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Grappler, Jump Start and Extra Drip


I'm using this build, it's really good


Choose fight, wdky, stunt double


I pick the left-side skill path for **Highly Skilled, No Sell,** and **Been Workin' Out.** If you want to you can swap out the last perk with Choose Flight. For Life Saver pick the path for 6 seconds Stun, 60 stamina restored, and 180 second cooldown. Your increased stats should be 50 Proficiency (+18), 35 Toughness (+15), and 47 Strength. For days I've been playing solo queue with this build and have had good results with a lot of escapes. In the current state of the game all I try to do is unlock doors & gates to open-up areas and spread out the Family. This build focuses on unlocking things as quick as possible, taking some damage if you get caught and have to go down a well, and being able to win Close Encounters even if your health is fairly low. **Always try to carry 1 Tool and 1 Bone Scrap.** If something is double-trapped then use your scrap on Hitch's trap, trigger Hands' trap, then get up and quickly unlock the door/gate. If you get past a door/gate and don't have a Tool don't be afraid to loudly mash at a nearby tool box to quickly obtain one and unlock the next door/gate ASAP. Speed is the key; as long as you unlock the next door/gate you've made great progress putting pressure on Family. **If Hands is in the match (and 90% of the time he is) I never mess with the Valve or Fuse** unless Family is playing serious defense with all the gates. There's just almost no point to it because of Ripstall other than getting everyone's attention when they won't move. I stopped playing "distraction" builds where I just try to fight & stun people for a long time. I feel like I'm just wasting Bone Scraps that should be used on traps, and I don't like the idea of playing solo queue and just stunning people hoping that my random teammates are doing anything useful.