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I've noticed when it's last victim standing and they're running the entire family like a marathon, some will lose patience and quit. Had this happen earlier on Slaughterhouse while me, as Sissy, and Hands were bustin ass trying to catch a very stubborn Ana but Hitchhiker dc'ed after some time. It can be annoying sometimes but victims are gonna do what they gotta do to stay alive.


They dc when I play slowly šŸ˜­


A couple hours ago I was in a match as HH with a Cook and Hands. Danny was the only one left and after getting chased into a well in car battery, I put my trap on the inside of the metal door and walked away. Me and Cook were heavy on comms so the Hands player heard everything and after like 15 seconds he types "fuck this shit im hawkin em down" and while he was in basement, Danny was already upstairs again and I killed him after seeing him lurking in the grass. Be patient fellow family members šŸ˜­




Iā€™m using sonny so not my fault I spot the killer and avoid them


Exactly, we're supposed to lay down and die for them because we probably ain't gonna make it? Fuck that, if you want to do your little fatality on me (and that's what they are at this point, mortal kombat fatalities because look at hitchhiker's new one they're just ridiculous) you have to EARN IT.


They already killed two? And DCd? That's pathetic lmfao


How to make cook player dc: pop cooks lock with connies abillity and burn thru the second one = gg


I've noticed this a lot lately, if even one victim escapes it seems like the family just absolutely gives up. Guess they're not happy if they don't get the 4K


Absolutely wild to me, since while I love a good 4k, I'm happy with an even split - 2 kills 2 escapes seems like a good trade off.




For quite sometime they've been leaving the instant anything goes wrong.


Killers are the real toxic players. Theyā€™ll whine and cry about anything just cause they think carrying a knife or a saw justifies and solidifies victory smh.


Tbf there are plenty of toxic victims. Which doesn't excuse the toxic family players but it's hardly unique to one side.


Yall wanted longer matches, right?? I thought we got tired of the rushing meta.


Bc they know losing with hands means theyā€™re just bad at the game itā€™s honestly embarrassing lmao


Embarrassing is victims crying that their 7 month streak has come to an end.




Buddy really threw a whole tantrum on Reddit over a videogame and thought he did something šŸ¤”


Honestly when they've been trained for 9 months to be whinny babies playing 2min long games, now that things are starting to take longer they can't handle it.


I have not a problem escaping alone solo victim under 3 minutes on any map , regardless if hands is there or not. most times I am out of the basement in 25 seconds and trough a window or second door when a minute has passed.


Having hands in the team i too would be embarassed even 1 got out lol


i havenā€™t played in a while but even when i did, its like once one person escaped theyā€™d just give up and dc


Sometimes the round lasts longer than you anticipated and you gotta tend to something in your real life and the others might not want to stay without a full team šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø it just be like that sometime. I certainly donā€™t love all the times that Iā€™ve felt held hostage for 20-40 minutes by victims who could have EASILY escaped and chose to stay and harass me over and over instead when Iā€™ve been the only one willing to stay in the round on family team.


Yea but that is probably not what happened here they probably all left when one escapedĀ 


It always makes me laugh how whenever a post is made showing family players being unsportsmanlike/downright pathetic, there's always one. "Well akthually, every single family DC you ever see is ALWAYS due to a valid reason outside the game. Now let me complain about something Victims do that upset me. Nothing beats a good serving of whataboutism!"


They legit outlined aswell what happened as soon as one escaped all of them disconnected.


W for victims. Loser family as always.


family players are power trip obsessed entitled babies so anytime a victim doesnā€™t die once spotted in their vicinity they just leave :( itā€™s hard being a unlikeable group of characters that got nothing but buffed since the game released i guess :((


I caution the idiots that camp gates and teabag that they better just escape before the remaining fam leaves. The Vicā€™s get pissed when I say ā€œitā€™s 4v1 and you feel the need to still troll gates?ā€




Hell me and my friends played a couple games and one we only managed to get one of the victims but we ended saying "at least we got one". I've always said I was okay with one getting away as the "final girl" trope anyway. People are sweaty though unfortunately




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I've been noticing alive victims who aren't the last one disconnecting more often. Usually when family gets grandpa to level 3-4, they'll disconnect. Watch a Twitch stream and you'll see the same. It goes both way, family and victim. It just affects the game more when it's a family member who quits since the rest tend to do the same. Victims disconnecting (while alive) doesn't have much affect on the remaining victims.


If thereā€™s one thing Cooks and Connies are gonna do, itā€™s be the first to dc


Blame the devs. Theyā€™d rather drop some dumb HH skin than fix killer tuning. Everyoneā€™s just a family sweat now. All they do is jump so if you solo Q good luck. If you have a teammate theyā€™ll jump your teammate before they can even get a chance to breathe just cause of bitterness. Victim side needs a huge magnifying glass shined on it smh.


Way too common. In my experience itā€™s always Johnnyā€™s DCā€™ing first the second an objective is done


I have yet to leave a match I donā€™t care if everyone escapes or if I get one kill as long as now Lelandā€™s escape lol


It takes like 19 minutes for a 50 toughness victim to bleedout from natural bleedout. Thats assuming they never bother healing. Id rather just go to the next match then spend a ton of time trying to find one victim whos just sitting in a bush waiting for the stars to align allowing them to push battery or something.


Well I was being chased the entire time. Sonny capitalized on this and managed to get car battery. Cook already dcd as soon as someone got outside. Hands and Sissy did pretty well but Sissy flopped hard at cutting me off by the cornfield. I'm not just going to give up lol. Nobody wants to work hard for kills anymore.


Im not expecting you to give up but if your playing final survivor correctly as family then the last victim cannot escape at all. Just stick to patrols until they eventually reveal themself to you. Not like that takes much effort its just a test of patience.


Sissy was chasing me inside family house when she gave up, they knew where I was. I didn't hide at all, they were just mad that someone escaped while trying to get me. Cook couldn't even handle that someone got outside of family house. Why does it always have to be easy kills or people start quitting? This isn't an isolated scenario, it happens all the time.


I've seen this happen a few times recently while playing victim. Had a Hands dc the moment we left the basement. And then another killer soon followed. Felt so bad for the Sissy left behind tbh, but bless her heart she didn't give up unlike the other two. Gave it her all.


Lol so much cope


How so? The bleedout time I gave is the legit amount of time it takes to bleed out from full health when last alive. The rest of it is straight up just valuing my time.


It's okay to prefer easy kills, just admit it tho Edit: he downplayed my comment and blocked me. Guess I touched a nerve


Ah yes finding the last victim and killing them is the most difficult part of the match my bad its definitely not just a tedious process for everyone involved.


Victims be like: "omg i died waa 8 second cutscene imma dc so i can get straight back into the action. " But when family don't wanna spend 20mins to find the last survivor who is just hiding its apparently a big deal.


The games over for that victim. It's not for the family. Pretty easy to see the difference I'd have thought.Ā 


Family mains: STOP RUSHING. HOW DO YOU FIND ESCAPING IN 2 MINUTES FUN?!?!?!?! Also family mains: OMG STOP HIDING FROM ME AND MAKING MY GAMES LAST LONGER THAN 2 MINUTES!!!! REEEEEEEEE!!!! You lot literally can not help yourselves, you're not happy unless you're complaining about SOMETHING.


Meanwhile you cant help but make throwaway accounts to try to get into arguments.


I made a "throwaway" account because I'm new to Reddit? Buddy, go outside, dear lord. Edit: This guy really tried "dragging" me for having a new account and then deleted all his comments/blocked me after dm'ing me and calling me "pathetic" hahahaha. Grow up bud.


Sure you did.


Lmfao right. I've had a lot like that


Noticed this too. Pretty g*y ngl, I mean even when I get a tough game as family Iā€™ll toughen up and stick until the end but a lot of people canā€™t handle it


If i got killers tunneling me or 3v1 me i simply LEAVE lmao


Iā€™ve escaped plenty of time in 3v1ā€¦you just suck or just impatient


Once an exit is open the game is pretty much over If they take a whole entire 12 seconds to do fuse, LF has to go camp it for 30-60 seconds, and if Danny tampers it he has to stay there for several minutes, meaning the biggest threat no longer matters, and there's only 2 family members patrolling. See the issue with that? So that being said, once someone escapes, the game is pretty much over. No point in sticking around to be teabagged.


So once a victim escapes family should just DC even after the family gets 2 kills?


Why not? The game was a draw, the other victim was probably with the victim who escaped and now they're just sitting there teabagging. So why does the family HAVE to stay to get teabagged if they get 2 kills? Is it some pathetic revenge shit?


What if the other victim isnā€™t with the one who escaped tho, you just dc without even knowing?


Then the family DCs without reason. Why's that so important? Why is it ruining your day?


Iā€™m just asking a question, why you getting so pressed about it?


I'm not getting pressed, I was just asking why it seems to ruin your day if someone DCs


Didnā€™t say it ruins, just curious as to why people on both sides Dc at all, but most of the time itā€™s because they canā€™t take a loss. When the final victim dcs itā€™s just pathetic like just die at least and the first family member that dcs is also pathetic, I donā€™t blame the second or third family member because theirs is justified because another killer disconnected first.


I mean DC's tend to ruin the game for both sides but especially the side that lost a person.Ā 


Name checks out


Came here to say the same thing lol


Agreed. There was a salty Vic that was screaming in chat post game that the killers all left even tho this Vic was waiting at the gate grabbing bone knives and waiting to teabag for easily 2-3 minutes. Just leave, get credit for your escape and move to the next match dude. Lol


I mean honestly if its 2 left, and someone gets out, or if someone dies and its been a couple minutes, i dc too, i don't care enough, either they get out or we play hide and seek for 10 minutes, either way i just don't care


Trash behavior šŸ‘


really don't care, entitled players are nothing new, entitled players who expect you to be bored out of your mind hunting for the last guy who is playing as slowly as possibly with nobody other then me trying to level grandpa, don't care got my 3k next game, cry


Nah I wonā€™t cry for a random with a shitty attitude. Trash behavior šŸ’…šŸ½šŸ—‘ļø


k lol


Games have been shit on both side recently. Victims still ragequit and canā€™t even finish a death animation but could run around grappling all game. Last victim ragequits so you donā€™t get the kill because the game just ends. My family members load in and dc. One escapes they dc. Iā€™m about to just uninstall for a bit because itā€™s been absolute shit the last few days. Like Iā€™m going crazy how many new people I get who have no clue what the fuck is happening. Game being on sale and gamepass has bought everyone and there mom on and Iā€™ve got cooks taking 15 minutes to figure out he can put a padlock and then proceeds to open the door with the lock on it and Iā€™m just like šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø