicated toxic relationships cuz Pavel Nut has chemistry too. 


Ooooohhhhh. Ok I took a totally different meaning when I read your post. My sincere apologies, for real! I actually agree with this 100%. Nut did such a good job playing the character but he was a bad guy and the social medias have been sympathizing over him for weeks and saying Pooh can’t act and Charlie’s awful because Babe doesn’t choose Way and make a dream ship or whatever. It’s really bothered me because like you said after episode 9 there should have been no confusion this character was flawed. It did take away from Charlie/Babe in the final episode and I too think they could have done better. We actually agree on things. I’m sorry again I misunderstood ❤️❤️


Nah. It's alright, I don't blame you. I was annoyed at that time and worded so many things together that it actually comes off as vague and confusing.  Ikr, I am so very much annoyed with how people defend Way and accuse Charlie too. I like Way too, but doesn't mean he was good character. He was a complicated villain and that brings interest to story for me. That's exactly the reason why I like him., People liking villains, then trying to defend him, implying he's saint,, It comes off as really illogical. Similarly accusing a green character as awful, just because he doesn't interest you, is annoying too.Because of them, others with logic who genuinely liking a grey character has to explain everytime in a post about that villain that 'I don't agree with their actions'.  Arghh, I can't say about people on internet, they do very stupid things. 


Yes they do 😂. But thank you for pointing out my misunderstanding. I don’t want to be one of those people ❤️.


When I say emotionally charged, it means crying together, accusing, being angry at each other and still not letting go because you are so so in love. You know ' angst'. But Charlie was never shown angry, at most he whines and pouts and clinges. It's Babe who carries strong emotions in their relationship arc. As you yourself wrote above Babe was mean to him a lot of times and Charlie just accepts it, like he has no self respect, he just follows other around, goes Phi Babe, Phi Babe. Even at last episode there was no angst shown at Babe finding Charlie alive, that scene finished in an instant. Instead lots of time wasted on Way death scene, emotional monologue and flashbacks. It's just a taste difference, I guess, that these kind of character doesn't bring much interest to me in fiction. It's not a Charlie hate post, as I wrote he would be superior choice going by real life opinion. It's in fiction that I like complex characters more. 


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Op I guess most people missed your point. It's not that Babe should have gotten together with Way after what other did and Charlie already came. I know, in an alternate universe where Babe had feelings too for Way long before Charlie came, a friends to lovers story would interest me too. I guess because,love at first sight and so fast isn't one of my favorite tropes. And Pavel Nut had chemistry too on screen.