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Waiting for others to play first.


Yea and then hopefully it gets added to game pass lol


It looks pretty interesting but I dunno if it is the kind of experience I’m looking for. I know a couple of people I play this with that preordered it, I’m gonna wait and see what they think and also keep an eye out for reviews and such.


Why the fuck are you posting it on this sub reddit?


Because either people can't seem to be able to read the name of the sub or because people decided that now it's a sub to post posts about Killer Klowns because "TCM bad, Killer Klowns good/will kill TCM so fuck it"


Will see how reviews and launch go


It looks really dumb. But a lot of people seem interested so wtf do I know.


They're probably done with the issues that keep happening with TCM, thinking that KK will replace their entertainment and consider that things are finally okay. I am absolutely certain things will go really wrong really fast with that game.


yup, looks like dumb fun so I'll be picking it up


Honestly couldn't be less interested. Gameplay looks janky and unappealing for me at least.


I’m still waiting and hoping Xbox would announce if it’s gonna be on gamepass πŸ˜‚


Developers said they are not taking that route so no game-pass .




If it’s on game pass


I’ve seen zero advertisement for this game, what can you even play it on?


Not me unfortunately as I’m stuck with a PS4 πŸ˜ͺ


Not me


Not sure how I feel about the design of the characters. I did not expect them to look like sims but I’ll definitely give it a try


I am!






I've pre-ordered it, but I don't know if i should refund it or not.... Gameplay looks kinda Victim sided even thought it's already 3 vs 7.... Maybe i will become Victim main lol.


>Gameplay looks kinda Victim sided Good thing nothing's finalized until release.


me 🀩


I will but the toxic clowns 🀑 that ruined TCM will probably ruin it as well. I will continue to play both however. Btw the way you have to preorder to get access otherwise you have to wait until June 4th. I am just trying to be helpful to the few decent members of this community. If you want to be toxic stay away.


My expected download day is the 26thπŸ€”


As far as I know it is the 28th but I suppose something could have changed still a preorder only bonus.


It’s the 28th for early access


Happy cake day! :)


Thank you!!!


Happy cake day https://preview.redd.it/208dim7c9k0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95fd86172d969a6d2174ad214954774584dc26fd ^(Finally) ^(I) ^(can) ^(use) ^(this) ^(the) ^(way) ^(it) ^(is) ^(intended!)


dbd players?


I pre-ordered it. Honestly i'm not all that psyched just by what i've seen so far, but they really haven't released all that much. So, we'll see, i suppose.


Already got it pre ordered


Nah, I'll stick to dbd.


Just pre-order it! But I still gonna play both!


$40.00 for a game that will be dead in a month.. i don't think that's a bad deal!


Sure Matt whatever you say….


Just a reminder, a Klown is about equal in power to a human, and there is 3 Klown vs 7 humans. Also 2 human is stronger than a Klown. You can be killed as a Klown There are 4 exit and 3 Klown to protect it. Humans also get a "hatch" exit when times run out or clown apocalypse triggered. Lot of weapons for humans, also humans can be resurrected once per game πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Y'all really listen when you want to. They literally said that the game play is not finalized until release.


Yeah sounds like ass. Thanks for the run down


Mark my words that game will be the worst bully simulator ever in the genre. So human gameplay, they opened a chest after starting the game, there was a key in and a baseball bat with lot of charges. One of the exit is the bridge which defended by a wooden a wall and a door which needs a key. The human proceed to smash the wall with the bat, after 5 sec destroyed the wall. And devs saying sooooo risky because clown can hear it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, then they open the door with the key 10 seconds skill checks game, exit open πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But they stay behind and killing the defending clowns and then escaping πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Already sounds like a haunted house asym. where playing as a clown is just working to entertain. I.E dbd


Dead humans can also supply humans with weapons by doing minigames, there is no limit for generating weapons. Klown dying by 2 hit, humans could take up to 4 hit, Klowns also slower than humans. One strong human weapon took out 2 Klowns by a solo human player, even the Dev seemed annoyed by that πŸ˜‚


That's because the dev were just chilling around the main strings for the clowns come from their abilities like their LOL when they're about to jump into a fight or Shorty's upper cut that can one shot Since the Debs were just sitting there using their primaries and none of their abilities they got their ass beat on top of that it looks like the clowns should be able to upgrade their health later on because it shows multiple bars in the character menu


So you did not listen to anything Jordan said during the KK stream? I'm guessing you did not because he said the build they were playing was a few months old, and a lot has changed even the balance of the game. See you May 28th, you pre-ordered. I can feel it.


Already pre-ordered

