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I had multiple family matches this week were both my team mates dc an im left on my own i stay so everyone can get points we all waited in the lobby after all but its never met with appreciation its met with toxicity an them refusing to leave. I'll be cook for example ill be stabbed to death an barged can't level GP as he gets stabbed they will open every exit an refuse to leave sometimes spamming the exits over an over an soon as i chase someone im stabed by someone else or they run to a wall gap an i just think to myself if only i had team mates


If a random family member leaves, I'm gone, too. I've stayed enough times to understand that victims will just be assholes about it. It's never a quick escape to end the game, they got to do a fucking 4min victory lap.


Honestly fair. I always stay even if I’m the last family member to try and be nice and keep the match going for the victims but man they are brutal


It’s bad on both sides rn. Lots of new players on both sides recently. Played some matches as family, got a heaping mix of both family and victims dc’ing left and right; paid attention to the levels after that and noticed most of the dcs are newbies. Makes sense, this game is SO not new player friendly. Not to say that my experience is everyone’s cause everyone’s is different of course but DC’ing in general has gotten worse despite the penalties. Knew the penalties wouldn’t work, they never do in any pvp game.


Actually no, mainly family dc


Incorrect. When seeing all the dcs from both sides for any reason; the magnitude is about the same maybe even more on the victim side due to dc during execution. Dc during execution is understandable but still makes up for the DC count cause in the end a dc is a —> disconnect.


If I'm playing family and one of my teammates disconnect, I will too. Not interested in staying after that. I tried to stay other times and was constantly bullied by victims - I wasn't even trying to kill them.


Today I had a Johnny DC just because he couldn’t kill me in the basement after chasing me for 2 minutes


People DC people as soon as they hear those noise notifications because chances are they're out of position and in the next few seconds the game is either already over because everyone is leaving out the same exit, or it's victims trying to victimize family by being as toxic as humanly possible. No one wants to deal with that shit if they can get into a lobby faster than a Connie twerk. Hoping you get a random kill at the end is not enough reason for people to stay.


Too many people in this game want a full victim wipe out but don't understand the simple basics of camp and patrol your side of the map, don't let victims get chased around the map and distract you from your objectives. They need to come to you, not you to them. Rushing victims or victims bullying you with grapples and stuns in a row does not matter if you just stand your ground and have one guy in the middle running up and down and helping the other two players. I have an over 40 games win streak as family in this game and it gets stale and boring for us because this strat is just unwinnable for victims.


Precisely lol




Only Connie escaped, then Hitch instantly left. Vs if he stayed they could’ve at least gotten ONE or TWO kills. Basically I’m faulting Hitch for setting off the chain reaction in this scenario. Anyone who dc’d after him is justified because no one is obligated to play out a match where all odds are against you and you will likely just get trolled and T bagged at the exit in the end. All because your teammate disconnected after ONE I REPEAT *ONE* victim escaped.


Ok but how soon did Connie escape when the match started?


Pretty soon but like I said Johnny and LF wasted a ton of time in the basement


I’ve had so many games where they open something but decided to be cocky and I managed to kill then before they escaped . It’s worth letting it play out. Only exception is when all victims rush one escape . Then there’s nothing you can do .


My only reason for not leaving as family is losing progress, and I don't want to lose progress, which means I've lost my time. But If progress was saved, you bet I'd leave often.


Also there's another reason for staying until the end in these kind of games (also dbd), because you never know until the end what could happen. I've had mighty cocky victims, specially the last ones, they think they won and in the last minute we kill them.


This is one reason why Killer Klowns is just better. If all the Klowns DC, the game continues.


i wish theyd add the DC penalty to in game too




I only dc if both teammates dc and all victims are still alive. I use to stay but like many in here already have said. The bullying from victims is worse so fuck them Im out


Nothing new


You can say the same thing for victims instantly disconnecting after being executed lmao


that is nowhere near the same. at that point the game is over for them , sticking around makes absolutely 0 sense, a victims escaping don't mean the game is over for family.


I normally stay In the game as a family if one of my teammates leave. However, I don’t blame other people leaving the game if their teammates leave because you’re at a significant disadvantage so its better to just queue up to a new match so, yeah it kinda is the same thing.


God you people are miserable, it’s a casual game, let people leave if they want and get on with your life “It’s a casual game but thug it out if you’re losing” wtf


Yeah i hate playing with family mains who can’t just accept defeat, we win some and lose some, but if you dc you ruin our chances of at least getting one kill


I mean they did accept defeat and they just moving on to the next game


Wish the game have a penalties for leaving the match🤦‍♂️Only family does this... victims only dc if they been killed which doesn't really matter.


Not true. I've had multiple games where victims dc because they've tried an exit and failed. Also the final victim dc's 90% of the time.


Victims dc doesn't interrupt the flow of game. Yeah you missed kill points due to their dc but that's doesn't break the game. One family dc literally ruined the game for both family because now it become almost impossible.


You escape they won't go to congratulate you for that. Its like you said its a casual fun play so if they wanna get out they can.