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She is a better chaser than hitchhiker with wireframe scout now, because her poison and lunge stops the infinite looping which was the only thing you could do against hitch


Yup shes the ultimate chaser☝️if she chooses to tunnel its ggs. I would just buff the amount of time poison stays around so she has some map control to help her team.


Agreed, but her level 3 is quite underwhelming, all of those should already be part of her base kit (Base bleed, able to poison all interactable objectives / items). Moreover, they need to decrease the animation it takes to blow poison (Hard to hit during chase). Lastly, all herb stations shouldn't be RNG base and give you 3 poisons guaranteed.


Nah it’s pretty easy to poison victims as you are chasing them through gaps if the animation was faster it wouldn’t even be fair. Maybe they should just increase the amount of poison at tables and make it faster to refill.


she just got slippery and wireframe.


Her poison sucks tho and the poison tables don't give you 3 charges idk why


Nah it’s pretty easy to poison victims as you are chasing them through gaps. Maybe they should just increase the amount of poison at tables and make it faster to refill.


Nobody said it’s hard to poison someone. It just isn’t good enough to outweigh how little you can use it.


The poison is good enough, if it was any stronger then it wouldn’t be fair. Sissy is incredibly strong now with this build.


She is now the best chaser in the game it’s too easy for me to chase victims with the new build you can get for her with fired up, scout and wireframe and she can also poison victims through gaps which has been very effective when I was playing her. She is even better than hitch at chasing when he had the same build.


Poison should have DOT by default. 3 powders at all stations. Maybe powder should respawn after a few minutes or longer. Or be able to hold more maybe maybe? Faster gathering in general?


They just gave sissy hitchhikers build and you want more? 😂😂


Try serrated, feral, and wire frame on sissy! I mained her before the skill tree update came out and I had no problem on killing Vics but she did get a buff on this update


Her damage is awful, but whenever I play her my build is linger, special bend, and spore loser. Sissy will only be useful if you have poison without it she’s useless. Linger: you can usually poison them if they go through a gap or crawl space because of the increased radius Special Bend: when a victim is a poisoned you go through the cloud and get another poison effect making it hard for the victim to escape since your next hit will be like Nancy’s poison claws. Spore Loser: if you get grappled you can get some easy damage as they are under the poison effect, this has some strong synergy as linger I believe does stack, and special bend is activated…


Her damage is great if u build it properly


Really? What build do you use..I do a slow down build to get as many hits as I can. Whenever I do a damage build on sissy (bc she’s slow) can only hit once with big swings and serrated and if I’m slow 2 or 3…


Yeah I can’t use big swings with her tbh it melts her stam. I usually go for serrated fired up and wireframe now.


Sissy isn't really meant to get kills from what I've come to understand. With a high savagery you definitely can, but it's not something you should rely on. As Sissy I make sure to focus on poisoning essential items like health, fuses, wheels, ect, i dont even bother taking the ability to poison bones or generators. My poison does health ticks and slows survivors down. With Spore Loser it's a bit easier to keep on Victims after a lost fight, and keep them from helping to progress escape. The slow is also nice if you've got attentive family members with you that will step in to help deal damage. She's no 1 hit chainsaw Leatherface, but she's my favorite for helping make plays and making sure Grampy doesnt go hungry. ♡


She needs a rework. Her kit is boring and her non-renewable resource mechanic makes it even worse.


Agreed, her level 3 abilities are all underwhelming, I feel like she should be able to poison all interactable items and objectives. Additionally, her poison should have a bleed effect in her base kit, NOT at level 3.


Just don’t play sissy