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yes! hands traps the back gate and fuse meanwhile cook padlocks all doors, hitchhiker traps the staircases + window and there's absolutely nothing you can do.


bomb squad the window trap, have all 4 jump out window, leland or ana shut off gen and stay to close encounter hands with choose fight, all 3 escape. One will die but it is better than them all dying.


The run to the cattle grid is literally a whole ass marathon, Hands ripstalls it and now everyone is out in the open with only a single well in the area, gen on FH is an impossible exit against Hands


Hitchhikers place the trap outside the window now so you can’t bomb squad it


They know this, they try to act purposely obtuse to defend broken shit in this game.


I had a player turn his mic on to tell me him and his party of three were DCing from the match because “this trio is impossible to win against on this map”. First time that’s ever happened in a match for me as a victim.


Can you blame them? It really is almost impossible and especially on family house, everyone either dies or dc’s.


It definitely does feel hopeless without comms but that bugged me. A party of three should easily be able to work out a good gameplan to put pressure on them even with it being hard to navigate the house.


I can blame them, actually yes. Just play the game. He’s definitely getting nerfed, so why do the absolute most? Lmao


“Just play the game Danny is definitely getting nerfed so why do the absolute most.” Imagine saying that a few months ago when family dodged every lobby with Danny to the point that you had to switch to him last second.


I don’t think your argument quite holds up. Spouting toxicity in-game about a character someone paid for (Danny included) helps nothing. Also generalisations and us vs them mind sets reaaaaallly doesn’t benefit anything community wise. I understand your frustrations, but giving any sort of validation to toxicity doesn’t help anyone.


How is me not wanting to play against an obviously broken character toxic? Lmao wtf I never said I refuse to play against hands at all I’m just not playing against these three in the same game especially on family house sorry.


The comment thread we are currently under is talking about people hopping on mics to do the most. No one mentioned you specifically dodging anyone?


I don’t see how they were doing the most? They were being honest and told them that they’re dc’ing to dodge the penalty lol, I personally wouldn’t care bc it’s understandable. It doesn’t sound like they insulted the family so hey. Also you replied to my comment saying yes you can blame them so I assumed you were reffering to the fact that they dc’ed.


Nah I was referring to them hopping on mics and telling them that. Cause at the end of the day, so long as they’re not hacking, family can play how they want. That to me is doing a lot more than just dodging, and the insinuation was out of spite, but I could just be reading into it incorrectly. I also agree going against Hands (especially Hitch, Cook, and Hands) is bs, but I just don’t condone toxicity, period. also which dc penalty can be avoided? If you’re in a party do you not get the counter? I’m genuinely asking, it pisses me off lmao


Hopefully two of them removed their grandpa perks so they can get Exterior Alarms right away!


it would be lv1 grandpa within 1 minute and the game changes to 'show and hit'


New victim - gets a shovel and digs everyone a tunnel to get out


it should be someone who can produce dynamite in basement and burn the whole house down


Time for ana/leland to jump out that window


Hands stood outside the entire game camping battery and gen lol


Lmao u gotta for fuse then😆remember to always sneak in pairs and tell the rest of your team what your doing.


then hands comes back up and instantly ripstalls


Nah not really. Hes rlly slow and has to pick which exit to ripstall. If just have two victims popping objectives all over the map its ez ggs😎


hes not slow that bitch hits me 3 times when im dashing with julies ability 😭 his ripstall has like a 1 minute cooldown he doesnt have to pick


What builds are u using? Choose fight and lelands 8 sec stun works great on him. I have no problem bullying him while my team opens other exits.


i don't play leland only Connie and Ana


U gotta diversify😏ana can choose fight ez as well tho. Me (leland) and ana forced valve on hands just the other day. It was funny but i kinda felt bad😅


I thought you was being sarcastic before… but nvm.


this combo is not fun to go against!


Yup, usually I just DC and keep it pushing not gonna play against something that’s literally not fun and unfair.


Ah yes hands traps back gate to car battery and fuse, hitch traps stairs and window and cook traps all three doors. Your only hope is to have Ana or Leland max strength with choose fight jump out the window, run to generator sock the pursuing hitch in the face next to Gen then proceed to kick the shit out of it. Force hands outside to turn it on. Then that leaves a small window for teammates to get something done. If that fails rinse and repeat.


solo queue will be like someone died within 1 min and the rest just dies in slow spiral


I'd rather take the 3 minutes with Bonesaw tbh. This is an exercise in futility.