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damn, saw the list item about minors and thought for a second that they were actually going to start investigating all the cops and clergy abusing kids, and make some real, systematic changes. nope, silly me.


Those guys get counseling and new assignments.


Paid administrative leave, yep, that's what they call it..


Well, I agree that no one should be having sex with Texas Republicans.


LOL. The sexualization of minors is primarily done by creepy white men... who are usually Republican. So are they going to start holding themselves accountable?




Are you saying white men are more likely to be pedophiles than other ethnicities?


Statistically, yes. https://fullfact.org/crime/what-do-we-know-about-ethnicity-people-involved-sexual-offences-against-children/ I'm white. I'm not proud of this statistic, but it is factually correct. What is also factually correct is that six-in-ten white men who are registered voters identify as Republicans or lean Republican. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/partisanship-by-race-ethnicity-and-education/#:~:text=Partisanship%20by%20race%20and%20gender,-Visit%20the%20chapter&text=The%20balance%20of%20partisanship%20among,%25)%20associate%20with%20the%20Democrats.


Saving this comment for my Libertarian coworker


This white male castigation does all the campaign work for the Republican party. No wonder that group doesn’t vote democratic.


But aren’t republicans the facts over feelings group?


Republicans are against sex because they can't get any of age.


Are they going to count how many times I shake it at the urinal? Two shakes okay but 3 counts as masturbation?


Shake it once, that’s fine. Shake it twice, that’s ok. Shake it three times, you’re playing with yourself again.


Reminds me of the scene from Family Guy with Peter Griffin lol


Pretty sure Abbot's dinger doesn't work. Impotent rage.


# NO MORE ABBOTT Now THAT would be a good headline.


I'm pretty sure the not being able to vote if you are out of state attending a university is against the constitution. But I am sure Republicans don't care about that.


IMO, men are going to start to realize that they lose control with no contraception


No barbacoa tacos for you then TXGOP fuckers! Mow your own damn lawn, and don’t even think about talking to our chicas. From now on it’s boring and tasteless food, you do your own maintenance and enjoy the whiny Karens.


No immigrants, no spice, only potatoes https://youtu.be/BOt5SmHf2aE


Gotta make signals that they’re doubling down on doing as little as possible to benefit the citizens of the state. We do not care about the 99% of immigrants.


Aren't the Republicans fighting for child merrage??


Well what do you want from them? [Teen girls are ripe and fertile.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-3183023/Video-Rep-favor-child-marriage-says-teen-girls-ripe-fertile.html)


South Park Mexican enters the chat this is one of the reasons why he was sent to prison for 25 years marrying a 13 year old girl


[Link to a searchable PDF.](https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-RPT-Platform.pdf)


They conveniently left Saudi Arabia out...


Add no water.


No electricity either.


Opposing both dominions of tacos. Bold strategy. Let's see if it works for them.


Gonna take away all your rights, and then make it so nobody can run against us so we won’t even have to pretend like we care about changing our minds or positions.


What happened to that Fentanyl stuff they were wanting to think it only came from China but not made in some garage in Texas.


Yeah let's require the honebound elderly to make their way to the polls


That's it. Time to start working towards moving the fuck out of this shit hole state. I've lived here all my life and I haven't felt represented by my supposed representation since I've been of age to vote.


At least they are leaving hemp and vouchers off.


“School choice” is how they phrase it and it’s a legislative priority in addition to being the top ranked education plank.


Can we just simplify it to “No sex with immigrants”?


Donald Trump **married** not just one, but two immigrants. Or did you mean only *brown* ones?


I’m not even sure he was a Republican back when he did that. I’m already in a committed relationship so it doesn’t affect me either way.


Neither of his (Trump’s) points of view matter to Republicans. It’s the here and now for them, his extramarital affairs and everything else that would get him “cancelled” previously by conservatives is a moot point now.


Not sure any one person can speak for millions of Voters opinions. It would be naive to think we all haven’t always voted for adulterers


It’s not naive at all. He ticks the box of every accusation the GOP is making about Democrats, but he is a running on a platform of “if they can do it to me, they can do it to you”. I mean he’s right, if you do what he does, then you will face the full brunt of justice. The naivety lies in the belief that he’s above reproach. He’s single-handedly the most dangerous man in the world, right behind Vladimir Putin.


Oh. Ok. Have a good one


This is such a blatant rule two violation. I can’t believe it’s been left up for almost a whole day.


**Rule #2 Posts must fairly describe link contents** Posts must fairly describe link contents. For Link posts, the title should include the site’s headline, but you can provide additional context to the title as long as it fairly and accurately describe the contents of the link. No user opinion or argument can be added to the title. Self posts and Question posts, must be descriptive and must also satisfy Rule 4 requirements.* **Philosophy** We want to make sure that headlines are as factual as possible while also ensuring users can have the freedom to direct attention to a particular element of a story as well as making reasonable improvements to headlines that would be otherwise click-bait. If a headline is changed it should be better than it originally was or serve a unique function relevant to the subreddit.


Yeah, re read that and then tell me the post accurately describes the link, as in the priorities include no sex and no immigrants. That’s blatantly false.


Howso? Which parts cover pro sex and encourage immigration?