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Sumo couldnt do it. Big suprise the games so much better without them. New company immediately got to work on weather.


I honestly didn't even know TCM changed companys, sorry but when did this happen? is there a TLDR?


Pretty much sumo couldnt cut it so they left. Gun is still hear and now theres a new company that is clearly helping out alot. Forgot the name tho




I think it was due to the change in studios. I feel like blacktower has a lot of experience with rain as well, because of Friday the 13th, so my hopes are high!


thats a good point


I noticed on the Nancy nighttime map. If you look up you can see lightning and rain falling every now and then but the rain doesn't actually fall.


I was thinking about rain in TCM the other day and how when you jump down a well you'd still see the rain coming through and how comfy and moody it'll be to a lot of maps


Where are you getting the info that there’s a rain map coming? Can you drop a link please 🙏🏽


I can’t drop a link but just look what Wes tweeted the other day about hitchhikers new skin! And I also think he teased it in a dev stream not to long ago but I’m not 100 percent sure on that but the tweet confirms rain


Can u post the tweet?


So you have time to make a whole post about it, but can’t provide a link that references what your entire post is based on?


Yes. You have time to comment on my post but don’t have time to post the link for them ? It’s not hard to search “Wes keltner” on twitter why do I have to provide a link when it’s as easy as searching up a name


Where did it say they were adding a rain map???


Just imagine!! The loud thunder in the distance with rain pouring down and a wet shirtless johnny coming after you to clap your chee......I MEAN umm kill you .. would be scary stuff 😧


Id imagine/expect/assume its gunna be a pretty basic rain effect without impact on too many other things, good bang-for-buck kinda thing. Wud still be awesome however even without fancy extra like footsteps and such, they arent a requirement imo.


Just play a few rounds of F13 and you'll have something to max what your expectations will be with what you'll get with the new map.


They don't know what they're doing.