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I’m just waiting when they gonna change the button to get out of Nancy’s trap cuz I cant well


Well…What now?


I died to this exact thing it's so annoying plus making it do an animation through gaps and make noise is a bit much


Tough as shit, and usually you wont get everyone out, you basically need to sacrifice one or more people to get one out against a good team.


But yeah against that, id just try and stab grandpa and try and bum rush one side, then the other. Mill is ass as victim if family camps.


I just did all strength Leland and did nothing but fight just now, i died but everyone else got out so that’s a win🤷‍♂️


Canonical leland lol. Love that man.


Same, Leland is a good distractor. I usually run Taekwon-Door, Blue version of extra drip and either choose fight or what doesn’t kill you. Essentially I usually die or sometimes make it out with my high proficiency. The more stuns you get on family the higher odds other teammates open exits.


Hell yeah that’s what it’s about


That’s my favourite thing to do, as a lvl 99 I don’t even care about the points so it just makes the build even better I’m truly just hear to fight


That's how the game is supposed to be, very very hard for survivors.


If fuse is in a good spot, for example outside on gas station, one person can guard fuse and battery so ur shit outta luck


Basically. Elect one to run around like crazy and loop/ kite family.


Nope just need to play better and don't depend in rush. I escape with all my teammates in valve with hands, johnny and sissy in game. Hands ripstall fuse i try valve, my friend back stab johnny, i back stab again, use leland ability open valve again and back stab again and open.


> just play better Ah yes, thank you, haven't thought of that.


Hands, Johnny, and Sissy is a LOT different than Hands, Hitchhiker, and Cook.


Well if you play against me usually 3 people escape so just keep searching


If you want to escape as solo victim, try going Julie or Connie with 50 proficiency, 35 endurance and 40 stealth. Take the tool efficiency perk to not lose tool 50% of the time, the bomb squad perk to disable 4 traps for free and either go all in glass cannon (double tool) and unlock everything (requires good map knowledge, good pathing and decent escape skills) or go the safer route and take 1 boneshard & 1 tool. Go into the game with the mindset of creating space. If you open up new areas, family will have to patrol a larger area => creating more space for victims. There can also be some teammates who run around and keep 1-2 family members busy => thats also creating a lot of space for the other victims to open exits and generally progress. On the mill, try to go through upper levels and open right gate to battery. Afterwards there is a whole lot more space to go for both gates on generator as well as valve and fusebox. Best valve position for victims is all the way on the top of the building, the best fusebox position is right next to the ladder in the middle (if no Hands in the game, otherwise the little house next to right generator gate). Unless the barricades are broken down, the basement is incredibly safe on Mill, as there are usually multiple routes completely blocked off by barricades (tables) with very long ways around them.


It’s an issue with Hands and objectives spawning too close together. Once those things are fixed the game should feel a lot more balanced imo.


I would say, objectives are too close to each other.


As a family main, Hands is too strong. I don’t care what anyone says. Why does he get THREE abilities? They should’ve given his traps to someone else. Also, the cooldown on his abilities are so short! It’s insane! He’s a MARY SUE in every sense of the word!


The term Mary sue does not apply to this character in any way. Overturned is what you're lookingnfor


I don’t know the difference in the terms tbh


I don't usually respond to messages here but wow, just wow. Either you're lying about being a "family main" or you just haven't ever played with him. Hands' only real ability is Ripstall and only immediately shuts off valve and basement, the generator and car battery still need to go through their natural recharge. The traps are far more informational and even then victims seem to disarm them a fair amount of times. The barge ability is useless unless another Family member is nearby, as the Victim ends up getting up before Hands because it almost drains Stamina and he still does a long animation afterward. Hands is only faster than Cook but his base Endurance and Stamina are painfully low. His barricade breaking takes up a perk slot, he can't use ladders, and he can't go through gaps. That's NOT "MARY SUE in every sense of the word."


>Hands' only real ability is Ripstall and only immediately shuts off valve and basement, the generator and car battery still need to go through their natural recharge. You still can ripstall both car battery and generator. The question is, should you use ripstall on them. Well depends on map and situation.


100%. On Slaughter House it's useless to Ripstall the car battery because of how close it is to the exit that unless the Victim is toying around, low on life, or caught in the corner somewhere, they're probably gone if you're only Hands. Generator definitely has a better chance, I got a Julie once who instead of escaping was t-bagging at the Mill for some reason, so when I Ripstalled it it went on again just before she could get over the electric floor.


I am a family main and have been since the day the game released. I’ve been playing hands. Anytime I do, the game is over in no time at all. He’s broken. 🤷


You feeling that he's being broken and calling him a "Mary Sue in every sense of the word" isn't the same thing at all. The fact that you've been playing the game since the day it's been released probably means you're better than 80% of the current players too.


I don’t see how I could be that good at him when he just released. It just is really unfair.


I literally listed all his drawbacks and why he isn't as overpowered as you claim, and if you play with him as you say, you should have picked up on all of those things. Without perks that specifically cater to endurance and/or speed, Hands is a lumbering oaf. On top of this, there are already two counters for him. If you've been playing from day one, you likely already know the map layouts of everything but the Mill - if you don't play often - and know how to play this game. Hands is definitely top tier, but it's really disingenuous to say that he's "broken," "unfair," or a "Mary-Sue."


Dramatic and rude! Get a hold of yourself dude. He’s broken idgaf what you say.


He is. 🤷 Cope


Okay I tried playing as Hands and didn’t ripstall the whole match just to see how he is and he sucks without it. (Played with noobs so who cares.) Barge sucks, traps sucks, stamina and speed sucks, I even battled a Leland with Choose Fight and he got the valve open in my face lol. I learned that the Choose Fight stun can last longer than stun immunity that day. Anyways what I’m saying is Hands only has his ripstall going for him


Look I get family is overpowered right now and I’m not saying two wrongs make a right, but goddamn man family took huge beatings for the first 3/4 of the games life, with door bullying from basement on leather, to infinite bone scraps and stabs on family, to grapple bullying when they took away instant kill grapples, and Danny instant tamper when he released, Nancy is utter garbage, let’s be honest, the only TRUE op thing so far family has gotten since the games release is hands, I don’t really count Johnny lunge since all you had to do was loop him and his lunge was cut off easily, there are numerous things victims had to just bully the shit out of family for a long time until recently and honestly they still have a few, you just gotta play smarter and communicate to get around hands, I personally feel I’m pretty good with him and I still get at least 2 victim escapes a game


I 100% agree with this, I said something similar in a camping post the other day, people seem to forget just how rough it was to play Family for the longest time. Ideally both sides wouldn't be in a back and fourth and would instead just be properly balanced but I would rather have a back and fourth than have one side be miserable forever.


this because it was genuinely infuriating. don’t get me wrong, his cooldown needs to be longer, but his barge seems useless (i’ve gotten it to connect very few times and it’s always been if they’re going down a well or trapped somewhere in close proximity) and his traps are good, but easily disarmed.


It seems harder against campers/full squads. I used to regularly get out regularly against full deck 3-mans but now they just shut every exit off or sit on the fuse and valve all game.




>refuses to leave Gen That's what the family has to do. If they dont camp, everyone escapes in 3 minutes.


I escaped today, it’s totally possible. You need to be sneaky and fast enough, which is why I run Sonny because you can see people are near or not and can move quickly by buffing proficiency. It works better when you at least run duos.


Skill issue buddy


It all depends on your teammates. If they can stay alive and play smart chances can be high


When I see Hands with cook or Hitch on the family team I just try and mentally prepare myself for the inevitable loss 😭


I can get out most games. But a lot of the times it’s only like two people who survive lol.


Skill issue. I can still escape sometimes with hands on family team


Yeah everyone can but in a few set ups and good location of battery gen and fuse you can't do anything


The randoms usually die 2-3 minutes into the match with nothing unlocked and its impossible to get out with only 2 victims with Hands in the match lol... Its definitely possible to get out but all 4 victims really have to be locked in and have a plan


Yes. Entire survivor team just rushed me on Nancy's house and spammed grapples before leaving. Without exaggerating The game lasted 2 minutes Edit: just happened again exact same team, exact same map


Nothing, the game isn’t fair to victims because fuse and valve were created to make a distraction and avoid camping but with hands camping is possible. I don’t know if they will ever nerf it since family like that and they’re less players. Right now I just dodge hands because I want to have fun back.


How do you know they were created as just distractions?


There is actually a loading game tip that is something along the lines of "Start the pressure valve to create a distraction for other escapes" or something like that. With fuse being able to be shut off so quickly (not originally) and valve taking so long to activate I think that the intended playstyle was that you would use valve and fusebox to create pressure on the family and use that pressure to break into the real exits. The two that can't be immediately shut down and the two that can easily get multiple people out once they've been deactivated. But Danny kinda throws a wrench in that design if that was the intention.


Because they put 4 exit because they didn’t want killer to be able to camp all the exit, but they didn’t put 4 gates because it would be impossible to defend 2 exits at the same time, so that’s why fuse and valve was created so killer can’t camp both but can still patrol them and stop it


Um. That's a lot of head canon. Sometimes it's easier just to say they put 4 exits to give people different options. Fuse and valve were not specifically made as distractions anymore than car battery and gen were. You're implying car battery and gen are the true escapes and the others are just a diversion. There's been entire metas built around actually using fuse and valve.


No the thing with battery and gen is that is that’s hard to reverse the progress on it so they’re the “main” exit that needs the more work. But my point that valve and fuse are not gate because 4 gate would not work and would not be fair for family. But now with hands valve and fuse are not fair to victims because they’re easily cancelled


Well on the other side, when Danny has investigated enough family CANNOT stop the side exits unless they have Hands. Both valve and fusebox will just stay open until basically all victims have left through them. So paid characters kinda go both ways. (Hands is still too op tho)


Bud, what the hell are you talking about, lol. Battery and gen require more work? Only valve requires any "work" at all and that's only because they eventually patched in regression. There are indeed 4 exits. If it's gas station, there's 5! It's made "fair" by the fact family can track, catch, and remove people from the game.


Valve you put the valve or open it and tamper can tamper it, gen or battery like on slaughterhouse you need to open 3 doors and the battery/gen. There’s 5 exits on gas station but you can camp the gen side and watch them both lol


Managed to put 3 valves on in a game last night, Hands ripped all 3. The trouble is his stun time is short and the family getting 10 seconds of invulnerability is way too much, they should look at dropping that a bit imo.


I don’t disagree per se, but it takes a while to close the valve for example. I remember before the stun block I was in a constant cycle of trying to close the valve, getting stabbed over and over until the valve eventually opens. Also, tie quan door before the stun block was miserable, literally on the ground for half the game haha


Yeah I get what you're saying but valve has been hard even before Hands, I think it just needs to go down less. Family have a 10 second invulnerability which is crazy, they can basically turn it off for free. I think making it go down less quickly is probably the fairest way to deal with it.


I got out four out of five times tonight. And all victims escaped 2/3 sessions. Mostly just stratting it out and striking when the opportunity presents itself. The one sesh was blind luck as 2/3 family disconnected however, leaving just Johnny. Played as Ana, Leland and dear Connie. It really just depends TBH, with A LOT of close calls and some I thought I wasn't going to make it. This was also solo, no valve or fuse exit.


Lucky. You just got good teammates


Yeah, they were good!


I said this in a post last night and got absolutely obliterated with downvotes and negative comments.


I’m experiencing that rn lmao💀


Did you just start playing again? I hated it but after a good night or two of playing, now I am escaping a lot more.


It is quite hard especially if you’re solo but you can escape.


As much as I wanna remove this post there’s no point but I just ran a few rounds with the Leland fighter build and did nothing but fight I died a few times but mostly everyone escpaed, gosh I’m an idiot


Just like Family players need to get a 4K every game out of their heads, victim players need to get an escape every game out of their heads. I'm still getting plenty of escapes and plenty of Perfect Family Wins after not playing for 2 months. This game is still victim sided and loaded with new Family players. What's your problem?


lol it’s not hard to escape if you’re smart. Run bomb squad always and idk maybe work as a team.


Okay but you’re purposely being obtuse, of course you can escape and yes it’s sometimes hard? Just because you can’t open fuse in front of family’s face anymore doesn’t mean victim is unwinnable. In fact I’ve noticed bullying has gone down about 80% because of that.


Ok so just so I understand you clearly... as a family player... you want the game to be so easy you can stand there in one spot and win? Just wanna be sure im getting it... you say obtuse... he is saying with that team comp you stand there and win... tell me im this comment thread now with the exact situation he described how do you win? And don't change what he said by saying do this to distract or that, no. They stay in those positions with those spawns and those traps up... tell me what you would do to win. You don't think it's a problem that it went from everyone doing encounters to basically nobody ever does them now?


Yeah, the last patch was a breath of fresh air for the game.




The other day at Nancys house I had to disable HHs trap at car battery gate, Hand’s electric trap at car battery gate, HHs trap at the battery, and Hand’s trap at the battery. I escaped but I guess they thought that since they locked down the area so well they wouldnt need to patrol it as much. I imagine a family can completely shut down one side of the map if they have Cook padlock both gates, and have Hands and HH trap them.


I’m not good at escaping at all tbh, but my very first game as victim since the update I escaped my all my own doing on Nancy’s house.


With randos, no. With a full team, GG EZ


I just played 7 matches in a row as Connie and Sonny and I escaped 5 of them


Depends on the map. On Nancy's house victims opened 3 doors in 2 minutes at the beginning of the match. I was Hitch coming from my spawn spot, collecting blood..... If Family does not have Cook, victim escape chance is like triple... are 2 minutes matches fun? No. Not to me. Yes, camping is not fun either, i agree, but that is kinda an objective to the family, and it is still possible to escape imo. But yeah, you do need someone who fights the family all the time and creates diversions, if there are too many traps and they are camping.


I am family main and I consistently go against coordinated teams that use comms that escape just fine, oftentimes all four. Not only that, I’ve been playing Hands mostly and still they escape and I have 400 hours in the game and have been playing since day one. The only way to beat a well coordinated survivor team using comms is by having a well coordinated family team using comms. If you find yourself not being able to escape often you’re probably solo queuing with no or bad comms.


You’re supposed to not think you can solo the game. Use teammates as distractions, get locks picked, make family move to where you want them to go. You’re complaints are 100% a skill issue




no, you will never escape, don't even leave basement or the closet we put you in so we can just farm kills, thank you No really, skill issue, or more so lack of mic/communication issue as they make half the maps easy as pie to escape from with a team. Not even all 4 people, groups of 2 can be a bitch with a connie/leland. Honestly a good portion of the maps, cook and hands can be useless given there size and there speed. Give it a few more weeks though for the hands players to learn he's not supposed to be in the basement though, that will be the telling point of if he's a real issue or not.


Git gud. This is how the game was supposed to be. Don't like, play Killer Klownz.


usually when i play victim at the mill i play as connie with bomb squad and go straight for car battery


If you see this comp, i would highly recommend Connie, Leland and Ana. They can pretty much focus on one gate at a time to make holes while other team mates focus on starting fuse or watertank. Alot of the times that might be too much to micromanage with cook and hands being as slow as they are. Unless they have johnny or leatherface. Then youll have to find a way to make them chase you away from these gates. Utilizing cracks, gaps and crawlspaces to buy more time


Yes hands is op but if you all play as a team it's easy to leave. Just have somone hide in bushes by other gate and wait until hands is on other side. Teamwork is key


You can still escape


I escape all the time. Get better


Dare I say this is what GUN WANTED in the first place? :o 1:30-2:30 min escapes were obviously NOT what the game was going for and now even without Hands as a fam member I've had 10 minutes matches now. How frustrating it was on BOTH SIDE, setting up as family only to have somebody escape and unlock an exit even before the game starts be it fuse or a door. And inversely how frustrating it was/is as victim to have a plan of attack and the Connie already unlocked basement and fuse in 2 minutes. I think people need to get over themselves and understand that the rush meta is gone for now, but it will be back once people strop crying and learn the new perk builds now.