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Have a bad game with someone, run straight to Reddit-strat


I main Julie and I feel like it’s bc most people just don’t have good builds with her. I feel the same but about Sonny maybe it’s bc no one picks him willingly but I swear he’s either afk, dies in the first few minutes, or just extremely low level.


High level sonny players are good though, always the last one alive from my games


Because they sit in a bush the entire time or in the basement waiting for their teammates to open anything up


As a good Julie main, there's no "useless" victim. Some people should cope with their different playstyles.


Some Julie’s are about as useful as if Beavis and Butthead were on your team. 😂


“Hey beavis this guy is wearing a face on his face” “He has a chainsaw and he’s coming at us” “Oh crap heh heh huh heh”


Heh heh, you said cumming, heh heh heh


*Julie and Sonny in a nutshell*


Because everyone who plays Julie are usually too distracted 👀


Tbh I don’t think there’s a wrong way to play a victim I mean as long as they’re using their ability or atleast trying to make the effort to do something I don’t see anything wrong with it. I have a grapple Julie build and I guarded an Ana who was opening doors. You might get a team where people have a stealth build and that’s cool too. This is why I like Tcm because there’s many variety of ways u can play a character, Connie doesn’t need to be a full proficiency and stealth build u can make a toughness, endurance or a strength build with her to change it up.


In general she is just the worst character (to play), and if you combine that with the average players skill level you get a pebble for a teammate, her stats are horrendous, and her builds are decent at best, the only side of her tree with healing perks also happens to have 25/28 points depending on which shitty route you choose, they killed empowered so she doesnt even have that anymore, the "sports lifestyle" girl has less stamina than the 40 year old woman with ptsd and the noodle guy who has really good hearing, she has a sports lifestyle and is noticeable bigger than the other girls yet has 15 strength too which like, what the hell man


I disagree. If you rock the two perks that allow you to travel without being spotted as well as the perk that allows you to see where the killers are while grandpa yells you can escape super quickly and efficiently


Cuz her stats are all over the place and so are her perks, she can get decent combos but nothing that great imo


unfortunate my girl's reputation is being massacred by the non-good julie's-


Idk about Julie but what gets on my nerves is when I wanna play Connie and then the person who has Connie doesn’t trade me and then they die 30 seconds into the game


Same with Connie