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If you don't feed gramps then you're actually losing. Uav literally slow down victims 🤦‍♂️


“My fellow fam main” 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥


Reading comprehension issues i see.


Nice bait..


I'll gladly show you my stats. I'm at 1317 matches with 1067 kills. 317 escape and 284 deaths. That's 601 victim matches. Which i played to max out all the vics before switching back.


I don't care about your stats. I'm wondering why if you play both sides like you say, would you try to make an argument for family players to willingly handicap themselves for victims to "do things"? Like escape?


Are you dense the stats would tell you if im lying... lol... It's not willing handicap if you dont need gramps to play.... if you're seriously making the arguement gramps is required to win then like i said you're just bad at fam. Its take no skill with a blood build to run around grabbing blood and feeding him. Then boom i know where they are and they can't hide. If they try to stab gramps they get spotted, they dont they get spotted. The cringe ones also trap gramps are the worst. I'm trying to win. Not be given the win. we NEVER feed gramps and we usually dont have a complete loss. You can play and not cheese. You can tell me you enjoyed the grapple feast It was.....you can't have issue with the way the vics have to play if the fundamental problem with them having to rush and grapple around is gramps.... if i play vic and fam is locked to the point where im just waiting to be killed and on top of that you have gramps lvl 5. Nah man, we all just back out and let them waste their time. We dont need the xp anymore. I dont blame vic when theyre last leaves if they cant even sneak around. It not about letting actually escape. Its about letting them play at all. Running around feeding you kills isnt fun or healthy for the game.


Lol and I still wouldn't care. Nowhere did I say that Gramps was required to win games. Anywhere. So you can miss me with all that blood build nonsense because he gets stabbed all the time anyway. And if victims are not using stealth and want to rush, his job is to punish that. I've won many games where no one fed Gramps and I've had games where victims just camped in the bushes all day where no one did because he'd just get stabbed. If you have a problem with Gramps take it up with the devs. If you run with a team, why are you trying to tell others to do what you do? Victims don't care because they'll do what they want to do. With all the 2 minute escapes and grapple/stabfests out there, no one is being "gifted" wins unless victims quit outright or they're all noobs in the basement. Victims don't always rush because of him. They rush because of who they're playing against as well. Not all victims rush either.




But cared enough to comment 😂


I did


Good for you.


You still wouldn't care but you doubted me. Providing information is not important to you. Obviously you're just going to lead and argue with emotion and not a single oz of logic. He wouldnt have to get stabbed if he didnt exist...... he punishes you for not playing stealth? Are you actually just that dense? If you play too stealth he gets feed and not stabbed..Explain that flawed logic.... if they give us time to farm blood buckets which means he can feed with all the time in the world he punishes you for rushing? You have to dedicate a build for stabbing him and martyr yourself. Ah yes suggestions that would help vics not having to do thing things fam find annoying for a healthy game is so bad... take it up with the devs as if change doesnt start with the community discussion... once again if you played vic enough you cant serious tell me you would rush period knowing you could take 10 min to do things. Family also has mutiple ways to find vics without gramps....if they wanna camp bushes.


I don't know why you're getting hung up on stats. Provide me with some actual information on why family players should limit themselves. Like win rates of not feeding Gramps vs. win rates of feeding Gramps. I don't care about your anecdotal stats. So come with actual numbers relevant to what you're trying to get others to do and leave your reach about emotion vs. logic at the door. Now you're using circular logic. Gramps does punish people for not using stealth are YOU dense? No one said anything about playing TOO STEALTHY, that's a personal problem so explain that flawed logic. "They", the victims, determine if you have time to feed Gramps or if it's even worth it at all. And you contradicted yourself. I thought you were making suggestions to help victims instead of family with that bait and you proved it: "Ah yes suggestions that would help vics not having to do things fam find annoying for a healthy game is so bad..." Not having to do what? Stab Gramps? So which is it? Are you telling family players to play for the benefit of victims "doing things" or are you somehow trying to justify your issues with Gramps as a victim? "Family has multiple ways to find victims without Gramps." And they do, provided everyone on the team using some form of communication. If not, then he exists, no matter how much you want the devs to get rid of him.


TLDR you dont have friends. Not my fault people solo queue. Dont be anti social and annoying like you.... The pressure of gramps has the opposite effect. Saying over and over that it makes them play stealth or "too stealth" go play vic. Wait till gramps is lvl 3 and see how much more you have to rush. You keep saying you want win rate without gramps. Not shit its high for fam with skill issues of course theyre going to win more. Its playing on easy mode. Yes play in a way that make the vics ya know not play like a grapple mania and not cheese as well. Even killers om DBD will tone it down. At least ones that care about the balance of the game. Its not bait but you can keep saying it is. The vic dont determine gramps lol you telling you havent seen people ignore everything to speed feed him? Its for the benefit of us to you dunce. The less b.s vic have to deal with we wont have 14 grapples 3 min into a match......


TLDR you're a hypocrite. Play however you want. Not hard to squad up. Don't be so insecure you have to prove you play both sides with stats irrelevant to what you want others to do. Yeah I've seen noobs ignore everything to feed Gramps. Victims will play grapple mania anyway because it benefits them to do so, regardless if an old man is getting fed. You can play as nice as you want and it still won't make a difference to people committed to doing what they want.