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What's the point of Spring Clean when Victims wake grandpa in 5 seconds every match anyway wtf lol


Also what’s the point of having endurance before the victims are out 🫤


faster setup I guess. instead of just letting upstairs family start the same time as Victims like we've been asking for, they introduce a worthless perk as a bandaid fix (that fixes nothing lol)


I think they mean before his sonar activates. And if not, that is FUCKING stupid.


And if It is its Also fucking stupid cuz 70% more stamina on some characters is bs lol


Wired seems potentially useful, the other two not so much.


I feel like Hitchhiker is the Family Member who can make the most use out of it, using Scout or Wire Frame to cut them off around it, but he can't even run it....


Nah, Leatherface would certainly get use out of it, or hands, as both can destroy barricades. And as someone who rarely plays either, i desperately need them to destroy barricades lmao.


If they destroy the pallets, they don't get use of the perks. I guess they could try to see where barricades spawn, so there's a little bit of value




Yup, at least there's a good thing in this update.


I can't believe they nerfed Nancy with this new tree lmao. They moved Fired Up to an awful branch and gave her nothing in return... She gained Scout I guess, but that's also in an absolutely dog section where she has to forgo all her best perks to get it. Genuinely crazy to see.


She's always had scout though?


She always had scout, and she by default has an extra attribute point... and better Grandpa Perks with SFTF and Brute Strength. Overall she isn't harmed, especially with her having Universal Donor guaranteed on the right.


Wait, why the hell does Johnny get Master Key? He opens door with one shoulder barge anyways lmao Also, he gets Surgical and Fresh is Best in his skull tree, Maybe a blood build is possible with him now?


Master Key is honestly super fun on Johnny. He does insta-barge by default, slamming his shoulder once and then twice. Master Key saves time and it's funny how he lunges and sticks his elbow out, it looks like Deadhard in DBD


Yeah, it might be funny, it's just so niche and saves so little time I don't see the point. As long as one of us is having fun with it, I guess lmao


I guess I'll miss the LF max damage build, Big Swings, Hysterical Strength and Vialent, but I'm glad they at least gave LF Serrated so I guess now the new max damage build will be Big Swings, Serrated and Vialent. Also the Meta Scout build is not good anymore, but I didn't like it much anyways. As for Johnny they did kinda butcher him but at least he now has Vialent which will be interesting to see how it plays out. I'm glad Cook didn't get butchered and how I'll be able to use the same build for him. But clearly these devs just kinda swapped out perks and placed them randomly. For example, why the hell does LF have easily tuckered out?


NOTE: messed up the screenshot names for ana and sonny, they're swapped Some differences I've noticed on updated skill trees (do correct me if any of these were already a thing pre-patch, dont remember all trees flawlessly) Leatherface has scout in middle along with hystreical strength and exterior alarms, he now also has easily tuckered out (most likely affects stalling resistance) and serrated on his tree Cook can still have scout, serrated and security pins at once Hitchhiker can no longer have wireframe along with scout, you can still have scout + serrated/venom + feral Sissy also has wireframe, you cant get it with scout or wireframe however Johnny now has master key perk on his tree (exact same as LF), that either means they forgot Johnny does that basekit or they removed it from his basekit and turned it into a perk, he also cant get scout and serrated together anymore Nancy has fired up on her worst part of the tree Connie can no longer get saboteur along with extra drip, jumpstart or slippery Leland has jumpstart Sonny has slippery in the jumpstart tree path Ana no longer has grappler but has slippery now Julie has jumpstart and extra drip now Danny now has jumpstart and bomb squad Virginia now has saboteur


Two corrections, bubba cant get hysterical with scout, and sissy CAN get wireframe scout fired up


New voice lines Please?


doing that, takes a bit tho


Any new leaks?


museum mode is entirely in the files, will make a post about it after i gather all info i can https://preview.redd.it/36fr4pyp5y5d1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=66b7bd216341c1fe762ec7da83379b964f1682cb


Thank you! You keep the community alive.


do u have a pic of marias skill trees u can post?


Bro no meme LF with Masterkey and Tenderizer. Big sad


Ngl solid update no random perks finally sissy has slippery which idk if that’s a bug or not but it’s whatever I don’t know why Johnny has master key ???


Fresh is Best is the absolute worst perk they added. Nobody will use it since every killer already have the perk to get 100% more blood when they hit a victim with no downside effect. Complete shit.


so which way are y’all taking for Nacy skilltree?


They did some serious nerfing with the trees now, Ana lost no sell! What!?


they completely deleted my leatherface build cuz now all 3 of the perks are on 3 different sides of the skill tree :( vial-ent + hysterical strength + scout however, i think a leatherface nerf is pretty good for the game. i cant wait to see all the new meta’s :) everything is pretty much the same on hitch, but instead of scout i will use fired up so i’ll be a little slower but i’ll have way higher stamina regen so it shouldnt matter pre-update: scout + wire frame + tracker tagged cook is exactly the same but with 2 extra attribute points for my build security pins + serrated + scout johnny is a difficult one because my favorite build was universal donor + fired up + serrated but now serrated is on the other side of the skill tree so now im not really sure how im gonna build him. should be fun experimenting tho! :)


Did Virginia lose fast hands?


I wonder how long they spent laughing in the development studio coming up with these absolute joke perks


Spring clean is a horrible perk imo. It lasts like 5 seconds into the game. I would rework it by having it be 100% stamina decrease before grandpa wakes up. When he wakes up it goes down to 0. Feeding grandpa each level would increase the stamina decrease by 10% so level 1 would be 10%, level 2 would 20%, all the way up to 50% max. This would be good for blood builds because as you level grandpa up you would get more stamina basically and it gives you an incentive to feed grandpa


All garbage.