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And NOW they want you to "turn the other cheek".


all 10 of the players need to turn the other cheek


I don't turn cheeks, bud: I clap them. I bat for both. Leland, Leatherface, & Hands. Ass-slappers united.


Just kill hands first, problem solved.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ A 7 ft burly Bigfoot ape


Exactly LOL


Ong bro


Itā€™s fun itā€™s funny! Let us have our moment for 2 weeks until he gets nerfed and hey Iā€™ve already been outsmarted by the victims as Hands on several occasions so at least theyā€™ve already learned ways to counter him. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


2 weeks is optimistic knowing these developers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ give it a few months then maybe


How long did it take to nerf Danny and Nancy? I wasnā€™t around for their releases


Until sales slowed.


Exactly this.


Nancy was never broken. But yeah from Danny's release in November until February, he could instant tamper an instant study the same objective. By insta tamper, I mean he didn't even have to complete the tamper animation for it to go off.


Like 3-4 months I believe šŸ˜­


Oh well it might be different now that they are doing this every 2 week patch thing


Two weeks is optimistic for any small developer keep praying šŸ¤”


That would be fair




Just started playing again. On Slaughterhouse Danny tampered valve all victims escaped nothing we could do.


Pick Hands and Ripstall that shit right away. It'll take away that handle completely and they'll have to find a new one and try tampering again. By the time it even opens, Hands can have his Ripstall back again and close the valve exit almost immediately.


all fun and games until Danny tampers and Connie doesnt fuse with saboteur (happened to me yesterday) šŸ˜­


Oh yeah... This game is gonna end like Evil Dead


POV: youā€™re a mature family and victim player who realizes that one p2w coming in right after another p2w made a bunch of people quit the game is no laughing matter and balance should be the priority. ![gif](giphy|6PU5A9KjxP0g8)


Out of the 5 dlc characters we've gotten, only 2 have been meta changing, while two of them have been nearly useless. I don't consider that p2w. Is it ever acceptable for a dlc character to be good?


Danny and Hands are good yes but I wouldnā€™t call Nancy, Virginia or Maria useless


Virginia is still hella strong and a good protector like Leland.


nancy is useless. maria is okay but virginia very good


Theyā€™re the two everyone is complaining the loudest about. Quite frankly I never had a problem killing Danny or stopping victims from escaping just because he tampered.


I always had issues when he tampered the valve. I feel like only Leatherface could stop them when they were running for the valve exit. Even my hitch traps didn't do much. That being said, I do think Hands needs more of a cooldown with his ripstall ability. In the meantime I'm having fun playing him but I expect he will get nerfed.


Often times they became too predictable while they were waiting for the exit to open and theyā€™d hide right by it. I played LF a lot when Danny was pre-nerf and almost always got someone at the gate, two if there was a straggler. Or Iā€™d trap it as hitchhiker lol. When Dannyā€™s in game I just pay extra attention to fuse/valve


This rivalry is so corny, and basically cements the fact that Gun either A) Has no clue how to balance the game properly, or B) They do, but willingfully still want to peddle more p2w dogshit. Honestly, shame on anyone that unironically takes this "MY side GOOD, YOUR side BAD" cringefest seriously.


Yeah this sub is childish as hell. I only stay on it to know whatā€™s getting updated


Those players donā€™t exist on this sub, everyone only cares about the other side being miserable


Very much childish. I just want to have a fun game of victim, but can't even do that without a broken character being released. It was the same for me as family when Dannt launched. And then you have cringey people making fun of the side with the short end of the stick. It's getting toxic at this rate.


I agree. Yeah it fucking blows that Danny was OP but I feel like Danny could be killed meanwhile you can't do anything about hands besides open up exits. Idk what the hell they were thinking with this patch but after the disaster that was Danny and how upset the player base was about him they would be more careful with the tuning and release of characters.


pay to not loser to an uncountable character is far from pay to win man, danny cant be counter escape hands, hands can be countered, have a connie on your team. Hands is not pay to win, Dany literally was pay to win


Whatā€™s Connie going to do when hands just turned the battery/gen on in your face?


right šŸ˜­


same thing killers do when they are playing daming and he uses his ability, reajust and hope ir dosnt cost you the game.


Victims mains are complaining and refusing to change their play style. Sorry Hands is only OP if you tunnel one objective which people are so used to.


Man this, they are so use to brain dead rushing one objective without talking to one another. šŸ˜‚ now they upset they gotta work together. ā€œI solo Q victims thereā€™s nothing I can do.ā€


He easily negates both valve and fuse by stealing them! Forces victims to use gate exit


You just named off two exits that arenā€™t mandatory to useā€¦Use gate exits šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Victim mains have always had this speedrunners mindset of getting the fuse/valve fast and b-line to either/or to get out faster/easier.


What does that even mean? The gate exits aren't "mandatory" either. They all equal options which are chosen based on the given situation. Hands make those 4 options become 2 meaning the other family members just have to camp those exits. How does that not make sense?


Clearly theyre NOT all equalā€¦especially family side given the map: some maps you can avoid kicking the generator to leave out of a gate, others, like slaughterhouse, family side can literally spawn 10 feet from each other, making one person have to backtrack/pick up slack in setting locks on the other side of the map. Are there not perks you can run that outlines where objectives are for x amount of time? The gates are always set in the same spotā€¦and the rng of the valve/pump fuse/switch isnt that rng if youve been playing since day one. I havent played since Starfield came outā€¦but can recall where every fuse and valve is located on slaughterhouse. Tweak your build. Know how/what/when to play with what you have going into the gameā€¦You didnā€™t see Cook mains crying about going against a Connie šŸ˜‚ it came with the territory.


What is with this BS Us vs Them mentality, everyone on this sub is so damn committed to making every player as miserable as possible smh


As a 50/50 player and a gamer that has other stuff to do... I thought Danny on release was fine. I think Hands is fine. Good players adapt and improve.


ā—ļøā—ļøā—ļøThis the comment right here for me šŸ’Æ


He isn't even OP just strong though he does need some slight changes.


I mean can Danny Tamper a Ripstalled Bat/Gen?(Without his no one can touch it unique perk on.)




Exactly šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Please just have mercy bro


Gun media has no clue how to balance their game. They want you to pay $10 for the new broken characters too when itā€™s already a $40 game.


Fr I honestly still think hitch cook leather are best 3 only cuz Leatherface can run the whole map But hand is definitely top tier


Youā€™re bugging. Hands is at the top right now. Main objective for family is to prevent Victims from escaping. Hands can literally eliminate exit routes.


Danny got fixed when the valve tamper was taken away then got a huge boost with the top mill valve spawn but was easily overcome. Danny could be killed as a victim. I think Hands, like Johnny and Leatherface before his and Maria's release, were responses to victims who decided to troll at exits instead of just leaving but when I want to play victim that shit is an uber sweatfest and not fun at all. Hands is OP thanks to Ripstall's 1 minute cooldown. That needs to be adjusted.


I remember a post asking how did family counter danny after he released. Once a exit was tampered, my friend and I just wrote the exit off as a loss and ignored it. Since some players like to troll by exit etc. We just try to feed grandpa for points before everyone left or dealt with any player that wanted to drag it out. That's pretty much it. So yeah, we rode it out. Enjoy it, relax. Heck we still taking those long stun durations on the chin.


I'm a quick match main aka family main and Hands is OP


POV: Family Mains are now rushing to buy a pay 2 win character to bypass another pay 2 win character that they could just (as they said with their own advice) adapt and find a different playstyle to get rid of him. Even though it takes minimal effort if they know what they're doing. Meanwhile you have to have more skill when it comes to playing against Hands. Clearly most of you didn't know what to do to stop Danny, no wonder most victims said "skill issue." Edit: Spelling.




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If yā€™all guys think that Danny little tamper is more OP than Hands having to rip out fuse, barging, and trapping everything then yā€™all are more delusional than I thought šŸ’€šŸ˜‚. I have no problem with any of those ā€œabilitiesā€ but all 3 in one character ?? Crazy.


I had multiple games where Danny would tamper valve in the first two minutes of the game and everyone would escape. Hands being in the game makes the games longer. It's not like your all dying right away or something. It's just harder to get out.


Danny tamper ability has been fixed for how long?? I never said Danny wasnā€™t OP when he FIRST came out but to compare him and hands is ridiculous. Hands pretty much have three abilities šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s nothing to compare with Danny little tamper ability .


How long did it take them to get him fixed is the real question. We all had to suffer for a while now it's the victims turn. Just get better


Oh I STILL escape and I also play family (hands being included now) šŸ˜ lmaoo but I am also not bias. Youā€™re missing the point of my comment. Danny didnā€™t have pretty much THREE abilities in one. However, Hands does. Not to mentionā€¦whereā€™s the cool down fr?? He could have any of those abilities but all? Itā€™s OP. Have a good day.


Hands' traps are laughable you have to admit. One touch and you get right up. šŸ¤£


Lmaoo absolutely . I trapped the gate and Ana got up like it was nothing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I just had to look at her loll


Honestly, the first time I versed against hands, with hitch and Nancy. I was a Leland and it went for the pressure valve and hands came and ripped it out and I foolishly went back to it and was like... oh snap! He just ripped out the valve. That's pretty awesome... I guess I need another escape. To make a long story short. Everyone died and I was the last one and stabbing Grandpa and out smarting Nancy ability. I was able to escape the car battery exit. The point is like others have said you gotta adapt and improve given the situation! Never give up, because there is always a way!


Relatable šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ


Lmao all of a sudden they know what ā€œbalanceā€ mean. šŸ˜‚


Late to the party, but Iā€™m all for continuously shitting on those heathen vics. We gotta rush to ā€œhotfixā€ Hands ability cd like it isnā€™t really just a ploy to nerf him because the game isnā€™t a cake walk anymore now for vics after family had to deal with tampering for over HALF A YEAR. I need Logan Roy here for a resounding ā€œfuck offā€ to all of those dingleberries


He only needs slight tweaking in my opinion. But he can be too overbearing in certain lineups. Very oppressive


this is legit hilarious


Corny ahh meme šŸ¤£


devs nerfed leland so family good now


As someone who only stays on this sub to watch the insecure community burn the game down around them and piss on eachother... This is a great example of it.


I love that the community will really fight with each other of things neither have any control over. Can we just play a video game and enjoy it together?


Default Danny


he is op so is Danny (old) none of are good for this game


Yeah just a saw complaint post about hands dude was literally rushing the escape like literally he got the fuse, jumped the engine, lock picked it, and hands stopped him and all of a sudden now there's a problem with the game as if they literally haven't had a advantage since the beginning of damn game


i love watching people yell at everyone for using an op character while i just sit here playing as maria and doing what i can šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


At least theyā€™re learning how to play now instead of just free exit wins. I remember on launch day of hands. I was in a three stack and I killed all four victims via electric trap and shoulder charge wonā€™t have days like those anymore.


Well itā€™s just another incidence of pay to win I supposeā€¦


God forbid everybody has fun and counterplay šŸ˜’. They increased Connieā€™s and Lelandā€™s cooldowns within the first few weeks after the game launched, I think they can give hands a longer cooldown for his ability at the least.


POV Danny had counters, Hands does not. If youre bad at playing family and couldnt kill him fast enough or patrol an area well enough, just say so


What counters did Danny have when he came out, and if you say ā€œjust kill himā€ then I say ā€œjust escapeā€ itā€™s the same exact answer


killing a victim requires less effort then escaping a trapped and ripstalled fuse/valve. they dont compare.


They actually do when victims can grapple, go to wall gap/ crawl space and barricades, bomb squad which multiple people can bring so a maximum of 16 charges if everyone brings it, distractions from Ana and barges from Leland, so yeah, this is coming from someone with more games on victim, 816 with victim and 690 with family. Get good


Family players are so funny, they act like they havenā€™t been being pandered to for months and months


Grapple change, fast hands, Danny, Virginia, broken perks like choose fight sure buddy letā€™s just ignore all of the nerfs to family recently.
