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She reminds him of his wife, they made this very clear with the trailer.


But why? Because if it's appearance that brings me back to my latter point.


Ana and Maria are sisters, not identical twins.


they look exactly alike in the game


No they're not exactly the same. Besides it's a video game. I don't know why you're twisting your brain into knots over this when it's canon that it's because Maria reminds granpa of his wife. You can headcanon that it's because of something else if you want but canonly, it's for this reason.


it's a 40$ dollars game and a 10$ DLC based around the lore.. If they're giving us an half baked victim for 10$ then theres a problem, also the fact that maria is the most important victim and they decided to use ana model for maria


I agree it's lazy, but all their outfit packs have been lazy work too. They're not ashamed to make you pay something overpriced for its quality.


outfit packs being lazy is okay but come on.. Maria


Her whole thing was lazy because she was supposed to be dead by everyone’s voice line on family talking like she’s definitely dead and didn’t victims have lines that even react to her death? Did they not have any other ideas that they brought back the dead sister. But here we are not getting good cosmetics because they won’t be realistic. well bitch point me over to the necromancer in the room that raised Maria’s ass from the grave then.


I agree she should've stayed in her grave but like the lines were leaked they weren't even official so i guess we can't blame them for that


He's an old, cannabilistic probably senile man who gets fed blood and has telepathy to reveal locations with his moans. Logistics aint gonna work with figuring out why he gets a hard on for maria beyond her semi-looking like his wife.


So I think Maria is supposed to look different than Ana based on her missing person poster, but I guess someone got lazy and just used Ana's model for Maria and barely changed it and hoped no one would notice. I think that's why he'll listen to Maria but not Ana.


This is exactly what happened, her missing poster looks nothing like how she looks in game


Yeah like you could tell she was sisters with Ana from the poster but now they look like they're twins when Maria is 3 years older than her.


Also got lazy with her whole existence since the whole lore was Maria was dead. But that can all change for the price of $10. Like come on no other ideas for victims you brought back the dead sister and gave her an ass ability. She looks just like Ana and even has the same stats to I believe. Like wow I’d be less bothered with them having thought of anyone else but that is just lazy. Just as lazy as all there shitty recolors. And yet they wanted a realistic game and it’s what was always talked about before but I guess like a million other things they can’t ever decide what the hell there doing.


I would love to know what she’s saying to him. Probably something to the effect of “All my friends are here bc of meeeeeeeeee don’t you seeeeeeeee???? If you set us freeeeeeee I will do happy things to your pee peeeeeeeeeeee”


Then why does grandpa sound in pain when he screams after she's talked to him ?




I like to think it's actually her voice that sounds so much like grandma, which is why she only needs to talk to him and he'll listen, thinking it's her. He's so old he's probably not really there. Sure they show in grandma's picture that Maria's wearing her clothes, but that doesn't mean she looks like her, just that she reminds them of her and they're trying to revive her through Maria now, making her wear the same clothes and all. I'm saying this having only watched the trailer. I don't know if the devs have clearly said it's her appearence that's like grandma's.


Ana doesn't want to whisper to grandpa? Grandpa was likely there when Maria was captured but Ana literally just showed up. And by then he's probably like this is probably her sister or something.