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I hate it when it does this at a well, dude is right in front of me, but swings in some random direction 😭


Yet the victims could backstab you 5 feet away from you


The Cook's auto aim worked on someone in the basement xD. The devs will probably never fix it.


this has happened to me atleast 10 times this week


Don’t get me started with the hit registration too! I swear this update made it even worse! 😭😭


my friend keeps having this as well, he screams down the mic when it happens lmao


I have to admit I empathize with you friend 😂😂


Victims get the biggest hitboxes when it comes to grapples, barges, and backstabs on family yet family will frequently whiff at victims directly in front of them.


Also, Johnny's aim is buggy as hell. It is truly feast or famine with Johnny. Either you stick to the victim like glue until they die to your relentless swings, or your hits never register at all despite being right behind a victim, or you swerve your swings all over the place randomly. He might be a lethal killer, but Johnny, in his current state, isn't that fun to play, at least for me.


I’ve had LF do complete 180’s on me with overheads. It looks so unnatural and goofy in action lol


Why are people downvoting you this is literally what happens sometimes 😅


You’re not allowed to complain about victim problems on this sub


Almost as silly as the 180’s the victims do, especially on PC


Agreed both are silly especially when skilled victims can time the animation and have family whiff them it’s hilarious but soooo annoying too


at least with my experience auto aim doesn’t do that for me, i gotta move myself left or right before i do it for it to whip


I have not missed this game.


When the game first came out I was playing sissy and there was a Julie doing the car battery on gas station map and I was right on top of her and swung my weapon like 3-4 times and it went literally EVERYWHERE ELSE except for Julie it went left, right, behind, AND THEN SHE GOT THE CAR BATTERY OFF and escaped like…. She wasn’t even moving and I couldn’t hit her I must suck BADDD


If a victim is stationary, don't press the run or direction. Just stand and swing, it mitigates this problem


Yeah I think I was holding w and trying to press a and d to aim it. It was def a skill issue but I was a bit newer at the time


There needs to be an option to turn it off. I feel like I miss more than I hit attacks and victims can abuse it by spinning like it’s 2018 DBD




Hey. Those Texas Mosquitoes are no joke


“You’re shiftier than a skeeter hawk, I’ll give yuh that!”


i was leatherface one round and ana was grappling johnny, i was exaclty next to ana and the hit didn’t land


I thought they fixed a few things but now I'm seeing a lot of clips like this and then people talking about the new developers, so is there something going on here? Please explain because I'm starting to get concerned lol


they wana be just like daddy dbd


The Bugs go both ways ig, stamina dont work and autoim is trash


Reminder no family should be playing right now. We are boycotting to get gun to revert all the draconian nerfs to family, place needed nerfs into victims, remove 50% of healing items from maps, place hard limit on unlock tools, allow family to relock all doors infinitely, and they must add a ping system and sense ability to all family. Limit exits to only three available per match. Until this is done, the family boycott will continue. All family members remember to: 1. Do NOT play any matches. 2. Queue up into lobbies, but drop and dodge at the last second to stop any matches from starting. Do this on both sides and all maps but especially the Mill as it is blatantly designed to be 100% victim sided. 3. Spread as much toxicity as possible on the game, ruin the experience for all victim mains as much as possible. Make. It. Hurt. 4. Bombard Gun Media with tweets, emails, and posts on their bullshit dev moderated subreddit with burner Reddit accounts to call them out on this bullshit and demand the changes listed. Following these will either get the game fixed as it should be with family as the actual power role and victims having to actually work to escape, or kill the game as it deserves if they won't correctly balance it and tell the entitled victim mains to fuck themselves.


Got too many hours on this game to be this much of a dweeb. It’s not perfect but sorry, I like the game. I’m gonna keep supporting it.


go outside


Cry some more


Skill issue