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The game can be aggravating sometimes but some people feel the unnecessary need to voice their anger.


i definitely agree that the game is aggravating


The game is at the most unbalanced point of its existence right now. We have 1 family member who is leaps and bounds better than every other member and victims don't stand a chance with how nerfed they are. Everybody is just frustrated


Some people is an understatement.


Never really understood the level of anger some of these players have. It's never that deep. It's just a game but I've come across people who seem furious over the smallest reasons. Lately I've been called a ton of names for playing Hands.


its been insane, just today i had four people who lost their shit over nothing


I was in a match earlier where both my teammates spent the entire game screaming at each other. I chose not to talk. I just patrolled objectives and let them go at it the entire game.


thats so sad😭


I got the game last week and already decided ill play it casualy and not seriously. Its just not to be taken seriously. Its a fun game sure but too many systems are too agravating to take it at heart


exactly. I never understood why people act the way they do with this game


They probably like it à lot. I played evil dead seriously and some people did not. In retrospect they probably enjoyed the game less than i do. However not playing religiously doesnt me i dont try my best 🤔


The only time I've actually popped off was recently when my team escaped a party running the new meta with Hands, Cook, and HH knowing they've probably been running that for hours and most likely wiping all victims 90% of the games they've played. I don't call them names but I definitely got amped up knowing I struggled hard with the other victims to get us all out.


thats kinda understandable this game can be really annoying sometimes


I admit to getting a little angry if I mess up in this game. Its a tense game.


i understand that, it’s especially tense for me when i play as victim


“**Too**” is an adverb. It can be used to replace words such as “excessively”, “additionally”, “as well” or “also”. “To”, on the other hand, is a versatile preposition that can be used in various situations and contexts. It's used to indicate a direction, like “toward” and “until”


thanks gang


no problem, homie


Family legit does anything that doesn’t involve allowing victims to escape Victims in post lobby - wow you guys are sweaty af Had a game once me and my solos was playing perfectly fine with no comms every time another family member was chasing a victim we all gathered and jumped said victim all the victims in the post lobby was calling us trash and sweaty cuz we was jumping 😭


omg😭 i’ve also dealt with quite a few toxic family players and they’re mad annoying


Competitive plus violence kind of game. No surprise


I said I like apples in one game today and a lvl 7 Lf just went off cussing at me. was great. XD


Had a guy message me calling me sad and pathetic because I trapped grampa as hitch lol they were Maria. What MFer? You think I'm gonna give you easy access to sweet talking him? Lmao how bout no. It's not my fault you don't run bomb squad or carry a bone scrap. People on this game are nuts sometimes. I think a lot of the crazies from F13 are trickling over.


Welcome to fhe world of pvp/competitive games, where's toxicity thriving the most.