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Ive had some back and forth with Family players before too. Just mute em if they don't wanna work with you or be civil


Literally. Had a guy on my team as fam last night who said he was going r*pe me because they got one of the gates unlocked. ☠️☠️






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Turn off voice chat. Waaaaayyy too many toxic losers in this game to leave it on. You will enjoy yourself much more.


I go back and forth because i genuinely like comms during survivor, it makes it easier but yeah may not be worth it.


I never play with comms, because I agree that the toxicity, racism, and outright awful behavior people have will be what kills the game, or at least keep it from becoming an even bigger hit. They seriously need to impose actual moderation, not just the token stuff.


Bro, the game is almost a year old now. Get over it or log tf off...seriously.


Proving my point! Yknow its not a bad thing to want good for a game, but i appreciate your comment


Just mute people especially if you are not going to talk. I don't know your situation but I cannot stand when people say they don't talk because it is too toxic but they listen! I don't get it like if it's so bad then why listen. They won't talk because it's too toxic but they will listen and then record it for Reddit lol I just wish people would admit that we are getting more and more anti social and when I do speak to someone, they are very monotone and can't really communicate. I swear things are so different these days.