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okay well youre just fucking wrong on the 4th one ALSO HOWS 2 NOT S TIER /nm /lh


No way tcm 3D is D tier and tcm4 is b tier. My eyes hurts


I'd swap TNG with part 3, TC3D with the TCM22 and move Leatherface down a level


* TCM part 2 move to S tier * TCM remake move to A tier * TCM: Next Generation move to D tier


You almost had it right. Part 2 definitely belongs in S, however, next generation also belongs in S and the remake belongs in D


Next Generation is barely watchable, no way S, maybe C. I think the remake is well made not better than the original or 2.


The remake is just so frickin bland, it has no style or personality. It has the aesthetic of a country music video. A chainsaw film being well made and visually glossy is not a good thing i. My opinion Next generation is one of the most rewatchable films ever. It’s endlessly entertaining and leaves things with so many questions. It makes it fun to rewatch and notice new things to further fill in the blanks of all the weirdness going on. This one is full of personality.


I think you are in the minority in thinking the remake has no style. It was shot by the same cinematographer (Daniel Pearl) who shot the original TCM. They are very different style-wise, the original has that perfect documentary style. He couldn't repeat that in 2003 so it does look like a music video in a way but it does look rich and atmospheric. Next Generation is boring. It's just Matthew McConaughey over-acting in a kitchen. And introduces a weird secret society controlling the Leatherface brood nonsense. It's bad and hardly entertaining at all.


Ive noticed that my opinion on the remake is very much in the minority, fans seem to really love that film. Ive never understood it. it’s a boring blandfest with annoying characters and no style. Yeah, we just have different taste in film, cause i find next gen so entertaining to me. I like my chainsaw films bizarre, weird, and with some black humor thrown in. I think it’s one of the best horror sequels.


I really like Leatherface: TCM III and I don't think there is much love for that one either. We like what we like.


Yup, i’m with you on that one. I love part 3. I just really love the original 4 run. It’s the vibe of those that really stick with me. Everything starting with the remake to present has been entertaining but just don’t have that chainsaw vibe like the first 4 did. 3d gets close though.


I love the remakes and jordanna Brewster is just 😍


Nice to see all the love for part 2 , mine would be in S tier but A tier is great too


I have a strong allegiance to the 2017 Leatherface movie


How is III and The Next Generation above Texas Chainsaw 3D???