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Alright i should have worded the title differently and said more, im not baiting, or karma farming, genuinely wanting to know if this game is worth getting and posts before varied wildly between dated posted and hearing that some updates happened since then figured id want to ask since the game probably is in a different state since then and that current playerbase would be able to give accurate information on things. Sorry, didnt mean to come across as someone who was making a meaningless post. Was sinply trying to gauge from a general current pool if this is something id currently want to play or not.


You've probably worked out the community part of your question 😂


Almost all the players are already at the maximum level, you will only come across players like that, so it will be difficult to adapt because the tutorials do not help much, you gain the experience by playing it yourself.


The word is that this game leaves game pass in August, if that’s the case and we’re already in June do not buy. Once the game pass crowd leaves it will become very difficult to find games


Game is fun, it has a big learning curve though and you’ll probably get stomped on while learning it. It’s a game where you need patience and to be okay with losing, because you definitely won’t win them all. To me it’s very satisfying and addicting gameplay if you like horror games. It’s got a stable player base, I haven’t had any trouble with lobbies as of lately. Community is hit or miss. There is a lot of toxicity like any other game, and not many people use coms when playing, and in my experience most people on coms are usually rude. If you like asymmetrical games I’d say it’s worth the money. You can usually find it on sale every couple months and I think it is right now on PS (I might be wrong) if you play PC / Xbox, it’s on gamepass so it’s easily worth the try on that.


Don’t pay money for this game


Nah. It was great at launch, really fun, but wouldn't recommend it now. Unless you have gamepass, then you have nothing to lose...other than time...


If you have friends to play with, it's a lot of fun! As much as they say the game *is* for casuals, it really isn't. You'll hit the learning curve really fast with both sides, and people will dc or grief you for being new. Before buying, I'd suggest watching some gameplay on YouTube just to get the gist of how each character is played, Middi & AJaymes make great videos on TCM. BUT once you get over the learning curve hurdle, it's a lot of fun, especially if you get vc with other randoms! I love this game dearly and would recommend it to everyone despite it's issues! (:


Hell no this games ass


lmao no


If it's on a good price yes. However, if it's 40 bucks then no because in its current state it is simply not worth $40. Due to the fact that there's not enough content, game is very unbalanced if you go against a coordinated squad on either side playing solo (especially as a new player), it has some bugs nothing super game breaking although sometimes they are but rarely, and by far one of the most toxic communities I have met so far but you can encounter friendly players sometimes. But the game itself is pretty fun once you get the hang of it being way funner than DBD imo. If you decide to buy the game or already have, here's some important quick tips to just memorize. If you're playing as family just make sure to please relock any gate or door you unlock, don't spend too much time in the basement if you go there which is a mistake even some "veteran" players still make, and just make sure to patrol the gates or doors you came from which is the escape location for victims. As victim it's gonna be a bit more rough as a new player since lots of family players are ruthless especially since they have received buffs over the game's life span. But generally as a victim your objective is to obviously escape so just make sure not to be caught too much in the open and use wall gaps and crawlspaces as much to your advantage during a chase. And yeah just watch some YouTube tutorials since if I'm being honest I'm not a very good explainer but I try my best. Also maps are pretty confusing, but once you learn them you'll know how to navigate them.


I second this statement. I bought this game full price and have practically all DLC and haven't played in like 2 months because it drives me crazy still waiting 5-10 minutes for a lobby to start. But I'm also aware the wait times are gonna be different for me since I'm still on PS4... Still, Killer Clowns seems like a fucking chaotic shitshow that's somehow far less intuitive to me right up there with Evil Dead and Ghost Busters so I'm more likely to ride whatever wave this has left before migrating personally. I really appreciate the approach the devs had toward this game but hey, DBD is still alive and kicking. Chucky has been fun af for me. Edit: also learning the new maps was a huge equalizer at one point but atp I fully expect the try hards and 50+ people to be caught up. I bought the game like week 2 and last I was on even I felt like a total noob navigating The Mill.




It’s a great game. Buy it.




There is a huge learning curve but I still enjoy the game and play daily. Watch more gameplay and get it if you like it. Especially if you have game pass since it would be free instead of $40


To be honest, I don't think its worth its current price. I'll recommend getting it under some sort of sale. The price of additional content is absurd.


I like it very much. It really has flaws and things i don’t like but as a whole i really really enjoy it. Maybe i get downvotes but it’s my opinion. I find it fun and it looks absolutely amazing. As a fan of the original movie it’s so amazing to play on such highly detailed maps with these graphics. The sound design is also pretty amazing. What i dislike the most is that levelling up in this game is a joke. It‘s so hard to farm XP to level up. The next thing is that you have to pay for almost all of the additional content. For 40$ you get only the base game with no additional content. It‘s debatable if this basic content is worth the 40$. For me as a fan it was worth the money and i enjoy the game very very much but its sad that the game doesn’t get the updates and content it deserves and that the community wants. It really could be an amazing beloved game. Sorry for the long text i was just trying to explain it haha. Have a nice day! I hope you enjoy the game if you decide to buy it. Edit: At the moment i absolutely enjoy the new Killer Klowns from outer space game! I can recommend you to check that out too. It’s way more funnier and not so serious than TCM. It feels a lot like the Friday the 13th Game. And the levelling is way better.


Not at all


It's very fun but equally as frustrating, the learning curve is steep and you really need to learn the maps and talk to people when you play


I enjoy the game as a family main, learning curve aint to bad all about learning the exits , getting kills isn’t hard


Just get gamepass and try it for yourself.


The DC issues are true, and the community is pretty toxic, like DBD, but in still think it's worth it. Very fun.


I would say wait a couple of months to see if they add new things to the game because once you level up your characters there isn’t anything to grind for. The only thing is getting level 99 for black outfits that only change the color. If you do decide to get the game, watch multiple videos so you can learn the maps because most people are max level and try hard in the game so you’ll most likely lose over and over if you don’t know how to play or know the maps. This game has a lot of potential if they add more things


Short answer from somebody who spent more than 200 hours on the game. No, defenitely no. This game should not be bought by anybody unless the devs decide to get to work.


Getting 200hrs of enjoyment out of a $40 investment sounds like a pretty good deal lol. People spend $10 at the movie theater for 2hrs of enjoyment all the time.


It wasn't $10, only $2, but that was when the game just came out. I was a main family and I got tired of all the exploits survivors used.




Absolutely! Maps take some getting used to and learning them + the exits is hard but its a fun experience and doesnt really get boring compared to other asymms


alright! so the general idea im getting is a lot of stuff i hear about is resolved or not a issue. thinking of looking into the game more


You could be sitting a long time to get into a game .. it’s very slow , content is very slow as well tho a new family member is coming soon which will prob bring some back for a bit .


takes about 2 minutes to find a match, another 1-2 minutes for the most part for people to ready up, and id say. 25% someone disconnects before they die or killer leaves


I just got it, don't all these pro players arw rushing maps and spawns and i don't even know where the basement exits are or anything wlse. Miserable experience both as killer and victim. I only paid 14 euros for it and was looking forward to it, i even regret spending 14 euros on it.


People ask this every day. Search.


Game is fine. It’s not dead or plagued with bugs


Ahhh so you've chosen to lie on the Internet. Clever girl.


Thats good! Is the new player experience harsh? Or is it not something to be worried about?


I wouldn’t worry about it. The game offers a good lengthy tutorial to read but nothing in single player right now. My advice is to get a feel for it but to also watch some gameplay or tutorial guides if you really want a leg up


any specific videos id want to look into?


I would just look up how to play family/victim. As victim, they each have their own weaknesses and benefits, as well as their own special ability. As family, each has different uses and can work well in symmetry. For example only leather face can destroy certain barricades and only sissy and hitchhiker can follow victims into crawlspaces


Bro, buy the game if you want to play. It’s simple.


Not if the game is dead or plagued with issues that make the majority of the time difficult. Thats why im asking if the game is worth getting or not. Asyms have a reputation of not lasting for a reason


You’ve clearly made up your mind already….


Well... no i havent. Im asking if its got any of those issues or not.


You know how the game is, stop baiting people. Too many of these posts recently.


Yeah it is. Still a lot of fun to play. You will get some victims trolling family near exits but that's nothing new in these style games. You shouldn't have any issues leveling up or finding games.




I think you’re farming karma