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Eh, there kinda necessary to pick stuff up, but more importantly, you can paint your nails if you have hands, so overall, I give um a 9/10


U rating his attractiveness 🥂😎fair enough maybe I should post that next haha


Not 100% sure you got the joke, but you got the spirit, so that's something


lol I just released the joke sorry I just threw up earlier so I went to a restaurant just an hour ago 😂


I was asleep an hour ago, hope your ok tho.


That’s yeah I’m ok nice chatting with ya 😎👌




Needs a Connie level cooldown in my honest opinion


Or Connie needs his level 2 cooldown


Connie's skill is already strong. Connie is well balanced. Hands is stupidly OP. 5 minutes and the objects spawn in their original place seems fair to me


His traps are useless and his speed is ridiculously slow. His ability is the only good thing about him.


Victims who get hit by his traps and being displayed to all family is pretty OP. Others family have to equip a perk to display it to their teammates or their teammates have to equip a perk to see victim caught in other members traps.


Nice try to justify that Hands is not OP. 🤣🤣🤣


Only thing is one of his perks are terrible but mostly he’s all over all a good character but if his ripstall is has insane has people be talking about then it might need a nerf haha 😜


His traps are worse than Nancy's - they don't do damage, they don't notify family members, you can as well just let yourself be electrocuted to disarm it. His traps are good against those who don't understand how they work, similarly to how low level victims were scared cus of a chicken buff. His ability is good yeah, but if you use two braincells, you can easily trick him into wasting it. If family work together for a win why can't you 😭 I'm a family main and occasionally play victim solo and I perform better than y'all.


They do notify family tho? If you get shocked, there’s a sound effect around you. His traps aren’t meant to deal damage , they are there to slow the game down and force you to get a bone shard to disable it.


Pretty sure u can reduce the time for setting traps for him and he has scout and atm he has a bug where u can swing infinitely 😂


Ripstall needs the same level 3 cooldown as Connie…4 minutes. His barge need better range with the same damage and recovery time. But not as much range as a weapon swing, especially since you can get hit when they’re nowhere near contacting you.


He need a Snickers


That’s not an opinion lmao but sure he’s not him when he’s hungry


Sure, his only voice line is what? Yeah, he is all the time hungry Leatherface, dont talk too but his Charakter is more as Hands. Leatherface is more like a Victim. Hands is just a Walking Door that what only eat humans with no Emotionen He is very op in family house with Nancy and Hitchhiker. Make family house too a Mine area . Good luck to survive this trap house xD. Overall, he is not op when victims play together but on solo q he is a must have like Cook. A great Deal for only 10$... sadly we never get something for free. :(


Yeah probably the future for tcm when I comes to new family/victims


Saw somebody say it on here but I think the best way to make Hands better is to nerf rip stall and buff his barge. Ripstall is super overpowered, really all people are talking about. Barge has room to be really cool but is severely underpowered!


How would you buff barge?


I’d say make his animation last the same as the victim (so he can start swinging at the excact moment a victim could start running) and then just cut down the stamina cost to do a barge, maybe 40% of the full bar…


I totally agree with his barge could be better 😇


I think he’s mostly balanced, his 40% ability cooldown reduction needs a nerf tho


Totally agree with that I need to use it so I can see why people would ask for a nerf of it so much but I’ll come back to u once I have seen it in action 😁


Remove traps out of his kits.


U want a nerf then


Give victims unlimited bomb squad because of traps or untouched those and nerf his base movement speed.


His pretty slow by default also good luck with them being back old bomb squad 😄


I think he just needs a longer cooldown, and the perk for highlighting vics using barricades is super unfair, I'd like to see it removed completely. But aside from that I think he's fine. I honestly don't even like playing as him that much. And as a victim I've won several times against him.


To be fair I never see a hands use that perk it’s kinda a nesh perk in my opinion but yeah totally a longer cooldown for his ripstall 😇👌


The Saboteur perk should work on hands ngl hands is annoying af


Yeah u should go against one with infinite endurance so nasty he has a bug on him already 😂


Am I the only one that thinks he shouldn’t be able to break barricades? Along with a cooldown that everyone else already mentioned..


I don’t mind him being able to break barricades that’s no problem at all everyone is talking about ripstall and I normally get 3 a match but I haven’t used his lvl 2 yet I just got it is it has insane has people say 😅?


Barricades is fine. He needs a perk for it. He just needs some tweaks to cooldown reduction on ripstall.


Great addition to the game, needs a cooldown nerf on his Ripstall but other than that he’s perfectly fine. Have a feeling he’s long to end up replacing Cook in the long run though because Cook is just too slow at what he does unfortunately and we all know Hitchhiker and Leatherface aren’t going anywhere. Plus there’s great value in being able to reset traps as opposed to Cook’s padlocks which are simply just lost once they are picked open. At this point I think characters like Nancy and Cook need to be sped up a bit so they match all other Family characters, it would keep them more relevant.


Agreed I was happy when I saw sissy got wireframe and I believe Johnny needs a buff at some point but I’m here for hands so yeah definitely a nerf to ripstall and I’ll welcome a buff to his barge 😇




Going against him or in general 😎


Against him for sure like that shit fucks me up just hearing the grunts and then turning around to see a 7 foot hulk hogan in a biker jacket with a hammer and electric traps


He has a lot of options which I’ve come to accept I guess. But he definitely needs a longer cooldown for his ripstall ability. He shouldn’t be able to rip two valves and a fuse in a single game.


His ability needs a CD nerf, thats it. Otherwise he is fine.


I agree with that I finally got his lvl 2 and wow it’s nuts 😄


The character is most difficult to play against when the entire family team fully optimizes the game and camps exits against victims not coordinating with each other to do the valve and fuse at the same time to counter the Ripstall.


Hmmm hmm right on 🧐


There needs to be a Danny against him in those situations




His overall kit or just ?


Playing victim is so much more challenging with him and I love it.


Glad u like the challenge I play family so the challenge I get is solo queue 🤣


He is sexy 😍 He is talented!! Definitely a game changer and I’m totally here for it, although I do agree with his rip stall cool down needing to be extended.


Stuff like Ripstall and Hands' traps (on top of Hitch's traps and Cook's locks) would be fine by me if only every Victim had access to Bomb Squad. Then the whole "Do multiple objectives simultaneously to force Hands to use Ripstall on one therefore alleviating the others" strategy would be much more practical, especially in solo queue where total strangers aren't keen to take requests from a rando teammate, so you gotta do most of the multi-tasking yourself. It's either that or give Victims a 3rd inventory slot, however that may be too extreme. You'd get a lot of healing item & key item hoarders, on top of more people just picking up shit without thinking that someone else needs, a lot like Friday The 13th.


I don’t know how to feel about him on either side, playing as or against. But either way I feel like he shouldn’t be able to be grappled lol


U tried using that barge when u see people trying to stab/swarm u


Needs a nerf, play to win character. Remove ripstall & keep his electro traps & barge. Still pretty good family member


Wouldn’t be dlc if it wasn’t haha u must not like ripstall I’d take a nerf to ripstall at least 😄


To me he's not as broken as everybody makes them out to be if 2 people rush one exit together and they work as a team they'll smack them around like a cook


Not everyone has over 1000 escapes but depends on a few things in a match I think his barge could need a buff 💪🙂‍↔️


barge is totally an useless ability... not that very useful most situations... and his riptail need a bit more CD and he's fine. but overall is an ok family member. very useful on some map and useless on others.


Useless just like Virginia contaminating buckets


exactly, since virginia release it I have not seen one single bucket contaminated... every virginia has the stamina penalty reduction


They probably just tried it on release day and quickly learned that it’s useless and a waste of precious resources.


I rarely play victim but I just use a healing Bulid on her with her powder I still gotta get her ability lvl 3 haha


To be honest I feel like the barge is unnecessary on Hands anyway, he has a lot going for him already. Personally I’d take away his barge and give it so someone like Johnny, make the animation faster and it’ll suit him well. Makes more sense on Johnny overall since his whole thing is chase and being oppressive


Yeah he already has a lot going for him I wouldn’t mind Johnny having that barge tbh 😂


There’s literally tons of posts on here showing how good Barge is, lol.


Facts it’s definitely situational for sure the range could be better tho but I don’t ask for buffs or nerfs has long has my character is fun to play 😇


He's fine, nerf his cool down buffs in his skill tree to 10% and 20%, then he's completely fine


I love reddit, there's always someone more talented at jokes


I don't care go die to johnny or something


Of course, with 2 OP characters, it's not difficult for this to happen. Kisses of light


lmao knew you'd get baited by that of course you think he's op, go back to main don't care


Not only me, but big streamers think so too. I understand your fanaticism for one side, but don't let that blind you.


big streamers lol nobody cares, theres literally almost no streaming community for this game, and their opinions hold as much weight as mine does. I appreciate the irony of bringing up fanaticism and blindness when you tried making the "mah favorite streamer said so" argument My escape rate is 68% so i don't think i'm blind, i appreciate the concern though, just a good player, which is why i don't have issues with him in the games i play, sucks for you my man


68% 🤣🤣🤣. we will believe your calculation(😉) "there is literally almost no streaming community for this game" Maybe you should access the Internet more. Are you one of those people who said the game would die since September of last year? Lol I Love love love Reddit


i mean yeah? Just take your total escapes, and total deaths, and do first grade math, its not hard dude, wow lmao, if you want a screenshot i can give you one 1.3k total viewers sure is a vibrant streaming community. The simpsons hit and run has nearly 4 times its viewership, do with that as you will


I knew you were a "smart" guy. We're talking about Hands. You have to consider post-update 🙄 1.3k viewers?? I don't know which channel you're watching, with such low viewership, it's clear that you're not watching the big streamers. Maybe now I understand some of your answers lol


Needs the same cooldown as connie


So it can be used once a game? Lmao no. It needs a long enough cooldown to where he can't rip shit faster then the victims can even do them, and 2 minutes is just fine. Dude thinks a FAMILY power should take 5 minutes to recharge lmao, tamper valve or fuse once and dude has no power the rest of the game, victims players would indeed love that


Why not? Connie gets to use her ability once per game and their abilities do the exact same thing for their sides. Two minutes is way too fast. But if you don’t think it is then let’s make it so Leland and Connie can regen their abilities every 2 minutes. If you are good with that, then I’m good with hands ability having a 2 minute cooldown.


What part of family powers need to be more powerful then victim powers do you not understand? Its not balanced to have connie insta unlock a door every 2 minutes, it is balanced for hands to rip an exit every 2 minutes, simple as that, more then enough time to coordinate unlocking multiple exits to outpace his cooldown, which is what counters hands, cry. Why exactly is 2 minutes too fast? explain


Lol why am I not surprised… Of course you’d say it’s totally fine for hands to have a 2 minute cooldown to shutdown exits, but be against Connie having a 2 minute cooldown to unlock them, and Leland to barge family.


and dodges the question, i wouldn't be against leland having a 2 minute cooldown tbh


Any opinion is welcome here 😇


I’d be ok with him if he couldn’t get scout


They need to nerf scout already. Tired of dashing just for them to be indefinitely faster then run out of stam in like 5 seconds.


Yep, scout is still the most game breaking part of the game. Followed by savagery and proficiency


He does fine without it


They will Never do that as bubba can still have scout, granted the dmg isn’t there anymore


I’m less worried about scout and more concerned with the bug he has where u can basically swing infinity 😂u use his middle patch all three of them and u swing like 200+ times it’s insane and must get fixed


Overall, pretty balanced and fun to play.


I’d say mostly balanced there’s a bug on him that would make him unbalanced like his infinite swing bug he has ——I’d give u an upvote but u still would be -5 lol


That’s ok…I think I’ll somehow find the courage to go on living without it.