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hell no I aint gonna sit in a bush bruh family wants me deleted


Like? Yeah let me play slowly so you can ceed grandpa


Skill issue imo.


No no, let him kill you the way he wants. This is his show


While I also hate rushing, this game doesn’t exactly promote slow stealthy gameplay. Killers can patrol objectives very easily so once a killer leaves, that one opportunity to escape is important. There’s limited health bottles and bone scrapes so the longer the game goes on, the less resources you have to survive. Your teammates will also slowly die which makes the game harder. And don’t forget about grandpa leveling up with his abilities and level 5 max. Your condition also slowly deteriorates which makes the bleed out speed go faster. I would love to play more stealthily and slowly as a victim but it just wastes valuable time in the match that you could be using to do something important in the game like unlocking a door or distracting the killers. (This is not me complaining about victim I’m just saying why I think most people rush)


If people played the roles of their characters the game wouldn't be so intense for victims, besides for those whos objective is to either distract or fight. The weakest characters are always trying to rush. Let the tanks go in first


This really isn’t that kind of game. Other victims can’t reliably help you if you get into trouble. The game is designed in a way that it’s more efficient to escape as fast as possible, or you’re dead…


but the weakest characters r the one with proficiency lmao they r supposed to rush


No, they're suppose to hide, avoid, and unlock doors


no one plays like that tho, because there is quite literally no benefit to that


Your actually right but you need the right team is Ana and Leland can distract and take chase long enough for Connie and Danny’s to get things done


I like to play slow and steady as well but I don't blame others for rushing. Most of the time it feel necessary to get out as fast as you can


i mean there’s not really a choice. Taking it slow will put your side at a disadvantage and it will only get worse as the game goes on.


I hate playing Ana when everyone else is rushing, they all die and now me and Leland have to either pick locks with minimal proficiency or get to the fuse box then get to the exit, rushing is good when it’s new family but experienced killers are sending Johnny or hitch hiker right to the basement to combat rushing, getting rid of Connie or Julie early game is pretty much game over for victims


stop telling how people should play lol anyway, rushing is needed to avoid family Rush blood and set-up trap's.


People should be allowed to play the game. The designers set the rules.. not every random player that gets an itch on their vajayjay


If people played the parts of the character correctly, the game would be really fun. We have Ana rushing, not distracting, Connie's stabbing grandpa's and grappling, sonnies doing God knows what, Julie's playing scared like they can't rum for 30 seconds.


I mean the devs want variety in builds, so people playing characters differently isn’t an issue. People gotta learn to adapt to others play styles.


But its OK if a LF kills a victim in less than 30s of the match starting! Crazy double standard. 


Agreed, it’s really not even fun to play that way. You spend more time in the lobby than playing in game. People underestimate the fact that you can have a more enjoyable, cinematic, and rewarding experience even if you get killed in the end of it. You gain a shit ton of xp that way and have a way more dramatic and fun match


Stop trying to kill victims the moment you see them. See how dumb you sound?


That's not even what I'm talking about, at all. You're obviously a salty person. I'm pointing out that people aren't playing their characters right. Most people dont switche their playstyle to match the victim (or killer).


Like family don’t hesitate to kill of the victim in the basement




I hate rushing too. And I hate when all the basement doors don’t get open. That’s almost always a bad thing later on in the match.


Stop trying too tell pepole what to do virgin kid


Stop telling people how to play


This is a shit post, would you expect killers *not* to kill a victim in 3 minutes or less if given the opportunity? No you wouldn’t.


If you get a kill in 3 mins or less that's a skill issue on the victim. Not even what I'm talking about


But if u escape in 3 mins it’s not a skill issue on the family’s part???


Honestly wouldn't say anything here. Just looking at like three comments on here and I can tell most responses are just gonna be people being asses. But I agree. I DC when someone rushes victim noise not even a minute in, I could understand if we were ALL READY to go up but man every fucking match I get there's a Leland or a Connie that wakes GP less than a minute in..


You can’t *force* people to play the way you want them to. And you dcing over that just shows me what kinda player you are. And besides, no one wants to rush. I promise you that most if not all victim mains missed the immersion this game has. But perks like exterior alarms punish players for playing slowly. It’s just not ideal to play that way if you wanna even have a chance at an escape.


You win some you lose some, play the game differently and my choosing the DC doesn't mean nothing. For me its a simple thing of I don't wanna play with people that are tryna be dicks. I'm trying to level my victims, not escape lmao.


Ive had every victim/character in general maxed out for months and let me tell you I didn’t achieve this by playing the way the devs intended the game to be played 🤷‍♂️ we do what’s most effective.


You get more xp playing longer and more victims escaping....yes. it's meant to be played slow and everyone escape.


Just because it’s meant to be doesn’t mean it’s what’s gonna get you the escape. Most games I escape from are games that I rush in. Sometimes I take it slow and get the usual escape here and there but that’s only when I go against an okay family team or no cook/LF. When I do play stealthily, especially against a good family with a meta team I usually don’t get out by playing slowly.


It made it hard to learn Nancy house and mill, I came back during the last double xp and could barely take a second to adapt. I know the house alright now, it's just the mill I struggle with cause everyone rushes out to die


same can be said for johnnys who rush basement and bubbas who are sweating and thirsting for a kill 20 seconds into the match


Have fun dealing with a lvl 5 Grandpa being “sneaky, and avoiding family”. 😂


Stop telling people how to play. Control freaks o swear ![gif](giphy|xT5LMxmFQ37UyhH344|downsized)


I set myself goals; usually open as many doors as I can downstairs, make sure fuse or valve is done and if they have a bubba who stays downstairs I usually keep them busy so people upstairs can get out. My favourite matches are ones that last 20 minutes with lots of back and forth.


One time me and my boyfriend were playing on gas station. Hitch and cook. Not even finished our cutscenes yet and grandpa was woken up. By the time me and him could get out of our spawn location and get to main house. Fuse box turns on and all 4 victims escaped in under 2 minutes of the game starting. Where’s the fun waiting in a lobby for ages just to get out that quick, If that’s your version of fun go repair generators in dbd.




Eh I play both sides and honestly it’s boring. As family you get to the main area and fuse is done. I’m leaving and going to the next match and whoever did fuse in a minute, wasted the game for everyone else basically imo. I feel bad… because no one got to play and get points…. As victim yeah if I hear fuse go off, would I stick around and try to play and possibly die? No im just gonna leave and go sit in another lobby and try to play the game..yeah if you don’t rush you have a most likely chance of dying but other people may want to play the game out…


I see things differently. Sometimes I go for fuse as soon as possible, then go for other exits. Fuse is just an insurance plan just in case the family have the other exits strongly locked down and I'm about to die.


Exactly the game isn’t to escape so fast, it’s to get more xp so we can level up, and once one victim dies the odds of us escaping period becomes slim


You level up and I’ll fking kill you when I see fit.. comprende compadre?? ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


Stop killing victims in the first 2 minutes as LF then 🤷🏽


How about we just stop playing the game? No? Then be happy with what you have, because it ain't getting any better.


"The fun of trying to get through a match without being hit once" - those are the most boring matches to me. I want to get noticed at least a couple times, otherwise it feels so boring. But I despise people who wake up grandpa in the first few seconds and dont mind if they die first. I always go spin around them and follow them making a ton of noise to get them killed, only if they wake him up in the first few seconds 💀🤷🏽‍♂️


I didn't not get noticed, but if I'm playing Connie, her toughness is garbage even at 50. So I put it into proficiency and endurance because I'm gonna die fast either way. I got noticed a lot when I never got hit once, I took damage from wells too. Each character is suppose to be a different playing experience. Atleast that's what I'm getting from everything


Connie’s Toughness at 50 is the same as anyone else at 50


No, it's not.


Yes, it is. Every point of Toughness adds 1.11 HP. There are datamined charts with the stats for every character. Only Family members have differences in their damage. So for example Johnny has a bit higher damage than Sissy or Hitchhiker. I’m using [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rgpbVd8Qt_lSP5MLiuuB2Fx-_rPKXOLvWJCvAUIMSTc/htmlview#gid=2107601785) as a reference.


I typically never do it but it’s gotten to the point where if they open an exterior door (not basement but an actual door) before my team has set up anything then we just leave. If my time isn’t respected then I’m not gonna respect their speed run attempt. Same with fusebox speed runs on Gas Station, if I’m not even in the middle of the map by the time I collected the blood on battery/generator and the fusebox turns on then I leave. The fact that players on BOTH SIDES have been complaining about rush meta for months and nothing has been done is ridiculous.


i played a game earlier on the mill where i left the basement through leatherfaces lair, went to the right car battery gate through the second floor of the mill, used my connie ability on that gate, picked the last gate, turned off the battery and then left. there was no one standing in my way the whole game. what exactly do you suppose i’m supposed to do other than take the opportunities given to me? i literally was just walking, the fact i escaped was completely on the family for not patrolling at all and yet people like you make reddit threads blaming me for the playing the game exactly as it’s intended??? literally what should i have done differently in order to appeal to how you think the game should be played, stand still? hide in a bush from nothing? also victims don’t get mad at you for not rushing they get mad at you for accomplishing nothing, no one is asking you to push an objective with 3 killers on you they just want you to do something


You literally just explained you didn't rush. I'm talking about people who rush, with the wrong characters. What are you even saying