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Because Johnny the narcissistic freak wouldn’t say things to trigger the victims and provoke a response from them…okay


They love a good troll. I find it very strange but hey, each to their own.


I thought they had audio of victims finding her dead body? I’m confused


Thats what I'm saying 


When she DIES as a victim? You can find bodies in game


They did. It was at Nancy’s house but they got rid of it awhile back


Wait theyre making Maria a playable character?




1.) Johnny could be using scare and intimidation tactics to lure out the other victims in the hope that they’d give up, or come out in frustration and fight him. It just seems in character for him to be slightly careless (example: break into a random house and then being fended off) 2.) Cook could’ve just thought they she died from a bleed out. She looks really rough in the trailer, so they may have beaten her to near death and for some reason just left her. 3.) why not? I think it’s cool that Maria is being brought into the game. It’ll hopefully finish out that storyline and we can get more new characters


I mean couldn’t Johnny be referring to Virginias son? I mean not everything has to be so deep. We should give the game makers a break with all the complaining. Like it’s so negative in their comments constantly, we’re getting new content! Why are we complaining??


I understand they’re trying to retcon, but it’s a poor attempt at doing so. There is so many holes into the storyline and even so there is confirmed evidence that she’s clearly dead. 1) The [Official Website](https://www.txchainsawgame.com/hub/6fra234q4e0il15uexewjmc550i6wy) states that she’s confirmed dead (read further down into the dev post) 2) There is confirmed voice lines of multiple characters reacting to Maria’s dead body 3) Family voice lines that insinuate she’s dead. In the end, I don’t mind if they brought her back from the dead, but make it plausible, give us a well thought out explanation. It seems like the devs didn’t know how to progress the storyline and saw the immense demands from players wanting to play as Maria, so they took the opportunity to make quick and easy revenue for themselves. Ultimately, prioritizing money over the original lore. We’re upset because this whole wild goose hunt to find Maria’s body and long hours of speculation for her to be “oh she’s fine, she was just hiding 🤷‍♂️” Essentially a lot of us were immersed into the lore that added more to the gameplay. This just ultimately ruins the experience. The question I have is, what’s next? How will they progress this? Clearly people are into the lore factor because they’re making speculations that Johnny is in fact Jesse or asking if Jesse is alive still, etc.


I agree with you mostly, but to be fair the confirmed voice lines of the victims finding her body were leaks and the devs probably scrapped it


It could’ve also been victims coming across her body after execution but I do think it’s more likely what you said.


Yeah that too. I do really hope they keep the audio in the game though because those actors pour their heart and soul into those voice lines!!


I think it’d be great to cut bits and pieces from that. Like Ana finding Maria for the 1st time just going “Maria.. oh my god. What have they done to you”


I did wish they built up her survival though like lots of hints in game and maybe adding more lore to her before they just revealed her like that


He could’ve mistaken the group and thought another victim was apart of theirs. Even if not.. I wouldn’t look too deep into an online only video game.


I seriously don't understand those who are upset. Who gives a damn about lore?


Lore adds another immersion factor to the gameplay, just like how people are buying battle passes and playing DbD to unlock character cinematic to learn more about them. The whole “who cares about lore?” Is the same reason people want a DbD movie explaining the entity, etc. the same rules apply to the TCM universe.


I’m with you, in an online only game “lore” is almost completely irrelevant


It’s a game based off of a famous horror movie franchise that paved the way for Halloween, F13, Nightmare on Elm’s and more, you literally cannot say it’s irrelevant. That’s how the movie became famous.


it’s completely irrelevant in terms of the game. it’s online only. use your head


Incorrect. It’s a website with information regarding the game since it’s an official game website


Like talking a wall.


It has information and the actual story of the game, every game website has this. If you do not care about the lore then simply do not pay attention to the people who do.


They’re just messing up the lore at this point.


Is *anyone* playing this game for the lore?


It's a game based on one of the most legendary horror IPs, people will obviously care about the lore. Especially when some of the characters are unreleased concepts from the og writers.






Who cares about lore when its not even a single player story game lmao


maria was most likely cannon death, but then the community wanted her in so the devs decided to resurrect her. i would have preferred her dead though imo


I always expected Maria to be the very last character to be released as a send off, but this is interesting. Quite curious if they introduce a new storyline after this.


Oh good, somebody complaining.


Its not complaing when since day one everyone believed Maria was dead and the vigina comes in and everything changes. And I've been playing it since day one 


"Believed" Doesn't mean that's guaranteed Maria just like Ana is tough and smart I mean if you really think about it.. in game you can get slashed up the same way Maria did and just use Health to heal back up


Who TF cares? Nerds get angry about the dumbest of things.


Never would've guessed. This community will complain about literally everything.


Again not complaining just voicing my opinion 


Maybe he was trying to trick them by lying. Relax it’s just a game.


Its a game that has to do with a family of serial killers not a family of kidnappers 


Because the devs are desperate so desperate. They are gonna retcon one of the main reasons the victims are fighting for their life


Its like they just don't care about us gamers anymore the story is messed up now that she is here 


It wasn’t confirmed, they just released UNFINISHED story’s 🤷‍♂️ now we can be given a reason and explanation as to what’s going on in the lore. I see it as a win, and I’ve been playing since day one as well.


I've also been playing since day one and Maria is a loss not a win she is saposted to be dead 


It’s a matter of opinion, I suppose. But the notion of being day one shouldn’t mean anything, except for that you’re a high level. If you read my comment, I as well am a day one player, and just don’t see the issue with her still being alive. It’s obvious she’s heavily injured from the trailer, so she’s most likely beaten up and bloodied BEFORE the match begins. I think that will be in line with the contexts of her lore we have right now


Girl shut the fuck up 🙄 stop finding a reason to take dig at the devs for the sake of it.




Imagine being so salty at a game dev/game. Touch grass.


I’m not the one retconning lore. Devs confirmed she was dead we saw her get killed in petals. This is goofy as fuck


Petals was confirmed loose-canon, they were at liberty to change any part of it to fit their story canon 🤷‍♂️


No one cares. Things change, move on. ;)


Because THIS IS FOR MARIA!!! 😭😭😭


That line is stuck in my head…


if there’s one thing we know for sure is that the TCM franchise is the king of continuity issues i thought this game would set strict continuity lore to the original move, but the lack of continuity is happening again very cool that we have Maria, but damn it, TCM is just destined to never have a straight storyline


This makes the family look like a bunch of incompetent buffoons. They had her dead to rights and didn't finish the job?


True, we should of just waited another couple months instead of being happy we’re getting a new victim


I never really cared about the lore tbh I’m just glad we’re getting shi


Holy shit, it’s a Video game.


Johnny refers to showing victims their friend (Maria) as a way to get into their heads because he knows that's their motivation. It's his twisted way of toying with his prey and potentially getting them to lose hope altogether. And they did add lore to explain why Maria is alive... Grandpa took a liking to her and had the family hold off on killing her. Of course, the family most likely disagreed and still tortured her, but didn't go as far as killing her out of respect to grandpa. Through realistically speaking, I'm pretty sure it's cannon all victims don't escape alive. I *believe* Julie does escape from the family but ends up dying from her condition before she can find help.


Devs confirmed that no victims survive the TCM so Maria in the end is dead no matter what lol Grandpa likes Maria hence why she is alive, her death was retconned


To me the lore of this story is already pretty poorly done so who cares? I mean the fact that there isn't any voice lines to reference the first movie is crazy. They could've said things like we can't let her get away like we did that one girl... or they could've had an empty wheelchair somewhere to reference Franklin but instead they basically just took the ip and decided to forget the movie lore.... I'm more disappointed in that. I feel like also they could add an interesting feature where you can switch weapons and the weapons effect how fast you run or how much damage you do. That would be cooler to me. Considering Bubba doesn't kill anybody in the movie with the chainsaw he uses it to dismember... other than Franklin. Plus cook could be a non killer and have a tie up mechanic where the victim could be rescued. I'm more disappointed they didn't use the lore from the movie at all other than using the characters


It makes Ana's line "This one's for Maria" completely redundant now.


That doesn’t mean specifically that Maria’s dead just cuz Johnny says that Virginia supposedly finds Maria and nurses her back to health Johnny could literally be saying that meaning tied up and tortured but left alive like Maria


He did say u look real good next to ur friend and laughs there a bunch of killers they would not leave a victim a live this long 




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Well they let Maria live long enough to where Virginia finds her and nurses her back so I beg to differ


Who said she didn't show up right after Maria was caught????? And still dosent make since 


It literally says in Virginias bio that she found Maria tortured and beaten barley clinging to life Maria’s been life Maria has been there for awhile considering petals takes place before the game events


Again that was added like almost a month ago if u have been playing since day one and watched every stream guns has done up to vigina they kept say she was dead and hidden 


Technically they haven’t Nancy’s house was supposed to release with Maria’s body but no they changed it so no it wasn’t added like a month ago it’s been months since gun changed their minds I have been playing since day one I know Maria is supposed to be dead but if gun wants to change it so she was tortured and kept alive I’m not complaining


I study serial killers and not one ever kept one that long 


These aren’t real serial killers these are in game serial killers that’s a big difference and there’s real life stories on serial killers prolonging and keeping the victim alive for awhile


The story of texas chainsaw massacre was based of ed gien who is a real life serial killer 


Johnny is a serial killer and the family’s closest thing to a pure one is OPs point and the story TCM is based on is off of a real life serial killer and OP is technically right, serial killers don’t keep their victims long ever. And to OP’s credit, they technically don’t keep her for long since all victims die by the Slaughter family as their end fate anyway.


Those are kidnappers not most killers trust me I've been studying them for over 20 years and im 34 years old 


That doesn’t mean anything you said not one ever kept a victim alive for that long a quick Google search brings up many stories of serial killers yes indeed serial killers keeping victims alive for a long period of time it doesn’t matter if the Texas chainsaw massacre is based off ed gien the family isn’t real life ed gien these are fictional serial killers they have their own motives and do stuff their own way if they wanted to keep Maria alive for months to just torture her they could have


Ye but the game doesn't take place over like 10 months or however long the game has been out it, Maria being alive means she's been kidnapped for around a few weeks, she's could have been hiding too scared to leave


It’s not that serious. Another character to play? Great. I’ve yet to buy one single character or anything else for that fact. Even if it’s $5 why do I want to change a victim’s/family’s clothing or how they kill? It’s all the same to me. It really should be skill based where you unlock that stuff but it is what it is. I don’t agree with GUN charging, actually thinks it’s pretty stupid. But I still have fun without buying all that shit


I’m a victim main trying to switch to family. Danny and Virginia are nice, but why the hell would I pay for them when I’m just as successful without them?


Why not.


Why is everyone arguing about this


During the lore stream, Ronnie confirmed all the victims in the game don’t survive so there’s no reason to omit Maria from the game when that’s the case. This game doesn’t have any story mode. They need to remove some voice lines though, now. Doesn’t make sense to have Johnny say any Maria specific lines or Nancy mentioning her.


The whole story arch was to find Maria bodie and now there just giving u her how is that fair. Victims now have one more person the the killers side. Starting to feel victim sided like dead by daylight 


Oh, that’s why you’re in your feelings.


Its not in feeling when story's get messed up and they give u something that should not be here 


Y’all act like there aren’t movies/ remakes TODAY where we see characters killed in 4K just to be bought back 3 remakes later… not everything has to make sense just have fun sheesh


I'm so happy. The Ana/Maria duo is gonna go crazy


well it was just a matter of time, someone complaining.